Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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Doc. No. 36.

granted these presents to serve and avail as need and occasion may r e - , quire. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set m y hand, and affixed my [L. S.] notarial seal the twenty-seventh day of N o v e m b e r , eighteen hundred and twenty-three. J N O . G I L L , Notary Public


C A Y E S , August

5, 1821.

I am favored with yours of the 29th ultimo, covering a letter from Messrs. R . & J. Oliver, of Baltimore, relative to their claim left in ray hands by Mr. George Greer. T h e parties w e r e Messrs. Dejoye and Colonels Bouregard and Bourdett, all responsible for each other's fulfilling t h e obligation. T h e character of Bouregard, ( n o w a general,) and, I be­ l i e v e , commanding at the mole, gave little expectation of making much of the claim. H o w e v e r , he made me frequent promises, without e v e r fulfilling o n e of t h e m ; and, in the end, I commenced prosecuting Lafarque, as e x e ­ cutor, and obtained a judgment against him, not only for that, but other claims also against the succession. In this situation, I applied to the P r e s ­ ident as by the enclosed copy of my memorial, which I sent to M r . Wil­ son with the necessary voucher, as you will please observe by the ac­ companying extract of my letter to that gentleman. H e will be able to explain to you how he left the documents in the hands of the President with t h e answer he received. Monsieur Inginac, when h e r e with the Presi­ dent, recommended me to discontinue to apply to his E x c e l l e n c y , who w a s so harassed with applications that he could not give the matter his consideration ; at the same time, I am convinced that t h e settlement of it was arranged for in a very different manner. /

Notwithstanding the clearness of the claim, and that t h e documents w e r e transferred and stood in my name as agent, it appears the President has appropriated the debt to liquidate one which the late Mr. Mcintosh o w e d the Government, as appears by a credit to him on the treasury books the 20th of M a y , 1820, of $14,772, which I believe is understood to be the share of two of the parties. General Bouregard's p a y , I un­ derstand, is retained in consequence. M r . Lafarque is at present at P o r t - a u - P r i n c e . I sincerely wish that this statement, together with the -documents at his Excellency's, will enable you to urge successfully the p a y m e n t of this just claim. WM. GIBSON. W M . D . ROBINSON,


P O R T - A U - P R I N C E , July

3 1 , 1821.

GENTLEMEN : A few days ago, I landed from the United States brig E n t e r p r i s e , and was received by the Government in t h e most friendly m a n n e r . T h e President of Hayti has promised to give an attentive ear to any representations I may make in behalf of our citizens, and to satisfy all just claims. W e shall see before long whether those promises are fulfilled o r not.

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