Performance Based Compensation Report

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3. Visit key districts and meet both superintendents and principals; share the vision; understand the roles of their boards of directors; gather input: research the environments in which the system will be in place, anticipating opportunities for success as well as identifying areas of potential resistance. 4. Detail the PBC system mechanics: work with compensation experts. Engage TIF members to look for overlaps and opportunities to bring this planning into the PBC system. 5. Expand the implementation plan; review with MDE initiative leaders; expand/adjust with feedback. 6. Target first-adopting districts with MDE initiative leaders. 7. Bring the early-adopting districts into the planning; review the system as it has developed; expand with local feedback; and set a target date to begin local implementation. 8. Develop the communication plan: a. Actions for PBC system districts/schools to identify and engage local stakeholders (e.g., key community leaders, PTO leadership, boards of directors, etc.). b. Identify resources required (e.g., on-going, electronic communications for updates, news releases, etc.). c. Develop ways and means to keep teachers informed and up-todate. 9. Draft the proposal for the local implementation plan; review with earlyadopting superintendents, principals, and teachers; gather input. 10. Create an implementation guide for principals, including training materials for principals and teachers.

Local Implementation Plan This plan document serves to guide the principals through the implementation process. It includes steps to o Train principal on merging PBC with appraisal process. o Provide principal support in announcing the PBC system to all of the staff. o Support follow-up meetings with teachers to further explain the system and how it fits into their existing appraisal process; share payout schedules; answer questions.


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