Volume 30th September 2017

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Volume 30 September 2017

w w w . fa c e b o o k . c o m / P e t r o l e u m T o d a yM a g a z i n e





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‫تقديـر‬ ‫تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر‬ ‫تقديـر‬ ‫شـكرووووتقديـر‬ ‫شـكر‬ ‫شـكر‬

‫يقدموه‬ ‫يقدموه‬ ‫زالوزالو‬ ‫وماوما‬ ‫قدموه‬ ‫قدموه‬ ‫ملا ملا‬ ‫أسمائهم‬ ‫أسمائهم‬ ‫التايلالتايل‬ ‫السادة‬ ‫السادة‬ ‫والتقدير اىل‬ ‫والتقدير اىل‬ ‫الشكر‬ ‫الشكر‬ ‫بخالص‬ ‫بخالص‬ ‫تتقدم‬ ‫تتقدم‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫بتطوير‬ ‫بتطوير‬ ‫اخلاصة‬ ‫اخلاصة‬ ‫الفنية‬ ‫الفنية‬ ‫الرؤى‬ ‫الرؤى‬ ‫وطرح‬ ‫وطرح‬ ‫العلمية‬ ‫العلمية‬ ‫املقاالت‬ ‫املقاالت‬ ‫كتابة‬ ‫كتابة‬ ‫عربعرب‬ ‫للنورللنور‬ ‫خروجها‬ ‫خروجها‬ ‫منذمنذ‬ ‫للمجلة‬ ‫للمجلة‬ ‫قيمة‬ ‫قيمة‬ ‫إسهامات‬ ‫إسهامات‬ ‫منمن‬ ‫البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫بقطاع‬ ‫بقطاع‬ ‫اخلاصة‬ ‫اخلاصة‬ ‫والرؤى‬ ‫والرؤى‬ ‫املقاالت‬ ‫املقاالت‬ ‫منمن‬ ‫املزيد‬ ‫املزيد‬ ‫إستقبال‬ ‫إستقبال‬ ‫يسعدنا‬ ‫يسعدنا‬ ‫كماكما‬ ‫املصري‬ ‫املصري‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫قطاع‬ ‫قطاع‬ ‫وحتديث‬ ‫وحتديث‬

‫األسبق‬ ‫األسبق‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫وزير‬ ‫وزير‬ ‫كمال‬ ‫كمال‬ ‫أسامة‬ ‫أسامة‬ ‫املهندس‪/‬‬ ‫املهندس‪/‬‬ ‫للمجلة‬ ‫للمجلة‬ ‫الشرفى‬ ‫الشرفى‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫الرحـيم‬ ‫الرحـيم‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫طــاهر‬ ‫طــاهر‬

‫مصباح‬ ‫مصباح‬ ‫ماهر‬ ‫ماهر‬

‫برتوسيلة‬ ‫برتوسيلة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫السويس‬ ‫السويس‬ ‫قناة‬ ‫قناة‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫اجليولوجى‬ ‫اجليولوجى‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫البحر‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫مصطفى‬ ‫مصطفى‬

‫الصباغ‬ ‫الصباغ‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫أحمد‬

‫للبرتول‬ ‫للبرتول‬ ‫عجبية‬ ‫عجبية‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬

‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫بحوث‬ ‫بحوث‬ ‫معهد‬ ‫معهد‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫بيضون‬ ‫بيضون‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬

‫عطية‬ ‫عطية‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫عطية‬ ‫عطية‬

‫برتوزيت‬ ‫برتوزيت‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫الربيطانية‬ ‫الربيطانية‬ ‫اجلامعة‬ ‫اجلامعة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫قسم‬ ‫قسم‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫اجلوهري‬ ‫اجلوهري‬ ‫حامد‬ ‫حامد‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬

‫سامل‬ ‫سامل‬ ‫عادل‬ ‫عادل‬

‫احلفر‬ ‫احلفر‬ ‫مهمات‬ ‫مهمات‬ ‫لتصنيع‬ ‫لتصنيع‬ ‫العاملية‬ ‫العاملية‬ ‫للشركة‬ ‫للشركة‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬

‫االمريكية‬ ‫االمريكية‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫أستاذ‬ ‫أستاذ‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫ابراهيم‬ ‫ابراهيم‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬

‫القليوبى‬ ‫القليوبى‬ ‫جمال‬ ‫جمال‬

‫غازتك‬ ‫غازتك‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬

‫االمريكية‬ ‫االمريكية‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫أستاذ‬ ‫أستاذ‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫عبــود‬ ‫عبــود‬ ‫خــالد‬ ‫خــالد‬

‫عياد‬ ‫عياد‬ ‫إسماعيل‬ ‫إسماعيل‬

‫‪)MCS‬‬ ‫‪)MCS‬‬ ‫العاملية (‬ ‫العاملية (‬ ‫األعمال‬ ‫األعمال‬ ‫تطوير‬ ‫تطوير‬ ‫مدير‬ ‫مدير‬

‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫بحوث‬ ‫بحوث‬ ‫معهد‬ ‫معهد‬

‫الدكتـــور‬ ‫الدكتـــور‬

‫الـدكتـــور‬ ‫الـدكتـــور‬

‫نــوح‬ ‫نــوح‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫أحمد‬

‫حمجوب‬ ‫حمجوب‬ ‫إسماعيل‬ ‫إسماعيل‬

‫األمريكية‬ ‫األمريكية‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫باجلامعة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫أستاذ‬ ‫أستاذ‬

‫للبرتول‬ ‫للبرتول‬ ‫عجيبة‬ ‫عجيبة‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫لشركة‬ ‫االسبق‬ ‫االسبق‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫حــافظ‬ ‫حــافظ‬ ‫هانــى‬ ‫هانــى‬

‫رضوان‬ ‫رضوان‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫أحمد‬

‫مصر‬ ‫مصر‬ ‫شل‬ ‫شل‬ ‫ملبيعات‬ ‫ملبيعات‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫الرئيس‬ ‫الرئيس‬

‫البرتولية‬ ‫البرتولية‬ ‫للخدمات‬ ‫للخدمات‬ ‫يوكس‬ ‫يوكس‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫اللـــــواء‬ ‫اللـــــواء‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫قدرى‬ ‫قدرى‬ ‫مصطفى‬ ‫مصطفى‬

‫ندى‬ ‫ندى‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬

‫ديلنج‬ ‫ديلنج‬ ‫مالتى‬ ‫مالتى‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫(باسكو)‬ ‫(باسكو)‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫الدكتـــور‬ ‫الدكتـــور‬

‫هاشــم‬ ‫هاشــم‬ ‫أحمـد‬ ‫أحمـد‬

‫القباري‬ ‫القباري‬ ‫الدين‬ ‫الدين‬ ‫عالء‬ ‫عالء‬

‫بروسريف‬ ‫بروسريف‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫والبيئة‬ ‫والبيئة‬ ‫الطاقة‬ ‫الطاقة‬ ‫خبري‬ ‫خبري‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫خميس‬ ‫خميس‬ ‫نادر‬ ‫نادر‬

‫اهللاهلل‬ ‫حسب‬ ‫حسب‬ ‫شريف‬ ‫شريف‬

‫جنيوماركس‬ ‫جنيوماركس‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫جملس‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس‬

‫للبرتول‬ ‫للبرتول‬ ‫رشيد‬ ‫رشيد‬ ‫العمليات‬ ‫العمليات‬ ‫مدير‬ ‫مدير‬

‫تقديـر‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫شـكر وو تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر‬ ‫‪http://www.facebook.com/PetroleumTodayMagazine‬‬

‫‪ Petroleum Today‬تتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير اىل السادة التايل أسمائهم ملا قدموه وما زالو يقدموه‬ ‫من إسهامات قيمة للمجلة منذ خروجها للنور عرب كتابة املقاالت العلمية وطرح الرؤى الفنية اخلاصة بتطوير‬ ‫وحتديث قطاع البرتول املصري كما يسعدنا إستقبال املزيد من املقاالت والرؤى اخلاصة بقطاع البرتول‪.‬‬


‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪10‬مصباح‬ ‫ماهر‬ ‫‪18‬‬ ‫‪30‬الصباغ‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫عطية حممد عطية‬ ‫‪50‬‬ ‫عادل سامل‬ ‫‪25‬‬

‫الرئيس الشرفى للمجلة املهندس‪ /‬أسامة كمال وزير البرتول األسبق‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫‪Egypt Returns One of The Largest Gas‬‬ ‫‪Producers in The Middle East‬‬

‫طــاهر عبد الرحـيم‬



‫رئيس شركة برتوسيلة‬

‫رئيس جامعة قناة السويس‬



‫املهندس‬ ‫‪Comparative Study of Miscible Flooding in‬‬ ‫‪Compositional Graded Reservoir System‬‬


‫‪New Products‬‬

‫‪Enhancing Oil Recovery in Gulf of Suez‬‬ ‫مصطفى‬ ‫البحر‪by Deep Conformance Control using‬‬ ‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪Thermally‬‬ ‫‪Activated‬‬ ‫‪Particle‬‬ ‫‪System‬‬ ‫رئيس معهد بحوث البرتول‬ ‫الرئيس السابق لشركة عجبية للبرتول‬

‫حممد بيضون‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة برتوزيت‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫‪Industry‬‬ ‫‪At A Glance‬‬ ‫قسم البرتول اجلامعة الربيطانية‬ ‫رئيس‬


‫‪INTERVIEW SARA AKBAR KUWAIT‬‬ ‫حممد حامد اجلوهري‬ ‫‪ENERGY’S CEO THE LEADING WOMAN IN‬‬ ‫‪MIDDLE EAST’S OIL‬‬ ‫‪GAS‬‬ ‫‪THE‬البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬ ‫أستاذ‬ ‫‪AND‬احلفر‬ ‫مهمات‬ ‫الرئيس السابق للشركة العاملية لتصنيع‬ ‫‪INDUSTRY‬‬



‫حممد ابراهيم‬

‫جمال القليوبى‬

‫الرئيس السابق لشركة غازتك‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬



‫خــالد عبــود‬

‫إسماعيل عياد‬

‫مدير تطوير األعمال العاملية (‪)MCS‬‬

‫معهد بحوث البرتول‬



‫أحمد نــوح‬

‫إسماعيل حمجوب‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة األمريكية‬

‫الرئيس االسبق لشركة عجيبة للبرتول‬



‫هانــى حــافظ‬

‫أحمد رضوان‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫مصطفى قدرى‬

‫حممد ندى‬


‫خالل العام‬ ‫برميل‬ ‫تخطط النت���اج ‪ 670‬الف‬ ‫البترول‬ ‫يوكس للخدمات البرتولية‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫مصر‬ ‫هيئةشل‬ ‫الرئيس السابق ملبيعات‬ ‫‪2018 / 2017‬‬ ‫املهندس‬ ‫اللـــــواء‬ ‫السعودية تنتهي قريبا من أول مشروع للغاز الصخري‬


‫إدارة شركة (باسكو)‬ ‫رئيس‬ ‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة‬ ‫جملس طن‬ ‫تنتج ‪ 160‬الف‬ ‫ديلنجالخش���ن ‪ :‬إيفر ج���رو‬ ‫مالتىمحمد‬ ‫المهندس‬ ‫م���ن الكالس���يوم كلوري���د المحبب لتلبي���ة احتياجات‬ ‫الدكتـــور‬ ‫املهندس‬ ‫قطاع البترول بالمنطقة العربية‬

‫أحمـد هاشــم‬


‫عالء الدين القباري‬

‫الس���ويس‬ ‫المهندس‬ ‫الطاقة والبيئة‬ ‫محمد صادق رئيس مجلس ادارة خبري‬ ‫بروسريف‬ ‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة‬ ‫لمهمات السالمة المهنية ‪ :SSO‬نحاص��ر دي�ون الشرك�ة‬ ‫وحص�لنا عل�ى ‪ 3‬ش�ه�ادات اي��زو‬ ‫املهندس‬ ‫املهندس‬

‫حسب اهلل‬ ‫شريف‬ ‫نادر‬ ‫لصناعة‬ ‫خميس ال تتبوأ مصر مكانه���ا الطبيعي كمركز‬ ‫لماذا‬


‫مدير العمليات رشيد للبرتول‬ ‫العميقة في البحر االبيض؟‬ ‫جنيوماركس‬ ‫البترول للمياه‬ ‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة‬

Petroleum Today Chairman Mohamed Bendary

Egypt Returns One of The Largest Gas Producers in The Middle East

Vice-Chairman Ali Ibrahim Executive Editor-in-Chief Magdy Bendary General Manager Hany Ibrahim


Scientific Secretary Ali Afifi

resident Abd Al-Fattah Al- Sisi, attended in the month of May the celebration of the start of the first Natural Gas production in the gas production fields project in the west Delta Nile (North of Alexandria / West deep Mediterranean), which started production by 700 million cubic feet of gas in the first phase, and will complete the second phase in 2019 where production will reach 1250 million cubic feet, the estimated reserve is so far to five trillion before the scheduled production by eight months.

Editing Staff Mohamed Ahmed Magdy Rashid Marketing Mohamed Attia Mahmoud Mabrouk Medhat Negm Magdy Ahmed Financial Management Wael Khalid

On the other hand , Egypt is striving to start early production from the giant ZOHR field where the CEO of International ENI Company said that production from ZOHR field will start by next December where estimated reserves about 30 trillion cubic feet gas , which means that Egypt is determined to range on its way to regain its status as one of the largest gas producers in the Middle East .

Art Director Walid Fathy Office Manager Marwa Negm Photography Mohamed Fathy

Egypt has the ingredients qualifying to become one of the largest gas producers , where one of the studies that have been made through the US and International Scientific Institutes prove the existence of large amounts of gas in the Eastern Mediterranean region , mostly in the Egyptian regional waters, and also another promising area of gas , western Mediterranean region which also predicts a bright future. Egypt also has a large underground infrastructure, where it owns Natural Gas liquefaction factory one of the largest liquefaction factories in the world.

Scientific Staff Dr. Attia M. Attia Dr. Adel Salem Dr. Ahmed Z. Nouh Dr. Ismail Aiad Dr. Gamal Gouda Eng. Mahmoud A. Gobran Eng. Mohamed nada Eng. Taher Abd El Rahim Eng. Mohamed Bydoun Eng.Samir Abady Dr. Lubna Abbas Saleh

The question that arises now is how does Egypt benefit from this great gas production? First, and before answering this question we must know that there are many obstacles facing this benefit from the bureaucracy and laws obtrusive despite the orientation of the Egyptian government for the process of economic reform and legislation of many new laws , such as regulating Gas market law and investment law , but we still need more.

Special thanks to all the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mr. Hany Hafez All opinions expressed through the magazine is pertaining to their authors & don,t express the magazine›s point of view

Going back to the answer to question, the maximum benefit for the production of gas will only be achieved by increasing the added value of this strategic product through the creation of several major industries such as the petrochemical industry, and we will not benefit through export , we appeal to all decision makers in our beloved Country to put their eyes fixed on this .

Publisher & Distribution The Egyptian Company For Marketing 29 Abd El - Aziz Gawesh st. Lebaono Sq. , Mohandeseen Giza - Egypt Tel. : +202 33050884 Mob.: 01006596350 Mob.: 01000533201 E-mail: petroleum.mag@gmail.com E-mail: mohamed@ petroleum-today.com www.petroleum-today.com

And In the end, we salute you all and wish for Egypt pride and dignity.

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Petroleum Today


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Egypt News With An Estimated Cost of 204 Billion Egyptian Pounds... Petroleum Succeeds in Providing All Country Needs from Petroleum Products Engineer Tarek Al -Mulla, Minister of Petroleum confirmed that - despite all challenges faced it - the sector succeeded in providing all Country sectors needs from Petroleum and Natural Gas products during financial year 2016 / 2017 with quantities reached 78 million tons specially providing Electricity Sector needs, in addition to refining about 25 million tons from crude oil and condensates from refining laboratories contributed in providing big part of country needs from Petroleum products, he noted that production support value were about 122.4 billion Egyptian pounds during the year, representing the difference between products cost management and selling price in local market, explaining that products cost management about 204.3 billion Egyptian pounds for 81.9 billion Egyptian pounds revenues from selling prices in local market. He added that Strategy target for the Petroleum sector comes at Country politics framework which is providing

all Country sectors needs from Petroleum and natural Gas products to drive desired Economic development wheel, through several forums represented in working on adding reserves and produce crude oil and natural gas and put new discoveries on production map, and develop refining laboratories projects.

