Claims on Hayti : message from the President of the United States

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Doc. N o . 36.

Objections having been made to the admission of Mr. T y l e r on account of the name of the island, and the alleged royal title of the chief, it will be proper, if possible, to avoid their recurrence. For this purpose, it is proposed that, upon your arrival, Captain Reed should land with you, and present you personally as the agent of the United States. You will be careful to observe all suitable respect to the existing authority. Sundry copies of papers will be delivered to you with this letter, con­ taining the evidences of claims, by many citizens of the United States against that Government. You will urge the justice and propriety of satisfaction being made for these demands, conformably to their merits, which appear to be unquestionable. * * * * * * T h e instruc­ tions to Mr. T y l e r , so far as the occasion may occur, you will consider as applicable to your own conduct. You will embark, at N e w York, in the sloop of war Hornet, Captain R e a d , who, after landing you, will pro­ ceed, with Jacob Lewis, Esq., to P o r t - a u - P r i n c e , and, with Baptist Irvine, to Venezuela—both holding similar situations to your o w n . Should a formal acknowledgment of the Government by that of the United States, with the assumed royal title be insisted upon as the con­ dition of your admission, you will declare your incompetency to agree to such a condition, and will proceed in the ship, and return, in her to the United States. I am, &c. J. Q. A .

List of papers


to Wm.



1. Certificate of appointment. 2. Copy of memorial from sundry citizens of the United States to the President, complaining of having had a sura of money arbitrarily levied upon them. 3 . Copies of proceedings in the case; the deposition of Abel Marple; the printed general order of the army of 3d January, 1811; and the d e ­ cree for the payment, within 24 hours, of the money into the T r e a s u r y . 4. Copy of deposition of Joseph Barker. 5. 6. Letters of J. Boothroyd to Mr. Monroe, of 13th N o v e m b e r , 1816, and to S. T y l e r , of 30th D e c e m b e r , 1816. 7. Copy of the report from Commodore Morris. 8. Copy of instructions of , from Department of State to S. Tyler.

P H I L A D E L P H I A , 30th May,


S I B : I have the honor to inform you of my arrival in this city on the 2 7 t h instant, from Cape François, St. Domingo, by way of Port-au-Prince; and the delay I have here met with in getting my baggage landed must be my apology for not having sooner made you acquainted with the na­ ture and result of my communications with Christophe's Government. T h e United States ship Hornet, on which I embarked at N e w York for

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