The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 336






he had him on board, to detain him prisoner; but Columbus rejected the counsel of the crafty friar, as contrary to sound policy and honorable faith. ill-will.

It is difficult, however, to conceal lurking

The cacique, accustomed, in his former intercourse with

the Spaniards, to meet with faces beaming with gratitude and friendship, could not but perceive their altered looks.


standing the frank and cordial hospitality of the admiral, there­ fore, he soon begged permission to return to land.* The next morning there was a mysterious movement among the natives on shore.

A messenger from the cacique inquired of

the admiral how long he intended to remain at the harbor, and was informed that he should sail on the following day.

In the

evening the brother of Guacanagari came on board, under pre­ text of bartering a quantity of gold ; he was observed to converse in private with the Indian women, and particularly with Catalina, the one whose distinguished appearance had attracted the attention of Guacanagari.

After remaining some time on board,

he returned to the shore.

It would seem, from subsequent events,

that the cacique had been touched by the situation of this Indian beauty, or captivated by her charms; and had undertaken to de­ liver her from bondage. At midnight, when the crew were buried in their first sleep, Catalina awakened her companions.

The ship was anchored full

three miles from the shore, and the sea was rough; but they let themselves down from the side of the vessel, and swam bravely for the shore.

With all their precautions, they were overheard

by the watch, and the alarm was given.

The boats were hastily

manned, and gave chase in the direction of a light blazing on the shore, an evident beacon for the fugitives. * Peter Martyr, decad. i. lib. ii.

Such was the vigor

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