Wuwa - Living and Work Space

Page 146

Interview Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber: What is

Of course such issues are usually

GHL: One of the aims of the exhibition

the urban revitalization of the WuWA

followed by lengthy discussions

was to show different construction

kindergarten about?

concerning if we should expose the

technologies. Is the kindergarten being

ZM: In architectural revitalization it is

new elements or should we do it in

restored using the same technologies or

generally acknowledged and accepted

such a way that no one can tell the

different ones?

that to restore an element of a building

old from the new: but that's a different

ZM: Yes and no. I think there are a few

one simply recreates it in the same shape

story. In this situation, the need to

goals to reach in this project. The first

and form as it was originally designed. Of

fill in this urban complex comes from

goal, when it comes to the construction

course, there is an on-going discussion if

the fact that the missing element is

technologies used, was to show how

such interventions should be visible and

a tiny fragment of a bigger whole. To

efficient the wooden framework is, and

should this unoriginality be exposed or

me, that's the only case when the

what its capabilities are, for example, the

not. There are two schools of thought, but

restoration is justified. If it were the

pace of construction and its independence

I don't see any point in discussing which

only historical kindergarten, located in

from the weather conditions. The second

is better. Each will always be preferred by

Wróblewskiego or Olszewskiego Street,

aspect of a wooden framework technology

architects: almost religiously in some cases.

or were not a part of a whole, I wouldn't

is the possibility of achieving certain heights

When talking about urban revitalisation,

recommend its reconstruction. It would

and ranges; namely, the proportions of the

we can compare it to architectural

be inappropriate from the point of view

interior, which in turn had a huge influence

renovation. Restoring a neo-Gothic

of city development philosophy.

on the execution of the functional plan. To

building, we fill in the missing bricks. If

In the process of city revitalization we

give you an example, it became possible to

there is an urban complex, not a single

shouldn't go back to single buildings

create a play room and bedrooms for the

building, as is the case with this exhibition

"eaten" by history. That's my personal

children using thin, small-sized construction

which consists of twenty-eight objects,

view: but here the situation is different.

elements. There were no massive walls or

then they're like those bricks in the wall:

The kindergarten is a part of an

supports: the wooden framework act as

one or two of those objects are missing

exhibition consisting of twenty-eight

a light support.

because they’re time-worn. I feel that it is

buildings – blocks – I feel we have the

acceptable or even recommendable to fill

right to fill in this one block to be able to

GHL: In my opinion it's a very functional

in these gaps and restore them.

refer to WuWA as a whole.

building, even for today.

146 WuWA

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