ROLE Magazine October 2009

Page 75

Item no 10: The Three Bird chairs

Item no 12: Trying a Dress

A true Yip classic. Get elevated, borrow some wings and look down at the rest of the world from these impossibly tall chairs. Every good home and club is not complete without these. And do notice the three eggs that lie on the ground beneath them.

We end this list with a beautiful dress but you’re not likely to notice just how beautiful until you find you’re able to stop dancing in it. So there you have my favorite freebies by Four Yip. Some people might hate me, and rightly so, for not including other items, like her flying blanket, monkey face poof, or any of the things she made for Hotel Dare, but this is my list. You’re welcome to make your own!

Item no 11: The Lune-acy This one seems to contain a whole story. It’s a build consisting of a wooden floor, a blue draped wall held up by dry branches, a table with a chair on top, a sad and cuddly animal of some kind sitting on the chair’s legs, two black birds are carrying a white ribbon together while flying, there is also a rose in a vase and a small pumpkin on the table that is overgrown with flowers. Above it all a full moon circles while a black moon stays still. In an open drawer we see a doll’s head. Attached to a table leg is a burning candle. Underneath the table lies an apple and a pose ball you can use after having put on the outfit.

Four Yip In-World Store MO Island (187/215/28) Flickr

It’s as spooky as the room. Red horns, with or without candles; red hair, with or without flowers and bats; rats around your neck. In the notecard that comes with the piece, Yip writes: “When the moon is full, her dreams become nightmares. She can be found luneing around. Strange songs she sings and hides under the table in a state of sleepwalking.”


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