1 minute read

Are e-scooters and similar devices becoming a new major fire hazard?

Safety concerns:

are e-scooters and similar devices becoming a new major fire hazard?

By Anthony Murray, Fire Investigation Specialist at Strange Strange & Gardner

[FIRE SAFETY LEGISLATION has been developed in response to several well-publicised risk factors, such as foam-filled furniture and white goods. In recent times, a rise in the popularity of electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries – such as hoverboards, e-bikes and e-scooters – has also led to an increase in the risk of fires.

Strange Strange & Gardner has observed an increase in the number of lithium-ion battery fires resulting in substantial property losses and personal injuries. The causes of these cases are often either in-service damage, manufacturing defects or a failure on the part of the user to follow the manufacturer's instructions with regard to safe charging practices.

In our view, standards are required for the construction of e-scooters, as well as their chargers and batteries, and users should receive clear instructions on how to safely charge and store their e-vehicles.

In the event that such preventative measures are not taken, we can expect to see the number of fire incidents associated with e-vehicles continue to increase as they become more prevalent.

The investigation of a suspected battery fire requires a thorough investigation methodology, as well as expertise at the scene of the fire.

The team at SS&G conducts investigations into all types of battery fires and explosions. We communicate our conclusions in an informative and approachable manner utilising our expertise at the fire scene. q 28 28 www.yourexpertwitness.co.uk

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