EGPC Plans to Produce 670,000 Barrels During 2017 / 2018 Engineer Abed Ezz Alregal, EGPC CEO said that most important features for business results in the financial year 2016 / 2017 is in achieving 41 new Petroleum discoveries (28 discoveries for crude oil and 13 discoveries for natural gas) , which contributed in rising Petroleum and Natural Gas reserves and production, average Petroleum production reached 626.000 barrels from crude oil and condensates daily where western desert area contributed %55 of it, and planned to be increased to be 670.000 barrels during 2017 / 2018, he pointed that the EGPC signed five agreements for Petroleum and Gas search with investments $625 million, of which two new agreements and modification for three current agreements, and for its first time the Authority is a partner in petroleum projects outside Egypt through participation by %10 its share in the sector number 9 in south Iraq in Fayhaa field, and the sector’s participation in Ciba Gas field in south Iraq was finished by %15 and necessary measures are taken. He added that there were new investments during the year about $5billion from foreigners partners in the fields of search, exploration and development of gas fields which contributed in achieving targeted plans to support and reserves of Petroleum and Gas production, which is considered a success for Petroleum sector policies to face challenges and increase in Petroleum activities.

12 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

Integrated Research Egypt andEuropean Open Areas The Red Sea BPGanoup agrees Elwadi: with Egypt to speed of the Project Covers Upper Egypt fines oil in tanker 58 million development of Atulfield pounds for having a broken oil pipeline in Suez

Engineer Mohammad Al-Shimi President of Ganoup Elwadi Petroleum Holding Company, explained that integrated Suez Court of First Instance, headed by Judge Mohamed research project was put which covers open areas in Ganoup YahyaRafat Fined, foreign oil tanker «Nassau Energy», Elwadi to assemble recent data about promising areas and owned by partners from European countries, and where (Region A - Sea Red) was assigned to alliance of flying the flag of Liberia the amount of 58.00085 million SCHLUMBERGER and T.G.S. Companies (Western Geco) thousand pounds, for the benefit of the fishing sector in and (Region B – Open Wild in Upper Egypt) was assigned the Red Sea, and that after having a broken oil pipeline to T.G.S. Company which is executing for the first time in in Suez in thesea water at Zeiteyatport and polluting the Africa and Middle East, and that to proceed it in the future sea water, equivalent to 4 thousand barrels of crude oil. in international biddings for Petroleum and Gas search and The oil tanker during its pumping petroleum oil in a pipeline to the Red Sea, broke the line and caused the and for thissigned orientation, the company signed a BPexploration, announced that it has a preliminary agreement leak 4 thousand barrels of crude oil into the sea water, contract Nuclear the Materials Authority to make mutual with Egypt with to accelerate development of Atull marine contamination of vast tracts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of to make gravity andtomagnetism surveys to cover gasproject field, which is now expected begin production in 2018. Suez water, and the destruction of the naval environment The signing with the Egyptian Minister of open areasofinthe theagreement company’s domain. and the excuse and fish in polluted areas. Petroleum betweenconventions Bob Dudley,inCEO He addedafter thatdiscussions current petroleum 2016 of / 2017 The Court notified the security authorities in Port Tawfiq BPreached and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. seventeen agreements and there are four agreements Port Suez with the contents of the decision that is to Dudley said in statement:and «Weheare pleased are will are ready forasignature, added alsothat thatwe there making rapid progress towardsworkshops the development of Atull and conserve the oil tanker «Nassauenergy» in the draft of be participation in special for developing the Suezport of, after encounter exist two days before after less than eight months the announcement of the updating Petroleum sectorfrom in conventions and exploration. the decision in the draft of the verdict ago after leaving discovery.» Egypt after the disaster that caused, the pretext is to BP was announced relatively large field discovery in March In Preparation for Introduction of New Bidding .. EGAS Ends Seismic Survey for the West Mediterranean within A Year reconciliation with EEAA . and reserves estimated about 1.5 trillion cubic feet of gas andEngineer 31 million barrelsAl-Baqly, of condensation. Osama President of Egyptian Gas Holding Company (EGAS) Company, said that the Company It ismanaged expectedby thatusing the full development work of thetechniques field Atull to face the problem of decreasing natural wells and it is currently technologies and modern consists of two stages: the first consists of 2 developedwells doing a regional seismic survey (monocular risk) in west Mediterranean area where it is expected to finish its first stage linked to the existing infrastructure, production is expected in 2017 / 2018, and according to its result the Company will introduce new international bidding for Petroleum and Gas to begin delivered in 2018.Itis expected the success of this search and exploitation in this region. stage to lead to pumping additional investments for drilling Al-Baqly noted that the company achieved four new discoveries in the Mediterranean and Delta Nile, in addition to finish other wells and increase production. six new Natural gas development projects and put them on production from expansions and new fields with investments $2 The Paranoiac Petroleum company will (one of the billion contributed in increasing production where total Gas sold during the year reached about 1.63trillion cubic feet. participating companies the Bp and the petroleum sector) implement and operateAtull development operations.

Petrochemicals Industry Revenues Rises to 141 Billion Egyptian Pounds

Egypt provides a full need of factories of natural gaspermain dayaxes which are complete current implemented projects

to maximize additive value in addition to develop, update and Chairman of the Egyptian Holding Company for Natural Gas (EGAS) said that improve performance of current projects and make studies for Egypt now provide the full needs of the industrial sector of natural gas after run future projects. the second floating station linked is to the national many gas net. Theand company considering future projects, the most A large number of fertilizers, iron and steel and cement companies in Egypt important project and is currently studied in cooperation with suffers from a lack of natural gas regular reaching but also fully snapped in some in EGPC to create complex for refining and petrochemicals cases due to the Ministry of and Petroleum conversion local andimported gas Suez producing Propylenemost project in SIDPEC Company’s quantities into electric power stations. location in Alexandria, and also produce Methanol derivatives Khalid Abdul-Badiexplained, to with Reuters agency, «he said the project inaccording cooperation Sueznews Petroleum Services Company industrial sector in Egypt does not have any trouble getting its needs of gas. in the Holding Company’s land in Damietta, and ongoing Indeed we have provided gas to all industrial sector factories withcurrently starting the second Alngez complete designs station.» engineering to create nautical Egyptian Petrochemicals Industry revenues rose during the of gas Egypt hired two ships for Regas this year to provide the needs forelectricity sectorfacilities and factories. sidewalk and shipping storage in Damietta port with A number of steel company›s in telephone with Reuters to provide the required gas for their to factories fromand year 2016 / 2017, where itofficials recorded 141 billioncontact Egyptian investments $160 million, and it is expected be finished thepounds beginning of the first of November. by increase of 646 million Egyptian pounds as a result operated at the third quarter of 2020 which is contributing in President Abdelsales Fattah Al-Sisi said earlier this month that the factories in Egyptexports will notofface any problems in getting its gasand of increasing quantities. maximizing MOBCO Company from Urea by Egyptian the end of November. Petrochemicals Holding Company is working in three Ammonia which is reflected on National Economy.

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Arab News «Kuwait Oil Company» is Preparing to Put Up New Tenders Kuwait Oil Company is preparing to put up new several tenders several, of which maintenance services for production facilities at east Kuwait areas, and a tender for maintenance services for the company’s wireless telecommunication systems, restricted on under specialty category companies (72). As Al-Arabiya News Channel reported. Al-Arabiya added that the Central Tenders Authority approved subtract a tender for buildings and air conditioning services maintenance in north Kuwait on under specialty category companies (A9). Al-Arabiya noted that the Central Tenders Authority also approved Kuwait Oil Company’s request to keep the initial financial guarantee of “ O&G” Engineering Trading Company which is amounted to 6.3 million Kuwaiti Dinars as it will expire by the coming September 2nd , until signing the tender’s contract for the specialized company for replacing old subsidiary electricity stations in west Kuwait area.

Al-Arabiya added that the Central Tenders Authority also approved for «Kuwait Oil Company» on extension of prices introduced by Commercial Public Company which won offering the support services to manage organized health information for month started from last August 28th, till September 28th, worth 5.3 million Kuwaiti Dinars.

UAE ADNOC Discusses Initial Proposal for its Navy Units Special Sources revealed in remarks to Bloomberg Agency, that ADNOC will take its final decision after finishing the merge operation of three navy transfer units and navy services in a period of time will not exceed 2019, after being sure from the capacity of the new structure on attracting investors. ADNOC said to “Bloomberg” that it is expanding its partnership, and seeks to create new investment opportunities,

and from here it discusses to release minority of its modules services which have attraction, whether for its growth rates or investments, in initial subscription proposal. ADNOC also plans to put up stock rates in distribution on general subscription, where the company estimates its evaluation reaches $14 billion. ADNOC is also seeking to collect $7 billion from selling special bonds and also get loans.

Saudi Arabia will Finish Soon Its First Shale Gas Project Sources in Oil and Gas Industry told Reuters News Agency that Saudi ARAMCO Company is expected to finish soon construction buildings in the north of the Kingdom will allow the Company to produce Shale Gas for the first time. The project, which is known as (System A) includes facilities to process Gas, wells heads, and pipelines at Turaif Governorate which will provide “North Waad” for phosphate mining in the region. One of the sources said, «It is in the final stage … Mechanical business supplementation will happen soon». Another Source said that facilities will complete Mechanical supplementation within one or two months before production begins. An update about this project said at ARAMCO’s annual report

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for 2016 which was issued in July, that 55 million cubic feet from Gas will be delivered to industrial constructions and electricity station at “North Waad” by the end of 2017.

Admasco Oil Field Services Co. Established in Egypt in 1982 as a free zone company under the investment law number 8 / 1997 Admasco committed to facilitate its esteemed customers with professional services, quality products, timely deliveries and excellent pre and post-sales supports through highly qualified Admasco team and pioneered principals. CAMTECH Manufacturing FZCO API 6D, API 6A, API QI Valves Manufacture of Ball, Gate, Globe, Butterfly, Check and Pigable Valves NOV Process & Flow Technologies US, Inc. Choke Valves NOV-MD Totco Rig Instrumentation, Gauges, Recorders & Mud Monitoring Systems Hoffer Flow Controls, Inc. Turbine Flow Meter for Fluid, Gas, Water and Steam AXON Energy Products Single, Double, Spherical BOP API, Gate, Valves, Choke Kill Manifold Check Point - Pumps & Systems Wellhead Control System, Chemical Injection Pumps and Chemical Injection Package

JVS Flow Control Chock Manifold- Chokes & Gate Valves Drilling equepment repair and recirtification.

Maitech International, Inc. - USA Line Pipes, Casing Pipes & Pipe Fittings – Stockiest

Main Office: 28 Rd. 270, 4th Sector, New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Tel.: +202 27025224 Fax: +202 27023290 E-mail: admasco@admasco.com.eg Free Zone Warehouse: Free Zone Amerya - Alex. Work Shop Yard: Plot 17S, Industrial Zone, Investment Land, Qattamia, Cairo, Egypt

+202 33 05 08 84

Admasco Work Shop ISO 17025 & ISO 41261- for Gauge, Relief Valves Calibration. In Processing:- API 570, 598, 6D, 510, 1402, 7K & 16C for Hydrostatic Test Pipes, Valves, Vessels, BOP & Hoses.


TripleFast Middle East Ltd. Manufacturer of a Bolting Gaskets, Seals and Machined Components

International News ENI and TOTAL Did Not Find Investments Quantities From Gas Off Cyprus Mr. Yiorgos Lakkotrypis, Cyprus Minister of Energy announced that exploration processes which is done by Italian ENI and French TOTAL off Cyprus, did not came out with quantities desired from Natural Gas for investment. The Minister said that drilling works in another area confirmed existence of Natural Gas tank within development economic region of Cyprus but «First estimate stating that the discovered quantity did not make from the field a

standing-alone project». American Noble Energy Company found Gas on south east coast of Cyprus in 2011 in Aphrodite field which contains toward 127 billion cubic tons (4.54 trillion cube foot) of Gas.

Both Delek Drilling and Avner Oil Israeli Companies and British Dutch SHELL Company, participates in this field which was announced as perfect commercial investment. The combined Company between Italian ENI and South Korean KOGAS declared its failure on discovering commercial quantities of Gas. Cyprus planned to construct a Factory to liquefy Gas on ships before exporting it to Asia and Europe but reserve guaranteed is not enough for that.

International Energy Agency: Oil Stocks Are Moving To A great Drop in 2017 International Energy Agency said that expectations about American Shale Oil growth and mistiness of Chinese Imports of crude may lead to increase Oil stocks again next year, after OPEC and some other independent producers contributed in a «Great» drop this year. Olivier Lejeune, Oil stocks market Analyst in the International Energy Agency said «Assuming that OPEC production will remain fixed, we will not expect great drag from crude oil

stocks by Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries within the coming six to nine months».

He added «Our estimations involve in 2018» and that on assumption of production stability of OPEC. Lejeune said that one of the reasons of slowing down withdrawing from stocks next year is the expected production increase from non members of OPEC Countries, led by American Shale Oil producers where the International Energy Agency expects «High» production increase by 1.1 million barrel daily.

Fitch: Low Costs And Shale Oil Growth Restrains Raw Price On The Long Term Fitch Ratings Agency says that lower costs of Global Production and large growth possibility of American Rock Oil will keep average annual Oil prices not $60 per barrel on the long term. Fitch says about Global Oil price, It is still skeptical at low production effectiveness which is implemented by (OPEC) in re-balance between supply

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and demand in the near future. It should be noted that OPEC and some countries which are non members of the Organization led by Russia, have decided in last May on low Oil production extension for nine months till March 2018 to get rid of Global Oil glut Oil which led to low Oil prices to the half during the past three years.

Since 2003, flow measurement Systems Company has been established according to the investment authority laws and executive regulations to serve the oil &gas sectors as well as industrial & commercial sector in Egypt & the region to provide hydro test and calibration services. We are accredited by the ILAC, based on the international mutual recognition arrangements (MRA), under the guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025 for general requirements for competence of calibration and testing laboratories. We are certified ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. The ILAC is the peak international authority on laboratory accreditation. Laboratory accreditation provides our clients with formal recognition of the competence of our laboratory. We are re-evaluated regularly by the accreditation body to ensure our continued compliance with requirements. Thus, being accredited is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as reliable indication of our technical competence. Accordingly our data is readily accepted overseas.

PRESSURE TEST Ó Fully computerized and plc controlled test unit, capable of building pressure up to 30,000 psi by using two air-driven pumps, one for quickfilling and the other to build up pressure to the test value. Ó The pressure test Monitored digitally on system wide screen and recorded on paper charts to issue full test report. Ó Camera system is installed for monitoring the test and observing any leakage. Ó The test unit operated with remote control systems

PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE CALIBRATION AND TESTING We undertakes Inspection, Overhaul, Calibration and Certification of all types of Pressure Relief Valves AS (A SAFETY RELIEF VALVES , PRESSURE SWITCH And PILOT VALVES ) with high accuracy equipments( Ventill test unit , Haskel gas boosters , pressure sensors ) FMS carries out these jobs according to procedures developed ‘In House’ conforming to the requirements of BS EN ISO 41261:2013-, API-598 and API 576 standards.

CALIBRATION SERVICES Ó Calibration for pressure gauges up to 30 KPSI (Analog & Digital). Ó Calibration for pressure recorder (Renting and repair). Ó Calibration for tong torque and tong line pull systems. Ó Calibration for silo tanks weight indicator systems. Ó Length measurement tools (verniercalliper- micrometers) Ó Calibration for with different kind and ranges of torque wrenches. Ó Calibration for all kind of pressure transmitters and transducers.

