Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest Indiana

Page 93

The Bible contains many examples and instructions for Christians in how they relate to the poor and the widow. We see special attention paid in the early church regarding the care of widows (Acts 6). We are encouraged to “honor the widowsâ€? (1 Timothy 5:3). Jesus felt so much compassion for the widow who had lost her son, that he raised him from the dead (Luke 7:12). Jesus also harshly ^HYULK [OL O`WVJYP[LZ VM OPZ KH` ^OV [VVR Ă„UHUJPHS HK]HU[HNL VM ^PKV^Z 4H[thew 23:14).

Religion that God our Fa-

7^f 2WdaRWTb 2P] 0bbXbc FXS^fb X] CWTXa 0UU [XRcX^] Educating those in our region’s congregations is tremendously important. If people in a church are made aware of the needs a particular widow may have, then it is much easier to acquire the necessary help. Many widows need assistance with routine home maintenance, car care, and lawn service. Numerous widows would simply cherish the friendship of someone eager to sit with them and hear their stories. Understanding their needs and ÄUKPUN ^H`Z [V ÄSS [OL NHWZ JHU OH]L H [YLTLUKV\Z PUÅ\LUJL VU V\Y ^PKV^Z and our communities. Imagine if our churches sought to go above and beyond the norm when meeting the needs of our widows? What could happen if churches found lawyers willing to facilitate legal matters, doctors and nurses eager to assist with health needs, laborers with able hands ready to perform household repairs, and *OYPZ[PHUZ ^OV HYL YHKPJHSS` NLULYV\Z [V Z\WWVY[ V\Y ^PKV^Z MHJPUN ÄUHUJPHS hardships? The legacies of those who have meant so much to our communities would be preserved. There are opportunities just like this all around us if only we will look for them. There are widows in our neighborhoods that have needs we can help meet. Together we can help Northwest Indiana leave an enduring legacy on our region’s widows, as they themselves strive to leave a great heritage for their communities and their families.

in their distress and to

ther accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows

keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

29,024 The number of estimated widows in Lake County } 22,986 Females } 6,038 Males [US Census Bureau, Sex by Marital Status by Age for the Population 15 Years and Older (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).]

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. Deuteronomy 10:18

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