Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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D o c . No. 3 6 .

de la dite maison d'arrêt ; lequel présent, en parlant à sa p e r s o n n e , et après lui avoir réprésenté les grosses des quatre jugements sus enoncés, a promis d e se charger du dit Sieur Thomas Swain, et le réprésenter quand il en sera légalement réquis. E t j ' a i payé au dit citoyen P i e r r e Mode quatre gourdes pour droit de greffe, papier en droit d e transcription sur le dit régistre des jugements ci-dessus énoncés. E t j ' a i , a u dit Sieur Thomas Swain, parlant à sa personne entre les d e u x guichets comme lieu de liberté, laissé copie du présent procès verbal, contenant arrestation, emprisonnement, et ecrou de sa personne. L e coût du présent procès verbal est de huit gourdes, non compris les frais-payés a u concierge et aux recors qui ont signé avec moi. NOSDELUS J. PIERRE. DOIZÉ


CAPDEVILLE, jeune. IRÉNÉ J E A N L O U I S , fils.

By Walter


mayor of the city of New


Doctor Thomas G. Swain being about to visit foreign ports, and having requested of m e a certificate of his standing in the community, it gives me great pleasure to state, that Doctor Swain is an American citizen of great respectability a n d every way entitled to the kindness of all magistrates and others in whatsoever place he may visit. Given under my hand, this 25th day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. WALTER BOWNE, Mayor of the City of New York.

By George Britannic dences.

Courtenay, Esquire, Captain in the Royal Majesty's consul in the Republic of Hayti,

Navy, and his and its depen-

In virtue of authority in me vested, I hereby constitute and appoint you to act as British vice consul for the district of Port-au-Prince, willing and requiring you to perform the duties of your office with diligence and attention, during the absence of Vice Consul Ussher, or until further order, and for so doing this shall be your sufficient authority. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Port-au P r i n c e , this [ l . s.] twenty-fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. G. W . C . C O U R T E N A Y , His Britannic Majesty's Consul in Hayti and Dependences. T o T H O M A S G. S W A I N , E s q . ,

Hereby appointed acting Port-au-Prince

British Vice Consul at and district.

P O R T - A U - P R I N C E , November

3 0 , 1836.

M Y D E A R S I R : Mr. Ussher's return from leave of absence having, as a matter of course, superseded your appointment as British vice consul at

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