AIR BLOWING Objective : Air blowing services as an efficient way to remove construction debris, loose rust, liquids, and other contaminants from process piping. Application processes : Ó Air Flushing for piping diameters less than 6”. Ó Air Blowing (Buffing) for piping diameters bigger than 6”.



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Corporation News Agency: ARAMCO Signs Five Memorandum of Understanding with Great Russian Energy Companies Saudi Arabia Official News Agency said that Executive President of Saudi ARAMCO have signed five memorandum of understanding with great Russian energy companies during the first Saudi Russian Investment Forum in Moscow. The Agency added that from the agreements which was signed by Amin Al-Nasser, a triple parties memorandum with Saudi General Investments fund and Russian Direct Investments fund about investments in Energy Services and Manufacturing Sectors. The Agency said that Al-Nasser also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Giant Russian GAZPROM understanding «Enables development of big business concerning about Gas prospecting and its International Production as well as helping in appearance of new suppliers in Saudi Arabia market». It added that Saudi Oil Company owned by the Kingdom have signed also a memorandum with Russian Direct Investments Fund and SIBUR Russian Company to market petrochemicals to

evaluate potential cooperation opportunities at the petrochemical sector including marketing petrochemical products in both Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Italian «ENI» : Gas Production From ZOHR Egyptian Gas Field Will Start By The End of The Year Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Italian ENI Company, announced that current data emphasizes ZOHR Egyptian Gas field starts its production by next December, stressing that the group will have a check procedure for the field before month from that which is November. Descalzi said, in ENI’s Awards ceremony for 2017 in the presidential palace in Rome: «We have done well progress, we are doing our maximum effort there, using all our local energy resources in that high worth project, where its reserves is estimated about 850 billion cubic meter from Natural Gas, and it is considered the biggest field in the Mediterranean», according to AKI News Agency.

General Petroleum Company’s Production Increases to 91.7 Thousand Equivalent Oil Barrel Daily President of General Petroleum Company said that the Company’s Production rates from Petroleum wealth from its fields and its share from participated companies rose to 86.4 thousand equivalent oil barrel daily with %5 increase than last year though natural challenges decrease in production rates, pointing its increase again in 20172018/ towards 91.7 thousand equivalent oil barrel daily, pointing out that new discoveries and successful

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operations to develop production fields had the large impact in raising company’s production rates. He added that four new petroleum discoveries were achieved in the General Petroleum Company’s areas in the gulf of Suez and Eastern and Western desert with total daily production rate toward 4700 crude oil barrel and 10.8 million cubic feet of Gas daily, contributed at addition stock and reserves estimated about 173.7 million

September 2017

crude oil barrel and 102.4 billion cubic feet of Gas, came in first detection at extension of north east of SANAN field in Western desert, it was put down in initial production rates 2500 crude oil barrels daily and 800 thousand cubic feet of Gas daily.

SHELL Prepares To Finish 100 Years From Oil Production In Iraq Royal Dutch SHELL prepares to finish a century of Oil Production in Iraq by withdrawing from two important fields and focus on Gas production which is giving more profits. British Dutch Company said that it agreed with Iraqi Ministry of Oil on waiver all operations in Magnoon oil field to Iraqi government after some non favorable financial adjustments. This announcement is common to report which was published by Reuters at earlier time. SHELL also sells its share of %20 in west Qurna field in south Iraq which is managed by EXXON MOBIL. SHELL said it is still committed on Gas production in Iraq and it will focus on development and expansion of BASRA

Gas Company which is responsible for processing extracted Gas from

3,4 Billion Egyptian Pounds Revenues of Al-Nasr and Suez Petroleum Companies Engineer Mohammed Eliwa President of Suez Petroleum Company said most important business results pointing that it contributed to provide part of local market needs which is increasing from solar, benzene, diesel fuel, butane, and coal, the company’s production values were increased about 1.9 billion Egyptian pounds with %28 increase than previous financial year, the size of investments implemented during the year in replacement and renovation and development yield units and add new modules about 111 million Egyptian pounds, explaining that new projects includes two units, one of them to produce Asphalt with investment cost more than $79 million and the other to produce Butane with investment cost $75 million. On the other hand ,Chemical Nabil Fahmy President of Al-Nasr Petroleum Company explained most important business results where about 2.8 million tons crude oil were refining and contributed to provide part of local market needs from Asphalt, Naphtha, Jet Fuel, Solar and Diesel Asphalt, production values of the company were increased 1.5 Billion Egyptian pounds with %20 increase from previous year, he explained that total investments implemented at replacement and renovation and security projects about 191 million Egyptian pounds.

Rumaila, west Qurna and Zubair fields. SHELL owns %44 in the joint project.

Mosco opens two new branches in Canada and Dubai

After the success achieved by Mosco Company in Egypt, where gained the confidence of its customers here in the Egyptian petroleum sector, the company began to expand its activities as the company intends to open its branches in Canada and Dubai by the end of this year. It is known that the company was established in 2010 as 100% Egyptian Free Zone Company working in diversified offshore services field focusing on new technology solutions, customer satisfaction, and to uphold the highest professional standards in the oil and gas industry.

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


New Products Pipe-Handling System National Oilwell Varco (NOV) introduced the PipeCat FX to its line of horizontal pipe-handling systems. The PipeCat FX, which has an adjustable catwalk to accommodate drill-floor heights of 20 to 35 ft, delivers tubulars from the ground level to the drill floor and back. The PipeCat FX has a modular design that enables easy transportation through tailboarding, conventional loading on a flatbed, and walking with the rig when moving from well to well on a pad. The PipeCat FX uses hydraulic operations and circuitry to offer longer duty cycle and increased reliability. The PipeCat FX is capable of handling Range II and Range III tubulars with diameters from 3½ to 20 in. and has a lifting capacity of up to 8,000 lbs. Additionally, a deck height of 42 in. eliminates the need for a harness. When activated by the tool operator, the passive skate aids delivery of tubulars from the elevators down the trough of the catwalk. The pipe weight drives back the skate, allowing unhindered pipe lowering, and optic sensors around the platform of the tool automatically shut down operation when movement is detected, ensuring personnel safety. Ă“ For additional information, visit www.nov.com.

20 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

Sand-Control Technology Chemical-Injection System

Well-Service Pump

Remote Automation Monitoring Tendeka introduced its (RAM) Cascade³products allow upstream and midstream operations to increase chemicaltechnology, which overcomes sand-control injection precision and efficiency while reducing chemical challenges by preventing sand production andentirely. overheadThe costs. RAM uses patent-pending, virtualplatform eliminates the flowmetering and stroke-¬counting technology to achieve failure mechanisms associated with waterprecise dosage delivery. RAM’s IPC2000 injection wells, providing operators withcellular pump controller uses this technology to sense each compression improved injectivity, recovery, and well stroke delivered by the pump without additional sensors, life. The technology provides a unique cables, or components (Fig. 2). It offers major savings on solution to water hammer, crossflow, equipment costs andwhich includes proportional flowand backflow, is PROFLO accomplished control technology. PROFLO the option of setting by isolating fluid in theallows completion Gardner Denver introduced the Thunder Series well-service-pump platform, which chemical-delivery targets on thewater basisinto of conventional annulus and locking injection comes in two basic models: a 3,000-BHP quintuplex and a 2,550-BHP triplex, quart-¬per-day or in per million (PPM). the formationparameters, to eliminate theparts transport both with high rod-load and 11-in. stroke length. The 11-in. stroke provides the Themechanism PPM mode a simple entirely. input signal from a for permits sand production advantage of generating more flow per cylinder per rotation of the pump than product flowmeter automatically modulate chemical Cascade³ can be to radially mounted in the conventional 8-in. and 10-in. stroke pumps: 37% more vs. 8-in. and 10% more vs. dosage the pipe, basiswith of the screenonbase no user-set effect on PPM outer concentration 10-in. This reduces the pump speed required to achieve the same flow and pressure level. ¬cellularsatellite-based or All innerRAM diameter and and without altering controllers output of conventional shorter-stroke pumps. That means these pumps accumulate feature integrated tank monitoring, local autonomous completion geometry. The technology fewer cycles over time, which decreases overall wear and tear. The result is longer pump and up tank management, comprehensive battery provides to 10,000 BWPD injection per time between maintenance intervals, which are pump now controller. aligned with the Fig.scheduled 2— Remote Automation Monitoring’s IPC2000 cellular management, temperature-controlled methanol injection, screen joint at low pressure drop and unit engine and transmission, and a reduced rate of consumable part use. The Thunder andvelocities. security alerts. alsoand offer comprehensive scheduled/polled reporting through text, a mobile web page, or RAM’s With aThey simple unobtrusive Series could also be run at similar (higher) speeds than comparable pumps in order FLEET web-based interface. design, Cascade³ human/machine is compatible with both to gain additional output per unit and potentially reduce the required number of Ó For additional visit www.remoteautomationmonitoring.com.. gravel packs information, and stand-alone screens. In pumps needed onsite, significantly affecting cost savings. Service is simplified by addition to boosting production, Cascade³ easy removal of key parts for reduced handling weight, while structural security reduces the need for interventions Magnetic Thickness Detector and is provided by Nord-Lock washers. The Thunder Series performs well on older redrills, significantly lowering long-term retrofitted conventional trailers as well as newer trailers. GOWell’s latest-generation magnetic-thicknessoperational costs. Ó For additional information, visit www.gardnerdenverpumps.com/thunder/. detector (MTD) tool is capable of evaluating quantitative thickness measurements of three concentric pipes (Fig. 3). The instrument combinesTechnology a high-power Well-Completion Actuating transmitter, improved ¬signal/noise electronics, and Oilwell Varco’s ReAct is an electronically controlled actuating mechanism used for well completion fullyNational configurable acquisition. Thistechnology flexible approach products. When using ReAct, permanently installed well-completion tools are surface programmed to monitor well allows a wide range of evaluations under different pressure for certain pressure signatures on the basis of reservoir or surface pressures. Once the programmed signature conditions and conveyance systems, including logging is recognized, the tool will actuate and open or close communication paths for flow where needed. ReAct allows for in large pipes (up to 18⅝ in.), fast logging of single programming a time delay before the tool begins monitoring for pressure signatures or a time delay after the pressure pipes, chrome- andofalloy-pipe evaluation, thick casings, signature has been recognized in order to optimize and memory-optimized logging. Internally, the tool actuation for each application. An unlimited number of products can be deployed simultaneously, programmed to actuate independently or synchronized with other products run in the acquires up to 300 channels ofeach pulsed-eddy-current well. ReAct well-completion products many features of a conventional intelligent completion system but are transient decay that can be transmitted inprovide real time deployed any controlReal-time lines to surface. to surface or without stored downhole. loggingThe is technology enables robust and simple deployment while providing flexibility staged well below cleanup and phase, or any other applications during the well-construction and early possible eitherininacombination any of startup GOWell’s well-production phase. Once(MFC) the electronic existing Multi-Finger Caliper tools oractuation when features have exceeded the battery life, which is between 6 and 12 months, the well-completion products provide the same functionality as traditional intervention flow-control products. combined with PegasusStar, -GOWell’s high-speed Ó For system. additional information, visit www.nov.com. telemetry Memory acquisition is supported by GOWell’s memory logging system. When run with their Pegasus¬Star platform, the MTD is fully combinable Fig. 3— GOWell’s MTD tool can evaluate quantitative thickness with the MFC tool and their Digital-Radial-Bond Tool, measurements of three concentric pipes. allowing a comprehensive evaluation of well integrity, providing accurate thickness information for multiple pipe strings as well as the cement-bond quality. Ó For additional information, visit www.gowellpetro.com.

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Coiled-Tubing Software

Baker Hughes introduced the CIRCA coiled-tubing software solution, which helps service providers and operators simulate, model, plan, and carry out coiled-tubing operations. It offers high model accuracy built on more than 3 decades of field-guided refinement. The software suite comes in three optional packages. The Complete package optimizes job designs and saves time, providing accurate modeling of tubing forces, pressures, friction losses, rheologies, fluid behaviors, and downhole tool operations. The Pro package allows providers to know the outcome before they start in the most advanced coiled-tubing operations. It includes modeling for complex capabilities such as solids transport, abrasive perforating, hydrogen sulfide effects and thresholds, and reverse circulation. The Real-Time package keeps simulated thresholds updated and on-track in the cab. Every model uses computational simulations and empirical data to identify job limits and opportunities. The user interface is made up of detailed, context-related help files, along with a warning and messaging system based on actual physical conditions and lessons learned. It provides immediate guidance to coiled-tubing providers and helps them operate to the limits of their equipment, safely and efficiently. Ó For additional information, visit www.bakerhughes.com.

Production-Optimization Software IntelliStream, from Baker Hughes, a GE company, is an upstream enterprise software that focuses on reducing nonproductive time and improving production optimization through a single system. Purpose-built on Predix, GE’s platform for the industrial Internet, and leveraging a foundation of asset-performance-management capabilities, the software provides analytics-driven visibility and insights across a variety of resources including reservoirs, wells, networks, facilities, and people. Enabling organizations with topline revenue growth insights and cost-reduction metrics, the software tracks and trends the health of oil and gas equipment, production flow, and well patterns. It also aims to learn constantly by use of digital twins, self-learning models, correlation analysis, multiaxis well history, and interaction and dependency analysis. With an integrated view of upstream data, ranging from a lost-production heat map to lift analysis, this software provides oil and gas companies with the information needed to increase efficiency and profitability, reduce cost, manage resources, and optimize production. Ó For additional information, visit www.bhge.com.

22 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

Insert Safety Valve The Torus insert safety valve enables single-trip, rigless deployment of production-enhancement equipment with an American Petroleum Institute (API) 14A-tested safety valve. The valve—which enables passage of through-tubing coiled tubing, capillary lines, or cables—provides fail-safe protection while allowing faster, more economical operations to extend the productive life of existing wells. Although installing electrical submersible pumps, gas-lift systems, velocity strings, and chemical-injection systems are common approaches to boosting production, maintaining a well barrier during installation and the subsequent production phase is complex and cost-prohibitive. This is because traditional safety valves with flapper-style closure mechanisms require an unobstructed inside diameter for operation. Consequently, a rig has to be mobilized to install these valves deeper in the well below the production enhancement equipment, driving up costs and health, safety, and environmental risks and often delaying operations. By use of a patented sliding-sleeve design to control flow instead of a flapper mechanism, the Torus valve maintains functionality during installation and production while providing a permanent conduit through its center. The valve allows operators to carry out rigless insert string installations in wells that require a qualified safety valve, reducing operational expenses by an average of 50%. Ó For additional information, visit www.bhge.com.

Triple P (Process - Power - Piping) Engineering Solutions LLC. is a multi-disciplinary engineering contractor, Established by a group of expert engineers & specialists, with mixture of international & local engineering experience. We are a provider of Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC Contractor) and Project Management Service for Oil & Gas (Onshore - Offshore), Petrochemical, Power and Industrial Projects.

Core services

Engineering ,Design , Procurement “Purchase” ,fabrication , Construction , repair and commissioning for the following systems: 1. Piping & pipeline Systems 2. Electrical Networks and infrastructure (MV & LV) 3. Instrumentation and control systems. 4. Storage tanks, heat exchangers and pressure vessels. 5. Pumps & compressors stations. 6. Steel Structure works & Pre-engineered buildings. 7. Firefighting Networks and Fire alarm and detection systems (InDoor & outdoor). 8. Safety studies.

Typical Core served Facilities

Ó Upstream Oil & Gas Pipelines projects. Ó Industrial Processing / separation plants (Air/Gases, Chemicals, products) Ó Lube oil blending plants. Ó Grease Manufacture Plants. Ó Fuel storage depots, Ó Fuel/petrol station Ó Offshore platforms Topsides. Ó Oil & Gas Early processing facilities. Ó Skidded equipment & Packages. Ó Offshore platforms Topside Ó Onshore O&G Gas Gathering Stations. Ó O&G Treatment Plants. Ó Oil & Gas Storage Tanks & Pumping stations. Ó Fire fighting station.

