The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 296

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spired with a passion for hardy achievements by the romantic wars of Granada, pressed into the expedition, some in the royal service, others at their own cost.

To them it was the commence­

ment of a new series of crusades, surpassing in extent and splen­ dor the chivalrous enterprises to the Holy Land.

They pictured

to themselves vast and beautiful islands of the ocean to be over­ run and subdued; their internal wonders to be explored, and the banner of the cross to be planted on the walls of the cities they were supposed to contain.

Thence they were to make their way

to the shores of India, or rather Asia, penetrate into Mangi and Cathay, convert, or what was the same thing, conquer, the Grand Khan, and thus open a glorious career of arms among the splen­ did countries and semi-barbarous nations of the East.

Thus, no

one had any definite idea of the object or nature of the service on which he was embarking, or the situation and character of the region to which he was bound.

Indeed, during this fever of the

imagination, had sober facts and cold realities been presented, they would have been rejected with disdain; for there is nothing of which the public is more impatient than of being disturbed in the indulgence of any of its golden dreams. Among the noted personages who engaged in the expedition, was a young cavalier of the name of Don Alonso de Ojeda, cele­ brated for his extraordinary personal endowments and his daring spirit; and who distinguished himself among the early discover­ ers by many perilous expeditions and singular exploits.

He was

of a good family, cousin-german to the venerable Father Alonso de Ojeda, Inquisitor of Spain; had been brought up under the patronage of the Duke of Medina Celi, and had served in the wars against the Moors.

He was of small stature, but vigorous

make, well proportioned, dark complexioned, of handsome, ani-

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