Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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Doc. N o . 36.


this port, I cannot let the opportunity slip, without expressing to you my entire approbation of your conduct while we w e r e associated in office, and my regret that your return to your professional avocations will d e prive me in a great measure of your society. I will only add, that I shall always entertain a lively remembrance of the friendship that has subsisted between us, and that very few of your friends can be more interested in your welfare than Your sincere friend, G.

[ N o . 44.]





6, 1 8 3 7 ,

S I R : I have the honor to state that, considering it my duty to acquaint the Haytian Government officially with my confinement in the prison of this city, that they might not hereafter plead ignorance of it, I wrote t h e letter of which 1 enclose a copy to Secretary General I n g i n a c ; and, in reply, I received the letter a copy of which 1 have the honor to forward. I have the honor to b e , sir, most respectfully, your obedient humble servant, THOS. GEO. SWAIN, United States Acting Commercial Agent, Port-au-Prince.. Hon. JOHN



of State of the United Washington, D. C.


N O V E M B E R 24,


S I R : I have the honor to state that, in consequence of a transaction of a commercial nature, in which, in the fulfilment of my duties, as a commercial agent of the United States, 1 have been sued before a tribunal of this republic, and condemned to pay certain damages, which on my refusal to pay, I have been consigned to the prison of this city, I felt it m y duty to enter my protest against such proceedings—a copy of which, together with a copy of the judgment and my commission, I h a v e the honor herewith to transmit. I have the honor to b e , with the most distinguished consideration, sir, your most obedient humble servant, THOS. GEO. SWAIN, Acting United States Commercial A g e n t . B.



General Republic



P O R T - A U - P R I N C E , 4 Decembre, 1 8 3 7 .

M O N S I E U R : L e Gouvernement des Etats Unis d'Amérique n'ayant jamais correspondu avec celui de la République, pour l'entretien d'agens commerciaux, ceux qui ont été dans le cas d'être envoyés en Haïti n'ont du ÊTRE considérés que comme des particuliers, puisqu'ils n'ont pu obtenir L'EXE6

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