376 , Hussein Abu El Soud st ,Fourth Tourist Area, 6th October City , Egypt. Phone: +202 36993043 Fax: +202 36993054 Mob.:+201200021918


Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Plug Launching System Tesco introduced the new MultiPlug Launching System (MPLS), built to remotely launch multiple plugs or darts for regular and multistage cementing in onshore or offshore applications. The MPLS, in standard configuration, measures approximately 7.5 ft in length and is made up of two simple chambers in a launching cylinder. A release mechanism allows each plug to drop away remotely. This system removes the need for manual plug launching. The MPLS maximizes safety and efficiency in tubular running and cementing operations. The modular design of the MPLS allows for additional plugs to be launched by simply adding body segments to the unit. Plug loading can be performed in the shop before transport to a location. The simple design of the MPLS also allows for disassembly on location to preload plugs before rigging up in the derrick without the need for a bucking unit. Although the MPLS can be run without a casing running tool, optimal performance and maximum value is best achieved when it is used in conjunction with the Tesco Casing Drive System or Compact Casing Drive System to simplify, speed up, and more fully automate the transition from casing running to cementing. Ó For additional information, visit www.tescocorp.com.

Cased-Hole Evaluation System

The Weatherford Raptor 2.0 cased-hole evaluation system defines the location of oil and gas within inches and volume within a few saturation units. The system provides reliable saturation data that guide reservoir-rejuvenation programs. It can also be deployed as an alternative to traditional openholewireline logs in new wells. The system includes the only five-detector-array pulsed neutron tool in the world, which enables 250% more gas-¬saturation measurement sensitivity compared with two-detector tools. The Raptor tool is the only pulsed neutron tool that offers multi¬point oil and gas sensitivity calibration, which provides factory-¬specification logging performance before each job. Once raw data reach the surface, the information is analyzed by dedicated production petrophysicists with an integrated single-well response characterization, four-detector mixing, and transparent petrophysical processes and software. At any point in the process, the client is able to confer with the production petrophysicist to see the analysis behind the answers. The system offers a variety of fluid-saturation answer products— including carbon/oxygen, sigma, and three-phase techniques—along with an array of specialty answer products. Ó For additional information, visit www.weatherford.com.

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Kuwait Energy was founded 12 years ago, can you shed more light on the company’s beginning and what are the most important milestones passed by the company so far? Kuwait Energy was established in 2005 as a result of the founders’ vision to be the pioneers in establishing an independent E&P Company focused on the MENA region. Our background and expertise in the field as founders, coupled with our well-rounded knowledge of the MENA region and the geo-political conditions at the time, had significantly facilitated the gradual and steady materialization of that vision. Moreover, I would be remiss if I don’t give credit to the wide professional network and business relationships we have established and nurtured over the years for being an integral and irrefutable factor of our success story. Furthermore, Kuwait Energy has managed to achieve many milestones, the most prominent of which goes back to 2006 when we acquired our first assets in Oman and Egypt which marked our official entry to the market as an E&P Company. During the years that followed, the Company had significantly accelerated production and cash flow through our producing assets in Egypt, Oman as well as Yemen, which in return helped us sustain ourselves during the financial crisis. 2011 marked Kuwait Energy’s strategic entrance into Iraq with gas development contracts for Siba and Mansuriya signed in 2011. Later on, in 2012, we were awarded exploration and development contracts for Block 9 which lead to Kuwait Energy’s largest hydrocarbon discovery to date and considered one of the largest discoveries in Iraq during in the last 12 years. Shortly after, in 2013, Kuwait Energy signed the contract of Block 9 in Baghdad – Iraq, which was a turning point for the Company as Block 9 is our biggest asset which constitutes almost 90% of our 2P reserves – one of the largest reserves amongst our peers. 2014 marks the year we made our first official public transaction in an international market where we issued Senior Guaranteed Notes fully subscribed in the Irish Stock Exchange Market and issued a corporate bond for $250 million. Moreover, we have established a strategic alliance with EGPC

since 2011 which led to EGPC entering into their first venture in 2015 in Block 9,Iraq. What is the size of Kuwait Energy’s booked reserves? Kuwait Energy has a total of 10 assets in 4 counties in the MENA region; Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, and Oman in which it operates 7. The 2P working interest reserves, as at YE 2016, is 810 mmboe which positions us as one of the largest companies from a reserves perspective in comparison to our international peers. These reserves are certified, by our auditors, Gaffeny, Cline & Associates. We are extremely proud to say that our operated assets had boasted MENA reserves growth from 18 to 810 mmboe between 2008 to 2016 and production from 6 to 27.4 kboepd as of 1H 2017. Our 2C Working Interest (WI) Resources is 1,040 mmboe. How did the company face the difficult conditions of lower oil prices as well as competition with major international companies? As an entrepreneurial Company, Kuwait Energy is able to adapt quickly to the continuously challenging environment demonstrating the resilience, innovation and determination of our team. Our improved operational performance and undeterred focus on our strategy places Kuwait Energy in a strong position to respond to the volatile market conditions. In 2015 and 2016, the Company focused on the committed capital program, delaying and in some instances cancelling some discretionary activities. We focused our efforts in increasing our production in Iraq, where the terms are less sensitive to oil prices providing us with steady cash flows. We also took many difficult decisions in reducing our G&A significantly by giving up office space and optimizing manpower. Today, our production from Iraq continues to grow and stands at approximately 10.0 kboepd. This will increase over the coming 6 months providing further resilience to oil price volatility. Tell us about Kuwait’s Energy activities in Egypt, and particularly where Egypt ranks within Kuwait Energy’s worldwide operations? Egypt is of high importance to Kuwait

Energy as it is where approximately 65% of the Company’s 2016 production was produced. The first asset we acquired in Egypt was Burg El Arab (BEA) only a year after our establishment in 2006. Soon after, by the end of 2008 we acquired 3 more assets – Abu Sennan in 2007, Area A and East Ras Qatara (ERQ) in 2008 – equaling to 4 producing assets in total in Egypt, three of which are operated by Kuwait


Energy. Currently, East Ras Qattara (ERQ), located in the Western Desert, 120 km west of Cairo, is Kuwait Energy’s largest producing asset with an average production of 9.8 kboepd as of Year End 2016. It is important to note that Kuwait Energy enjoys a strong and strategic partnership with the EGPC, as it does with all host governments where it operates. In 2015, Kuwait Energy was the catalyst in Egypt

SARA AKBAR Is the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board. She is a renowned professional and personality in the oil and gas industry, both in Kuwait and internationally. She has over 30 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry having worked in several challenging positions in Kuwait Oil Company (‘KOC’) and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (‘KUFPEC’). Sara Akbar has a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Kuwait University. Mohamed Bendary entering their first external venture as EGPC became our partner in Block 9. Later, EGPC became a partner in our Siba gas field as well. This alliance further improves the outlook for the Company’s operations in Egypt as well as the economic and political relationships between Egypt and Iraq and is a further proof-point that Kuwait Energy is well-positioned to bridge economic ties in the region and create value and opportunities for all parties included. I should stress on our excellent manpower in our Egypt office and operational sites led by Country President, Kamel Al Sawi. We are proud to say that our employees in Egypt, which as at year-end 2016 are over 180 employees, are mostly Egyptian. When will the production start from the Iraqi Siba Field? What is the planned daily production? And the size of the reserve? The Siba Gas field development is of paramount importance to Kuwait Energy and to the Iraqi government. As a Company, we are working alongside our partners and contractors to achieve first gas as early as possible. Our latest assessment is that first gas will be online in Q1 2018. Currently, 3 wells are ready to produce as

soon as the facilities are ready and up to an additional 5 wells will be drilled to reach the contractual gas production plateau. In addition to producing the plateau rate at 100mmscfd in 2H 2018, we expect to produce an additional 15,000 boepd of gas condensate from the field. Our 2P reserves in Siba as at year-end 2016 stand at 38 mmboe. How does Kuwait Energy care about the human resources who are considered the core of success for any company? Also, can you touch on your core values in regards to Corporate Social Responsibility? At Kuwait Energy, we realized from our early beginnings, that achieving our vision will not only be attained by the collated expertise of our senior management, but rather by also acquiring young talents, nurturing their development and setting them on the right track to grow professionally. Our HR has always been very adamant on ensuring the professional growth and development of all our employees across all our country offices and providing them with all the tools necessary for their success in each and every role along with a clear development

path for each individual in order to fully prepare them for future roles in leadership. Also, as I have mentioned before, almost 100% of our work-force in Egypt are locals which is something we strive for in all our countries of operation. This is a testament to our commitment to the local communities where we operate. In addition, as you might already be aware, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the key foundations and pillars of Kuwait Energy’s strategy and is a matter we take very seriously and passionately. It is an essential part of our corporate values embedded in our culture and constitutes an integral part of who we are as a responsible and conscientiousness company. Furthermore, as part of the Company’s meticulous evaluation process, we ensure the CSR programs we undertake are holistic, distinct and aimed particularly in the areas where we operate in order to serve the people while targeting social development to further create value for the community. Some of our recent efforts include providing assistance in Ras Gharib following last year’s floods and establishing microeconomies for Iraqi widows in some of Basra’s most impacted areas.

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Enhancing Oil Recovery in Gulf of Suez by Deep Conformance Control using a Thermally Activated Particle System By

Martin Towns SPE, Monica Lara Angarita SPE, David Thrasher SPE, Paul Denyer SPE, Mohamed M. Nabil SPE, BP; Radi S. Bayoumi SPE, Mahmoud M. Kinawy SPE, GUPCO.



This paper describes the use of Bright Water™1, a thermally activated particle (TAP), to enhance oil recovery from the giant Morgan field in the Gulf of Suez. The main reservoir of the Morgan field, the Kareem sandstone, has a high well density and has produced under water flood for over 35 years. Despite this, lower permeability zones remain poorly swept while average production water cut exceeds 85%. Deep conformance control is required to improve sweep efficiency. The authors describe the area selection criteria, the treatment design method and deployment operations. Although Bright Water particles have been deployed in many fields globally, this treatment, completed in September 2012, is particularly noteworthy in that it is the first application of this chemical system via an onshore injection system to simultaneously treat multiple offshore wells. At the time of writing, this is also the largest treatment of its kind performed in a single operation. This application sets a precedent for future treatments in terms of technique and scale. Treating multiple wells simultaneously from an onshore facility greatly reduced the cost of execution operations and minimised operational risk. The treatment’s impact on production will be determined from a rigorous programme of well testing and wellhead sampling.

Using thermally activated particles for deep reservoir diversion

This paper describes how thermally activated particles known as Bright Water are being used in the North Morgan Kareem reservoir to improve waterflood sweep efficiency by creating a deep reservoir diversion. Previous field trials (Pritchett et al, 2003; Husband et al, 2010; Mustoni et al,

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2010) have confirmed the effect of the thermally activated particle system but this treatment at North Morgan has expanded the range of application in the oilfield. Bright Water consists of highly crosslinked particles bound by both labile and stable internal cross links. They are injected as a suspension in mineral oil in their constrained or kernel form and typical sizes can be from 0.1 to 1 micron. When in contact with water and at a specific temperature they begin to expand due to the acceleration in the rate of labile decrosslinking. By absorbing the surrounding water the particle can grow to have a diameter 10 times greater than its kernel form (Frampton et al, 2004) as shown in Figures 1 and 2. This technology is used to create flow resistance in high permeability layers known as thief zones. By diverting the path already established by the injected water both aerially and vertically it allows bypassed movable oil to be swept and thereby increases oil recovery (Figure 3).

Area selection and screening criteria

North Morgan Field is an anticlinal structure of south-west dipping fault blocks (Figure 4) within a layered sequence of Miocene fan-delta sandstones. It is located in the central Gulf of Suez and originally contained more than 2 billion barrels of oil in place. The main faults in the structure trend north-west to south-east. From the start of production in 1967, the field was initially developed under natural depletion, achieving a maximum oil production rate of 330,000 BOPD. However, pressure support from the aquifer is limited by partially sealing faults, and this resulted in reservoir pressure decline and increasing GOR. Seawater injection commenced in 1974. Pressure decline was reversed and the GOR stabilized. Since then infill drilling and well work activity has continued and recovery factor is now approaching 60%.

There are two main reservoirs in the Morgan Field, the Belayim and the Kareem. The Kareem reservoir is subdivided into 5 intervals (K1 to K5). K1 has a low netto-gross and K2 shows the highest net-to-gross. K3, K4 and K5 are variable. Gross thickness for the Kareem interval is up to 1000 ft. The permeability range is large, and can reach several Darcies. This rock quality variation has a significant impact on sweep as observed in wells drilled after waterflood began. Figures 5 & 6 show that although water cut in many wells now exceeds 90%, inflow is not uniform and some oil has been bypassed. GUPCO selected the North Morgan field for treatment using TAP on the basis of its reservoir properties, the presence of bypassed oil and its accessibility via an onshore injection plant. The particular well pattern selected also has good surveillance potential, as most of the treated wells are on the same platform and wells can be tested either individually or as a group. There are several reservoir properties that were evaluated during the screening stage. Each of these was scored to determine the suitability of a field for TAP application: Ó Existence of unswept but movable oil, evidenced by logs Ó Absence of flow barriers and good interwell connectivity Ó Good vertical pressure continuity Ó Presence of thief zones confirmed by offset production water-cut data and evaluation of water transit times Ó Low waterflood breakthrough index (i.e. water breakthrough occurred after a small pore volume fraction of water was injected) Ó Recent track record of low incremental recovery versus pore-volumes of water injected Ó Reservoir temperature within an acceptable range Ó Permeability range from 50 to 4000 mD Ó Flow not dominated by fractures Other apects of the waterflood and facilities operation favorable to TAP application include: Ó Injection water salinity within acceptable range (salinity can impact chemical activation time) Ó High predictability of WOR trend Ó Bottom hole injection water temperature within acceptable range Ó Good understanding of waterflood performance, supported by field data and reservoir models Ó No well integrity problems Ó No major wellwork activities or shut-downs planned during or post-treatment

Ó Availability of production rate and pressure data, pre- and post-treatment Ó Availability of testing facilities and sampling points

Treatment design

A major challenge of performing chemical treatments in offshore wells is the delivery of large quantities of chemical to the wellheads. In this case the average treatment size was expected to be c.200 tones of chemical per well, equivalent to ten 20-tonne International Maritime Organisation (IMO) specification tanks. The lay down area and deck strength limitations of the offshore platforms precluded putting this amount of chemical and pumping equipment directly onto the platforms. Boat operations were considered, but are expensive and subject to weather constraints, adding operational risk to the treatment. Onshore deployment, however, greatly reduces risk and cost, and the design of the Morgan Waterflood Facility (MWF) and injection system makes it possible. Water for injection is treated onshore and then supplied under pressure to the offshore platforms by a network of pipelines that branch off the main 24-inch trunk line carrying water from the onshore plant to the M36 complex (Figure 7). Although deployment from onshore offers cost and efficiency savings, for Morgan it also imposed some constraints. The treatment had to be delivered to the wells in a flowing injection stream, with a specified chemical concentration. The MWF typically operates at a supply volume of 140 MBD with 3 high pressure injection pumps in service at any one time. Even using a single pump, a minimum turndown criterion of 40 MBD was imposed. As no single well had the capacity to inject at this rate it was necessary to treat multiple wells simultaneously such that the total injection rate into the treated wells at any one time summed to 40 MBD or more. In practice, five wells were required and this then determined the overall volume of the treatment. A thermal modelling tool developed by BP plc was used to determine the precise TAP treatment design. This tool requires a detailed reservoir description including reservoir layering, layer properties and geometry, reservoir and injection water temperature, zonal injection water allocation and zonal production rate histories. For the North Morgan treatment a 20-layer thermal model was required. The thermal modelling tool was used to estimate the location of the thermal front in every injector in order to identify where the TAP would expand (or pop). This distance should be such that it avoids both any injectivity reduction by being too close to the injectors or any risk of back production of unactivated particles by displacement too close to producers. Different grades of TAP are available, each having a specific

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activation temperature range. Thermal analyis is used to select the appropriate chemical grade. Having made this selection, the volume of chemical required was calculated. This volume is not only dependant on the grade used but also on the dimensions of the thief layers treated, the distance at which particles activate and the areal sweep pattern. Using the thermal modelling tool, ideal treatment volumes were determined for each well in the target area. As the treatment was to be deployed simultaneously to all selected wells, well injection rate during the treatment would determine the well treatment volume delivered. This required some wells to be operated at rates other than their standard injection rates. Tests were performed to ensure the selected rates were achievable (Figure 8). Finally a common injection time was selected that required the least deviation from normal operating rates for each well with tolerable deviation from the ideal treatment volume. Injection wells are cased and perforated and generally have dual strings completions; short strings for the shallower intervals K1, K2 and long strings for the deeper intervals. Since injection rates are controlled separately, the injection rate vs time curves were built for each string. By pumping the treatment over a period of five days with a combined injection rate from 5 wells of 40 MBD (the minimum operating rate of the onshore injection pump) the desired treatment volume could be delivered to each well. Figure 9 shows the injection rate required for each string as a function of total pumping time necessary to deliver the required treatment volume. The red line shows the selected treatment duration for which the individual string rates sum to the 40 MBD target, and these values are tabulated in Table 1. Following injection, the TAP treatment is displaced away from the injection point as the well is returned to its normal operating condition. The treatment slug thins as it stretches over a broader arch, following the pressure gradient from injector to producers. The thickness of the treatment slug at the thermal front (measured parallel to the pressure gradient) is known as the block length. The treatment design ensures that the block length achieved creates adequate resistance in the thief layers to cause deep reservoir diversion. A larger block length inceases the likelihood of significant diversion and incremental oil recovery, but requires a larger volume of chemical and therefore greater cost. The treatment volume selected optimized incremental oil against treatment cost. For the North Morgan treatment a total of 700 tonnes (692,800 litres) of the EC9404A Bright Water grade was used. By injecting the chemical at a rate of 100 litres/min into a flowing water stream of 40 MBD, an active concentration of 6,500 ppm was achieved. This was injected together with 233 tonnes (231,000 litres) of EC9360A surfactant at 33 litres/min.

