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Leaders in the League of Bringing Remarkable Revolutions

It has been almost two months since we entered 2023 and no doubt time flies in a blink. Many of us are continuing our new-year resolutions and some of us are still struggling to get back on track. But what matters the most is to keep trying and trying. History had many leaders who once were dwelling amidst failures but rose to become an emblem of inspiration for human existence. With discipline and persistence, anyone can bring the ball of success to their court. With this as the source of inspiration for this edition, we have made another serene attempt to add value and knowledge to the lives of our global readership panel. We have witnessed many new players rising in the business fraternity while the existing players have also multiplied their caliber by manifolds.


In the line of the endeavor of bringing exceptionally classy business stories, Prime Insights is privileged to forth this edition with the brand story of Agileseventeen LLC. Under the flagship leadership of its founder Mr. Markanthony Akem, the brand has glued itself to creating excellence. Agileseventeen offers exemplary Agile Scrum Training and Services for small businesses to help them expand their horizons in all directions.

The brand also provides transformation experts for Fortune 500 companies looking for the needed assistance in chiseling the efficiency of their processes. The brand collaborated with Scrum Study, International Scrum Institute, SAFe, and several other partners across the globe to deliver their top-notch services. In addition to it, Agileseventeen has trained more than 200 students for Agile and Scrum Certifications to take the legacy ahead. The workforce is kept fulfilled and motivated with a healthy work environment, competitive compensation, incentives, benefits, and rewards.

The brand also launched its “Community Portal” in November 2022 which brings Agile and Non-Agile professionals on a single platform. This platform allows them to share resources and learn from each other. Their nobility and integrity shine through their charity for motherless babies and families that have suffered the loss of both parents. Our infatuation for Agileseventeen’s journey so far, can’t be coalesced into a few words, so you must read what we have placed inside.

Seeing such oodles of support and appreciation coming our way, the entire Prime Insights Magazine gives a message of humble gratitude. We are learning so much from your feedback and are working even harder to keep bringing sophisticated reads to our extended family. We would like to keep hearing about how to make these editions more alluring. Our future has direct proportionality with what we do in the present, so keep up with your hard work. Don’t let the challenges lower the value of your lion potential and promise yourself that you’ll shine like a star one day.

Prakriti Gupta Editor

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