The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 123






individuals should thus be compelled to engage, with persons and ships, in what appeared to them a mad and desperate enterprise. During the equipment of the vessels, troubles and difficulties arose among the seamen who had been compelled to embark. These were fomented and kept up by Gomez Rascon and Christoval Quintero, owners of the Pinta, one of the ships pressed into the service.

All kinds of obstacles were thrown in the way, by

these people and their friends, to retard or defeat the voyage. The calkers employed upon the vessels did their work in a careless and imperfect manner, and on being commanded to do it over again absconded.*

Some of the seamen who had

enlisted willingly repented of their hardihood, or were dissuaded by their relatives, and sought to retract; others deserted and concealed themselves.

Every thing had to be effected by the

most harsh and arbitrary measures, and in defiance of popular prejudice and opposition. The influence and example of the Pinzons had a great effect in allaying this opposition, and inducing many of their friends and relatives to embark.

It is supposed that they had furnished

Columbus with funds to pay the eighth part of the expense which he was bound to advance.

It is also said that Martin Alonzo

Pinzon was to divide with him his share of the profits.

As no

immediate profit, however, resulted from this expedition, no claim of the kind was ever brought forward.

It is certain, however,

that the assistance of the Pinzons was all-important, if not indis­ pensable, in fitting out and launching the expedition.† * Las Casas, Hist. Ind., lib. i. cap. 77, M S . † These facts concerning the Pinzons are mostly taken from the testimony given, many years afterwards, in a suit between Don Columbus, and the crown.

Diego, the son


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