9 minute read

Destination collaboration

Working practices have changed massively in the last year or so. Property expert Emily Wood considers the implications for the commercial real estate sector

We didn’t witness the death knell of the office during the pandemic, but our expectations around the workplace have certainly changed. It’s also true that many businesses and individuals have come to value their commercial workplace as a collaborative, social hub that is critical to the culture and the future of their businesses.


DMH Stallard undertook a post-pandemic workplace survey in Spring 2021 as we made our way out of lockdown to see how clients’ and contacts’ workplaces had been impacted by Covid, and what they thought the post-pandemic workplace might look like; we particularly wanted to understand the implications for commercial landlords. Responses came primarily from those in the property and professional services sectors. The majority had occupied offices as tenants pre-pandemic.


More than one third reported a reduction in the commercial workspace they occupied during the year leading to May 2021; some of that was already planned, but more than half of those reducing their space attributed it directly to the impact of the pandemic, and downsizing seemed to go further and faster than originally expected. Nearly one third of respondents believe their workplace requirements will change in year ahead: most, 81%, anticipate a reduction, but an encouraging number, 19%, expect to see an increase.


The return to formal workspaces has gathered pace over the summer. According to our survey, nearly half of workers will be back in a commercial workspace to some degree by the end of September, and 76% by the end of 2021.

Looking forward, 87% of respondents will encourage a form of hybrid working with the working week split between home and office; a substantial number, 27%, acknowledged that some people will not be required to return to the workplace at all.


Businesses and employees recognise the synergies of team working and collaboration in a shared space: over 90% of respondents maintain that there is still a need for commercial workspace. Training and welfare were amongst the key drivers cited for retaining space–key factors that contribute to the culture of a business

❛❛ The biggest casualty [of working from home] has been company culture ❜❜


Half of respondents are expecting to re-model their current accommodation in order to make it more suitable for agile, flexible, Covid-secure working practices.

“The workplace is still key for culture and engagement… that’s why we’ve redesigned the office to create zones for collaboration, quiet spaces, social interactions.”

Many businesses, 60%, are also returning to workplaces with a growing recognition of the need for greater energy efficiency.


The pandemic has certainly shaken things up, proving that technical support, a flexible mind-set and a little trust can enable many office-based employees to work very successfully from home.

However, it has also reinforced the fact that both businesses and workers appreciate the connection to a physical workspace, and the value of human interactions that enable knowledge-sharing and problem solving; workplaces are key to demonstrating the culture and shared values of many organisations, and crucial for staff wellbeing. There has been an inevitable strain on some landlord and tenant relationships as tenants have fallen into arrears and sought to renegotiate their leases: landlords and tenants now need to collaborate to find a solution to the new ways that many commercial tenants will want to occupy workspace.

Discerning occupiers will be keen to make their space a ‘destination’ that staff want to attend. Fit-out and other services may become part of the package, and the adoption of smart technology (e.g., buildings recognising us via our smartphones) may be what’s needed to establish a competitive advantage.

New leases are also likely to look different: more breaks, shorter terms, and pandemic rent suspension clauses will be on the agenda.


Many tenancies and leases of rented flats and houses prohibit business use, but do they allow working from these spaces? Landlords should check that the terms of any mortgage, superior lease or insurance policy are not being breached.

❛❛ Physical office gives a sense of community and belonging ❜❜

And noise nuisance claims have increased, with homeowners and tenants working from home more aware of disruption from works being done in common parts, neighbouring buildings or by adjoining flat owners. Developers would be wise to look at future builds in light of changing working patterns.

As long as the workplace offers significant benefits to employers and staff, its future is secure. But expectations and requirements are changing, and landlords and developers must take note.

Emily Wood is head of Real Estate Dispute Resolution at DMH Stallard. She can be contact by phone on 01293 605578 or by email at emily.wood@dmhstallard.com dmhstallard.com

