RAW Magazine 01

Page 17

If you cou ld speak to one animal, what wou ld it be? And what wou ld you say? It would definitely be a cat, because I would like to speak to my beloved cat Ballball. However, I wouldn’t want to use language as a means of communication with Ballball, because it’s too intellectual. Actually, I can already communicate with my cat because we can read each other’s behaviour. Behaviour is real, not like an abstract level of thinking. Humans are always doing abstract level thinking - instead of living in the moment, we are always dreaming of the future or reminiscing the past. Animals are more grounded and authentic. For example, I can tell from my cat’s gestures that it is saying “Meow! I can’t poo!”. Or when I wake up in the morning, my cat comes and touches my leg with his nose. I later on found out it’s a feline gesture of ownership, so while I am petting him, he is petting me in the same manner. It’s quite funny. Tel l us a little bit more about your name. I was named “Kwok Choi” by my father and mother, but I wanted to be original,

so I decided to combine the two letters “K” and “C” and create the name “Kacey”. But then I realised that in America, a lot of girls are named Kacey. What are your thoughts on karaoke? My favourite karaoke song is “童年時” by Danny Summer (夏韶聲). I think karaoke is one of the best poetic environments, because it’s a rare occasion that we get to concentrate on song lyrics and get a chance to release our sentiments. When the lyrics are speaking to my heart, the tears come out because it’s not normal to feel these sorts of emotions in your daily life. Describe yourself in 7 syl lables.

What is eternity to you? For me, eternity is other people’s memories of yourself. If they can still remember me after my death, then I know that the memory of me lingers on even if my material body disappears from the world. This is a way of achieving immortalityfor any artist, good or bad. Wou ld you take the road that leads to the sea or to the castle? I would definitely go to the sea, because there is a horizon there, there is sea, there is the fish. And when you are looking at the horizon, you see possibilities and dreams. The castle is like a prison - you are well protected and on the top of the world but you can never come out.

Ve-ry in-tro-spec-tive. Oh, that’s only six syllables. Ve-ry in-tro-spec-TA-tive, then. Is Elvis real ly dead? No, because in every generation there is a reproduction of him. I think he is the ultimate representation of Rock n’ Roll that made it to popular culture and everyone appreciates it because of him.



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