Escapes from Cayenne

Page 57

51 Against slaveholders, oppressors and speculators of all kinds, names and descriptions, Socialism will fulfill its work, which is abolition of slavery, of whatever degree it may be, in every country where it may exist, by whatever name it may be called. Its apostles are dispersed over the four quarters of the world, but they are confident in the truth of their principles, and they have the sympathies of all men of faith and honesty. They will succeed in their endeavors. We stay in the prisons of Surinam for two months. Half of us are already gone away when the Governor resolves to send us to Georgetown. We so on board the Dutch mail steamer. Paramaribo seems to be a clean and handsome town, the streets of which are covered with fine yellow sand, and there is no dust nor ashes in them. We arrive at Georgetown; we have no money, no clothes, no acquaintances, and are unable to speak a single word of English. The Dutch bring us ashore and leaves us to God's care. What must we do ? what will become of us ? The inhabitants look at us as at most curious animals ; we don't understand them, they don't understand us. A black man once more is our deliverer; he brings us to the Governor's palace. W e wait a couple of hours, and ins Excellency at last conies with his Secretary. We tell them our position. " I have spent much money for your companions," says the Governor; " I paid their passage to the United States, I bought them clothes and shoes, and I paid their board and lodging in Georgetown until they left it. I can do no m o r e ; but if you are willing to work, 1 will give you employment. D o you accept ?" " Yes, sir. we do ; we will be much pleased to get our living by our own work. We are fatigued and feeble, but we will do our best." Very well: take this letter and go to the fort; you shall have work and 80 cents per d a y . "





Paon's manuscript is ended here. I have translated it almost literally: I could have made several changes by supposing some things and adding some others ; but I preferred to give it as I received it. Its reading plunges me into deep reflections, and I exclaim : "A cause that possesses such soldiers cannot perish, and Socialism shall not perish : no, no, that is impossible ! " But my friends can not stay here any longer; the greater

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