Ruyton Reporter Autumn 2018

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Autumn 2018

the ruyton




from the study

If you follow Humans of New York on Instagram you may have seen an enthusiastic young girl from Mumbai in one of their posts over the January break. When asked about herself this is what she had to say … ‘I have a big book about tiger conservation, and I always knew that the ocean was in trouble. But I didn’t really become an environmentalist until I got to Grade 1. That’s when I thought of many interesting ways to help. Some things you can do are reduce waste, carpool more often, spread awareness, plant trees, not cut trees, cut carbon emissions, and reduce nuclear disposal. I’m too young to start nuclear disposal because it’s dangerous and I don’t have the proper gloves, but I do recycle and keep plants on my balcony.’ Goodness, look out, because when she gets those proper gloves she will be a force to be reckoned with! But the truth is, like so many of our young girls, she already is. She is dreaming big and connecting strongly with what she is learning about her world, keen to make a difference. How can we cultivate this in our young women? William Damon, Professor of Education at Stanford, poses this question: ‘What if purpose, not college, was the goal of school?’ It is interesting in the context of a four-year nationwide study in the United States of how young people from 12 – 26 are struggling to find their purpose in life. Instead of helping young people find enduring, lifefulfilling goals, he concludes our emphasis is often on superficial, short-term success, which in turn can diminish their optimism. We need to ask them the important questions, such as what kind of person do they want to become? What do they find fulfilling? What do they want to accomplish in their lives? They need to hear how they can derive personal satisfaction from doing something that makes a difference in the world – even if they don’t get public recognition and financial reward. And they need encouragement to persist, to embrace the struggle, to get through the setbacks. Life is not perfect. One of our young Old Scholars, Eliza Li, recently wrote about how she could note that, at age 19, she has been awarded five academic scholarships, had 16 jobs, worked overseas three times, privately tutored 31 students, qualified and swam at a state finals once, published an article in public health cited by the Medical Journal of Australia, interned at one of the top Australian medical research facilities, been invited to speak at six conferences/camps, had been an agencyrepresented model, and had founded her first social start-up project. As she says, that all means nothing until she shares the real achievement: the fact that she has made 41 scholarship applications, submitted 56 job applications, trained for state finals in swimming six years in a row, was rejected from undergraduate medical school, applied to 16 different medical research


projects, was un-cast from four modelling auditions and unsuccessfully pitched the first six versions of the start-up; including the first time when someone literally laughed out loud at the idea. Two entirely different sets of figures. The same person. How often don’t we see our own whole story and try to measure up to the public face of success? Michelle Simmons, quantum physicist and Australian of the Year, in her thought-provoking address reminded us that Quantum Physics is hard. That technology at the forefront of human endeavour is hard. But that is what makes it worth it. And she strongly believes that the things most worth doing in life are nearly always hard to do. She reminded us that great teachers with high expectations challenge their students to be the best they can be. That we need to be teaching every student to have high expectations of themselves. In 2008, in his Wesleyan Commencement speech, Barack Obama, father, husband, president, citizen, reminded students that our individual salvation depends on collective salvation. Only thinking about yourself and fulfilling your immediate wants and needs betrays a poverty of ambition. But when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself you realise your true potential. There is no more important job than educating and inspiring the next generation of Australians. For the staff of Ruyton, whatever our role, we know we all contribute to ensuring the best education for our girls. We have hitched our wagon to something so much bigger than ourselves. We have hitched our wagon to inspiring girls to be bold and educating them to live lives of impact and purpose. Now, as staff and parents, we need to inspire and support our girls as they find what to hitch their wagons to. That will be our true success. And if we look at the work of those who care, we know it takes a lifetime. When Jane Goodall was asked many years ago ‘How long are you going to be associated with the chimpanzee?’ she thought for only a moment before replying … ‘Until I die.’ It takes long-term commitment to truly make a difference and that is important for both us and our girls to remember. Perhaps Science historian, poet and inspirational author, Diane Ackerman, sums it up best with her words in A Natural History of the Senses. She writes: ‘The great affair, the love affair with life, is to live as variously as possible, to groom one’s curiosity like a high-spirited thoroughbred, climb aboard, and gallop over the thick, sun-struck hills every day. Where there is no risk, the emotional terrain is flat and unyielding, and, despite all its dimensions, valleys, pinnacles, and detours, life will seem to have none of its magnificent geography, only a length. It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between.’

Celebrating the Class of 2017 In their time at Ruyton the Class of 2017 achieved a great deal academically, striving for personal improvement and engaging in the learning that matters; they were an integral part of our continued sporting success and our rich performing arts, public speaking and debating programmes; as leaders they inspired our commitment to supporting community and environment with a vision to help others. They have given of their best, both individually and as a year level. We congratulate these young women on their VCE results. Whilst we share a snapshot of the results below we are aware that this data in no ways reflects the richness of the stories of grit, determination and success behind each girl’s journey. We acknowledge the work and dedication of our girls, but also the strong support of parents and the commitment and expertise of our staff. • 100% of students achieved their VCE • 11% achieved ATARs of 99+ • 49% achieved ATARs of 90+ • 72% achieved ATARs of 80+. Our congratulations to Roshica Ponnampalam who is Dux of Ruyton 2017 (ATAR 99.95). Sarah Cheang, Callie Evans, Annie Fang, Sophie He, Elise Kiernan, Rachelle Papantuono, Roshica Ponnampalam, Anna Rabinowicz, Angie Yang and Ava Zhang all achieved ATAR scores over 99 and study scores of 50 were achieved by: • Roshica Ponnampalam – English and Further Mathematics • Callie Evans – English, Literature and History Revolutions • Elise Kiernan – Psychology Our congratulations to these young women on such outstanding personal results. As part of the VCE Season of Excellence Alannah Harris has had her artwork displayed in Top Arts and Alice Dempsey has performed in Top Acts. Congratulations to both Alannah and Alice for this recognition of excellence. At Ruyton we realise that a single grade, a mark, a medal or a score never defines our success as a human being. We believe that every young woman has the potential to make her mark on the world; to raise her voice and take action; to be bold; and to live a life of impact and purpose. It is their endeavour, morals, compassion and actions for which we will always truly admire them. As women of character and integrity only they have the power to define themselves and their success. Ms Linda Douglas, Principal. above: Ms Linda Douglas with the 2018 School Captains, the Principal with 2017 Dux Roshica Ponnampalam, the Principal with Junior School girls.

the ruyton reporter

community matters

A New Tradition Last year we were delighted to launch a new tradition at Ruyton: the Staff Service Awards. Our community is aware that there is something unique about Ruyton. We know that it is something that people feel when they come here and see our School in action and when they see our girls performing in so many different arenas. It is something we experience every day. It is the very essence of Ruyton, our culture, our spirit. It is a spirit that commits us to supporting our girls to be their very best; to show grit and determination; to acknowledge endeavour and personal best; and to enjoy the experience of learning and growing. It is a spirit that binds us together to provide support and to share the journey. We recognise the enormous contribution that our staff make to ensure this spirit of Ruyton endures across our generations. We appreciate their expertise, care, compassion and commitment. We also acknowledge their role as keepers of the Ruyton culture, continuing our traditions and ensuring that new innovations continue to keep us true to who we are, while embracing the need to grow and change. It is our long-term staff members, in particular, who play such a strong role in keeping us true to our mission and values. As each class ties their colours to the mast our staff ensure that they are upright and faithful; women of integrity and character. As each new member joins our community our staff help them to understand who we truly are, and how we bring out the best in each girl, in each other and in ourselves with authenticity. At the Staff Service Awards on Monday 20 November 2017 we honoured the following: 30+ years service: Mrs Di Berold and Mrs Lou Burbury 25+ years service: Mrs Mina Danos and Mr Matt Habben

20+ years service: Ms Tanya Cockwill, Mr Stephen Ellinghaus, Ms Ellen Funnell, Ms Sonja Horbelt, Mrs Danyang McAuliffe, Mrs Cathy Smibert and Mrs Emma Tankovich

• a strong contribution to developing or enhancing curricula

15+ years service: Mrs Lee Alexis, Mrs Ange Allen, Mrs Elizabeth Blumbergs, Ms Carla Bond, Mrs Cathryn Furey, Ms Meagin Gidley, Ms Julie Hoskins, Ms Fran Johnson, Mrs Jenny Lane, Ms Kate McPherson, Mrs Georgie Parker, Ms Michelle Raatjes, Ms Helen Tait and Mr Walter Zavattiero.

Our first recipient of the Ruyton Distinguished Teacher Award has stirred a love of literature and learning in the hearts and minds of generations of Ruyton girls for over forty years. Her passion for teaching and her love of the English language have inspired many as she has made a profound impact on staff, students and parents alike.

In all, we celebrated and recognised over 500 years of dedicated service to Ruyton.

As a community we congratulate Mrs Di Berold, our inaugural and most worthy recipient of the Ruyton Distinguished Teacher Award.

This year the Board also established the Ruyton Distinguished Teaching Award to recognise individuals who have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of Ruyton through both their teaching and through actively living the values of Ruyton. Recipients of the award will have demonstrated their excellence as educators over a sustained period of time. This includes demonstrating:

• active involvement in the life of the School.

