Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest Indiana

Page 92



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6^Szb 2P[[ c^ BTaeT >da FXS^fb Every Christian has a responsibility to help the poor and underserved, and some of the most overlooked among us in Lake County are widows. Throughout his ministry, Jesus constantly reached out to the poor and proclaimed good news to them (Luke 4). James, the brother of Jesus, said the kind of faith that pleases God is one that takes care of orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27). Surely James was taking his cues from the Lord himself, as we also should do. According to the 2010 Census, there are over 65,000 citizens of Lake County over the HNL VM ZP_[` Ă„]L THU` VM ^OVT HYL ^PKV^Z

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