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Students of the Month A Bright Future Begins Here

Bryce Reed

Bryce is a senior at Clearfield High School. He is an excellent student who especially enjoys his hands-on classes. Welding is his favorite class as he can build what he wants, and he likes to work with his hands.


Bryce enjoys being involved at Clearfield and plays football as well as wrestles. Not only does he enjoy the sport but loves his coaches and teammates.

Like all Falcons, he loves the school spirit at Clearfield, yet more than that, he appreciates the environment at Clearfield High where everyone is kind to one another.

Shayla Uccardi

Shayla is a senior at Clearfield High School. She enjoys school and especially her performing arts classes. Shayla is in the choir and is heavily involved in the theatre where she just performed the role of the Wealthy Dowager in Murder in the Knife Room. Theatre is her favorite class because she enjoys performing, but she especially loves the community of friends she has there.

Shayla loves the school spirit that every Clearfield student has, and truly appreciates the way everyone is included and has a place to fit in at Clearfield High.