Wuwa - Living and Work Space

Page 67

Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber: So, tell

GHL: The previous investor?

partially not preserved partition walls

me, please, what did you find there? I

TB: Yes, the previous one. He changed

in the kitchen.

can’t easily picture what the building

the windows to brown ones with gold

TB: Not preserved... When it comes to

looked like when the owners, who

mullions. But the house was soaking

the practical functions we have preserved

were also project investors, bought

wet from top to bottom and it all came

them all: apart from in the kitchen when

it. Is it true that the previous owner

up from the basement. It was all very

somebody simply removed the servant's

overhauled the place and you had to

damp: uninhabitable. Some old floors

room. As a room it became irrelevant

struggle with the consequences of it?

have survived, part of this wood has been

to keep it, right? And instead a larger

TB: Yes, mainly with that. The investors

preserved I think, but generally it was all

kitchen was very much useful.

had pictures showing what the property

a wreck. GHL: Yes, it's huge.

looked like at the time of purchase. Apart from the fact that the plot was

GHL: Did the present investor decide

TB: Well, it is big. Not huge, but big.

overrun with weeds, we had to deal

to buy this ramshackle dwelling only

If you have a big house for two people

with the effects of previous illegal

because of its location?

with a grown up child who comes and

repairs. When the roof started leaking

TB: No. They just wanted it full-stop.

goes as they please, why not have a vast

the previous owner, instead of fixing it

They wanted to live here, in this house.

kitchen? It's been generally accepted that

in the conventional way, covered the

And they had been hunting for it for

if a partition wall in a kitchen is removed

rotten woodwork with a shallow-sloped

many, many years. When the renovation

once, it won't be reinstated again.

gabled roof; but they didn't really care

started, the investors didn't live in the

to do a good job and hide it behind

house and we had been preparing this

GHL: Have the sliding walls, visible in

the existing eaves. The rafters jutted

project before the subsidy was granted.

the old drawings, been preserved? In

out from edge of the building. What’s

Luckily, they didn't have money so they

the designs of the exhibition houses

more, there were no gutters, so the

didn't start the work immediately and

there were many such walls dividing

water would simply pour down when

then they subsequently received the

the living rooms. Are there any signs of

it rained, but just a bit farther from the

funds from the Historic Preservation

their existence still?

wall. The upper part of the roof was

Officer's Program. The house was in a

TB: Now it's a long span interior. This

repaired in the same way where there

terrible condition, there was nothing of it

sliding wall, visible in the photographs,

were small rafters inserted and covered

to look at really. That's what it was like

was there before the war but it wasn't

with boards and then covered with tar.

when it comes to the construction issues.

there when we took charge of the property.

What was the condition of this house? It was a disaster. Later on the investor

GHL: And the functionality? Currently

came into some extra funds, so they

the layout is slightly different than

GHL: You've mentioned that some

decided to insulate the house with

what it was in 1929. There's a problem

objects have survived. Wall lights, right?

polystyrene foam.

with partially preserved or rather

TB: Yes, wall lights, but I'm not sure

WuWA 1929 2014 67

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