Saddle Up July, 2021

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Sound from the Ground Up,


For over 2,000 years, the quest for the golden ratio has expressed itself in mathematics, art, music, design, and nature. It is the universal perfect equation of harmonious proportions that governs the universe. It is seen in a pentagon, the spiral pattern of leaves, the Mosque of Uqba, Salvador Dali’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper.” And it is seen in a horse’s frog. 12 • JULY 2021

SADDLEUP.CA has revolutionized horseshoe design with the intent of creating perfect hoof balance starting with the frog… in the design of the unique horseshoe. The frog is exposed to allow it to have contact with the ground to provide shock absorption and traction while acting as a pump to move blood through the hoof. Frog health improves, protecting digital cushion, deep flexor tendon, navicular challenges, heels, and entire horse, hoof to spine. GoldenWingsHorseshoes are the first and only shoe that allows the sole and the outer structure of the hoof and wall to be supported and used as nature intended in a barefoot horse. The shoe provides connectivity and flexibility for the entire hoof structure. Except for the frog, the shoe covers the entire foot, supports the sole and outer structures of the hoof and hoof wall with traction and absorbs shock. Designed with a concave area directly above the tip of the coffin bone to flex and absorb shock of each stride like a catcher’s mitt for baseball players. The concave area also encourages a thin layer of dust to accumulate, providing additional padding with each stride. The greater area that is covered by the shoe aids in the prevention of stone bruising, a frequent cause of lameness when horses land on sharp objects. GoldenWingsHorseshoes provide more square centimetres of hoof protection than conventional shoes, while allowing the foot to flex more naturally and light in weight, slightly over three ounces (about 85 grams). As weight is placed on the hoof, pressure is simultaneously transferred to the frog then onto the digital cushion. The frog and the heel contact the ground first. The frog presses up on the digital cushion, flattening under the pressure and is forced outward within the hoof capsule. It pushes against the bars and the flexible hoof capsule providing flexible hoof mechanism to provide the blood pumping action believed to aid hoof health. When the hoof is lifted, the frog and other flexible structures within the hoof quickly return to their normal position. GoldenWingsHorseshoes work in concert with hooves physical properties. GoldenWingsHorseshoes provide protection for the entire hoof structure avoiding quarter cracks, sheared and crushed heels, low heels and long toes, and are fit from the heel buttress forward, since this is where the most impact occurs during each stride. The shoes allow the entire hoof capsule to become the bearing surface as it lands with a material simulating an extension of natural hoof. Metal shoes only provide wear and durability for the outer hoof wall, the rim of the hoof, and prevent flexibility for a healthy hoof. Do metal shoes cause more problems than they help? Every creature has flexible feet and hooves until metal shoes are applied. Doesn't it make sense to protect the entire hoof and structures up to the spine with an extension of natural hoof-like material for softer landings? GoldenWingsHorseshoes believes good shoeing technique begins with properly measuring and trimming. Using the Golden Ratio, Fibonacci numbers found throughout nature, and Leonardo Di Vinci’s Canon of Proportions can help achieve hoof balance for each specific horse naturally. The "Golden Ratio Measuring & Trimming Protocol" is based on each horse’s specific Golden Ratio/Divine Proportion. More information can be found about "The Golden Ratio" of each individual horse at The best way to correct angles is accurately measuring and trimming to avoid problems, and/or solve problems created by "eye-ball trimming" and metal shoes. Nature’s Golden Ratio determines the correct angle for each specific horse, thus the Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion as determined by Leonardo Di Vinci’s Canon of Proportions. Golden Ratio Measuring & Trimming Protocol provides for more accurate

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