Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest Indiana

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*VTT\UP[` :\Y]L` ;OLZL LSLTLU[Z ^LYL JYLH[LK I` 1VL` 4H`ÄLSK \ZPUN (TLYPJHU -HJ[-PUKLY H[ MHJ[ÄUKLY JLUZ\Z gov. For the sake of space the website will not be repeated in the endnotes. Notes on Ways to Connect ‹ Information in the Ways to Connect sections came mainly from our research, interviews, and focus groups. We apologize if your ministry or organization was not included. We would love to learn more about your group for later editions of the Salt & Light Guidebook. ‹ :VTL VM [OL ]VS\U[LLY VWWVY[\UP[PLZ OH]L YLZ[YPJ[PVUZ YLSH[LK [V HNL [YHPUPUN IHJRNYV\UK JOLJR MHP[O HMÄSPH[PVU VY V[OLY X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ 6YNHUPaH[PVUZ TH` HSZV YLX\PYL ]VS\U[LLYZ [V JVTTP[ [V H JLY[HPU U\TILY VM OV\YZ VY [PTL frame for service. These may not necessarily be listed in the Ways to Connect section. ‹ 6YNHUPaH[PVUZ TH` OH]L THU` TVYL VWWVY[\UP[PLZ MVY `V\Y PU]VS]LTLU[ [OHU [OL ML^ SPZ[LK >L OH]L [YPLK [V provide a sampling of ideas to help you or your group get started. We encourage you to contact the organizations KPYLJ[S` [V ÄUK V\[ HSS [OL ^H`Z ]VS\U[LLYZ JHU NL[ PU]VS]LK ‹ Ways to Connect does not include all the wonderful ministries run by churches. We suggest you contact your ULPNOIVYOVVK JO\YJOLZ [V ZLL ^OH[ WYVNYHTZ [OL` OH]L ILMVYL `V\ Z[HY[ H TPUPZ[Y` WYVNYHT >L [Y\Z[ `V\ ^PSS ÄUK many fun and dynamic ways to serve your community through local churches. 7^f c^ <PZT cWT <^bc ^U CWXb 1^^Z ‹ 7YH` œ >L HYL JVUÄKLU[ [OH[ HZ `V\ YLHK [OPZ IVVR `V\Y OLHY[ ^PSS IL X\PJRLULK ^P[O H WHZZPVU [V ZLY]L HUK SV]L your community. Please take time to pray and ask God to lead you to what he is doing in the community. Pray through the statistics in each chapter, pray for the organizations in the Ways to Connect Section, and praise God for the wonderful Stories of Hope. ‹ Learn – If God is tugging on your heart toward a certain issue or area, take time to learn more about that topic. Find the people and organizations in your area that are already working in these areas, and see what you can learn from them. ‹ *VUULJ[ – Serving in groups can help prevent burnout, and it provides great fellowship opportunities. Find others in your church and neighborhood who share the same heart for the community. Read and pray through the book [VNL[OLY <ZL [OL YLÅLJ[PVU X\LZ[PVUZ SPZ[LK PU LHJO VM [OL -VJ\Z ,ZZH`Z HZ H N\PKL MVY NYV\W Z[\KPLZ ‹ Go! – Now you are ready to embark on a great journey of service. Be careful, you most likely won’t come back the same. Remember, along the way there will be risks to take, challenges to conquer, and hardships to endure. Ministry won’t always be comfortable, but it will be worth it. *VU[PU\LK VU [OL UL_[ WHNL FWPczb 8]bXST } e

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