Wuwa - Living and Work Space

Page 128

Interview popular. You've held an exhibition of

them. We do our own training, carry out

goodwill. We assemble a team with

the Weissenhof house estate, right?

promotional tasks and conduct additional

a common goal, from the General Labour

JG: Yes, we have. We didn’t organise it

training for our social partners, but we

Inspectorate, through the City Historic

ourselves though. Nonetheless, we're

don’t charge for these services.

Preservation Officer, to Dr Jadwiga

very happy that the City has taken care

To the end of 2011 we were a state

Urbanik. We want this building to revert

of this area. I am incredibly impressed

budgetary establishment "paid" by the

to its original condition, so that we aren't

that such an extensive revitalisation plan,

National Labour Inspectorate and also by

embarrassed in front of the residents

which I have already seen a few times

other contractors such as employers and

and visitors to Wrocław. Goodwill is the

in person, has been devised. I am sure

trainees. Since then our organizational

key solution to any problem. Basically,

a truly wonderful area might be created if

and legal status has changed and at

there are no misunderstandings between

such a plan was executed. We don't want

the moment we're a budgetary unit and

us. On the one hand, we know the

to stand out from the other buildings;

we only carry out the tasks assigned

constraints while renovating a monument

we're part of the whole WuWA exhibition,

by the state. We have fewer options to

since we're in constant communication

or even maybe one of its foremost

accommodate outside guests. If it were

with the Historic Preservation Officer. On

buildings. We want to join this project

a regular, commercial hotel, we'd be fully

the other hand, the Historic Preservation

and bring our building to prominence by


Officer is also aware of the current functions this building has to fulfil and

doing whatever we can and whatever we can afford. If it's possible to source funds

GHL: Exactly, especially in such

they take them into account. We've

from the EU in the future, we're going to

a wonderful location with beautiful

reached a compromise for the benefit of

start a wider range of restoration projects

architecture and a chance to

this building.

and we'll attempt to accomplish them all

experience something unique in

at once. If not, then in the coming years

a historical place.

GHL: You've created a great vision of

we're going to continue with smaller

JG: It is rather inconvenient: on the other

synergy for all the parties involved...

renovation projects.

hand, we have to carry out the tasks we

JG: And that's what it is. There are no

are assessed for.

conflicts or misunderstandings, if we come across an obstacle, we sit down

GHL: Does the building pay its own way? JG: We don't run our own business, we're

GHL: To me it seems it’s better for the

and solve it. Life shows that Scharoun’s

a budgetary unit. We do our statutory

building since you have more respect

design fully matches its current functions

tasks defined by the National Labour

for it than a commercial owner.

and meets our requirements. To me it's

Inspectorate and we receive our funds for

JG: It is the outcome of a few people's

a perfect monument.

128 WuWA

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