Congratulations to our first recipients of the Staff Service Awards. We look forward to celebrating this tradition for many years to come. Mr Peter Kanat, President of the Ruyton Board Ms Linda Douglas, Principal

• the ability to inspire, promote, and sustain the intellectual development of students • a pedagogical approach that is innovative, intellectually rigorous, creative and engaging • scholarly contributions and their integration into the classroom to foster critical thinking and challenge students to engage in independent inquiry

another champion of girls’ education It is with great sadness that the Ruyton community notes the passing of Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bate in October 2017, inspirational friend to Ruyton for over 50 years and generous philanthropist. Lizzie was the wife of John (dec.)* who was President of the Board and they were united as champions of girls’ education. As past Principal Mrs Prue Gillies said of Lizzie in 1992, she was ‘the driving force during her years as President of both the Ruyton Parents’ Association and the Ruyton Mothers’ Auxiliary, and

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as the Co-convenor of the Parents of Past Pupils.’ Lizzie had a passion for Ruyton, evident in her animation whenever she talked about the School and its community. She shared many stories of her long association with Ruyton, including her account of painting the inside of South House along with ‘Macca’, otherwise known as Miss McRae and inviting ‘Macca’ to dinner in their house in Wellington Street, opposite the School.

The Bate family have a history of generosity, most recently manifest in rooms named after them in the Margaret McRae Centre and in the Carolyn Anderson Building. Lizzie is survived by her four children, Wendy (’75), Jack, Robyn (’80) and Peter, and their families. Lizzie’s kindness and community spirit leave a lasting legacy at Ruyton. She will be greatly missed. * Tribute Ruyton Reporter Autumn 2016, p3



Ruyton’s Philanthropic History the whs dickinson memorial prize for co-captains of the school Each year at Speech Night many Memorial Prizes are awarded to our student leaders, but have you ever wondered what is the origin of these named prizes? Our Development Manager, Ms Tonya Peters, and our Archivist, Ms Cathy Dodson, conducted research, with the generous help of Judy Goodes (’56), into the foundation of the WHS Dickinson Memorial Prize for the Co-Captains of the School. ‘It seems to me that our father’s life was one of service – to his family, country and community. He was a man of honesty, integrity and incredible energy. His lesson for us, his words of wisdom, is that we all have gifts and talents and that we use them, not just for ourselves, but in the service and betterment of others.’ Judy Goodes William Henry Schorey Dickinson (Bill) and his wife, Doris, were giving prizes to Ruyton as early as the 1930s. Bill was on the School Council for many years. He and Doris had six children, all of whom attended Ruyton. The oldest, Peggy, commenced at Ruyton in 1928 and Miriam, Billy and Ron followed on, the boys leaving for Trinity after Kindergarten. In 1938, Ruyton’s Jubilee Year, twins Janet and Judy were born. Miss Daniell sent a telegram of congratulations – ‘Twin daughters, what a splendid Jubilee gesture!’ The twins commenced their schooling at Ruyton in 1941. Bill was born in 1888 and educated at Hawthorn College. In 1915 Bill served at Gallipoli before undertaking Officer Training at New College Oxford. He was then drafted to France until the end of the war. After serving at the Victoria Barracks during World War II, Bill became Chief Accountant for the National Red Cross and also became involved in local government in Kew. In recognition of his services to the citizens of Kew, Dickinson Reserve in Walmer Street, Studley Park was named for him. He also maintained a keen interest in local, state and federal politics.

24-Hours of Giving The amazing generosity and gratitude of the Ruyton community was clearly evident on 14 March 2018 to help launch the financial needs-based Founder’s Scholarships Fund. The 24-hour campaign raised a whopping $380,650 with 391 donations made on the online platform, together with hundreds of student cash donations made by class groups. The engagement across current students, Old Ruytonians, past and current parents, grandparents and staff sent a clear message that donors from all generations appreciate what a life-shaping opportunity having an education at Ruyton is, and that opening Ruyton to greater social diversity and inclusiveness is important. To all our donors, my heartfelt thanks for your generosity; without you to kick start this fund none of it would have been possible. The application process for the Founder’s Scholarships will commence shortly, so that our first Senior School student can begin at Ruyton in 2019. There were so many messages left on the campaign website that touched me, so I thought I would share some with you to give you a sense of how this Scholarship will transform lives and how rewarding many found giving to this cause: ‘The best gift you can give a child is education.’ ‘A chance to give back a little of what I received.’

Janet and Judy continued to support the WHS Dickinson prize after Bill’s death in 1974 because their father was very proud of his long association with the School. In 2017, for the first time, this prize was donated by the Angelopoulos family. Tiffany Angelopoulos was School Co-Captain in 2015 and left the girls with these words, ‘May the leadership skills you’ve developed throughout the year remain with you always.’

‘Wonderful initiative Ruyton community. Thank you to the generous sponsors.’

Roshica Ponnampalam, joint recipient of the WHS Dickinson Prize for the Co-Captains of the School in 2017, with Meredith Rule, had the following to say after receiving the prize. ‘When I reflect on my time at Ruyton, I cannot help but think about all the opportunities I have been offered – those in music, drama and sport. Yet, what I value the most is the way that Ruyton has cultivated my curiosity about the world and taught me that every girl – every person – is a leader.’

‘We believe in equity opportunities and diversity in education for girls.’

Mrs Elizabeth Beattie, Community Relations Co-ordinator, Communications

Money donated in the 2017 annual appeal and through the Ruyton Ball was spent over the summer break to upgrade the Henty Health Centre and the Henty Reception Room (formally the Boarders’ Dining Room.) The Health Centre now includes a nurses’ office, a triage room, a peaceful room for recuperation and more counselling spaces. Thanks to your generosity, the staff and girls appreciate the new spaces.

‘I’m proud to be part of a great, worthwhile cause.’ ‘Ruyton showed me that nothing is impossible for girls.’ ‘Ruyton gave me a great start to my career – time to share opportunity.’

Special mention to those donors who, in the lead up to the campaign day, pledged large sums to enable donations on the day to be quadrupled. These donors were a collection of Junior School parents, members of the Ruyton Board and the Foundation, Senior School parents, the Old Ruytonians’ Association and past parents. Your commitment to the Foundation’s vision and honouring of our Founder, Mrs Charlotte Anderson, with this Scholarship is deeply appreciated.

I would also like to thank those donors who contributed to the Speech Night prizes. There were 26 new donors who came on board for these prizes in 2017. There still remain a number of Speech Night prizes unnamed for 2018, so please contact Ms Tonya Peters if you are interested in finding out more. At last year’s Speech Night, I had the pleasure of sitting with a lovely gentleman who had recently named a Speech Night prize in honour of his dear, late sister, who had attended Ruyton from 1936 to 1946, with some of these years as a boarder. It was a privilege to hear about his late sister’s life and the importance of those formative years she spent being schooled at Ruyton. I look forward to updating you later in the year as we continue to celebrate Ruyton’s 140 years with the launch in October of a Bequest Society to be called The Moreton Bay Fig Tree Society. Ms Fiona Griffiths (’87), Chair, Ruyton Foundation Committee


the ruyton reporter

Henty Refurbishment and Health Centre Renovation 2017

Making a Difference Scholarships are important to some members of our community, who otherwise would not have the opportunity to access a quality education. In this, and in future editions of the Ruyton Reporter, we talk to a past scholar to discover what made a difference in her life.

hannah colman (’01 ) Hannah is the founder of social enterprise The Scarf Community (

What did you get involved in at Ruyton? I loved drama and was involved in Drama Club, Lip Sync competitions and numerous Ruyton/Scotch productions. I was elected Captain of Drama in Year 12. I also participated in the hockey team from Year 7 through to Year 12, playing in the fullback position. When did you become passionate about social enterprise? My awareness of social justice was stirred during a School Assembly when humanitarian Ms Moira Kelly came to speak to us about her adopted sons from Iraq. I remember feeling very emotional – those boys had been abandoned by their parents in a war zone. They had extraordinary disfigurements and Moira adopted them and brought them to Australia for surgery. It was eye-opening to see the huge barriers people faced in different parts of the world, and I think it helped me realise how incredibly lucky I was to have been born in Australia and to attend such a great school. I would say it marked a shift in my values: I realised I had enormous privilege and that it was important to do something to benefit others who haven’t had the opportunities that I’ve experienced. Who had the greatest influence on you at Ruyton? I would nominate my drama teachers – Mrs Janine Caruso, Ms Janet Lewis and Mrs Cath Morgan. They were all hilarious, generous and kind women who really encouraged my love of drama and acting. They all embraced my ‘weirdness’ and made me feel like being different was a good thing!

