The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 329




mountains, and he had the shrewdness to perceive that his consequence must decline before such formidable intruders.

The de-

parture of Columbus gave him hopes that their intrusion would be but temporary.

The discords and excesses of those who re-

mained, while they moved his detestation, inspired him with increasing confidence.

No sooner did Gutierrez and Escobedo,

with their companions, take refuge in his dominions, than he put them to death.

He then formed a league with the cacique of

Marien, whose territories adjoined those of Guacanagari on the west, and concerted a sudden attack upon the fortress.


with his warriors from among the mountains, and traversing great tracts of forest with profound secrecy, he arrived in the vicinity of the village without being discovered.

The Spaniards, confiding

in the gentle and pacific nature of the Indians, had neglected all military precautions.

But ten men remained in the fortress with

Arana, and these do not appear to have maintained any guard. The rest were quartered in houses in the neighborhood.

In the

dead of the night, when all were wrapped in sleep, Caonabo and his warriors burst upon the place with frightful yells, got possession of the fortress before their inmates could put themselves upon their defence, and surrounded and set fire to the houses in which the rest of the white men were sleeping.

Eight of the Spaniards fled

to the sea-side pursued by the savages, and, rushing into the waves, were drowned; the rest were massacred. Guacanagari and his subjects fought faithfully in defence of their guests, but not being of a warlike character, were easily routed ; the cacique was wounded by the hand of Caonabo, and his village was burnt to the ground.* * Herrera, Hist. Ind., decad. i., lib. ii. cap. 9. Peter Martyr, decad. i. lib. ii. cios, cap. 120, M S .

Letter of Dr. Chanca.

Hist del Almirante, cap. 49.

Muñoz, Hist. N. Mundo, lib. iv.

Cura de los Pala-

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