Ruby october 2016

Page 28

As history marches on, like a pendulum swinging back and forth, every four years we have the potential to destroy ourselves and the noble aspirations of our foundations, through the election process. Each election builds on that which came before it, leaving its mark for good or ill, Truth or Error, in what is erected. Or dismantled. We are called to steward our earthly days in His Truth and to choose wisely how we shall live and build on the foundations laid in the moment in history allotted to us. How will we swing this time? As builders with gold, silver, and precious stones laid on the JudeoChristian foundations set by our Founders 240 years ago? Or will the pendulum swing cluttering the path with wood, hay and straw? Wolves in sheep’s clothing have weaseled their way into the popular culture, our schools, and yes—our churches, to some extent—with pendulum swings of re-direction and re-defining of terms for over 40 years.

On Him. And the full counsel of His Word. Seeking His Will to be done and Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven. If you’re swinging on a pendulum or two, be it family crisis, work or health matters, or the quandary and confusion of this critical upcoming election, ask the Lord to help you “come down to earth and be still.” You’ll see all things more clearly, and will know how to walk in God’s Truth as you steward it in the many spheres of your life here on earth.

The pendulum swings spent and slow Energy ebbed as time doth flow, Coming to center, Finally focused, Still . . . And Gravity speaks with a sigh, “Be still and know that I Am God.”

Corruption, seeded from Error, cuts away at the roots of our Constitution like a sickle swaying and slashing . . . back and forth . . . back and forth. When we find ourselves overwhelmed with the headlines of the day, shaken and swaying, we must jump off the pendulum swing of the sickle. Be still. Come down to earth and take an inventory of the Truth seeds gathered swinging through these historic days we’re living in. Stillness gives us the needed pause to discern them, sheltered from Error’s distraction and re-definition weapons seeking whom they may devour. In that stilled place, we are not alone. The Lord is our Shepherd there, leading us in green pastures, beside still waters, restoring our souls. He doesn’t swing sickles in pendulum strokes. His rod and staff gently correct and confidently guide us, pointing straight as a compass to where our focus should be.

NOTE: Listen to the PODCAST version of this article with added resources for making choices this election year from a biblical worldview. Ponder the questions posed in this reflective article, and the metaphors, and prayerfully journal your thoughts. May the Shepherd lead you in stillness and peace, at rest, centered in Him. Visit

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