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P A S T O R A L C A R E , I N C L U S I V I T Y a n d D I S C I P L I N E

The smallish size (whole school can fit in the chapel), caring staff and friendly vibe are among clinchers for families when picking the school. For many, it was a ‘gut feeling’ and they ‘knew straightaway it was right’. House is everything and this (especially the meals being taken in house) also wins many over. ‘Everything from the care that is taken of each child in house to the house music, drama etc means they really feel part of a family,’ said one parent. The joined-up approach is valued – if a student has eg a music exam, all relevant staff are informed. ‘They’re understanding about commitments too – I have a match in Germany this weekend and they don’t mind and said they’ll help me catch up with the work.’ Lots of awards, though one parent felt ‘the same old kids, mainly the very bright ones, wind up with loads while mine never gets anything’

Skin fades (for boys), hair down (for girls) and shoddily worn uniform (for either) are no-nos and could land you an early morning call (getting yourself to head’s office in uniform ultra-early) or detention. Drink and drugs? ‘It happens but they act swiftly and openly, never brushing it under the carpet,’ said a parent. But don’t expect the usual zero tolerance speech – ‘What even is that? There are always grey areas, there is always context and we deal with things on a case by case basis,’ says head. Everyone’s Invited taken seriously, say both school and students, with one of the school governors having been responsible for rooting out misogyny in senior police – ‘If anyone’s on it, she is.’ LGBTQ+ societies and lots of discussion around Black Lives Matter. Bullying generally nipped in the bud