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Chemical tracer test

The back-production of non-activated TAP is a risk common to all Bright Water treatments. This can happen if thief zones or fractures allow the particles to pass through the reservoir so rapidly that they spend insufficient time above the threshold temperature to expand. No reservoir damage ensues, but the back-produced particles are wasted. To ensure this would not happen as part of the Morgan treatment, a chemical tracer test was performed prior to the finalization of treatment design. Tracers were introduced into the injection water onshore at the MWF in April 2012, 4 months ahead of the injection of the chemical. This deployment technique had the limitation of introducing the same tracer in each injection well, but fulfilled the criteria of allowing rapid communication pathways to be detected if present, while minimizing execution and analysis costs. It also allowed the injection system to be tested in the same operating mode as would be required for the Bright Water treatment itself. This aspect of the test proved most useful, demonstrating that the plant could be operated stably in the turn-down condition of 40 MBD. For the particular grade used the mean time to activation was estimated at 7 weeks at the Kareem reservoir temperature of 174 deg °F (79 °C). After 18 weeks, no tracer had been detected in the wellhead produced water samples collected weekly from each well, indicating that the particles would have sufficient reservoir residence time to activate (pop) and that back-production is therefore, very unlikely.

Injection operations

The MWF supplies water to 71 injector wells in total. However, as only 5 wells were selected for the initial treatment it was necessary to isolate all injection pathways outside those required to deliver water to these target wells as shown above in Figure 7. This was achieved using verifiably-operational valves or spades. Site lay out was carefully considered for the positioning of chemical pumping equipment and chemical tanks as shown in the photographs in Figure 10. The 700 tonnes of Bright Water and 233 tonnes of surfactant treatment were supplied in 47 (20 tonne) IMO tanks. Chemical injection pumps were sited at the MWF and two injection tappings were installed in the main 24-inch truck line. Surfactant was injected approximately 30m upstream of the Bright Water injection and prior to a right-angled bend in the pipeline. This ensured full mixing of the surfactant into the injected water prior to its contact with the chemical. Bright Water is delivered in a light oil suspension in which it is effectively inert, and easily transported and stored. The surfactant ensures the complete

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dispersion of this suspension in the injection stream. Since there was insufficient space to locate all 47 IMO tanks at the MWF site, empty tanks were changed out for full ones during the course of the treatment. By injecting chemicals into the flowing trunk line onshore at a controlled rate, the target injection concentration of 6,500 ppm was achieved. The 5 selected wells were treated simultaneously for a period of 5 days with the treatment volume delivered to each well controlled by setting its rate using the injection choke. Following the injection of the entire chemical treatment, the system was left in the turn-down condition for 4 more days to displace the chemicals from the injection line into the wells, flush the line and displace the treatment away from the immediate wellbore area. Displacing time from onshore to well head at the specified rate takes no longer than 1 day. The injection system was then shut down, the isolations removed and finally the injection system was restarted in the ordinary operating condition.

Ongoing surveillance

A rigorous programme of wellhead sampling was implemented several months prior to treatment to monitor water cut and establish a baseline trend from which the impact of the treatment can be seen as a deviation. Additionally, pressure fall off tests before treatment were executed on 3 of the 5 treated injection wells that will be used to identify any change in permeability-height (kh) by comparison of preand post-Bright Water deployment conditions. Following the treatment of the North Morgan wells there has been an unplanned but extended production outage to repair some of the facilities on the M1 platform that form part of the export route and the gas lift supply route for the target area wells. However, injection continued during this time to displace the treatment sufficiently away from the injectors. Although the production outage will not have prevented the TAP from expanding and creating resistance to flow in the high permeability rock, it has lead to some delay in observing the outcome of the treatment and could affect the baseline production making the definitive measurement of the treatment impact challenging. Once normal operating conditions resume water cut measurements will be taken weekly from well head samples and wells will be tested periodically both individually and as groups.


TAP technology offers great potential for enhanced oil recovery by sweep improvement in the mature waterflooded reservoirs of the Gulf of Suez, including the Morgan Kareem. The design of the MWF and the Morgan water injection

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distribution system made Morgan an ideal candidate for treatment and enabled the safe execution of the largest Bright Water treatment to date.


The authors would like to thank the Cairo subsurface teams for their help with designing and planning this treatment, all the operational staff in Ras Shukheir for making this treatment possible and the staff in EGPC for their support throughout. REFERENCES

1. James Pritchett, Harry Frampton, Joe Brinkman, Steve Cheung, Jim Morgan, K. T. Chang, Dennis Williams, James Goodgame. 2003. Field Application of a New In-Depth Waterflood Conformance Improvement Tool. SPE paper 84897 presented at the SPE International Improved Oil Recovery Conference in Asia Pacific held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20–21 October. 2. Michael Husband, Danielle Ohms, Harry Frampton, Steve Carhart, Brian Carlson, Jim C. Morgan, K. T. Chang. 2010. Results of a three-well waterflood sweep improvement trial in the Prudhoe Bay field using a thermally activated particle system. SPE Paper 129967 presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 2628April. 3. Mustoni, J.L., Norman, C.A., Denyer, P. 2010. Deep Conformance Control by a Novel Thermally Activated Particle System to Improve Sweep Efficiency in Mature Waterfloods of the San Jorge Basin. SPE Paper 129732 presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 26 - 28 April. 4. Frampton, H., Morgan, J., Cheung S., Munson, L., Chang, K.T., Williams, D. 2004. Development of a novel waterflood conformance control system. SPE paper 89391 presented at the SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 1721-. 5. Danielle Ohms, Jennifer McLeod, Craig J. Graff, Harry Frampton, Jim C. Morgan, Jimtech; Stephen Cheung, Chevron; Katrina Yancey and K. T. Chang. 2009. Incremental Oil Success from Waterflood Sweep Improvement in Alaska. Paper SPE 121761 presented at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Texas, 2022- April.

Figure (1) Expansion of Bright Water particles (Ohms et al, 2009)

Figure (5) Water cut measurements from typical Morgan wells

Figure (2) Representation of 5 micron particles obstructing a pore throat (Ohms et al , 2009)

Figure (3) Schematic diagram from the Morgan streamline model illustrating water diversion from thief zones

Figure (6) High degree of heterogeneity, showing the thief layers with high permeability values and bypassed targets

Figure (4) Morgan Field (Alsharhan and Salah, 1995)

Figure (7) Schematic layout of Morgan Waterflood System

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Figure (8) Step Rate Test of Bright Water treated injector

Figure (9) Well rates plotted against pumping time to deliver required volume

Table (1) Treated injection well rates

Figure (10) North Morgan Bright Water deployment site set up

38 Petroleum Today -

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Comparative Study of Miscible Flooding in Compositional Graded Reservoir System By

Mohammad Sohrab Hossain, SPE, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway



Miscible gas injection in near critical oil or volatile oil reservoir improves the recovery due to interfacial tension effects and better microscopic displacement efficiency compared to immiscible water injection. In a graded undersaturated gas-oil fluid system, all fluids are initially first contact miscible with neighboring fluids throughout the reservoir if full- pressure maintenance is supported by injection process. Smorbukk south is characterized as a compositionally graded gas condensate and volatile oil reservoir which lies near the critical region in the phase diagram. Compositional graded reservoir systems exhibit significant variation in the minimum miscible pressure (MMP). MMP variations with depth pose a challenge in selecting reservoir recovery technique to maximize the ultimate recovery.

This paper deals with different scenarios of miscible flooding and compares the results with immiscible flooding for a 3-D homogeneous reservoir system. Here, MMP, determined by different injection gases, can develop far below the saturation pressure. If the injectant is CO2 or sufficiently enriched with intermediate components, the condensing and vaporizing (C/V) mechanism was developed throughout the reservoir. Dipping effects and placement of injector –producer were studied here and was found that updip formation gives highest recovery. Various injection schemes (i.e. Separator Gas and CO2) were studied in miscible flooding scenarios. The results of gas alternating gas (GAG) were compared with the water alternating gas (WAG) method and GAG was found to be the best alternative.


A significant amount of hydrocarbon reserves are found is gas/condensate carrying formation. Rich gas condensate

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region may result in significant loss of heavy ends owing to liquid drop out below the dewpoint pressure and resulting in low recovery. Miscible flooding i.e. Gas cycling / injection schemes are often applied to increase condensate recovery by vaporizing the heavier components (C4+). Miscible flooding techniques were successfully deployed in gas and oil reservoirs nearly half century ago. Usually all miscible techniques are applied in the secondary or tertiary recovery process. Miscibility occurs when the injectant gases are introduced to the reservoir above the reservoir fluid’s dew point and maintain the reservoir pressure above it either by full or partial pressure support. If reservoir pressure drops below the dew point then retrograde condensation occurs and recovery drops sharply. Success of gas injection depends on many parameters varying from reservoir geology, rock properties (wettability) to fluid systems-reservoir fluid and injectant. Compositional graded reservoirs are natural phenomena which occur due to i.e.vertical thermal diffusion, chemical equilibrium and gravity effect. Compositional variation with depth occurs mainly due to biodegradation, solid precipitation in more permeable layer after migration from single or multiple source rocks. These reservoirs can be modeled by isothermal gravity/ chemical equilibrium (GCE) model by neglecting thermal diffusion or thermal convection. Chaback[1] states that thermal diffusion effects are small relative to gravity/chemical effects in the vicinity of a critical point. This paper investigates the effects various injectants, injector and producer placement, dipping of the reservoir and different injection schemes in oil recovery. Separator gas was used as an injectant in the base model. Later on CO2was used as different injectant and cyclic injection of separator gas with CO2 (gas alternating gas, GAG) and water alternating gas (WAG) were also studied. The results were compared with the base case. For miscibility, accurate determination of MMP is very important and

showed that MMP can be developed far below the saturation pressure if the injectant is sufficiently rich with intermediate components or CO2.

Model Description Reservoir Model

In this study, a 1D reservoir model was taken with 5000×1×1 gridding. The dimension of the reservoir was 2000×3280.01×10 ft. and reservoir fluid composition was varied in the x direction with each grid. This gridding system was modified into 3D system by10×10×50 grids with dimension 2000×3280.01×50 ft. Fluid was assumed compositionally varying with depth i.e. Z direction. The layers in the X-Y plane parallel to each other were with good communication. There was no seal or fault considered in this study. All the layers were grouped in four categories. In X-Y plane, first 15 layers permeability 335, next 15 layers permeability 200, next 10 layers permeability 600 and last 10 layers permeability 700 mD were assumed. Table 1 shows the dimension of the layers and their properties. In this study one injector and one producer model was used to study the effect of the injectants. Fluid Model The 15 components EOS model pseudoized to 9 components following the techniques stated by Hearn and Whitson [2 ] was given for this study. But in this study, fluid composition was assumed graded in z direction and original gridding in X direction were truncated from 5000 to 50 grids in Z direction. Each new grid composition was calculated by averaging the truncated amount of grids/ cells. Thus fifty compositions were created for fifty layers in the Z direction. Table 2 shows the fluid components and values of different parameters used in the calculation. The composition of the Separator gas was used as an injectant in the base model is given in the Table 3.

Minimum Miscibility Pressure Determination

Oil recovery by gas injection depends on the minimum miscibility pressure. Minimum miscibility pressure is the lowest pressure at which inject gas becomes miscible with reservoir fluid. Minimum miscibility condition of pressure was computed numerically by isothermal gravity-chemical equilibrium gradient method with robust multicellular MMP- algorithm in PVT package [3]. The reservoir fluid model was initialized with 12,205 ft. depth with 5700 psi initial pressure and 285.5 oF temperature.The Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK) type EOS was used for PVT modeling for Smørbruk fluid. For a given depth, composition of the fluid, reservoir pressure and temperature were given and

Phazecom calculated the saturation pressure. The algorithm in PVT package calculated the MMP at this depth with given injection gas. In this study, MMP was calculated by separator gas and CO2 with reservoir fluid varying composition with depth and plotted in Figure 1. Above the gas oil contact (GOC) saturation pressure (Psat) and MMP are same for separator gas but in oil region MMP varied significantly from saturation pressure (Psat). CO2 MMP is much lower than the saturation pressure (Psat) both in gas and oil zone. At very high depth, CO2 MMP increases slightly than saturated pressure. In general CO2 MMP is much lower than separator gas MMP.

