Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America. Volume 2

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life in the missions of t h e U p p e r O r i n o c o , slept with us on the bank o f the river. He was an intelligent man, w h o , during a calm and serene night, pressed me with questions on the m a g n i t u d e o f the stars, on the inhabitants o f t h e m o o n , on a thousand subjects o f which I was as ignorant as himself. Being unable by m y answers to satisfy his curiosity, he said to me in a firm tone of the most positive c o n v i c t i o n : ' ' w i t h respect to men, I believe there are no more up there than y o u would have found if y o u had g o n e by land from Javita to Cassiquiare. I think I see in the stars, as here, a plain covered with grass, and a forest ( m u c h o m o n t e ) traversed by a r i v e r . " I n citing these w o r d s I paint the impression produced by the m o n o t o n o u s aaspect o f those solitary regions. May this m o n o t o n y not be found t o e x t e n d to t h e journal of o u r navigation, and weary the reader accustomed to the description o f the scenes and his­ torical memorials o f the old continent !



The- Rio Negro.— Boundaries ofBrazil.—TheCassiquiare—Bifurcationof the Orinoco. The Rio Negro, compared to the Amazon, the Rio de l a Plata, or the Orinoco, is but a river of the second order. Its possession has been forages of great political importance to the Spanish Government, because it is capable of furnish­ ing a rival power, Portugal, with an easy passage into the missions of Guiana, and thereby disturbing the Capitania general of Caracas in its southern limits. Three hundred years have been spent in vain territorial disputes. Accord­ ing to the difference of times, and the degree of civilization among the natives, resource has been had sometimes to the authority of the hope, and sometimes the support o f astronomy; and the disputants being generally more inte­ rested in prolonging than in terminating the struggle, the nautical sciences and the geography of the New Continent, have alone gained by this interminable litigation. When the affairs of Paraguay, and the possession of the colony of Del Sacramento, became of great importance to the c o u r t s

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