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What are diastole and systole in blood pressure? The terms diastole and systole refer to when the heart muscles relax and contract. The balance between diastole and systole determines a person's blood pressure. The heart is a pump that supplies all tissues and organs of the body with oxygen-rich blood. The heartbeat is caused by the heart muscles relaxing and contracting. During this cycle, the period of relaxation is called diastole and the period of contraction is called systole. In this article, we will explain how diastole and systole relate to blood pressure. We also discuss what is normal blood pressure, along with risk factors and complications linked to high blood pressure (hypertension) and low blood pressure (hypotension).

heart and into the large blood vessels of the circulatory system. From here, the blood goes to all of the organs and tissues of the body. During systole, a person's blood pressure increases. Differences The heart is a pump composed of four chambers. It is divided in the middle into a right and left side, and each side is divided further into two chambers — the upper and lower chambers. The two lower chambers are called the ventricles. They pump the blood out of the heart to the rest of the body. To pump the blood around the body, the heart contracts and then relaxes over and over again in a cycle called the cardiac cycle. The cycle begins when the two atria contract, which pushes blood into the ventricles. Then, the ventricles contract,

What are diastole and systole? Diastole is when the heart muscle relaxes and systole is when the heart muscle contracts. Diastole is defined by the following characteristics: 

 Diastole is when the heart muscle relaxes.  When the heart relaxes, the chambers of the heart fill with blood, and a person's blood pressure decreases.  Systole is defined by the following characteristics:  Systole is when the heart muscle contracts.  When the heart contracts, it pushes the blood out of the

which forces the blood out of the heart. The deoxygenated blood that comes back from the body to the right side of the heart is then pumped through the lungs where it picks up oxygen. The oxygenated blood then travels to the left side of the heart and is pumped to the rest of the body. Diastole and systole affect a person's blood pressure differently, as follows:  When the heart pushes blood around the body during systole, the pressure placed on the vessels increases. This is called systolic pressure.  When the heart relaxes between beats and refills with blood, the blood pressure drops. This is called diastolic pressure….Read More

Even minor stress can impact long-term health, study warns A recent study, supported by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institutes of Health, suggests that even small daily stress factors can lead to health problems later in life. That exposure to stress is a risk factor for many health problems, such as cardiovascular issues, anxiety and depression, and chronic pain, is a familiar

idea. Yet we may think that it's only certain kinds of major stressors — such as getting fired, going through a breakup, or undergoing surgery — that significantly impact our lives. But, recent research explains that even small stressors can harm our long-term health if we hold on to how they make us feel. For example, a misunderstanding with a friend today might lead to health issues

later in life if we let this stress factor carry over into the next day. This is just what a study conducted by Kate Leger — from the University of California, Irvine — and colleagues concludes. "Our research," Leger explains, "shows that negative emotions that linger after even minor, daily stressors have important implications for our long-term physical health." These findings have now

been published in the journal Psychological Science, of the Association for Psychological Science. There's no such thing as negligible stress "When sharing the frustrations we feel after having an argument with a friend," the authors write, "or learning of an unexpected work deadline, people often will tell us to 'just let it go.' Yet surprisingly few studies have tested the utility of this advice."...Read More

Sitting harms brain health, regardless of exercise Too much sitting may not be This is an area of the brain that disease, diabetes, and other dementia risk good for the brain, according to a is important for making new diseases, even among those who In their study preliminary study of adults who memories. are physically active. background, have reached middle age and Even high levels of physical Senior study author David the authors beyond. activity did not make a Merrill, an assistant clinical refer to the Researchers from the difference, the authors conclude, professor of psychiatry and increasing amount of literature University of California, Los in a report on their findings that biobehavioral sciences at UCLA, that suggests that physical Angeles (UCLA) discovered that is now published in the and colleagues propose that exercise might delay the among 35 adults aged 45–75 journal PLOS ONE. further research should now be development of Alzheimer's without dementia, those who The study adds to a growing done to see whether reducing disease and other dementias and spent more time sitting in the day body of evidence that suggests sedentary behavior reverses the can benefit brain had greater thinning of the that too much sitting effect that they found. structure….Read More medial temporal lobe. can increase the risk of heart Few studies about sitting and Rhode Island Alliance for Retired Americans, Inc. • 94 Cleveland Street • North Providence, RI • 02904-3525 • 401-480-8381 riarajap@hotmail.com • http://www.facebook.com/groups/354516807278/

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