Nueva Grecia nº 1, Otoño 2012

Page 63

NUEVA GRECIA intento de defenderse era cuestión de vida o muerte y tu no te moviste a la parte de atrás del autobús tal y como se te ordenaba y era peligroso, siempre peligroso, tener valor en el Sur, tan solo abrir la boca, o inspirar y espirar, y tú no te moviste a la parte de atrás de aquel autobús en Cleveland Avenue, secretaria de un capítulo del NAACP de Alabama, Dama Coraje, Rosa Parks, sentada en tu asiento salvaste para nosotros la dura y dulce palabra libre.

The Bee of Was The angel in the wheel and the forest in the man and the old in the cold, cold bottomless Real turn the world we don't understand and turn dirt to roses and the tiny hands of the dead grip the levers and the handles of the machine that lifts the lifted moon from the wide blue sea that says "Enough, enough, it’s never enough," this chuff-chuff of want being is the gerund of, and if you have the money you can go to the fair and if you love a man, or if you love a woman,


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