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City of Roy Key Community Contacts


Robert Dandoy: 801-774-1028 rdandoy@royutah.org


COUNCIL MEMBERS council@royutah.org

Ann Jackson: ajackson@royutah.org

Diane Wilson: dwilson@royutah.org

Joe Paul: jpaul@royutah.org

Randy Scadden: randy.scadden@royutah.org

Sophie Paul: sophie.paul@royutah.org

Roy Services

Municipal Center & Utilities: 801-774-1000 utilityrequests@royutah.org

Open Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Emergency: 911

Police: Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801-395-8221

Records: 801-774-1046 pdrecords@royutah.org

Fire: 801-774-1080 fire@royutah.org

Community Development: 801-774-1040 ced@royutah.org

Justice Court: 801-774-1051 court@royutah.org

Parks & Rec: 801-774-1048 parksandrec@royutah.org

Recreation Complex: 801-774-1050 (Temporarily Closed)

Public Works: 801-774-1090 publicworks@royutah.org

Please keep in mind, emails are not monitored 24/7. If your matter is urgent, please call.

Roy Days 2023 is an event you won’t want to miss!

This year, the City Council decided to move most of the Roy Days events to George Wahlen Park. This will increase parking availability, lighting, green space for vendors, and overall accessibility for our residents and surrounding patrons.

Roy Days has a long history of bringing our community together. Here at Roy City, we truly relish the sense of togetherness and find that residents, from the young to the elderly, are sure to have fun.

Please keep an eye on the posted schedule of events as some will still be held at West Park, events such as the BMX Competition. As always, we hope you will bring your kids to the Fishing Derby, head to the High School and watch the Miss Roy Scholarship Competition, enjoy dinner at the Salmon Bake, run in the 5k, grab a seat for the parade, stop by the vendor booths, and watch the fireworks from all over Roy.

For more information, visit roydays.info or find us on Facebook @roycitydays.

Councilmember Joe Paul