Royal Living Magazine Volume 11 July 2012

Page 77

means that each texture painted to fit exactly on that surface because of the UV maps every piece is hand drawn. This means that individual shadows and light maps and all the surfaces are in a specific shape. I paint textures into the object rather than dropping a texture onto a shape I would have never gotten as complex of a texture with a prim or sculpty.” Max’s fireplace was the first mesh piece of furniture I had ever seen in Second Life and it was overwhelming how different the future would be once more people mastered mesh building. Max had prepared for mesh ever since he heard the announcement two years ago. He admitted going to “Blue Mars for a bit to mess around with mesh! I spent about a year there learning to build with

mesh and I was also going through a lot of copy bot issues in Second Life at Rustica. This was my form of art therapy without worrying about the monetizing and all of the things that go along with it. Copy bots were taking more than just my work it had taken the joy of creating. I had a year to get ready for mesh in Second Life.” Max believes that none of his pieces are the best he can do because “the more I do the next piece will be better than the previous. I am lucky that for some reason I think I have been able to imprint a particular style on my work when someone sees it they know it looks similar so it is probably from Rustica. When I accomplish that with a piece I feel I am doing my best. I want to keep evolving so it is better than last year. When I left

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