Case Studies and Results

Injectants at MMP contacts with the reservoir oil and intermediate components transfer from reservoir oil to injectant. As the injectants moves forward it contacts with fresh oil and getting enricher with intermediate components. After multiple contacts, injectant becomes more oil like and mixes with oil and thus creates a slug or mix zone in the front. This is known as VG mechanism. On the tail side of the slug, richer injectants drop out the intermediate component and make the oil lighter and condensing mechanism developed[4]. The Condensing and Vaporizing mechanism is developed by diffusion process which is solely controlled by chemical potential, fugacity and mixture properties. The miscibility conditions based on the traditional vaporizing gas drive (VGD) mechanism over predicts the condition of miscibility. If injecting gas is miscible with the reservoir fluid by maintaining partial or full pressure support throughout the reservoir life that theoretically yields almost 100% recoveries if there were no other constraints exist from reservoir point of view[5].Different scenarios of injection cases were analyzed by commercial software SENSOR[6]. SENSOR based findings are discussed below: Effect of Injectants: In miscible type flooding, different injectants showed different impacts on the total recovery. Separator gas and CO2 were injected in the reservoir just above the MMP, separator gas yields with highest recovery. To understand the effectiveness of the miscible flooding, their results were compared with immiscible flooding like- water injection and plotted in figure 2. Separator gas gave the highest recovery (96.5%) because above GOC MMP was same as the saturation pressure or slightly higher. But for CO2, MMP was much lower than the saturation pressure, causes lower recovery (83.1%). On the other hand if the miscible process recovery was compared with immiscible process i.e. water, miscible process has

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


higher recovery than water injection (63.01%). Daily oil production with time was plotted and shown in figure 3. From the figure 3, daily oil production suffered after 500 days with all injection techniques. In water injection case, oil production was high in the early days (around 250 days) and reduced to almost zero after 500 days. Separator gas and CO2 followed almost the same pattern, where production was increased up to 125 days and start declining the production gradually. CO2 and Separator gas almost seized production after 1500 and 2000 days respectively. Gas oil ratio (GOR) was plotted against time with daily production rate, shown in figure 4. After 1000 days, GOR for CO2 and separator gas increased which suggests that evaporation from reservoir fluid to CO2 and separator gases were getting lesser and lesser or gases established a channeling through reservoir formation is hard to answer. To understand the sweep efficiency, Saturation maps of Gas and Oil are given at 1000 days for grid block J5 shown in figure 5 and 6 for separator gas. Injector Placements: Injector placement thought to be a big issue in the ultimate oil recovery was studied here. Previously, injector was placed at the top of the reservoir in one end and producer was placed at the bottom in other end. In this study, two more injector positions were considered- middle (1,1,25) and bottom (1,1,50). Placement of the injector varies the injectant flow path which affects the sweep efficiency. In this study, ultimate recovery did not show any big change with injector placements. With injector placed in the middle of z direction, ultimate recovery with separator gas, CO2 and water was 96.43%, 83.27 % and 62.87 % respectively. This is shown in figure 7 and daily production profile was same as the injector at the top was shown earlier in figure 2. WAG and GAG: Immiscible flooding has lower recovery than miscible flooding but it has better macroscopic sweep efficiency. Miscible flooding has better microscopic efficiency but poor macroscopic efficiency due to higher mobility ratio. Separator gas is very often unavailable due to economic reason in a producing field. Here WAG and GAG schemes were studied. In WAG process water was used as alternating injectant for separator gas and CO2 injection. Another study was carried out with CO2 as an alternative to separator gas (GAG) with same rate and cycle time. The results were presented in figure 8 which showed that separator gas WAG gives 71.64%, CO2 WAG process gives 66.25% and GAG

42 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

process gives 89.52 %. GAG process recovery decrease from pure separator gas recovery by 6 to 7 %. Cost of lean or separator gas, availability of other source of gases and economy play a key role to choose the injection scheme. The average reservoir pressure for WAG and GAG cycles were plotted with time in figure 9. In WAG case, pressure is around 6000 psi and GAG case it was just above the initial pressure of the reservoir. Variation of average pressure in WAG indicated the cycles of water injection. But in GAG case, a miscible zone is created in front of the injectant which swept the reservoir fluid resulted better recovery. Dipping Effect: Dipping effect was also studied in miscible flooding. In this study reservoir was dipped arbitrarily at +/ -10 degree. After that different injectants i.e. separator gas, CO2 and water was injected with keeping the other reservoir parameters constant. Figure 10 and 11 show the recovery of the updip and downdip reservoir with different injectants. Ultimate recoveries for up dip reservoir with separator gas, water and CO2 were 96.88%, 63.54% and 84.73 %. On the other hand, down dip reservoir ultimate recoveries were 84.4%, 63.54% and 81.78% with separator gas, CO2 and water respectively. From the figures 10 to 12, down dip reservoir yields less recovery than up dip reservoir for separator gas and CO2. But for water injection in up dip and down dip reservoir give the same recovery. The difference in recovery in down dip reservoirs for miscible cases occur due to gravity forces dominates over viscous force in macroscopic level in this dip angles. In order to understand dipping effect on CO2 and Separator gas , saturation plot of oil and gas was created at 1000 and 2000 days. In down dip cases, gravity forces are acting with the viscous forces to reduce the sweep efficiency. So the recoveries in the downdip are always low and verified Singh’s claims[7].

Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analyses in few parameters like injection pressure and vertical-horizontal permeability ratios were done in this study. Injection Pressure: Sensitivity of injection pressure variation was done by commercial model integrator and optimizer[8] with SENSOR model.

Injection pressure in miscible cases was chosen higher than the highest MMP value so that the reservoir does not go below to the saturated region at any grid with depth. Here, effect of injection pressure was studied and injection pressure was chosen higher than the higher and lower values of MMP in order to get full miscibility throughout the entire life cycle of the reservoir. Reservoir initial pressure was 5700 psi and around 4.5 pore volume (PV) separator gas was injected. Results are shown in Table 3. From the result, recoveries at different injection pressures are same i.e. 95.5%. This is because of creating a slug zone around the injection layers which pushes the liquid and gives a piston like displacement with same sweep efficiency.

Vertical/Horizontal Permeability Ratio

Effect Vertical and Horizontal permeability ratio on Oil recovery was studied in this study also. Vertical permeability was changed from 300 mD to 30, 3 and 0.1 mD. In all cases, oil recovery was same at the end of reservoir life. To understand the effect of vertical and horizontal permeability ratio, gas and oil saturation maps are plotted in figures 13 to 20. For lower ratio of kV/ KH, saturation of oil and gas is higher than that of higher KV/KH ratio values. But ultimate recovery of oil is same because of high flash by injectant gas. Similar study was done by Singh (2009) and suggests that for leanest condensate gas, oil recovery is almost independent of permeability distribution.[7]


The 3D compositionally graded reservoir model deals with wide varieties of EOR scenarios and studied by reservoir simulation. According to the results of simulation, this paper leads to following conclusions: 1. MMPs can develop below the saturation pressure depending on the composition of the injectants (CO2). Lower MMP does not give better option in miscible gas cycling process. As ultimate recovery does not depends only on MMP but also depends on reservoir matrix, vaporization process, gravity, fluid type and its properties. 2. Injectant composition has a very high impact on oil recovery in miscible process. Separator gas always gives more than 95% oil recovery whereas CO2 miscible gas injection gives 85% oil recovery. Both miscible recoveries are higher than the immiscible water recovery (65%). 3. The CO2 GAG process gives better recovery (89%) over WAG process recovery (i.e. Separator gas WAG 71.64 % and CO2 WAG 66.25 %). Though CO2 in GAG process recovery was offset by 6 to 7% than that of lean gas or separator gas. 4. Well placement has literally no or little effect on the oil

44 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

recovery in this model for gas condensate reservoirs. But dipping angle has a considerable effect in the recovery. Up dip injection gave better recovery in miscible flooding for this model because gravity played a positive role here. 5. Injection pressure above MMP did not have any effect on ultimate oil recovery in critical oil reservoir like Smorbukk in this study. But if the injection was done below the MMP then recovery would be reduced significantly. 6. Permeability ratio variation in vertical to horizontal direction did not show any change in oil recovery. In general for lean gas condensate system, condensate recovery is almost independent of permeability ratio variation was showed by Singh [7] and this is also verified here.


The author likes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. Lars Hoier from Statoil ASA and NTNU for his encouragement and support in conducting the work to publish this paper. The author also likes to acknowledge the support given by petroleum engineering department at NTNU and Statoil for this study. The author also expresses his special thanks to Professor Golan and Professor Curtis for their comments. REFERENCES

1. Chaback, J.J: “ Discussion of Treatment of Variations of Composition with Depth in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs”,SPERE, Feb. 1992,157 - 158 2. Hearn, C.L. and Whitson, C. H.: “ Evaluating Miscible and Immiscible Gas Injection in Safah Field Oman” paper SPE 29115 presented at the 1995 13th SPE symposium on Reservoir Simulation, San Antonio, Feb. 12 - 15 3. PhazeComp, Zick Technologies (www.zicktech.com) 4. Zick, A.A.: “A Combined Condensing / Vaporizing Mechanism in the Displacement of Oil by Enriched Gases,” paper SPE 15493 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 5 - 8 October, 1986. 5. Høier, Lars and Whitson, Curtis H.:”Miscibility Variation in Compositionally Grading Reservoirs,” paper SPE 69840 , presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 27 - 30 September,1998. 6. SENSOR, Coats Engineering ( www.coatsengineering.com) 7. Singh,Kameshwar : “Gas Injection IOR for Widely Varying Initial Compositions” paper SPE 120743 presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE annual conference and exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8 -11 June, 2009 8. PIPEIT, PERA AS (www.pera.no)

Table 1: Model reservoir properties

Table 2: Composition and different parameters

Table 3: Injectant gas composition

Figure 1: MMP variation with depth for compositional graded reservoir

Table 4: Sensitivity Analysis for Injection pressure

Figure 2: Oil recovery with different injectants over time, injector position at the top

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Figure 3: Daily oil production with different injection scheme with injector at top

Figure 6: Oil saturation after 1000 days for J5 block

Figure 4: Oil rate and GOR change with time

Figure 7: Oil recovery with different injectants over time, injector position:- middle

Figure 5: Gas saturation after 1000 days for J5 block

Figure 8: Oil recovery with different WAG and GAG injection

46 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

Figure 9: Average reservoir pressure in WAG and GAG

Figure 12: Recovery of separator gas and CO2 in up dip and down dip

Figure 10: Updip reservoir oil recovery with time

Figure 13: Gas saturation in 1550 days for KV/Kh ratio 0.0003

Figure 11: Downdip reservoir oil recovery with time

Figure 14: Gas saturation in 1550 days for KV/Kh ratio 0.1

48 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

Figure 15: Gas saturation in 2950 days for KV/Kh ratio 0.0003

Figure 18: Oil saturation on 1550 days KV/KH ratio 0.1

Figure 16: Gas saturation in 2950 days for KV/KH ratio 0.1

Figure 19: Oil saturation on 2950 days for KV/KH ratio 0.0003

Figure 17: Oil saturation on 1550 days for KV/KH ratio 0.0003

Figure 20: Oil saturation on 2950 days KV/KH ratio 0.1

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Industry At A Glance by Ali Ibrahim Table (1) World Crude oil Supply.* Supply (million barrels per day)

U.S (50states)


North sea(2)




14.86 14.46 14.48 14.76 14.85 14.84 14.68 14.87 15.09 15.21 15.40 15.41 15.60 15.44

26.55 26.33 25.76 26.49 26.80 26.78 26.34 26.58 26.76 26.63 26.83 26.96 27.25 27.14

3.28 3.24 2.60 3.07 3.27 3.25 3.22 3.27 3.27 3.14 3.27 3.31 3.45 3.42

39.60 39.55 40.01 40.33 40.68 40.50 38.98 38.88 38.81 38.88 39.34 39.60 39.91 39.78

37.74 37.73 38.26 38.73 39.00 38.80 37.33 37.21 37.11 37.20 37.70 37.93 38.26 38.11

96.65 96.90 96.53 97.45 98.16 97.90 96.87 97.11 96.70 97.18 97.80 98.32 99.03 98.61

Feb-2016 March April May June July August September October November December Jan-2017 February March Source EIA

* «Oil Supply» is defined as the production of crude oil (including lease condensate) Natural gas plant liquids, and other liquids, and refinery processing gain. NA = no data available (1) OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (2) North Sea includes offshore supply from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom (3) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. (4) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries doesn’t include Angola.

52 Petroleum Today -

September 2017

able (2) Table (2) World crude oil production. ( Million Barrels Per day ) World crude oil production. ( Million Barrels Per day )

Libya Sudan Libya Sudan 0.31 0.26 0.38 0.26 0.25 0.26 0.37 0.26 0.31 0.26 0.37 0.26 0.55 0.26 0.36 0.26 0.58 0.26 0.32 0.26 0.62 0.26 0.33 0.26 0.68 0.22 0.29 0.26 0.69 0.22 0.33 0.26 0.59 0.22 0.31 0.26 0.54 0.15 0.25 0.26 0.78 0.15 0.31 0.26 0.85 0.15 0.55 0.26 1.01 0.15 0.58 0.26 0.86 0.15 0.62 0.26

July Nov-15 August December September Jan.2016 October February November March December April Jan-17 May February June March July April August May September June October July November August December Source EIA Source EIA

Egypt OPEC(1) Egypt OPEC(1) 0.69 39.6 0.70 38.68 0.69 39.6 0.70 38.45 0.69 40.0 0.70 38.5 0.69 40.3 0.70 38.37 0.69 40.7 0.70 38.34 0.69 40.5 0.69 39.03 0.69 39.0 0.69 39.06 0.68 38.9 0.69 39.6 0.68 38.8 0.69 39.55 0.68 38.9 0.69 39.55 0.68 39.3 0.69 40.01 0.68 39.6 0.69 40.33 0.68 39.9 0.69 40.68 0.68 39.8 0.69 40.50

Persian North World Persian Gulf(2) North Sea(3) World (2) Gulf24.5 Sea(3) 3.3 96.7 23.13 2.85 95.96 24.5 3.2 96.9 23.03 2.83 95.63 25.3 2.6 96.5 23.1 2.84 95.66 25.4 3.1 97.4 23.0 25.6 2.81 3.3 95.29 98.2 23.06 3.223.3 95.39 25.6 97.9 23.58 3.25 95.71 24.7 3.2 96.9 23.96 3.153.3 95.53 24.5 97.1 24.35 2.92 96.15 24.4 3.3 96.7 24.45 3.283.1 96.65 24.4 97.2 24.46 3.24 96.9 24.5 3.3 97.8 24.9 2.603.3 96.53 24.7 98.3 25.10 3.073.4 97.45 24.7 99.0 25.25 3.27 98.16 24.7 3.4 98.6 25.16 3.25 97.90

1 OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, 1 OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. 2 The Persian Gulf countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Production from the 2 The Persian Gulf countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Production from the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone is included in Persian Gulf production. Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone is included in Persian Gulf production. 3 North Sea includes the United Kingdom Offshore, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands Offshore, and Germany Offshore. 3 North Sea includes the United Kingdom Offshore, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands Offshore, and Germany Offshore.

Table (3) (3) Table International petroleum consumption International petroleum consumption Million Barrels PerPer DayDay Million Barrels OECD(1) OECD(1)

Nov-15 July-16 December August Jan.2016 September February October March November April December May Jan-17 June February July March August April September May October June November July December August

46.57 46.55 46.84 46.47 45.92 47.03 47.02 46.61 46.99 46.83 45.64 47.02 45.01 45.97 46.34 47.33 46.55 46.85 46.47 45.95 47.03 47.01 46.61 47.46 46.83 47.87 47.02 47.53

U.SU.S (50(50 Canada Canada Europe Europe States) States) 19.23 19.90 2.43 2.34 13.85 13.87 19.23 2.4 13.48 19.99 2.38 13.57 18.82 19.86 2.33 2.37 13.4 14.40 19.01 2.39 13.83 19.62 2.35 14.17 19.62 2.27 13.97 19.60 2.39 13.88 19.26 19.51 2.16 2.36 13.48 13.53 19.2 2.24 13.24 19.23 2.36 13.29 19.83 2.33 13.74 19.13 2.47 14.24 19.9 19.61 2.34 2.39 13.87 13.92 19.99 2.38 13.57 19.53 2.16 13.86 19.86 2.37 14.40 20.02 2.46 14.20 19.62 20.49 2.35 2.43 14.17 14.43 19.60 2.39 13.88 20.59 2.44 14.60 19.51 2.36 13.53 20.27 2.48 14.35

Japan Japan 4.23 3.81 4.73.82 4.52 3.73 4.71 3.72 4.44 4.01 4.04 4.46 3.61 4.31 3.74 4.55 3.81 4.17 3.82 3.82 3.73 3.54 3.72 3.39 4.01 3.57 4.46 3.68

NonNon Non Non- China Other Other World China -OECD World OECD OECD -OECD 47.87 49.72 11.46 11.72 18.54 19.71 94.44 96.26 47.24 11.13 18.23 94.08 49.46 11.65 19.66 95.93 45.86 49.82 11.211.90 17.94 19.69 92.28 96.85 46.72 11 18.14 94.17 49.23 11.73 19.07 95.83 47.56 11.21 18.07 94.55 49.23 11.97 18.67 96.06 49.16 48.49 11.94 11.63 18.7 18.25 94.8 95.50 49.03 11.76 19.09 94.31 49.78 12.83 18.61 95.74 49.69 11.91 19.42 96.03 49.94 12.59 18.90 97.27 49.72 49.90 11.72 12.64 19.71 18.85 96.26 96.75 49.46 11.65 19.66 95.93 50.84 13.11 19.08 96.79 49.82 11.90 19.69 96.85 51.14 12.77 19.47 98.15 49.23 51.78 11.73 12.95 19.07 19.87 95.83 99.25 49.23 11.97 18.67 96.06 50.99 12.60 19.94 98.86 48.49 11.63 18.25 95.50 51.43 12.56 20.06 98.96

