The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 171








The fish, which abounded in these seas, partook of the novelty which characterized most of the objects in this new world.


rivaled the birds in tropical brilliancy of color, the scales of some of them glancing back the rays of light like precious stones ; as they sported about the ships, they flashed gleams of gold and sil­ ver through the clear waves; and the dolphins, taken out of their element, delighted the eye with the changes of colors ascribed in fable to the chameleon. No animals were seen in these islands, excepting a species of dog which never barked, a kind of coney or rabbit called “ utia” by the natives, together with numerous lizards and guanas.


last were regarded with disgust and horror by the Spaniards, supposing them to be fierce and noxious serpents; but they were found afterwards to be perfectly harmless, and their flesh to be esteemed a great delicacy by the Indians. For several days Columbus hovered about this island, seeking in vain to find its imaginary monarch, or to establish a communi­ cation with him, until, at length, he reluctantly became convinced of his error.

No sooner, however, did one delusion fade away,

than another succeeded.

In reply to the continual inquiries

made by the Spaniards, after the source whence they procured their gold, the natives uniformly pointed to the south.


now began to hear of an island in that direction, called Cuba, but all that he could collect concerning it from the signs of the natives was colored by his imagination.

He understood it to be

of great extent, abounding in gold, and pearls, and spices, and carrying on an extensive commerce in those precious articles; and that large merchant ships came to trade with its inhabitants. Comparing these misinterpreted accounts with the coast of Asia as laid down on his map, after the descriptions of Marco

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