Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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Doc. No. 36.


Statement. B A L T I M O R E , March

5, 1826.

Messrs. Robert Gilmor & Sons, and my late house, sent to St. D o m i n ­ go, in the year 1804, a valuable cargo consigned to Captain William B a r t lett, who sold the same to Monsieur Dejoye, and Colonels Bouregard and Bourdett, and received in payment their joint note for $22,664, and t h e remainder in cash. Captain Bartlett left said note in the hands of D u n ­ can Mcintosh, of A u x Cayes, for collection, who failed soon after he r e ­ ceived it, which, with drunkenness and fear of the parties, disqualified him from taking care of our interest. T h e paper herewith enclosed will explain the present situation of the claim, and show that the Govern­ ment of Hayti have taken our property to pay D . Mcintosh's debt, long after we had taken the agency out of his hands. I employed Mr. A r m ­ strong, our consul at Port-au-Prince, to look after this claim, who in­ formed me that it never would be recovered without the interference of o u r Government. T h i s information induced me to state the case to Mr. M o n ­ roe, who assured me that I should have the support of our Government ; but my absence in E u r o p e , and other causes not now necessary to be e x ­ plained, have occasioned a great delay. I directed Mr. Greer, who made the enclosed affidavit, to call on the Secretary of State for the promised letter, and to make the necessary explanations. H e informed me that Mr. Adams was perfectly satisfied with his explanation and the paperslaid before him, and promised to send me a letter, which he forgot. T h e papers relating to this affair were left in the hands of Mr. Richard Forrest, who was present when the President promised to give me the support of the G o v e r n m e n t ; and I am under the impression that he informed me, b e ­ fore I embarked for E u r o p e , that Mr. Adams doubted the propriety of corresponding with the President of Hayti. I presume our Government can now have no objection to correspond with that of Hayti, and you will see by a letter herewith enclosed from W m . D . Robinson, that M r . Adams did write to President Boyer in 1821. ROBERT OLIVER. To



Papers herewith enclosed: T w o letters from W m . D. Robinson; co­ py of a letter from Wm. Gibson of Aux C a y e s ; George G r e e r ' s affidavit; copy of a letter from Mr. Armstrong, our Consul at Port-au-Prince ; a statement of the case.

Statement of facts deposed to by the undersigned, touching the claim of Messrs. Robert & John Oliver, of Baltimore, against General Boure­ gard, and Colonels Bourdett and Dejoye, of Aux Cayes, island of St. Do­ mingo, for balance of brig Delaware's cargo, sold to them in the year eighteen hundred and four, and for which they were jointly and seve­ rally bound by their respective signatures to pay. T h e origin of the deponent's agency in that transaction will be found in the following copy of a letter dated— B A L T I M O R E , May



S I R : W e have authorized the bearer, Mr. Greer, to call on you for

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