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Also, Mrs Di Berold, who was my literature teacher in Year 12. Mrs Berold was SO passionate about literature, it was contagious. She really knew how to get the class involved. I loved learning from her and she really encouraged me as a writer. What have you taken away from your days at Ruyton? My days at Ruyton, and experiences since leaving School, taught me that I was granted an extremely privileged start in life. I have met so many people who have had to overcome enormous barriers and I am extremely grateful for the fact I was able to attend a school like Ruyton, where students are genuinely supported and encouraged to do their best. I didn’t realise it at the time, but after leaving school I began to understand the complex inequalities in the world. Now I don’t take anything for granted. What advice would you give to girls starting at Ruyton and how they might go on to live their lives? My advice is to appreciate the School for what it is – a connected and supportive community. So many people don’t get the opportunity and the privilege to go to a school like Ruyton. I would encourage students to look outside their own lives to the world beyond, and, when they can, use their position of privilege to give a hand to others who are less fortunate. This might manifest itself in so many different ways – by volunteering, raising money for a cause or helping to spread awareness about injustice. Photo courtesy Janna Bennett


the journey starts here

Little Ruyton’s Long and Rich History

1928 Sub-Primary School

When The Hon. Sir Rupert ‘Dick’ Hamer1, a former Premier of Victoria, opened the Early Learning Centre on the corner of Selbourne Road and Fitzwilliam Street in January 1993, he jokingly referred to himself as a Ruyton ‘Old Girl’. Although he was officiating at the opening of a new centre, Sir Rupert was acknowledging that Ruyton had a long history in the provision of early childhood education, stretching right back to its earliest beginnings in Melbourne. When Dick and his brother, Allan Hamer, attended Little Ruyton for a kindergarten year in 1922, kindergarten had already been part of Ruyton for more than 20 years. Indeed, as early as 1900, Ruyton advertised a kindergarten class as ‘now forming part of the school course’ at their A’Beckett Street premises.

Children at Little Ruyton in 1928

By 1902, the kindergarten had moved to a nearby house in Barry Street, and, although remaining under the Ruyton umbrella, was run as a separate business by two sisters, the Misses Annie and Elizabeth Westmoreland. Annie was a key figure in the early decades of the kindergarten movement in Victoria and her Ruyton enterprise, known as the Ruyton Kindergarten Training School, was significant for both teacher training and for a curriculum that differed from the standard ‘Three Rs’ and rote-learning teaching practices of the day. Sadly, Annie’s ill health forced the sisters to sell their kindergarten to the School in 1913. Ruyton continued to offer kindergarten classes to both boys and girls in various locations close to their A’Beckett Street premises. However, in 1920, the School’s move across Kew to the Selbourne Road premises presented too great a challenge to young legs, so Principal Miss Daniell purchased land at 100 Princess Street. Little Ruyton Kindergarten was completed there in 1926, with Miss Kitty Snowball in the position of Director. Little Ruyton continued for more than 50 years, through the ‘thick and thin’ of economic circumstance before being finally sold in February 1983.

Just over a year later, the Little Ruyton name was reinvigorated when a Prep–Year 2 centre called Little Ruyton House opened at 88 Wellington Street. By the mid-1990s Ruyton had returned to the provision of kindergarten classes, using the Little Ruyton House site for girls-only classes. Meanwhile in January 1993, and at the other end of the School, the Little Ruyton Pre Prep Centre for both boys and girls was opened. In 2010, the two Little Ruytons were brought together with the extension of the Fitzwilliam Street premises and the demolition of the Wellington Street building to make way for Junior School redevelopments. Today, we call this joint programme Early Learning and celebrate 25 years since it opened on the Fitzwilliam Street site. However, like Sir Rupert Hamer with his ‘Old Girl’ joke, we acknowledge that Ruyton has a much longer (and complicated and proud) history in the provision of early childhood education.

1. Ruyton Reporter Summer 2003, p14

Ruyton Pre Prep staff and students in 1993


the ruyton reporter

‘We make art out of rubbish … everyone can make something out of rubbish.’ ruyton early learning children inspire us to think and act sustainably At Ruyton Early Learning, we live the Ruyton value of citizenship, by enabling opportunities for our children to effect positive change through civic and environmental action. It is our vision to engage with the local and global community to embed sustainable practices and enhance environmental education. Our learning and teaching focuses on building connections with nature and the outdoors, where children are given time and opportunities to discover ways in which we can work together to respect and care for our environment. Each Kindergarten and Pre Prep room (and our staff room) has a landfill, recycling and worm food bin. The children sort their waste into these bins and have discussions about what waste goes where and why. Plastic containers and other items are sorted, cleaned and re-used in art and for creative experiences. Children feed the worms and collect and bottle up the ‘worm tea’ from our worm farms. The worm tea is used on our garden and is also sold to families and School staff.

As a staff, we have reduced our purchase of consumable items for art and creative experiences – instead opting for re-using items that might otherwise go to landfill. We prefer to support local companies and ethical manufacturers and, where possible, we are purchasing resources and equipment that are organic, natural, recycled or sustainable. This includes almost eliminating our purchase of single use items (such as plastic straws, balloons and plastic cutlery). Over the past six months we have developed relationships with local environmentally-friendly businesses, such as Mercy Timber, who created our gumboot racks. The gumboot racks are made from re-used timber that would have otherwise become woodchips or landfill. We still have much to learn and do on our sustainability journey, and even though our steps may seem small, the impact on our children and our world may be greater than we imagine. Miss Sarah Denholm, Director of Early Learning

‘If we throw rubbish around the world, the rubbish truck will need to pick it up and spend all the days picking it up. That’s not fair.’ ‘We can’t mess the Earth up. We need to look after it. We don’t want it to be frightened. It could be frightened of all the bad things like the rubbish.’ ‘We make art out of rubbish … everyone can make something out of rubbish. ‘People that throw rubbish on the ground could pick it up. They can pick it up and wash it and make something beautiful.’ ‘To save the world we can’t waste plastic. Happiness is when you recycle. The planet is happy.’ ‘We need to help the world. Rubbish will make the world all smelly. We need to use some recycling things to help the world so it doesn’t die.’ ‘If you put everything in the landfill bin the air will get all stinky.’

autumn 2018


empowering girls

We Believe in Girls At Ruyton ‘… we are committed to preparing girls for a lifetime of learning, leadership and engagement in our global community.’ (2017–2020 Strategic Plan.) We aim for each girl to become a woman of character, compelled as a global citizen to have a positive impact on the world they not only inhabit, but cocreate, while never losing sight of the need to act with integrity and compassion.

An opportunity to celebrate diversity For all of us in Year 12, although there is the sadness of embarking on our final year at Ruyton, there is also much excitement about what the coming year has to offer. Ruyton has always been more than just a school to us. It has been a supportive environment in which we have been able to learn, develop our own skills and ideas, and pursue both new and existing passions. We feel so fortunate to have been surrounded by such an accepting and nurturing community, one in which all girls are encouraged to thrive as the people they want to be. This is something that we believe is very special about Ruyton, and something we know will forever exist in the School. In 2018, we want to see each girl be inspired to reach her own dreams in her own unique way. In this day and age, especially as young people dealing with the pressures of social media, it is easy to lose sight of who we are. Our tendency to strive for generic ideals of who we should be, to want to fit in with the crowd, mean that we find ourselves pushing aside who we are, who we want to be and what we want to achieve. As such, the current student leadership group hopes to place a special emphasis on the importance of celebrating individuality and embracing diversity this year. We shall focus on ensuring that each girl at Ruyton recognises and embraces what makes her different, rather than seeing points of difference as weaknesses, and acknowledge them as something that makes each and every girl special. If we can accept ourselves for who we are, and accept those around us for who they are too, we will be able to lift each other up and bring out the best in every single one of us. Every girl who passes through Ruyton will unknowingly leave something behind, and take something away. Although this may not be something that is seen or heard, it is something that will remain with each of us students, and with the School. The class of 2018 wishes to grasp this final year as an opportunity to celebrate diversity, and truly embrace what makes each of us different. Looking forward to the end of this year, we hope that not only our fellow Year 12s, but also the Ruyton community in its entirety, can reflect positively on their experiences at the School. Jess Hepworth and Tess Stewart, Co-Captains 2018


We Believe in Girls and also in the belief that it is never too early to instil in each one the desire to be bold risk takers, collaborators, critical thinkers, problem finders and women of grit. We are committed to nurturing girls in a manner that fosters a growth mindset, a sense of purpose in life and a readiness to connect with others. Empirically-based and ever-evolving, holistic wellbeing practices and programmes at Ruyton nurture and underpin these aims, and we see them as an integral component in enabling every girl to thrive and ‘… to live lives of impact and purpose.’ (2017–2020 Strategic Plan.) Ruyton’s commitment to empowering girls is further evidenced through the creation of the new Director of Wellbeing position; a role I am excited to take on. This position allows me to work across the entire School and I will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with Early Learning staff and both the Junior and Senior schools on practices and programmes aimed at further developing a supportive learning environment and optimal conditions where each girl’s potential is realised.

