Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

Page 57

00 00 00 00 00

$857 50

8 00 64 00 40 60

, M a y , 1837.

Vice Commercial



P O R T - A U - P R I N C E , November

By nett proceeds of sale of brig Venus



$857 50

$857 50



332 00 8 00

80 00 80 90

$64 7 69 31 23



I hereby certify the above account current is a true and faithful copy of the original account exhibited to me by Mr. Thomas PI. Grant, to whom I returned the same after collating the said copy with the original accounts. In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and seal of office hereunto, Port-au-Prince, N o v e m b e r 13, 1837. [L. S ] E . & O. E . T H O S . N . U S S H E R , Acting British Consul.

Paid R. Gowan seaman on board brig Venus do. J . H e n d e r s o n , ' do. do. J. Jackson do. do. S. Somerville, do. do. W . Wheelwright, d o . do. James Butler, mate brig Venus do. Louis Beng, ship chandler do. B. Dejardin & Deserre, their bill against the brig for port charges, as by copy attached to this ac足 count do. Samuel P e t e r s do. Consulate fees do. Guardian on board do. Cash for surveyed

Owners of Vernis and whom it may concern wil h T. G.Swain,

May, 1837.



(W'th T. G. S p i n ' s 1 t e r oF November 14, 1837.)



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