Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

Page 97



Ko. 36. F.

[Extract from the protest of the mate and crew of the American brig Venus.]

T h e state of the vessel is very bad ; for there is nothing that is sea­ worthy, and she leaks that bad that the pumps cannot be left more than ten minutes at a time, on the passage from Norfolk, in the best of weather. She has but one suit of sails ; and the least wind possible there is one or t h e other to be unbent and repaired, which, if she was on a lee shore and one of her sails to split, she would go on shore—for there is none to re­ place them, and we could not mend it in time to save the vessel. Also the fore yard is rottén and not fit for a man to go on, in any wind ; also the state of the standing rigging is as bad, and if a man says a word about any thing, the most awful threats come from him, saying we shall have more fault to find before we reach N e w York. J A M E S B U T L E R , Mate. WILLIAM WHEELWRIGHT, JOHN SOMERVILLE, Seamen. ROBERT GOWAN, JOHN ANDERSON, JAMES JACKSON,

G. P O R T - A U - P R I N C E , May



Captain Samuel R. Thomas, brig Venus, to James Butler, Mate, DR T o 3 months' board, 20 days' services, and 1 0 days' provision $117 00 Received in advance 30 00 Spanish At 6 0 p. c. premium Currency








87 00 52 20






1 3 9 20

R e c e i v e d , as my proportion, $ 8 0 Haytian currency. JAMES BUTLER,


Captain Samuel R. Thomas, brig Venus, to John Henderson, Seaman, D R . T o 5 months' services, at $ 1 5 $ 7 5 00 Received in advance, $ 1 4 14 00 Prison fees in Port-au-Prince $ 3 5 0 3 50 Spanish At 60 p . c. premium Currency








57 50 34 50





92 CO

R e c e i v e d , as my proportion, $ 5 7 H a y t i a n currency. JOHN


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