• administering a Student Wellbeing Survey aimed at collecting base-line data on the overall wellbeing of our senior and upper junior girls. This will enable us to understand better the challenges that they face, the support they may need and also the areas in which they are thriving. • reviewing and expanding our current wellbeing programmes to ensure they reflect best practice, are holistic and are responding to the ever-changing needs of our students. • fully integrating our Ruyton values to real world experiences through fostering a deeper understanding in our community of how these values should inspire and direct all our actions. I look forward to working with the entire Ruyton community in ensuring it remains a School fully committed to enabling girls to lead lives of purpose with courage and character. Ms Trish Hatzis, Director of Wellbeing

The position of Director of Wellbeing also involves supporting staff in achieving and maintaining optimal personal and professional wellbeing. It is through this that they will be best placed to support their own lifelong learning, as well as the learning and developmental needs of the students in their care. Some of the focus areas for 2018 are: • further developing school-wide leadership opportunities for all students. This will in part be achieved through enabling each girl to tap into her own signature strengths, strengths they may not have previously recognised or fully utilised.

the ruyton reporter

Power Lunch Power Lunch is an initiative trialed in Term 4 of 2017 to provide our girls with the opportunity to interact with professionals from a wide array of careers and backgrounds. Professionals from beyond the School community volunteer their time to have lunch with our girls, share a brief presentation about their work, and then answer any questions our girls might have about their chosen profession. The aim of the programme is to have students learn about the daily functions of someone in a professional role and understand the intricacies in their respective fields. As a result, our girls can develop a deeper understanding of what civic life after secondary school and university may look and feel like. Additionally, our speakers share their passions and personal journeys/pathways that took them to where they are today. This programme runs during lunchtime on alternating days of the week to provide more girls with the opportunity to attend the sessions. To date we have welcomed practising Neurosurgeons, Astrophysicists, Mechanical and Telecommunications Engineers, and Heads of Genomics to Ruyton. We look forward to welcoming a broader range of professionals to join us this year. Mr Jake Plaskett, Director of Learning Innovation

At the start of Term 4 Power Lunch began. I had heard about it through emails from my class science teacher, Miss Greer and also from Mr Plaskett. These emails often began with the question, ‘What does a scientist do every day?’ This was a question I wanted to be able to answer. Eager to learn I came to the first session of Power Lunch and left entranced. I enjoyed listening to the scientist speak so passionately about her field, some of which I had never heard of before! The thing I loved most about Power Lunch is that it isn’t like a typical incursion. In a normal incursion the presenter will speak and will allow a limited question time at the end before we have to leave for the next class. In Power Lunch you are encouraged to ask as many questions as possible throughout the session, because it is fine not to know everything; even the presenters don’t know everything because we are all learning. This, I believe, is the purpose of Power Lunch: to learn something new about a particular career pathway. I am proud to say that I have learnt countless facts over five new areas of science and I finally know the answer to ‘What does a scientist do every day?’ The answer is anything and everything. I have learnt so much from Power Lunch this term and look forward to Power Lunch in 2018. Ella Callow-Sussex, Year 7 (2017)

The Student Wellbeing Portal The Ruyton Student Council’s (RSC’s) main project last year was to come up with solutions to improve mental health in our School community. Early in the year, as a council, we focused on mental health initiatives, as social media and other societal pressures often erode girls’ mental health and wellbeing. As a team we decided to create a mental health and wellbeing portal on the student website which contains a diverse range of resources that can be accessed anywhere, anytime and, most importantly, in private. The aim of the portal is to provide information in a succinct manner to enable a student’s understanding of sometimes complex issues. Firstly, we discovered the major stresses in each of our lives, which varied across year levels, and then we came up with potential solutions to help us gain information on what is still a relatively taboo subject. A Mental Health and Wellbeing Student Portal on the Intranet was developed, with the help of Mr Upperton, Mr Moller and Ms Conabere, to provide options for girls experiencing issues in their lives and to prevent overwhelming situations going unchecked. All girls are able to use this resource, as it has been designed by students for students and follows a user-friendly format. The portal is accessed via Firefly under the Wellbeing page. This opens the front page of the portal. If there is uncertainty in describing what it is that is causing panic, the Next Step app is the place to start, as it provides a series of topics to check what is the root of the problem. The cover page is divided into ‘looking for help for myself’ and ‘looking for help for a friend.’ Within each of these folders there are links to different websites with information and support networks, for example ReachOut and beyondblue. We also added a section with different Mindfulness apps in order to help improve mental health. Our aim is to provide de-stressing activities that can be accessed at all times. The RSC hopes that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Student Portal is useful and that it grows and develops over time, supporting the mental health of our School community and placing resources at the fingertips of all our students. Tash Borash, RSC Captain (2017)

autumn 2018


character and integrity

Identifying Integrity Assembly presentation by Year 2 students with Year 2 teachers, Ms Bond and Mrs Mullins in Term 4 2017

charlotte ‘In our School song, we say ‘Rectay ay Fidelitay’, which means upright and faithful. This is also our School motto. In Term 4, the School value we are focusing on is integrity. Integrity is standing up for what you believe in. It is treating everyone equally and fairly.’

andonia ‘This morning you will meet Blossom. She is eight years old and is in Year 2. Blossom LOVES school and always tries hard in everything she does. But sometimes … this can be difficult. Let’s help Blossom make the right choices about how she can show integrity. Blossom is playing in the sandpit with Daisy and some other friends at recess. Tulip comes along and asks, ‘Can I play with you?’ ‘No! There’s not enough space for you!’ says Daisy in a mean voice. What should Blossom do? A. Blossom knows that Daisy is being mean. She is afraid to speak up in front of Daisy, so she puts her head down and watches Tulip walk away sadly. B. Blossom takes a deep breath, looks at Daisy and says, ‘Of course you can join in, Tulip. You can share my spade. There’s always room for more friends in this sandpit!’ Which shows more integrity? A or B? The teacher on duty asks Blossom and Daisy to go inside to get their hats. When they are in their classroom, Daisy notices a jar of delicious jellybeans on the teacher’s desk. Blossom LOVES jellybeans. Daisy looks at Blossom and says, ‘Hey Blossom, if we took just one, nobody would notice.’ Daisy reaches out her hand … What should Blossom do? A. Blossom’s mouth starts to water. But then she feels a funny feeling in her tummy. She knew it was not the right thing to do. Blossom looks at Daisy and whispers, ‘No Daisy. I know it’s really tempting, but these jellybeans do not belong to us. Let’s go outside and play our fun game.’

bea ‘Integrity is being honest and responsible for all of your actions. It is admitting when you have made a mistake. Integrity is standing up for others and respecting your environment. So integrity is really a way of life. It is what you do and say … even when other people are not watching.’

brigitte ‘Integrity is how you choose to live your life each day. So, as Ruyton girls, let’s all try to live our lives upright and faithful … with integrity.’

B. Blossom’s mouth starts to water. She looks around the room. Daisy’s right … no one can see them. They quickly sneak a jellybean each, put it in their mouths and go back outside. Which shows more integrity? A or B? Blossom’s teacher, Mrs Rose, has a special set of books that the girls are allowed to read during silent reading time. Blossom knows how much her teacher loves these books. They were actually Mrs Rose’s books from when she was a little girl. One day, Blossom is reading one of these books when she accidentally rips one of the pages. What should Blossom do? A. Blossom is nervous and worried. She quietly goes up to Mrs Rose and admits, ‘Mrs Rose…I…ummmm…accidently ripped a page in one of your special books.’ A small tear rolls down Blossom’s face. Mrs Rose replies ‘Blossom, accidents happen sweetheart. The important thing is that you were honest and told the truth.’ B. Blossom is nervous and worried. She quickly turns to the next page and pretends it didn’t happen. Which shows more integrity? A or B?’


the ruyton reporter

Ferdinand the Modern Musical

When Others Believe in Us The energy and boundless enthusiasm of our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students at the end of last year was a joy to behold, as we delighted in their performance of Chickens Don’t Fly. The girls were incredibly proud of themselves and deservedly so. Over two days and nights they charmed an adoring audience and reminded us all of how high we can soar when part of a team, when others believe in us, and when we have the confidence and skills to fully commit to a task. The drama programme and the annual opportunity to perform to an audience allow the girls to take risks within a safe and supportive environment. It enables the girls to develop skills in public-speaking, work collaboratively, take feedback, manage themselves and to compromise. Mrs Georgie Parker is to be congratulated on her vision and energy, and for the opportunities that she creates for the girls. Production performances do not happen in a vacuum, and we were also indebted to all of our Prep classroom teachers, the music staff and our parents for their support. ‘I loved acting and it was fun being on stage.’ Emma, Prep ‘In Chickens Don’t Fly the costumes were colourful. It was so much fun. My favourite part was the very, very, very funny clowns. They made me laugh.’ Cecilia, Year 1 Blue ‘I loved dancing to the song ‘This is What Dreams are Made of.’ Dancing makes me happy.’ Emina, Prep ‘Our production was GREAT. We were farmers and acrobats. My favourite song was, ‘This is What Dreams are Made of.’ My dad and mummy were dancing. My daddy did crazy jumping around!’ Eloise, Year 1 Blue ‘I loved the clown. The clown was so funny to watch.’ Lily, Prep ‘I loved doing the chicken dance. Dancing to the music with my sister and my mum watching made me happy.’ Shelia, Prep Mrs Nicole Ginnane, Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School

