5 may 2013 newsletter

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results of this vote along with the other resolutions. Please be in prayer for Win, Loretta, and all the delegates to Annual conference this year. May we always be moving forward in serving God and fulfilling the mission of the United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. -- Pastor Ray

Hear ye, Hear ye Kingdom Rock is coming to NHUMC for 2013 VBS! Beginning Sunday, June 16th, every Sunday at 10:15 a.m., children and adults alike are welcome to join in Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School! We hope to see you there! In preparation, the Christian Education Committee will be placing a display up in the narthex requesting supplies for this summer’s Vacation Bible School, Kingdom Rock! Pick out a tag or two and return the tag with the supplies to the counter behind the mailboxes by May 26th! Thank-you! ~The Christian Education Committee

 I would like to thank Pastor Ray and Val, plus the entire congregation, for the prayers Michael received... which made him smile and lifted our spirits. -- Michael Bressi

 Thank you, church, for the cards and prayers at Ivan’s illness and home-going. Thank you, Karen Miller and her helpers, for the wonderful luncheon after the funeral. –Jane Frybarger

 It is wonderful to see that the choir is growing. Thank you to the new faces and all the faithful choir members who provide the musical leadership in our worship services. – Pastor Ray

 Cheers to Gary Zimmerman who has been making coffee and providing Sunday morning snacks for some time. -- Fred Naval

 Thank you to Tim Hess, Sheila Arment and Tim Arment for providing the supplies so that we could have flowers to hand out to the ladies of the church on Mother’s Day. – Pastor Ray

 Thank

you to Gary Zimmerman for providing the coffee on Sunday mornings. 5

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