Proceedings of the 52nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, july 10 - july 16, 2016

Page 60

Paper presented at the 52nd CFCS Annual Meeting, Guadeloupe, July 10-16, 2016

Table 2: Results of Regression - Christophene Wholesale Market Price

Formation Dependent Variable: LOG(CRIS_P) Method: Robust Least Squares Date: 05/06/16 Time: 21:04 Sample (adjusted): 2006M02 2015M12 Included observations: 119 after adjustments Method: MM-estimation S settings: tuning=1.547645, breakdown=0.5, trials=200, subsmpl=3, refine=2, compare=5 M settings: weight=Bisquare, tuning=4.684 Random number generator: rng=kn, seed=1258528637 Huber Type I Standard Errors & Covariance Variable


Std. Error




7.468861 0.496279 -0.617789

0.956872 0.063031 0.085741

7.805500 7.873538 -7.205280

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Robust Statistics R-squared Rw-squared Akaike info criterion Deviance Rn-squared statistic

0.619599 0.726550 100.0528 10.13096 242.6742

Adjusted R-squared Adjust Rw-squared Schwarz criterion Scale Prob(Rn-squared stat.)

0.613040 0.726550 109.8222 0.325730 0.000000

Non-robust Statistics Mean dependent var S.E. of regression

2.402751 0.311472

S.D. dependent var Sum squared resid

* Significant at 1% level of significance ** Significant at 5% level of significance *** Significant at 10% level of significance


0.559302 11.25372

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