With the introduction of Spanish Language and Culture as a new language offering in Year 10 last year, students took to the stage to demonstrate their passion and confidence in embarking on their new language. In my opinion, developing a love of language learning is more important than developing an extensive vocabulary in the target language. Providing opportunities for students to actively interact with the curriculum and co-construct their learning is vital, and our students were given the opportunity to design their final project. They decided to create a Spanish-English musical, with a modern adaptation of a traditional children’s book. In addition to our collective script-writing endeavour, students expressed interest in acting roles and/or positions of responsibility, such as publicity, directing, choreography, lighting and set design. The culminating event was held in November 2017 and included a Mexican food fundraiser during the intermission with proceeds going to the American Red Cross natural disaster relief in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Irma. ‘Throughout the year, all of our assessments were different from the usual way of being assessed – they were practical. I enjoyed being able to showcase our learning of Spanish Language and Culture through songs, dances, skits, telenovelas and musicals. While at times the musical was very challenging and seemed as though it was never going to come together, the end result was authentic and hilarious.’ Lulu ‘What we did in Spanish, especially the musical, helped me become more of a creative thinker. We had to do it all from start to finish and coming up with our own storyline really helped with thinking creatively. A challenge we all faced was learning to work entirely as a class.’ Indigo ‘I struggled to work in a big group of girls when trying to make the musical, but I learnt that it’s not always about what I want. It is about the group and putting the team first. The musical taught me a lot of things. I had to get up on stage when I’m normally the person who hates acting; I will forever remember when I asked for one line and I got 18 in just the first act! I overcame that fear of speaking up in front of people. I was excited and happy to go to my language class this year.’ Mia ‘We had to work out job roles and set designs and all the smaller things. People had to learn their lines and we had to work around all sorts of problems. The musical may not have seemed very professional to some, but I am proud of the effort people put into it.’ Sarah Mr Jake Plaskett, Director of Learning Innovation, and Year 10 students

autumn 2018


the next generation of innovators

We had a Blast at Space Camp ‘All one can really leave one’s children is what’s inside their heads. Education, in other words, and not earthly possessions, is the ultimate legacy, the only thing that cannot be taken away.’ Wernher von Braun It was with these words in mind, from the man who came up with the idea for Space Camp, that a group of Year 9 and 10 girls set off for the second Science and Innovation Tour to the USA in September 2017. At Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, students spent six days taking part in basic astronaut training. They investigated the science behind all aspects of space travel, including space suit design, rocketry, propulsion systems, the history and future of space travel, orbital mechanics, life support systems and space medicine. Simulations in microgravity (scuba diving), G-forces, walking in low gravity conditions and the multi-axis trainer, as well as team building exercises, ensured students were well prepared to participate in the Mission to Mars, where everyone had a crucial role to play in ensuring a crew ‘travelled to Mars’, dealing with various challenges along the way.


Following the busy week at Space Camp, the group then travelled to Los Angeles, visiting Griffith Observatory the California Science Center, Carnegie Observatories and Caltech. Moving to San Francisco, the focus was firmly on technology, as we visited TWiT TV, TechShop (robotics), Intel and The Computer History Museum. Students were privileged to visit both Apple and Google and meet women who had a variety of roles at both these companies. These inspiring women shared their stories with the girls, who eagerly asked questions, allowing them to understand the vast array of careers in which science and technology play an integral role. Mrs Susan Fryer, Learning Leader Science

the ruyton reporter

space camp speech bubbles ‘Opportunities we had never even considered had been opened up to us ... the options were endless. This left us considering other job options which we did not even know were there.’ ‘I believe that this was one of the best things I have ever done and I wish I could come every year.’ ‘I knew that there would be a lot of science involved in space travel, but I did not realise the huge range that was involved. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geology – it’s all there!’ ‘The missions we did were definitely a highlight and I learned so much about astronomy and different responsibilities people have in getting a space ship into space.’ ‘I enjoyed the missions and the interactive activities. There are many insightful stories told by the staff that are interesting and engaging.’ ‘I have really enjoyed the vast variety of activities Space Camp offered, such as scuba diving, museums, astronomy and missions. I have enjoyed working in the missions the most!’ ‘The museum was really cool because it had lots of amazing artefacts that had actually been in space and it helped us understand what it must be like to travel to space.’ ‘It was an amazing experience – it expanded my horizons and made me grow as a person. ’ ‘The scuba was amazing and made me feel like a real astronaut.’ ‘My time at Apple and Google was the experience of a life time. I really enjoyed the interactive activity I had with ‘Swift’ and I enjoyed the coding experience. What I really loved and have carried away from this experience was the advice given – it was so valuable and I will remember it for the rest of my life.’ ‘Apple really was an impeccAPPLE (pun intended), fascinating and enjoyable experience, that I think has inspired both me and the rest of the girls who want to dream big, as well as work hard because the opportunities for incredible work overseas, as well as locally, will only grow for us.’ ‘Our final speaker (at Apple) inspired me to be a confident woman in whatever field I wish to pursue and that I have a right and an obligation to contribute to great ideas.’ ‘I think it was very important for us all to realise how accessible coding is, and the overall experience inspired us to become the next generation of innovators.’ Year 9 and 10 students

autumn 2018


english past and present

The Other Last year, in Year 9 English, students built on the project-based task they undertook during their study of The Book Thief. In conjunction with support from Mrs Purcell in the Library, students read and studied a text that focused on another culture or background. English classes discussed the theme of nationalism and identified how a chosen wide reading text responded to this theme. In a student-centred task, students referred to their selected novel to present an analysis of ideas to the class, as well as read out a small extract from their chosen novel. A key component of this task was interpretive reading, which challenged students to get into the mind of the author and effectively communicate their thoughts and/or feelings to the audience. An important part of this unit was asking open-ended questions to peers, to prompt discussion. Furthermore, students were asked to answer questions from the floor about the chosen text and how it related to the theme of nationalism. Finally students were invited to come up with one question that they felt stimulated some good discussion about how their novel related to the theme of ‘the other’. This question challenged peers to think deeply about the theme of what it means to be an outsider or ‘the other’.

A Ruyton Treasure After more than 44 years of inspiring generations of Ruyton students, Mrs Di Berold retired at the end of last year. Mrs Berold originally came to Ruyton as a replacement English teacher for one term in 1971. She made such a positive first impression that Miss Margaret McRae invited her to return as the Head of the English Department in 1973. This was the start of the amazing Berold years. A beloved-teacher who has taught English and Literature to many of our senior students she has stirred a love of literature and learning in the hearts of many. Her passion for teaching and love of the English language have inspired many and she is deeply admired for her unwavering commitment to providing quality education. She has made a profound impact on staff, students and parents alike. For many of our alumnae, Mrs Berold has become synonymous with Ruyton and they fondly recall their learning with her. When Kim Brennan (Crow ’03) was preparing for the 2012 Olympic Games she came off all forms of social


Following on from the Masterclass theme of Brave Women, Bold Stories, the Year 9 English students enjoyed a day of writers’ workshops with visiting authors Isobelle Carmody, Cath Crowley and Fiona Wood. Students had the opportunity to hear from these authors in small workshops before spending the afternoon planning, drafting and writing stories. ‘Fiona’s stories resonated with me as they deal with older teen issues.’ ‘Cath Crowley was quirky and funny and really relatable; I enjoyed her self-deprecating humour and felt she really connected with all of us.’ ‘Isobelle Carmody was a fabulous story-teller.’ ‘I am now inspired to ‘just write.’ Ms Danielle Cooper, Learning Leader English

media to focus herself. Instead, she re-read her literature texts from Year 12, a subject she had thoroughly enjoyed with Mrs Berold. ‘Mrs Berold brought absolute joy to the classroom. She made literature magical, and my time in her class is one of my fondest memories of School. I remember great debates and many laughs. She is a wonder of the teaching world.’ Some families have enjoyed the privilege of mother and daughter being taught by Mrs Berold during her time at Ruyton. Sally Heath (’77) and Lucy Green (’12) are part of this special group. ‘How did a non-reader become bookish and devoted to working with words? I blame Di Berold. She introduced me to the rhythm of language by reading Chaucer aloud, made me appreciate the uniqueness of Australian stories by setting Patrick White books, and taught me any opinion was valuable so long as you could argue your case.’ Sally Heath, Executive Publisher, Melbourne University Publishing. ‘My fondest memory of being in Di Berold’s class is reading William Blake in her front garden on a summer afternoon. As her students, we were taken beyond the classroom – immersing ourselves in the worlds of authors and the adventures of their characters. Di Berold encouraged us to see literature and writing as fitting not only into our school work, but as a rich and beautiful part of the world around us.’ Lucy Green, Ruyton School Co-Captain 2012.

Mrs Berold has influenced many Ruyton women through the years at School and beyond. Belinda Hawkins (’76) Senior Producer, Australian Story sums it up beautifully. ‘I was the luckiest student I know. I had Mrs Berold three years in a row. She was this zany stick thin woman with wispy hair. We thought she was old. She must have been around 26. She held the classroom in the palm of her hand and made everything an adventure, from creative writing to literature to normally mind numbingly boring ‘clear thinking’. She had us studying Citizen Kane long before anyone regarded film as text. She brought the language of writers alive in a way that has shaped who I am today. I still go to my heavily annotated school girl copies of Othello, Hamlet and Macbeth when I want a line to explain the horrors I report on as a journalist. I revisit Conrad, Stead, Donne, Marvell, Dickenson, Dickens, Beckett and O’Neill to make sense of breaking news. I can still see her handwriting thrusting across the bottom of an essay with a threadlike fineness and an urgency that spoke to me. When I left Ruyton in 1976, there were 50 girls in Year 12; it was a tiny School. Yet I had four extraordinary teachers in The Arts. The greatest of these was Di Berold.’ Di Berold may have retired from Ruyton, but the truth is she will never leave. She is truly a Ruyton treasure. Ms Linda Douglas, Principal

the ruyton reporter

celebrating 140 years Ruyton’s First Girl with Grit and Determination The story of our School’s beginnings is well known. In 1878, newly-widowed Mrs Charlotte Anderson began a school in the back room of her rented home at 63 High Street South, Kew, with her own six children and some of her nieces and nephews. She employed a governess, Miss Flora Barton, to oversee the lessons. When another local girl, Miss Maud King joined them, the arrangements began to shape themselves into something more official – and so began Ruyton Girls’ School, almost by accident, 140 years ago this year. It is a story that has parallels with the founding narrative of other independent girls’ schools, where a single individual (or two) transforms a small gathering of students taught in a private home into a large and successful educational institution. Lauriston and Fintona are just two of many other examples. However, the commonality of the story obscures the challenging personal circumstances in which Charlotte Anderson found herself in 1878 – and belies the courage and resilience she must have drawn upon to create her School. For the Anderson family, 1878 began with the decision to leave Dunedin, New Zealand, where they had resided for ten years. Charlotte’s husband, James, was a prominent solicitor there, but his failing health drew them back to Melbourne, where they could be closer to family support. Charlotte and James arrived in Melbourne on the Arawata on 18 March 1878 with their two sons and four daughters, aged between three and 11 years, and a servant. At the time Charlotte was pregnant with their seventh child. The family took up residence in Kew, in a house owned by Charlotte’s brother, John Alsop. In June, James passed away, while in August little James Hilary was born. Sadly, the baby died in December, just four months old.

