Platform58 issue 001 - September 2008

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01: cover - keemo 02: contents 03: something 04: ewan cawood 05: ewan cawood 06: ramina adam 07: kepa rasmussen 08: keemo 09: keemo 10: wayne wright 11: lisa robinson 12: paola de giovanni 13: mike tedder 14: la’vaughn wright 15: alex harvie 16: emanuela franchini 17: emanuela franchini 18: nicholas p decker 19: nicholas p decker 20: peter walker

21: simone stoll 22: ni da costa 23: ni da costa 24: silvio de milo 25: robert stanley 26: nicolas baudouin 27: mike hinc 28: diana ali 29: diana ali 30: boularin elise 31: boularin elise 32: mister burnley 33: azoth 34: rita ruggeri 35: robert mirek 36: daniel calder 37: daniel calder 38: daniela mazzotta 39: m a longbottom 40: cover - m a longbottom

magazine 001 copyright belongs to platform58 copyright of content in platform58 publications remains with the artist.

should be said, to thank all those involved in submitting artwork for this magazine. we hope you send artwork for issue 002 deadline november 19. It will be about finding artwork to send us, more below. see you at platform58. Visit and add your creativity. Something

issue 002 - found

Anything submitted should be found and incorporated into the artwork or sent as found. All we ask is for found artwork and then and your creative expression added. More information at size 580 pixels x 580 pixels and 72dpi.







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