Gatwick Diamond Business Awards: Diamond Alumni

Inaugural Lunch at The Grand Hotel Brighton

DIAMOND ALUMNI is a prestigious new business club exclusive to Gatwick Diamond Business Awards’ winners, sponsors and partners. It brings together a selection of the very best of Gatwick Diamond businesses as recognised by the region’s premier business awards since their inception in 2009. In partnership with Creative Pod, we are launching DIAMOND ALUMNI on 1st October 2021 with a lunch and networking event at The Grand, Brighton sponsored by the Thakeham Group, Richard Place Dobson, Custodian Insurance and EY Breakthrough Incentives. The Alumni Lunch will be an annual event offering high-level networking opportunities and adding value for sponsors and winners of our Awards. But the lunch is just the start - we plan to develop DIAMOND ALUMNI to provide other exclusive opportunities for members. The lunch will also ‘cut the ribbon’ for GDBA 2022 - planning is in full swing for our usual high-profile programme culminating with the Awards dinner and ceremony in March. Following the virtual Awards ceremony delivered in December 2020, we will also take the opportunity to further celebrate the success of last year’s winners and acknowledge the support of sponsors and partners. Members of DIAMOND ALUMNI can now book their places at the lunch for themselves, and guests (both gdb members and non-members). We are very pleased with the support DIAMOND ALUMNI is receiving from sponsors. If you are interested in being associated with this top-level event, please let us know. (See below for contact details).

Event programme

The event will start at mid-day with a VIP drinks reception supported by Custodian Insurance. The Thakeham Group, as lunch sponsor and Gatwick Diamond Business Champions, will then give the pre-lunch address. The sumptuous three course lunch will be served in the Empress Suite. During lunch Alumni and guests will experience a short trip down memory lane, as we look back over past award ceremonies and then round things off with a look forward to GDBA 2022. After lunch, Matthew Tyson, Director of Richard Place Dobson, will introduce our keynote speaker, Lara Morgan, British Entrepreneur, Investor & Inspirational Leader. The formal proceedings will end at 14:30 but all will be welcome to remain in the splendid setting of the Grand to enjoy further informal networking or just to relax. The event will be expertly and entertainingly hosted by Steve Bustin, broadcast journalist and professional speaker.

Keynote speaker - Lara Morgan

Lara founded her first business, Pacific Direct, in 1991 at the age of just 23. Having arrived in the UK from Hong Kong with little or no hotel experience, Lara quickly grew Pacific Direct into a specialist global supplier of luxury high end brands for five-star hotels. Seventeen years later, she sold Pacific Direct for £20 million. A proud mother of three girls and a committed volunteer and philanthropist, Lara is a world class engaging speaker on subjects where she can bring direct experience and shared lessons. She has also commented live on current affairs and business issues with Sky and BBC News, and is a published author of the Amazon best-selling business book “More Balls Than Most”.

Your host for the day Steve Bustin

Steve has worked in various facets of communication throughout his career including as a Broadcast Journalist for BBC Radio and TV News. He is also an award-winning print journalist. As a professional speaker on engaging communications, he was named National Speaker of the Year 2015 by the Professional Speaking Association. He has spoken in world famous auditoria to audiences of all sizes and performed as a stand-up comic for some years, which taught him how to work pretty much any audience!

Spaces at this prestigious annual event are filling quickly, so we encourage you to book early.



★ Company of the Year ★ Large Business of the Year ★ SME Business of the Year ★ Micro Business of the Year ★ Business Innovation of the Year ★ Business Growth Award ★ International Business of the Year ★ Start-up of the Year ★ Best Customer Service ★ Business Pivot Award ★ Businessperson of the Year ★ Community Hero Award ★ Employer of the Year ★ Professional Services Award ★ Creative Industries Award

❛❛ Sponsoring the awards is a great way for us to celebrate local business and help the Sussex economy grow... ❜❜ Coffi n Mew

❛❛ The sponsorship is both worthwhile, and very enjoyable, and your team are brilliant in all aspects of the process... ❜❜ HSBC



• Review the categories and determine which are most appropriate for your business. • Download the entry template and write your entry ensuring that you answer the criteria outlined. • Entries should not be more than four pages of A4. • Save entry as a pdf and email to fi ona@platinummediagroup.co.uk. • Each business is permitted to enter a maximum of three award categories. • Deadline for entries is September 21st 2021.


❛❛ Winning this award was a huge achievement for us as a company and for all our fabulous employees, past and present, who have worked hard for the past 14 years to make the company what it is today ❜❜ Rockett St George E-Commerce Business of the Year 2019 ❛❛ Winning a Sussex Business Award was wonderful recognition of our hard-working team for their passion in going above and beyond in every aspect of our exciting business.. ❜❜ Tamara Roberts, CEO Ridgeview Wine Estate Businessperson of the Year 2019