Charlotte appears to have been able to draw upon her connections to Kew’s expanding and prosperous Anglican community, so that, fairly quickly, other girls were also joining the Anderson daughters for lessons. By 1880, Charlotte reports to the authorities that she has 21 students, and in April the following year she has enough students to warrant advertisements in the Argus, noting that ‘Mrs James Anderson’s Classes’ will reassemble in the new term. As 1881 drew to a close Charlotte had made the decision to move her school from her rented premises, and called for tenders to build extensions on a new property, Edgecomb, in Studley Park Road. This gentile, two-storey house sat in four acres of grounds. Not only did it provide plenty of room for the school and its continued expansion, but it also hit the appropriate social note in terms of the facilities it provided for her students. With the new property came the need for a new name that also had the right ring to it. In that, Charlotte honoured her maternal great-grandfather, who had been vicar in Ruyton-XI-Towns, in Shropshire, England, and named her school Ruyton. And the rest, as they say, is history. Ms Cathy Dodson, Archivist

Among the difficulties of the year, Charlotte faced the necessity of educating her older children. The 1872 Education Act had brought ‘compulsory, free and secular’ schooling to Victoria, and in 1878 today’s Kew Primary was already in operation. Charlotte had several privately run ‘dame schools’ to choose from; however, it is likely that considerations of social class and religious faith, together with her changing financial circumstances brought by James’s death, led Charlotte to employ a governess in her own home instead. Ruyton legend says that initially the governess, Miss Barton, taught the extended Anderson family’s boys and girls together, but it seems the boys were quickly moved on to other arrangements – perhaps prompted by the arrival of the first non-family member, Miss Maud King, among the students. Charlotte’s oldest son, ten-year old Frank, was enrolled at Kew High School, a non-government Anglican school by December 1878. Older students with Mrs Anderson at Edgecomb in the 1880s

principals of ruyton over 140 years

where was ruyton?

1878 – 1888 Mrs Charlotte Anderson

1910 – 1913 Miss Florence Hooper

1961 – 1963 Miss Christina Bryant

1878 63 High Street South (then known as Bulleen Road)

1888 – 1895 Miss Eliza Bromby, with Mrs Louise Gubbins and Miss Lilian Irving

1913 Miss Emilie Lascelles (Acting Principal)

1963 – 1985 Miss Margaret McRae

1882 ‘Edgecomb’, Studley Park Road, Kew (Now 26 Edgecombe Street, Kew)

1985 – 1999 Mrs Prue Gillies AM

1888 temporary premises at 14–16 Princess Street, Kew

2000 – 2010 Mrs Carolyn Anderson

1889 19 A’Beckett St, Kew

1896 – 1910 Miss Eliza Bromby with Miss Emilie Lascelles

autumn 2018

1913 – 1952 Miss Hilda Daniell 1953 – 1961 Miss Catherine Wood

1920 12 Selbourne Rd, Kew

2011 – ongoing Ms Linda Douglas


old ruytonians’ association

Notice of Old Ruytonians’ Association AGM Dear ORA Members, The Old Ruytonians’ Association gives notice of the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Old Ruytonians’ Association (ORA). All members are invited to attend. Date: Tuesday 1 May 2018 Time: 6pm

The Ruyton Spirit Lives On – passed on from mother to daughter Old Ruytonians whose daughters were in the class of 2017 are: From Left: Sarah Goucher and Cathryn Goucher (Spratling ’81); Nikki Wilson (McClure ’86) and Hannah Wilson; and Serena Hayes (Coe’84) and Emma Hayes

from the ora co-presidents Dear Ruyton Community, We are thrilled to be taking over the reins of the Old Ruytonians’ Association (ORA) Presidency for 2018 in Ruyton’s 140th year and the ORA’s 110th year. Having worked together as Anderson Co-Captains in 2011, the opportunity to once again work together in a leadership position, and give back to the School, was one that we could not turn down.

Fitzwilliam Street Cup Although we are looking forward to the year ahead, we would like to reflect on some of the notable events of 2017. The year saw the first Fitzwilliam Street Cup, an event where avid golf players from Ruyton and MLC went head to head in a fun and friendly day of golf. Please see Ms Nikki Wilson’s account of the day on this page.

Year 10 Networking Programme Following the success of the Year 10 Networking Programme in 2016, Ms Jen Harwood was invited back to work with the Year 10 girls. The day saw the involvement of the ORA with current students, as they practised their newfound networking skills and built their confidence.

Honorary Life Membership Mrs Di Berold received her Honorary Life Membership on Monday 20 November at the Staff Service and Awards Night after 44 years at Ruyton, teaching generations of girls and inspiring all who had the pleasure of working with her.


Place: Reception Room Ruyton Girls’ School 12 Selbourne Rd Kew Vic 3101 Official Notice of AGM was sent by post and email – please contact Mrs Jenni Musgrove, Ruyton Co-ordinator – Community on if you have not received your official notice and to ensure your correct email address is on file.

The Grand Reunion Cocktail Party This is an important year of celebration for Ruyton. The upcoming Grand Reunion Cocktail Party will be an event not to miss. To celebrate the Spirit of Ruyton in our 140th year, we are holding a Cocktail Party for all Old Ruytonians on Friday 18th May at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. It will be a fun, celebratory night, filled with music, drinks and nibbles, and there will be a photo booth to capture memories from the evening. We’d like to thank our sub-committee, comprising Ms Belinda Anderson, Ms Sarah Forbes, Ms Samantha Gusset, Ms Jane McIntosh and Ms Anna Martin-Truelove who have, with the help of Mrs Jenni Musgrove, been busy organising this grand event! Save the date details have been sent out … look out for your invitation. For regular updates about the ORA and upcoming events please follow our Facebook page: and the Ruyton website – our-community/alumnae/reunions/ If you have any queries relating to the ORA or our events, or need to update your contact details, please contact Mrs Jenni Musgrove on To ensure all your contact details are up-to-date, please go to our-community/alumnae/update-alumnae-details/ Ms Mia Antonopoulos and Ms Liv Fowler (’11), Co-Presidents of the Old Ruytonians’ Association

Fitzwilliam Street Cup winners are grinners On Friday 17 November 2017 at Green Acres Golf Club Kew, Ruyton and MLC competed in the inaugural Fitzwilliam Street Cup Golf Day. It was a beautiful spring day and both communities played off against each other with fierce rivalry. With that said, it was a very enjoyable day in good company, on the beautifully mown fairways of Green Acres. As this is a river course, we were surrounded by the choirs of native birds and the occasional kookaburra laughing at our wayward shots to the greens. More hilarity could be heard from across the course, but when it came down to the counting of the points at the end of the day tension was high. In the end Ruyton took home the trophy, but only by a couple of points. This was a wonderful opportunity for parents, family friends, Old Ruytonians and Collegians from both schools to get together and we hope that the Fitzwilliam Street Cup will become a firmly-established tradition. The next Fitzwilliam Street Cup will take place in Term 4 2018. Please contact Ms Nikki Wilson (McClure ’86) on for more information or Mrs Jenni Musgrove on Ms Nikki Wilson (McClure ’86)

the ruyton reporter

news of alumnae

with grit and determination Dear Members of the Ruyton Community, The Spirit of Ruyton This is an exciting year for Ruyton as we celebrate 140 years since Mrs Charlotte Anderson founded our School. We are also celebrating and commemorating 25 years of the new Early Learning Centre, 110 years of the Old Ruytonians’ Association and 25 years of the Co-ordinate Programme. It is truly a year where we celebrate our community. In this important year, we want to capture what the Spirit of Ruyton means and gain an insight into the many different ways the Spirit of Ruyton impacts our lives, be it in the moment or the long term. If you would like to be involved in furthering our understanding of the Spirit of Ruyton, please complete the sentence ‘I love Ruyton because …’ You can include your name and association with the School or specify to remain anonymous. These will be displayed around the School and through our publications and social media. We hope to share at least 140 sentences with the community throughout the year. Please take a few moments to reflect on why you love Ruyton and let us know by Monday 30 April via email titled Spirit of Ruyton to With thanks and best wishes, Ms Linda Douglas, Principal

Lucy Aitken (’09) Why did you start playing AFLW? ‘I started playing with the Old Trinity Football Club, because they launched a brand new women’s competition in the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA), in which competition the Trinity boys play. It was an opportunity to be among the first females ever to play in an entirely new competition. I had always played a lot of contact ball sports at high levels and thought it would be a great challenge.’ How supportive has the team management been to you? ‘Amazing! The whole club has been amazing and I’m having so much fun!’ Do you think what you learnt at Ruyton has enabled you to break into a traditionally maledominated sport? ‘As Ruyton offered football I was able to participate and get a feel for it. Ruyton has exceptional sporting teams and everyone was always able to give everything a go.’ Who had the greatest influence on you at Ruyton? ‘Mr Matt Wilson – the Ruyton rowing coach when I was there. (Amazing!)’ What have you taken away from your days at Ruyton? ‘Be kind, friendly, work that little bit harder than everyone else and just get the job done.’

