Issue 5 Public Sector Excellence UAE

Page 17

Let’s Benchmark!

15 cal services that are paid, so some needed care may not be available through the healthcare system. The NHI system is found in Taiwan, South Korea, and Canada.

Bismarck Model Named for Otto von Bismarck, this system is used in Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, and other countries. A variation of it has recently been adopted by the US. In this system, purchasing health insurance is man-

dated by the government while health insurance and medical providers, even if private enterprises, are highly regulated. In this system, health insurance is normally a benefit of employment. For those who are self-employed, having a government-approved health insurance policy is a government mandate.

Beveridge Model William Beveridge is given credit for the design of the system used in Great Britain, New Zealand, Spain,

and most of Scandinavia. In this system, healthcare is a government service completely financed by taxes. The government owns most of the hospitals and employs most of the doctors. Those hospitals and doctors that remain private still bill the government for their services, thus patients never receive a bill. The benefit this model is low cost per capita, but costs are controlled by limiting the services available to the public and the amount that doctors are allowed to charge for services.

Issue 5 - MAY 2015

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