Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest Indiana

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After learning more about your community, you might be wondering, “How do I get involved in creating a better future for Northwest Indiana?â€? Here are ten practical ways you can embark on an exciting journey with others for the advancement of our communities. This list is not exhaustive and is simply meant to provoke your thoughts on how you might choose to get involved in becoming a conduit of God’s grace in our area: ?aPh U^a =^acWfTbc 8]SXP]P For many of us, this is the easiest place to start. Develop a consistent prayer life for the welfare and safety of our communities. Consider starting a prayer group to petition God on behalf of the underserved in our region. Call your local Township Trustees, school superintendents, or other community SLHKLYZ HUK HZR OV^ `V\ JHU ZWLJPĂ„cally pray for them and their organizations. ! DbT H^da CP[T]cb 0]S BZX[[ BTcb C^ Meet Needs What skills and abilities do you possess that might be used for administer-

ing justice, meeting needs, and helping others? For example, maybe you are great at construction, car repair, or ÄUHUJPHS I\KNL[PUN 7LYOHWZ `V\ JHU [LHJO VY TLU[VY 6Y TH`IL `V\ OH]L the gift of hospitality. Think creatively how your talents can be used to serve others. " 5^[[^f H^da ?PbbX^]b C^ 3XbR^eTa FWTaT C^ BTaeT What needs are you passionate about? What issues pull at your heartstrings? Perhaps you long to see human trafÄJRPUN OHS[LK VY `V\UN THSL [LLUZ mentored. Maybe your heart goes out to single moms, the homeless, or those suffering from addictions. You can start a new ministry where none exists, or get involved with a current one that deals with your particular burden. Let your zeal for a particular cause be your guide. # 2^]bXSTa H^da B_WTaT >U 8]U [dT]RT 0b 0 ?[PRT C^ BcPac Who do you know at work, in your neighborhood, or at church that needs loving care? Who are folks that you come in contact with on a regular

basis that could use a compassionate neighbor? Perhaps you know single parents through your children’s school who could use assistance. Might they secretly be yearning for someone to hear their hidden cries and come alongside them in times of need? $ 2^]]TRc FXcW ;^RP[ =^] ?a^UXcb C^ E^[d]cTTa H^da CX\T Get involved with one of the nonWYVÄ[ VYNHUPaH[PVUZ SPZ[LK PU [OL >H`Z to Connect section of this guidebook. Carve regular times out of your schedule to spend time volunteering at an organization that is devoted to a need that resonates with you. Perhaps you could mentor a child, serve in a soup kitchen, or even become a foster WHYLU[ 6YNHUPaH[PVUZ HYL JVUZ[HU[S` searching for dedicated volunteers to keep their programs running. % 3^]PcT H^da ATb^daRTb C^ ;^RP[ =^] ?a^UXcb In addition to volunteering your time, you can help support a ministry by NP]PUN ÄUHUJPHS JVU[YPI\[PVUZ VY TH[Lrial possessions. For example, you can donate used clothing, furniture, =Tgc BcT_b } '

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