Lily Lachal (’13) Why did you start playing AFLW? ‘I first started playing AFL at Ruyton with Mr Damian Harrison when I was in Year 9. When the Old Trinity Football Club started up a girls’ team in 2017 I started playing there. I have always loved watching football but have never really had the opportunity to play it since leaving School.’ How did you get involved with the women’s AFL team? ‘Old Ruytonian Tess Young (’09) is the team manager and encouraged everyone to get down to pre-season training and to bring anyone who was interested in having a go.’ Do you think what you learnt at Ruyton has enabled you to break into a traditionally maledominated sport? ‘Definitely. Ruyton cemented my confidence as a woman. I was given the tools and confidence to overcome the ongoing struggle for equality. Since leaving Ruyton I have chosen to work in the property market, which up until recently has been an extremely male-dominated field. This did not deter me when making my course preferences at School and I was able to work productively through university and enter this area of work. Not being intimidated on the field of football has stood me in good stead in this male-dominated industry!’

top design exhibition 2018 Alannah Harris (’17) has been selected for this year’s Top Design Exhibition. All work exhibited is produced by outstanding VCE students who completed technology, design or visual arts in 2017. Alannah undertook VCE Visual Communication Design last year in Ms Lisa Piantadosi’s class and was a committed Art/Design student for many years at Ruyton. Her dedication to her design work was evident in Year 12 as she approached her work with creativity and intelligence. Both teachers and students alike admired her talent. The Top Design Exhibition runs from March to July at the Melbourne Museum in Carlton. It provides wonderful insight for younger students to see the work of exhibiting VCE students and acknowledges the outstanding achievement of Alannah. Ms Jolenta Kirkwood, Learning Leader, Visual Arts Image courtesy of VCAA

autumn 2018

Who had the greatest influence on you at Ruyton? ‘Mrs Amanda Russell was an amazing teacher. She helped to improve my confidence in Year 7 and 8 and I remember looking forward to her classes so much. Mr Stephen Ellinghaus also had a great influence on me, at those early morning Cross Country training sessions at Xavier. He made the 6.45am starts enjoyable and catered for every different level of athlete, time and time again producing champion Athletic and Cross Country teams.’ What have you taken away from your days at Ruyton? ‘If you want to try something give it your best shot. Never be shy to ask for help because people are very willing to offer advice and you will only benefit from it.’

Jess Close (’09) Why did you start playing AFLW? ‘I have always been really into fitness and tried most sports. I am also a passionate Bulldogs’ supporter. When women’s footy became popular I had to give it a try. I played my first footy season at Canterbury in 2017 in the VAFA and am playing with Trinity this year.’ How supportive has the team management been to you? ‘I tore my medial ligament at the start of the season and the team management support was incredible, helping me with my rehab and keeping me motivated. I made a return playing the last few games of the season.’ Do you think what you learnt at Ruyton has enabled you to break into a traditionally maledominated sport? ‘I think the opportunities at Ruyton empowered me to have the confidence to try anything and everything. To give it my best shot!’ Who had the greatest influence on you at Ruyton? ‘The PE staff always motivated me and encouraged me.’

lyrebird awards Congratulations to Alyssa Barron (’17) and Alice Dempsey (’17) who both took out awards in the Lyrebird Youth Theatre Awards for their performances in The Addams Family. Alyssa won the Best Supporting Actress in a Youth Musical and Alice won the Best Female Ensemble Performer in a Youth Musical. They were outstanding in the Musical and very worthy recipients. Both Alyssa and Alice have also been wonderful contributors to the Performing Arts at Ruyton over many years. Mr Paul Smith, Director of Performing Arts


news of alumnae

a strong friendship

a seat for friendship The Leavers’ Gift for the Class of 2016 was a most original and sustainable donation. The Friendship Seat and Friendship Tree are now located in the Prep to Year 3 play area in the Junior School. The tree is a Queensland Bottle Tree (Brachychiton rupestris) and this species has been referred to as ‘Australia’s most huggable tree’. It is reasonably short in stature with a broad swelling at the base of its trunk and it will become bottle shaped over time, with a very thick trunk when compared to its height. It is a native, a summer deciduous and stores water within its trunk. Aboriginal people have traditionally used the bark, seeds, roots and stems for food. The girls of the Class of 2016 hope that this will become a place to sit with friends. If a student is feeling alone she can go to this area and others will recognise that she needs a friend and go to be with her.

At the Golden Girls’ Reunion last year, we were delighted to welcome back artist and alumna Louise Foletta (’62), who presented to the School a large watercolour portrait of Mrs Joan Gough, art teacher at Ruyton from the mid 1950s to the late 1970s. The portrait embodies the special relationship that can sometimes form between an educator and their pupil. It shows Mrs Gough in her mid-eighties, when she had been recently widowed, surrounded by colours and objects that tell something of her life story. Louise took art classes with Mrs Gough all through her Ruyton education and they maintained a strong friendship after Louise graduated from School and went on to establish her own artistic career. The painting was a finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award in 2004. The Portia Geach is an annual prize for Australian female portraitists, and is awarded to those who have painted, from life, someone distinguished in Art, Letters or the Sciences. This portrait is now part of The Ruyton Heritage Collection.

‘i get paid to think.’ The Sonoran Desert, with its giant saguaro cacti, is about as far from Ruyton Girls’ School as one can get. But it is where I landed just over two years ago as an Associate Professor in the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (ASU). And where, more recently, I took up the position as Associate Dean for International Engagement in the College. As a law professor I am given extraordinary freedom in the topics I teach and the research I undertake. When asked what I do for a job, my often-used reply is, ‘I get paid to think.’ ‘About what?’ is the standard follow up question. ‘Anything I want to.’ And while is sounds a little crazy, it is actually the truth. For me, this has generally meant complex legal and regulatory questions relating to the potential human and environmental risks posed by emerging technologies, such as nanotechnologies, CRISPR-Cas9 and autonomous vehicles. I work with governments and multi-lateral organisations to help them develop the appropriate legislative responses for the technologies. It has also meant thinking about novel ways that the law can be used to respond to pressing public health issues. This has included working with governments and their agencies to reduce the number of deaths and serious injury experienced on the roads in, for example, Sub-Saharan Africa, arguing for a ban on indoor tanning for minors in the United States, and examining the efficacy of paediatric organ donation allocation policies. The intellectual curiosity instilled in me during my time at Ruyton, along with the belief that Ruyton students really can do anything, has been a significant driver in the questions that I tackle. But it is more than that; it is also the values of teamwork, community mindedness and helping others that shapes my work.

Fiona Candy (’86) and her daughters spent a day at Ruyton in February this year, when they were visiting from Paris, where they now live. ‘I spent all my school years at Ruyton, including kindergarten, so I feel very attached to this School. I am delighted that all my nieces go there now and I’m sure that if I were living in Melbourne, my three daughters would be at Ruyton too.’ Fiona’s favourite subjects at School were French and German, and it is possible that this passion led her to Europe to live and work. After Law/Arts (Hons) at Melbourne University, followed by work at Minter Ellison, Fiona moved overseas, and completed a Masters of European business law in Paris. Fiona has been living in Paris for over 20 years and her daughters, Aurelia, 13, Giulia, 10 and six-year-old Sophia, attend a French school. They are fluent in English, French and Italian, as their father is Italian. Fiona now works as a Professional Support Lawyer for the International Arbitration team of White and Case in Paris. ‘We love coming back to Australia to see our friends and family and are delighted when the opportunity arises to go and visit Ruyton!’

That’s why my current research project – a partnership with US Olympic Swim Coach and Arizona State University (ASU) Swim Coach, Bob Bowman, Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Hubbard’s Family Swim School – is focused on reducing the incidence of drowning fatalities in one to four year olds in the US. Part one involves making people aware that drowning is the leading cause of (non-medical) deaths in this age group in the US. Part two is doing something about: education and legislative change. Knowing that the work my team and I do can, and will, make a difference makes it pretty easy to go to work each day. Oh, and did I mention I get to wear flip-flops to work all year round now? Dr Diana Bowman (’98) Diana has a BSc (Physiology), LLB (2003) and PhD (Law) (2007) from Monash University.

