Proceedings of the 52nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, july 10 - july 16, 2016

Page 295

Paper presented at the 52nd CFCS Annual Meeting, Guadeloupe, July 10-16, 2016 From interviews with farmers, a typology is defined. 6 farming systems are described following various criteria: area, years of activity, diversity of the production, agroecological viability and socio-territorial viability. Types go from the less to the more viable. The farming system identified as the less viable is characterised by a small area (average 6 ha), exist in average for about 20 years with a weak diversity of production and with no real attention to agroecology. On the contrary farming systems seen as the most viable are biggest areas (average of 11 ha), exist for about 24 years. Agroecological and socio-cultural practices are priorities. Other types are characterised by mixed farmings except one type characterised by one dominant crop (pineapple). At last, we learn that viability is multifaceted. A large diversity of representations from farmers and institutional stakeholders explains how agriculture in Guadeloupe may be viable. In order to map this diversity, we collected and analysed stakeholders’ representations through their discourses and through the institutional documents. Conclusion Viability of agriculture is at stake in small islands economies because of the evolution of global changes. The urgent situation to act on these territories highly impacted by global changes make of them pioneer fronts in terms of experience and knowledge of how to adapt. They also give clues on the spatial scale to define in order to impulse these technical, organisational, institutional and territorial evolutions and innovations. Bibliographic references FAO, 2010, Climate smart agriculture. Policies, practices and financing for food security, adaptation and mitigation, Rome.


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