Source EIAEIA Source (1) (1) OECD = Organization for for Economic Cooperation andand Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the the Czech Republic, Denmark, OECD = Organization Economic Cooperation Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the the United Kingdom, andand the the United States. Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

Petroleum Today -

September 2017


Table (4) Egypt Rig Count per Area March-17





Gulf of Suez






Mediterranean Sea






53 11 6 5 87

55 11 6 5 91

58 12 6 5 96

61 13 6 5 100

59 13 5 3 94

Western Desert Sinai Eastern Desert Delta Total

Source Petroleum Today

Source EIA

Fig. (1) World Crude Oil Prices US $ per BBL

Fig. (2) Natural Gas Prices US $ Per MMBTU

Source EIA

54 Petroleum Today -

Egypt Suez Blend Price (Dollars per Barrel) based on 33O API

September 2017


7.150 delegates

1.680 exhibiting companies 280 sqm of exhibition space 6.500 different countres 23

H.E. Eng. Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Egypt with, from left to right: Nasser Wali - Deputy CEO Assistant for Agreements; PieroZipoli - President IES; EnzoTitone – President OMC; Fabio Cavanna - General Manager IEOC Egypt branch. Photo taken in Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Cairo, Egypt. MOC Steering Committee meeting with the Ministry of Petroleum,reconfirming MOC as the Ministry’s Official Oil & Gas Event for 2018. Reconfirmed again in Ravenna at OMC 2017 during the presence of H.E. Engineer Tarek El Molla,the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Egypt, that MOC will be the official conference and exhibition in 2018 in Egypt. MOC, with a history going back 17 years, is confirmed as the singular Egyptian Petroleum Sector event, bringing the entire industry together every two years at the Bibliotheca Conference Centre in Alexandria. One year out, planning for the 9th MOC is well underway, and given the recent exploration results in the Southern Mediterranean, it is gearing up to be the most important event in the regional Oil & Gas calendar. Recent gas discoveries and established reserves are helping Egypt establish itself as one of the largest regional energy suppliers and the driving force behind its becoming the new Mediterranean Energy Hub. Egypt has an ambition to achieve natural gas self-sufficiency by the end of 2019 and is well on the way to realizing it. In a recent address, Eng. Tarek El Molla, H. E. the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Egypt, stressing the importance of MOC as a fundamental pillar to these ambitions: “The MOC Conference theme Mediterranean Potentials – Unlocked Step 2will address the next wave of investment opportunities in Egypt, taking us to 2025 and beyond, investment that will encourage international cooperation in the development of Egypt’s oil & gas industry. For 17 years, we have been bringing the industry together in Alexandria and we are delighted to see the fruits of our investment.” MOC has always been a great success in numbers and facts and over years has managed to bring for each edition more than 10.000 attendees from more than 20 countries. MOC is not an event supported by the Ministry,MOC IS THE EVENT OF THE EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND MINERAL RESOURCES. MOC will run from 1719- April 2018 at the Bibliotheca Conference Centre in Alexandria and the adjoining Qota Land exhibition ground. For information see moc-egypt.com or contact the organisers on +20 10 26229655 or + 39 06 3088 3030. For email enquiries write to us on exhibition@moc-egypt.com

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Add.: Unit No.4 - (42R) El-Safa Tower Bisector 6 - Zahra El-Maadi - Cairo Tel: +202 27320174 / 5 / 8 Fax: +202 25174230 Mob.: +2 010 28464665


A specialized seminar for Oil & Gas field experts held at Alexandria on 19th of September 2017 in cooperation between Rockwell Automation the world leader company in the field of Automatic control and industrial safety systems and KMT for Industrial Services company the authorized distributor in Egypt. The seminar topics mainly addressed the new technologies in automation and energy saving. We had this chance for an interview with both Mr.s’ Iva Chadikovska the field marketing manager from Rockwell Automation company Mr. Hamdy ElBishbishy the General Manager of KMT. Oil & Gas industry is one of the pillars of the Egyptian economy, historically the East Oil abscess as an industry began in Egypt in the year of 1909 after it was discovered in 1868, in fact Oil was discovered in Egypt after it was discovered in the United States by nine years only. Egypt ranked as the third State in discovering the oil, coming after the United States and Russia

if we consider the modern times, but Egyptian Pharaohs actually knew the oil since thousands of years ago. Mr. Hamdy : We work along with Rockwell Automation company that owns the famous brand Allen Bradley that begun at the early years of the twenty century definitely at 1909. Rockwell Automation company has started its activity in electric power control products such as motor starters to global leadership in the field of Automatic control through a wide range of products for medium and low voltage, and most famously at all the programmable controllers “PLC” that was developed and introduced to the market in 1970 to the present day. Rockwell Automation products characterized by a very high degree of reliability and long working life, working under extreme heavy duty conditions with continued development of renewable features satisfying the new generated requirements for clients, this explains their deployment in heavy industries,

particularly in the oil and gas industry. The company has extensive experience in the area of specialized solutions, provide Automated control, data transfer and safety for personnel, installations and equipment this applies for each sector of the oil and gas industries starting from extracting of oil and gas through gas liquefaction, transport pipe lines till refineries and petrochemical industries. We strive to serve our customers in terms of providing spare parts, after sales services and technical support for replacement, renovation and system migrations through a group of qualified engineers and technicians. New discoveries of natural gas in Egypt qualify to be attractive for multinational companies including Rockwell Automation. Egypt is currently one of the most important States in terms of economic growth rate and is expected to have continuous developments in all economic and social areas, with concentration to industrial progress thanks to God. KMT currently employs 50 members, the company strives for more and attract distinctive human calibers both of young talented with ambition and distinctive expertise. The Company name “KMT” is the best prove of our identity and our affiliations because this name means «Egypt» in ancient hieroglyphs. We are well aware of the importance of human development factor therefore KMT always keen on collaboration with Rockwell Automation to ensure the continuous training of all the company personnel and even customers. Speaking about KMT abroad branch located in Germany, this branch plays a positive role serving the Egyptian economy, particularly for the Oil & Gas sector for the needs of many Egyptian companies and systems integrators often to receive inputs for processing and assembly abroad for the projects within the free zone areas. Working to Cover all of KMT clients in all provinces of Egypt either directly or through a network of qualified representatives. In the next phase KMT is seeking to open

Petroleum Today - September



‫العديد من ال�صركات وجممعي الأنظمة امل�صرين‬ ‫يف كث ��ر م ��ن الأحي ��ان اىل ا�صت ��الم مدخ ��الت‬ ‫الت�صني ��ع خ ��ارج م�صر حيث اأن ذل ��ك ي�صاعدهم‬ ‫لتنفيذ م�صاريع داخل املناطق احلرة اأو املعفاه من‬ ‫اجلم ��ارك ولهوؤلء �صعينا اىل وج ��ود فرع خارجى‬ ‫يدعم هوؤلء العمالء ‪.‬‬ ‫وا�ص ��ار مدير عام كيمي ��ت اأن ال�صركة تغطي كافة‬ ‫العم ��الء يف جمي ��ع حمافظ ��ات جمهوري ��ة م�صر‬ ‫العربية �صواء بالتعامل املبا�صر اأوعن طريق �صبكة‬ ‫م ��ن ممثلى ال�صرك ��ة املوؤهل ��ن وتوقع ��ا ملزيد من‬ ‫النم ��و يف املرحل ��ة القادمة ت�صع ��ى ال�صركة حاليا‬ ‫لفتح ف ��روع يف منطق ��ة ال�صعيد والقن ��اة والدلتا‬ ‫وال�صكندري ��ة علم ��ا ب� �اأن حالي ��ا لدين ��ا ممثل ��ون‬ ‫لل�صركة من اأبن ��اء املحافظ ��ات املختلفه ويعملون‬ ‫خلدمة العمالء عن قرب‪.‬‬ ‫واأو�ص ��ح اأن ��ه مت اإختيارال�صكندري ��ة لأقامة الندوة‬ ‫لع ��دة اأ�صب ��اب حي ��ث تعت ��ر ال�صكندري ��ة معق ��ل‬ ‫ل�صناعات البرتول والغ ��از والبرتوكيماويات قائال‬ ‫اأن ��ه ل يفوتن ��ا الإ�ص ��ارة اىل جم ��ال ال�صكندري ��ة‬ ‫وع�صقن ��ا لها ولتاريخها وخر مث ��ال منطقة املنتزة‬ ‫بحدائقها وق�صورها و �صاطئها ال�صاحر اأننا نعتزم‬ ‫اإقام ��ة املزيد من الندوات وور� ��ص العمل يف الفرتة‬ ‫القادم ��ة يف حمافظات اأخ ��رى بامل�صاركة والتعاون‬ ‫مع �صركة ‪.Rockwell Automation‬‬ ‫اأم ��ا ال�صي ��دة م�صئ ��ول الت�صوي ��ق بال�ص ��رق الو�صط‬ ‫ل�صرك ��ة ‪ Rockwell Automation‬فقد اأكدت على‬ ‫اأن فري ��ق ال�صركة ي�صم ح ��وايل ‪ 22000‬فرد ويبلغ‬ ‫حج ��م الأعمال ال�صن ��وي ‪ 6‬مليار دولر كم ��ا اأن لها‬ ‫تواج ��د مبا�صرف ��ى ‪ 80‬دول ��ة عل ��ى م�صت ��وى العامل‬ ‫عالوة على ع ��دد الفراد اللذي ��ن يعملون يف �صبكة‬ ‫املوزعن وجممعى الأنظمة وم�صنعى الألت الذين‬ ‫يعتمدون على منتج ��ات ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬ ‫يف اأكرث من ‪ 120‬دولة يف العامل‪.‬‬ ‫وقال ��ت فخ ��ورون بك ��ون منتجاتنا املوج ��ودة يف كل‬ ‫موق ��ع وكل مع ��دة تتعلق ب�صناعات الب ��رتول والغاز‬ ‫تقريب ��ا م�صيف ��ة اأنها ت�ص ��رف على تنظي ��م الندوة‬ ‫والعم ��ل على حتقي ��ق اأق�صى ا�صتف ��ادة للعمالء من‬ ‫حيث الإطالع على كل ماهو جديد وتبادل اخلرات‬ ‫والعمل على فهم ظروف العمل املتعلقه بكل تطبيق‪.‬‬ ‫وا�صتطردت ا�صتح�صرنا جمموعة من اخلراء كال‬ ‫يف جماله لتق ��دمي اأعلى م�صتوى م ��ن الدعم الفني‬ ‫وفت ��ح اأف ��اق احلواراملبا�صر مع عمالءن ��ا واأن موقع‬

‫ال�صرك ��ة على �صبك ��ة املعلومات لي� ��ص دعائيا فقط‬ ‫واأمن ��ا يحت ��وي على الكثر م ��ن املعلوم ��ات العلمية‬ ‫والعملية التي تفي ��د عمالءنا وندعوهم للمزيد من‬ ‫زيارة املوقع والتوا�صل معنا من خالله‪.‬‬ ‫واختتم ��ت حديثها باأن التواج ��د ل ي�صتهدف م�صر‬ ‫فق ��ط واإمنا يعتم ��د عليها كنقطة اإنط ��الق وركيزة‬ ‫اأ�صا�صي ��ة للتعامل مع العديد م ��ن الدول الأخرى يف‬ ‫املنطقة وبخا�صة مع توافر العامل الب�صري املميز‬ ‫‪maximum benefit for customers in terms‬‬ ‫‪getting awareness of new technologies,‬‬ ‫‪exchanging experiences and understanding‬‬ ‫‪the working conditions of each application.‬‬ ‫‪Conjured up a group of experts in their‬‬ ‫‪respective fields to provide the highest‬‬ ‫‪level of technical support to our clients.‬‬ ‫‪The company website is not only for‬‬ ‫‪publicity actually it is considered as a‬‬ ‫‪rich source of practical and scientific‬‬ ‫‪information that our customers may make‬‬ ‫‪use of it , and I invite them to navigate‬‬ ‫‪more in the website and contact with us.‬‬ ‫‪Be not only Egypt is targeted but reliable as‬‬ ‫‪a starting point and a fundamental pillar to‬‬ ‫‪deal with many other countries in the region,‬‬ ‫‪especially with the human factor featured.‬‬

‫‪new branches in upper Egypt, Delta, Canal‬‬ ‫‪and Alexandria.‬‬ ‫‪Alexandria was selected to host the‬‬ ‫‪seminar for several reasons as Alexandria‬‬ ‫‪is an industrial stronghold in Oil & Gas‬‬ ‫‪and petrochemicals , we refer to the beauty‬‬ ‫‪of Alexandria and for its history, a perfect‬‬ ‫‪example is the Montazah area parks and‬‬ ‫‪palaces and charming beach.‬‬ ‫‪We intend to hold more seminars and‬‬ ‫‪workshops in the coming period in other‬‬ ‫‪provinces with the participation and‬‬ ‫‪collaboration of Rockwell Automation.‬‬ ‫‪Iva Chadikovska‬‬ ‫‪Rockwell Automation company working‬‬ ‫‪team is approximately 22000 individual,‬‬ ‫‪annual turnover stands at 6 billion dollars‬‬ ‫‪with direct presence in 80 countries around‬‬ ‫‪the world. Adding to this the number‬‬ ‫‪of personnel working in our network‬‬ ‫‪of distributors, systems integrators and‬‬ ‫‪machine manufacturers who rely on‬‬ ‫‪Rockwell Automation products.‬‬ ‫‪We are proud of the fact that our products are‬‬ ‫‪present at almost each site and equipment‬‬ ‫‪related to the Oil & Gas industries.‬‬ ‫‪I oversee the Organization and progress‬‬ ‫‪of the seminar working to achieve the‬‬

‫‪- September 2017‬‬

‫‪15 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫يف ندوة نظمتها بالتعاون مع ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬

‫كيميت للخدمات ال�صناعية تعر�ض اجلديد‬ ‫فـي تكنولوجيـا التحكـم وتوفـري الطاقـة‬ ‫نظم ��ت �صركة كيمي ��ت للخدم ��ات ال�صناعية ندوة‬ ‫متخ�ص�ص ��ة لل�ص ��ركات العاملة فى قط ��اع البرتول‬ ‫والغ ��از بالأ�صكندري ��ة ي ��وم ‪� 19‬صبتم ��ر ‪2017‬‬ ‫بالتع ��اون ب ��ن �صرك ��ة ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬ ‫العاملي ��ة املتخ�ص�ص ��ه يف نظ ��م التحك ��م الأيل‬ ‫واأنظمة الأمان ال�صناع ��ي حيث تعد �صركة كيميت‬ ‫للخدم ��ات ال�صناعي ��ة امل ��وزع املعتم ��د بجمهوري ��ة‬ ‫م�ص ��ر العربية وتناول ��ت ب�صكل خا� ��ص اجلديد يف‬ ‫جم ��ال تكنولوجيا التحكم وتوف ��ر الطاقه وكان لنا‬ ‫هذا اللقاء م ��ع كل من ال�صيدة ‪Iva Chadikovska‬‬ ‫امل�صئولة عن تنظيم الن ��دوة من �صركة ‪Rockwell‬‬ ‫‪ Automation‬وال�صي ��د حم ��دي الب�صبي�ص ��ي املدير‬ ‫العام ل�صركة كيميت‬ ‫واأك ��دت الن ��دوة على اأن �صناعة الب ��رتول يف م�صر‬ ‫تعتر من اأعم ��دة الإقت�صاد امل�صري وتاريخي ًا فاإن‬ ‫ا�صتخ ��راج الب ��رتول ك�صناع ��ة بداأ ف ��ى م�صر عام‬ ‫‪ 1909‬بعد اأن مت اأكت�صافه فى عام ‪. 1868‬‬ ‫من جانب ��ه اأكد املهند� ��ص حم ��دي الب�صبي�صي املدير‬ ‫الع ��ام ل�صرك ��ة كيميت عل ��ى اأن ال�صرك ��ة تعمل جنبا‬ ‫اىل جنب مع �صرك ��ة ‪ Rockwell Automation‬التي‬ ‫متتل ��ك املنتج ��ات ذات العالم ��ة التجاري ��ه ال�صهرة‬ ‫‪ Allen Bradley‬والت ��ي بداأت يف اأوائل القرن املا�صي‬ ‫حتديد ًا يف عام ‪ 1909‬يف الوليات املتحدة الأمريكية‪.‬‬ ‫وب ��داأت �صرك ��ة ‪ Rockwell Automation‬ن�صاطها‬ ‫يف ت�صني ��ع منتجات التحكم يف الق ��وى الكهربائية‬ ‫مث ��ل ب ��وادئ حركة املح ��ركات و�ص ��ول اىل الريادة‬ ‫العاملي ��ة يف جم ��ال التحك ��م الأيل من خ ��الل مدى‬ ‫وا�ص ��ع من املنتجات لل�صغ ��ط املنخف�ص واملتو�صط‪,‬‬ ‫واأ�صهره ��ا على الإطالق املتحكمات املرجمة ‪PLC‬‬ ‫والت ��ي كان لل�صرك ��ة ال�صب ��ق والري ��ادة يف اإنتاجها‬ ‫وتطويرها من ��ذ تقدمي الط ��راز الأول منها يف عام‬ ‫‪ 1970‬وحتى يومنا هذا ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�ص ��اف اأن منتج ��ات ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - September‬‬

