Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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Doc. N o . 3 6 .

Read, he smiled, and said that that introduction ought to have been supported, on my part, by the usual and customary documents, the absence of which rendered the introduction through Captain Read a species of deception, the object of which his Majesty the King could not readily comprehend, and had therefore passed it over in silence. H e informed me that his Majesty the King's answer was then in the hands of a copyist, and that I should receive it in the course of the day, together with the certificate of my appointment which had not then been returned to me. I was further informed by Baron de Dupuy that the English Government had made a similar attempt to establish an agent at the cape, but did not succeed, owing to the informality of the appointment. I then returned to. my lodgings w h e r e , at 9 o'clock at night, I received from the Baron de Dupuy, a note dated at the cape, April 27th, marked A, enclosing one from the Count of Limonade, Minister of Foreign Affairs, dated at Sans Souci, April 26th, 1 8 1 8 , marked B , both of which, as forming part of this despatch, are herewith enclosed. My communications with Christophe's Government being closed, I again embarked on board the Hornet, and proceeded to Port au-Prince, w h e r e 1 was landed, and from whence 1 arrived here as already stated. It is my intention to proceed to Washington in a day or two, when I hope to find that my conduct has met the approbation of the President. I am, sir, with very great respect, your most obedient servant, WILLIAM TAYLOR. T o JOHN Q U I N C Y A D A M S ,


of State,



Le Baron de Dupuy, Chevalier de l'ordre royal el ?militaire de Saint Henry, Sécrétaire Interprète et Membre du Conseil Privé du Roi, à Mons. William Taylor. A u C A P H E N R Y , le 27 Avril, 1 8 1 8 , Van 1 5 de l'indépendance. MONSIEUR : J'ai l'honneur de vous r e m e t t r e , inclus, le certificat que vous m'avez présenté à votre arrivée, pour être soumis à sa Majesté; et, d'après vos désirs, je vous remets pareillement copie de la lettre que m'a fait l'honneur de m'écrire son Excellence Monseigneur le Comte de Limonade, Ministre des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , et Sécrétaire d ' E t a t . J e vous fais aussi l'envoie du code H e n r y , et d'autres livres sortis de la presse Haïtienne, que vous mettrez en main de former une juste idée des lois qui nous regissent, et des productions de quelques-uns de nous, et vous prie de me croire, avec la plus haute considération, monsieur, Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur, DE DUPUY.

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