The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 368

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ing to the very summits of the trees, and bearing clusters of grapes entirely ripe, full of juice, and of a pleasant flavor.

Every val­

ley and glen possessed its stream, large or small, according to the size of the neighboring mountain, and all yielding more or less gold, in small particles.

Luxan was supposed, likewise, to have

learned from the Indians many of the secrets of their mountains; to have been shown the parts where the greatest quantity of ore was found, and to have been taken to the richest streams.

On all

these points, however, he observed a discreet mystery, communi­ cating the particulars to no one but the admiral.* The fortress of St. Thomas being nearly completed, Columbus gave it in command to Pedro Margarite, the same cavalier whom he had recommended to the favor of the sovereigns; and he left with him a garrison of fifty-six men. turn to Isabella.

He then set out on his re­

On arriving at the banks of the Rio Verde, or

Nicayagua, in the Royal Vega, he found a number of Spaniards on their way to the fortress with supplies.

He remained, there­

fore, a few days in the neighborhood, searching for the best ford­ ing place of the river, and establishing a route between the fort­ ress and the harbor.

During this time, he resided in the Indian

villages, endeavoring to accustom his people to the food of the natives, as well as to inspire the latter with a mingled feeling of good will and reverence for the white men. From the report of Luxan, Columbus had derived some infor­ mation concerning the character and customs of the natives, and he acquired still more from his own observations, in the course of his sojourn among the tribes of the mountains and the plains. And here a brief notice of a few of the characteristics and cus­ toms of these people may be interesting.

They are given, not

* Peter Martyr, decad. i. lib. iii.

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