2010 RCU Annual Report

Page 5

Module 1:

Module 2:

Building a College-Going Culture for All Students

College, Career, and Academic Planning

This module, developed for practicing professional school

This module, developed for practicing professional school

counselors and preservice school counselors, includes four

counselors and preservice counselors, includes four sessions

sessions: introduction to the counselor’s role in student career

that focus on engaging students in early career awareness and

and academic planning; creating a college-going culture;

planning, using data to guide academic planning, transition of

understanding and working with diverse populations; and

students from middle school to high school and then to college,

communicating effectively with diverse student populations.

and the importance of postsecondary choices and finding

These sessions are designed for school counselors to develop

the right postsecondary fit. Participants will be engaged in

an understanding of their roles in developing a college-going

building knowledge and skills in each of these areas, and

mission for all students, particularly students in poverty or

they will engage in constructive discussions in a learning

facing other barriers in postsecondary planning. Additionally,

community with their colleagues during each session.

the sessions help counselors develop approaches for communicating and working with high-poverty students and diverse populations

During this module, participants will learn to do the following:

to remove barriers to high aspirations and achievement.

e Engage students in career awareness and planning.

During this module, counselors will learn to do the following:

e Guide students in academic planning to align high school courses with career interest and college planning.

e Understand and communicate the role of the school counselor across all areas to gain faculty and administrator

e Use data to analyze student

support for the counseling program.

progress toward their career and academic goals.

e Advocate for the improvement of student school success, and remove barriers to high aspirations and achievement.

e Guide students to discover their “best fit� and to make

e Promote a college-going mission across the total school

appropriate postsecondary


and college choices.

e Identify and understand how the diversity of the school

cultural landscape impacts college access and success.

e Develop strategies and approaches for communicating and working with diverse student and parent populations.


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