Fiona was School Co-Captain in 1986. Her sisters’ children all attend Ruyton: Emily Johnson (Year 9), Phoebe Johnson (Year 8), Charlotte Gillon (Year 7), Lucy Gillon (Year 6), and Millie (Year 1).


the ruyton reporter

Saskia Dammersmith (’17) begins her studies at the University of Minnesota in the USA in August this year. While at Ruyton Saskia competed as a national level swimmer in the pool and in open water. She won 19 age medals at State level, including the State Championships in the 200 metres breast stroke and 200 metres back stroke in 2012; and 100 metres breast stroke in 2013, and seven different silver medals. Saskia was also a keen participant in water polo and basketball. Besides her studies Saskia also volunteers with a charity helping out the homeless. Her sister, Phoebe Dammersmith (’15) rows for San Diego State University.

wedding Eliza Sweeney (’04) has been living and working in Paris for nine years as an actress and dramatherapist. In July 2017 Eliza married Dr Alexandre Sinanian, a French psychologist, in the presence of close friends and family in Paris, and then in Tuscany.

vale Old Ruytonian Elizabeth Bowtell (’08) had her first solo exhibition in March this year. At The Stables in North Melbourne ( Elizabeth launched her collection of ethical furniture, designed and hand-crafted in the Yarra Valley. Elizabeth’s Year 12 work featured in Top Designs at the Ian Potter Gallery and she has been invited back to Trinity several times to open exhibitions.

It is with sadness that the Ruyton community notes the passing of the following Old Ruytonians: Rosemary Charlton (Vawser ‘49), Daniell House Captain ’49, passed away peacefully aged 85 years. She was the mother of Robyn Rees (Charlton ’73), Jon and Cathy McKell (Charlton ’77); and grandmother of Ben, Sanchia, Joanna, Laura and Zac. Sally Rees (’65) passed away in April 2016, mother to Bim, Tilly, Hazel, Emmylou and Jupiter. Judith Clarke (Pearson ’44) passed away in September 2017 and is survived by her twin sister Joan Pearson and by her daughter Janet Lamble. Joyce Bruce OAM (Alley ’46) passed away in July 2017. She was known to decades of speech pathology clients as Joyce Alley.

births Katya Choroszewski (Stirkul ’00) welcomed a third addition to her family, James Alexander, born on 2 October 2017. He has an elder brother, Tim, and elder sister, Anna. Katya resides in British Columbia.

Michel Summons (Milner ’75), past Dux of English, passed away in September 2017. She was the daughter of Judy and Rhys Milner and sister of Ric, Julie and Sally. ‘Farewell dear Michel. Metung will never be the same, such happy times shared.’ The Bate Family. Pat Findlay (Edwards ’56) It is with sadness we write this tribute to Pat, who passed away on 16 July 2017, after succumbing to the cancer which she had battled for the last 19 years. She is survived by her daughter, Leanne, and son, Christopher. Over the years, Pat was an important contributor at Ruyton reunions. Everyone always appreciated her company and looked forward to her participation. In addition to her enjoyment of socialising with her friends, she also had a wide variety of interests, which included music, horse racing, travel and reading. Pat left School on completion of her Intermediate Certificate, after which she trained in nursing and later worked in the office at Ruyton. Here she was much valued and enjoyed working under the then Principal, Miss McRae. She continued her career at the Department of Early Childhood Development, where she made many friends who enjoyed her warmth and quick wit.

Kathryn Filbey (Butler ’94) and family were thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their son, Alexander William Lyster, born on 17 April 2017. He is a baby brother for his sisters, Georgina and Sophie.

We all remember her fondly and miss her presence greatly. Contributed by Christine Martin (Hooper ’56) and Janet Walker (Brock ’56)

keep in touch – update your details online Old Ruytonians can now update their contact details online at and click on the Contact tab. Keep in touch with former School friends, reconnect with old friends and receive information about what is going on in the Ruyton community. For further information regarding reunions and upcoming alumnae events, please contact the Community Co-ordinator, Community, on 03 9290 9335. Your connection with Ruyton does not end when you graduate in Year 12. We love to share news of the exploits and achievements of our alumnae. Please send all news to the Editor, Mrs Elizabeth Beattie, at

autumn 2018



Reunion of the 1967 Alumnae, Saturday 14 October 2017 Back Row L-R: Frances Lean (Palmer), Angela Lillis (Polites), Prue Webster(Sewell), Susan Pitt (Eady), Yvonne Tompkins (Neville), Patricia Franklin (Summons), Georgia Hammond (Jenkin), Robin Hingeley (Fletcher), Julie-Anne Tolj (Tonkin), Barbara Diver (Ward), Barbara Young (Piesse) Front Row L-R: Janet Trainor (Hansen), Rosalind Naughton (Whitlock), Heather Novak (Birch), Jude Liebmann (King), Diana Stanbury (Manning), Robyn Stevens (Eccles), Jill Wilkes (Shipp), Susan Robertson, Anne Teasdale (Bottomer)

Christmas catch up for some of the Class of 2010 From left front: Hannah Tabart, Claire McBride, Sarah Whelan, Angelica Rush, Felicity Allen, Charlotte Paine, Sara Hogan, Libby Forbes, Georgie Musgrove, Sophie de Bavay, Alice Tulloch, Sarah Bush, Maddy Reilly

Reunion of the 2016 Alumnae, Thursday 3 August 2017

Reunion of the Golden Girls, Saturday 21 October Back Row L-R: Lois Berglund-Dack (Horan ’53), Helen Gordon (Cole ’52), Elizabeth Duff (’51), Trudi McKay (Abson ’52), Joan Martin (Wardrop ’46), Sally Marshall (Backhouse ’52), Louise Utter (Foletta ’62), Pamela Davis-Jones (Main ’62), Barbara Pearce (Bower ’62), Marjorie Blyth (Morrison ’52), Micky Ashton (Marshall ’65), Helen Grainger (Kitson ’60), Robyn Quigley (Wardrop ’62) Middle Row L-R: Janet Andrews (Darby ’57), Sally Buckner (Latham ’57), Judith Cooke (’59), Lenora Clarke (Gray ’64), Anne Woodward (’64), Margo Heeley (Harvey ’65), Kate Costello (Lockhart ’57), Anne Mickelson (Townsend ’55), Jocelyn Cox (Griffiths ’58), Jill Mirams (Harold ’58), Kay Francis (Wolstenholme ’60), Elaine Hutchinson (Chipper ’60), Jennifer Yates (Jellis ’60) Front Row L-R:Helen England (’47), Lorraine Kirwan (Dumbrell ’48), Lynnette Gates (Hilton-Wood ’49), Margaret Norton (Gamble ’49), Jane Teasdale (’57), Barbara Taylor (Simpson ’47), Barbara Pattison (Coutts ’66), Margaret Andrewartha (Douglas ’55), Jan Creagh (Kelsall ’55), Jocelyn Colliver (Bedford ’52), Mary Le Get (Murray ’52), Margaret Ekberg (Taylor ’52) Not photographed: Mary Dixon (MacphersonSmith ’57), Beverley Bencina (Cook ‘57) Pictured left: Suellen Gelbart (’66) and Diane Clarke (Harris’66)

Reunion of the 1997 Alumnae, Friday 13 October 2017 Attendees: Tamara Abraham, Ellen Arnot, Georgie Austin (Sutton), Jasmine Bahen, Prue Bodsworth, Jenny Bond (Marshall), Emma Brickhill, Emma Brown (Spicer), Ally Collier, Amelia Comport (Mason), Lisa Fraumano-Braddy (Fraumano), Elizabeth Hall-Johnston (Andrews), Roslyn Halliday, Brianna Hosken (Grigg), Sally Howell (Collett), Lina Kubu, Jo Lyon, Fiona McLean (Course), Amanda Nolan (Tickell), Anna Olsen, Narissa Parke (Llewellyn), Rainer Paterson, Emily Pockley, Susie Raven (Hooke), Amma Renowden, Simona Sapuppo (Santoli), Felicity Sinfield (Bell), Caitlin Taylor, Sarah Tehan (Summons), Amelia Terracall, Clara Testolin (Tagliabue), Blythe Toll (Kirk), Pippa Wilson

Attendees: Rose Adams, Nisha Adihetty, Georgie Apos, Sesharna Bala, Alexandria Brooks, Saffrey Brown, Emma Brown, Sally Chao, Amy Collyer, Imogen Feder, Grace Flinn, Kate French, Annie Gleisner, Angelica Green, Phillipa Hajdasz, Kathleen Hanson, Kiara Hendawitharana, Jane Karopoulos, Nicola Kolaitis, Ellie Koulis, Jessica Lamb, Helena Mileo, Louise Monsell-Butler, Helena Moschoyiannis, Madeline Nolan, Saskia Poes, Bella Poulier, Paris Powell, Alice Pryor, Lily Rachcoff, Meg Richards, Isabelle Scopelliti, Emma Viney, Hannah Winspear-Schillings, Anita Ye, Grace Zimmerman

forthcoming reunions in 2018: alumnae


reunion date

The Golden Girls


Thursday 17 May 2018

The Grand Reunion

All past students

Friday 18 May 2018



Friday 25 May 2018



Friday 3 August 2018



Friday 17 August 2018

25 Years of Ruyton/ Trinity Co-ordinate Programme

Thursday 30 August 2018 Cocktail Party at Trinity



Friday 12 October 2018



Wednesday 17 October 2018 – during the day

Please note: dates are subject to change. Please confirm with or 9819 2422.

Staff Editor: Mrs Elizabeth Beattie, Community Co-ordinator, Communications If you have any articles or updates you would like to be considered for publication please email or post to 12 Selbourne Road, Kew Vic 3101. Please mark all correspondence for the attention of the Ruyton Reporter Editor – Mrs Elizabeth Beattie. The Ruyton Reporter is printed on paper that is harvested from sustainable forest and is elemental chlorine free.

ruyton girls’ school 12 Selbourne Road Kew 3101 Victoria Australia Tel 61 3 9819 2422 CRICOS 00336J

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