‫تتمي ��ز بدرجة عالية ج ��د ًا من الإعتمادي ��ة والعمر‬ ‫الطوي ��ل حت ��ت اأق�صى ظ ��روف العم ��ل ال�صاقه مع‬ ‫التطوي ��ر امل�صتم ��ر لتلبي ��ة املتطلب ��ات املتج ��ددة‬ ‫للعمالء مما يف�صر اإنت�صارها يف ال�صناعات الثقيلة‬ ‫وبخا�صه �صناعة البرتول والغاز‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا متتل ��ك ال�صرك ��ة خ ��رات وا�صع ��ة وتق ��دم حل ��ول‬ ‫متخ�ص�ص ��ة يف جم ��ال التحك ��م الأيل ونق ��ل البيان ��ات‬ ‫واأنظمة حماية الأفراد واملن�صاأت واملعدات لكل قطاع من‬ ‫�صناعات البرتول والغاز عل ��ى حدة بدءا من ا�صتخراج‬ ‫الغ ��از والب ��رتول م ��رور ًا باإ�صال ��ة الغاز وخط ��وط النقل‬ ‫وحتى معامل التكرير وال�صناعات البرتوكيماوية‪.‬‬ ‫و�ص ��دد املهند�ص حمدي الب�صبي�ص ��ي على اأن �صركة‬ ‫كيميت ت�صعى خلدمة عمالئها من حيث توفر قطع‬ ‫الغيار وخدمات ما بعد البيع والدعم الفنى الالزم‬ ‫لأعم ��ال الإح ��الل والتجديد والتطوي ��ر عن طريق‬ ‫جمموعة من املهند�صن والفنين املوؤهلن ‪ ,‬م�صيفا‬ ‫اأن الكت�صاف ��ات اجلديدة يف جم ��ال الغاز الطبيعي‬ ‫توؤهل م�صر لتكون عامل ج ��اذب لل�صركات العاملية‬ ‫ومن �صمنها ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬

‫وق ��ال اأن م�ص ��ر حالي ��ا م ��ن اأهم ال ��دول من حيث‬ ‫معدل النمو الإقت�ص ��ادي ويتوقع اأن ي�صتمر التطور‬ ‫يف جمي ��ع املج ��الت القت�صادي ��ة والإجتماعي ��ة‬ ‫وبخا�صة ال�صناعية بف�صل اهلل‪.‬‬ ‫وبالن�صب ��ه ل�صركة كيميت فهى ت�ص ��م حاليا ‪ 50‬فرد ًا‬ ‫وت�صعى ال�صرك ��ة للمزيد واإجتذاب العنا�صر الب�صرية‬ ‫املمي ��زة �صواء من ال�صب ��اب ذوي الكفاءات والطموح‬ ‫بجان ��ب ذوي اخل ��رات املمي ��زة اأن ا�ص ��م ال�صرك ��ة‬ ‫خر تعبر عن هويتن ��ا واأنتماءنا لبلدنا ونعتز به لأن‬ ‫كيميت تعني "م�صر" باللغة الهروغليفية القدمية‪.‬‬ ‫وتاب ��ع اأن �صرك ��ة كيمي ��ت تع ��ي جي ��دا اأهمي ��ة‬ ‫تطويرالعن�ص ��ر الب�ص ��ري ولذل ��ك حتر� ��ص دائم ��ا‬ ‫على التعاون مع �صرك ��ة ‪Rockwell Automation‬‬ ‫ل�صم ��ان توف ��ر التدري ��ب امل�صتم ��ر لكاف ��ة اأف ��راد‬ ‫ال�صركة وكذلك العمالء‪.‬‬ ‫وباحلدي ��ث عن وج ��ود فرع ل�صرك ��ة كيميت خارج‬ ‫م�ص ��ر وحتدي ��دا يف املانيا حيث يق ��وم هذا الفرع‬ ‫ب ��دور اإيجاب ��ى يف خدم ��ة القت�ص ��اد امل�ص ��ري‬ ‫وبخا�صة يف قطاع الب ��رتول بخا�صة عندما يحتاج‬

‫مو�سوع ت�سجيلي‬

‫ملاذا ال تتبواأ م�صر مكانها الطبيعي‬ ‫كمركز ل�صناعة البرتول للمياه العميقة‬ ‫يف البحر االبي�ض؟‬

‫كثري ًا من الوعود والت�ص ��ريح�ت التي يتم اإطالقه� يف كثري من املن��صب�ت ب�أن م�صر على‬ ‫الطريق ال�صحيح لتحقيق هذا الهدف ولكن الواقع بعيد كل البعد نظر ًا للحق�ئق الت�لية‪:‬‬ ‫• عدم تفعيل الت�صريع�ت التي �صدرت من جم�ل�س الوزراء يف اأغ�صط�س‪ 2016‬مبنع‬ ‫ا�ص ��تعم�ل اأي منت ��ج اأجنب ��ي ط�مل ��� وجد البدي ��ل املحلي ولكن لالأ�ص ��ف تعري ��ف املحلي‬ ‫يرتبط فقط ب�ل�ص ��رك�ت اململوكة لقط�ع البرتول دون النظر ل�ص ��رك�ت القط�ع اخل��س‬ ‫املعنية بهذه التقنية ال�ص ��يء الذي يعيه الطرف الأجنبي مت�م� وب�لت�يل يتخذ ال�صرك�ت‬ ‫اململولك ��ة للقط ���ع كغط�ء للتقدم للمن�ق�ص ���ت حتت مب�ركة ودع ��م ك�مل من الق�ئمني‬ ‫عل ��ى الأمر نظ ��ري عمولة ل متثل ‪ %1‬من اإجم�يل تكلفة امل�ص ��روع�ت والتي تقوم م�ص ��ر‬ ‫بدفع ف�تورته� ك�ملة‪.‬‬ ‫• اإنعدام تثمني دور القط�ع اخل��س ذو اخلربة الدولية ولكن لالأ�صف يتم التع�مل‬ ‫م ��ع ه ��ذه ال�ص ��رك�ت ك�لإبن ال�ص ���ل رغم اأنه ��� الكي�ن ���ت الواجب احلف ���ظ والعتم�د‬ ‫عليه� للم�ص ���ركة يف احلف�ظ على الأمن القومي امل�ص ��ري بل على العك�س لالأ�ص ��ف يتم‬ ‫حم�ول ��ة اإغتي ���ل دور القط�ع اخل��س امل�ص ��ري ع ��ن طريق حت�لف ال�ص ��رك�ت املق�ولة‬ ‫الأجنبية مع ال�صرك�ت امل�صرية اململوكة للقط�ع ‪.‬‬ ‫• التج�وزات يف تطبيق ق�نون املن�ق�ص ���ت اخل��ص ��ة بقط�ع البرتول مم� يوؤدي ايل‬ ‫اإجن�ح مق�ول بعينه اأو اإ�ص ��ن�د مب��ص ��ر لإحدى ال�ص ��رك�ت اململوكة للدولة (الب�ب امللكي‬ ‫لدخول ال�صرك�ت الأجنبية)‪ ,‬مم� يوؤدي اىل فقدان الثقة يف �صف�فية الإجراءات ال�صيء‬ ‫الذي ينتج عنه الإحج�م عن ال�صتثم�رات ويف النه�ية يقوم املق�ول الأجنبي ب�ل�صيطرة‬ ‫على ال�صوق امل�صري وفر�س اأ�صع�ره وقتل املنتج املحلي تدريجي� بد ًل من ت�صجيعه‪.‬‬ ‫• العوار ال�ص ���رخ يف ق�نون ال�ص ��رائب امل�ص ��ري ن�ص ��� وتطبيق� وعلى �ص ��بيل املث�ل‬ ‫ولي�س احل�صر‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬ين� ��س الق�ن ��ون اأنه ل توجد اأي �ص ��رائب م�ص ��تحقه على اأي اأجنب ��ي ل تتعدى فرتة‬ ‫اإق�مته �ص ��تة اأ�صهر وب�لت�يل ف�إن الق�ئمني على ال�صئون الإدارية يف �صرك�ت البرتول‬ ‫الع�ملة يف م�صر يتفنون يف تنظيم عمل الأج�نب يف م�صر على الأ يتم دفع �صرائب‬ ‫لالأج�ن ��ب الع�ملني يف م�ص ��ر رغ ��م الع�ئد اليومي املخ�ص ���س له ��م والذي يتعدى‬ ‫اأ�ص ��ع�ف اأقرانهم يف البالد الأخري مم� يجعل م�ص ��ر هى قبلة الأج�نب يف البق�ء‬ ‫والعمل يف م�صر بدون ت�صريح عمل وبدون دفع �صرائب وحتت رع�ية امل�صريني‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬ليوجد اأي توا�صل بني هيئة ال�صتثم�ر من ن�حية‪ ,‬الهيئ�ت املنظمة لقط�ع البرتول‬ ‫ووزارة امل�لي ��ة حي ��ث اأن �ص ��ريح الق�ن ��ون ين�س عل ��ى وجوب دفع ‪ %20‬ك�ص ��رائب‬ ‫على اأي دخل ل�ص ��ركة خدم�ت برتولية ت�ص ��تعمل معدات موؤجرة من اخل�رج و غري‬ ‫مملوكة اأفرع ال�ص ��ركة املوجودة يف املنطقة احلرة يف م�ص ��ر وعدم الإت�ص ���ل بني‬ ‫هذه الهيئ�ت يوؤدي اىل و�صع مب�لغ �صئيلة ليتم �صداد ال�صرائب على اأ�ص��صه� (اإن‬ ‫�ص ��ددت) دون اأدين مت�بعة من اأي جهة رق�بية يف الوقت الذي تقوم فيه ال�صرك�ت‬ ‫امل�صرية اخل��ص ��ة الع�ملة يف قط�ع البرتول ب�ص ��داد كل خم�ص�ص�ته� ال�صرائبية‬ ‫فيم� يخ�س الأفراد واملعدات يف ح�لة العمل يف م�صر اأو ب�خل�رج‪.‬‬ ‫• يتمحور اإهتم�م اجل�نب امل�صري ب�إر�ص�ء اجل�نب الأجنبي بحجة اأنه يقوم بعملية‬ ‫التمويل متن��صني اأن م�صر تدفع الف�تورة يف النه�ية‬

‫مهند�س‪ /‬خـــالـد عبـــــود‬ ‫مدير تطوير الأعم�ل ب�صركة ‪MCS‬‬

‫هن ���ك الكثري م ��ن الظواهر الأخري الت ��ي تعوق حتقيق الهدف املرج ��و و لكن مع قرب‬ ‫الإنت�ج من حقل ظهر وم� �ص ��يتبعه من اأعم�ل م�ص ��تقبلية تخ�س �ص ��ي�نة هذه الآب�ر يف‬ ‫املي ���ه العميق ��ة وتطويره ��� وجب التنويه و العم ��ل اجل�د للحف�ظ على مق ��درات الدولة‬ ‫والأمن القومي امل�صري وذلك بتفعيل م� يلي‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬عمل ق�ئمة ب�ل�ص ��رك�ت امل�ص ��رية اخل��ص ��ة الع�ملة يف قط�ع اخلدم�ت البرتولية يف‬ ‫املي�ه العميقة والتي تقدم تقني�ت على م�ص ��توى ع�ملي بوا�ص ��طة مهند�صني م�صريني‬ ‫من خالل �صرك�ت م�صرية ولي�س جمرد غط�ء ل�صرك�ت اأجنبية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬الق�ئمة ال�ص�بق ذكره� مع ال�صرك�ت اململوكة لقط�ع البرتول يتم التع�مل معه� كرثوة‬ ‫قومي ��ة يجب املح�فظة عليه� وتثمني دوره� وتطويره� ودمج الأدوار فيم� بينه� حتى‬ ‫ي�ص ��تطيع املنت ��ج املحلي م ��ن الإطالع ب ��دوره يف حم�ية ثروات الب ��الد وتوفري العملة‬ ‫ال�ص ��عبة بدل من دفعه� ملق�ول اأجنبي رغم وج ��ود كي�ن�ت حملية اأثبتت وجوده� يف‬ ‫املح�فل الدولية واملحلية على مدى ال�صنوات ال�ص�بقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬يتم اإعالن ال�ص ��ريك الأجنبي بتفعيل الت�ص ��ريع�ت التي �ص ��درت من جم�ل�س الوزراء‬ ‫يف اأغ�ص ��ط�س‪ 2016‬مبنع ا�ص ��تعم�ل اأي منتج اأجنبي ط�مل� وجد البديل املحلي والذي‬ ‫ي�ص ��مل هذه املرة ال�ص ��رك�ت اململوكة لقط�ع البرتول والقط�ع اخل��س امل�ص ��ري كم�‬ ‫هو متبع يف الربازيل على �ص ��بيل املث�ل مم� اأدى اىل اأن اأ�ص ��بحت الربازيل من اأقوى‬ ‫مراكز �صن�عة البرتول يف الع�مل‬ ‫‪ .4‬مع�جلة العوار يف ق�نون ال�صرائب وعدم ت�صغيل الأج�نب بت��صريات �صي�حية وتفعيل‬ ‫القوانني احل�كمة للحف�ظ على خم�ص�ص ���ت الدولة من ال�ص ��رائب و�صم�ن مت�بعة‬ ‫اخلروج الق�نوين للعملة ال�صعبة من م�صر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬ت�ص ��كيل جلنة قوامه� اخلرباء امل�ص ��ريني يف جم ���ل املي�ه العميقة و الذين �ص ���ركوا‬ ‫يف ت�ص ��غيل ‪ 68‬بئر ًا مي�ه عميقة يف ال�ص ��نوات ال�‪ 16‬ال�ص�بقة يف �صركة الربل�س وتقوم‬ ‫بدور ا�صت�ص�ري ل�ص ���نعي القرار فيم� يخ�س اإتخ�ذ الأجراء الالزم لتمكني �صيطرة‬ ‫م�ص ��ر على مقدراته� وتثمني دور ال�صرك�ت املحلية الف�علة والتي اأثبتت جدارته� يف‬ ‫خدم�ت املي�ه العميقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬لب ��د اأن يت�كد اجلميع اأن م�ص ��ر له� الي ��د العلي� حيث اأن الك�ص ���د العلمي يف جم�ل‬ ‫البرتول يجعل م�ص ��ر هدف لأي �صركة ع�ملية لتن�ل ن�صيب� من الكعكة ولكن ب�صروط‬ ‫م�صر ‪.‬‬ ‫اإن اخلطوات ال�ص ���بق ذكره� �ص ��رورية للحف�ظ على الأمن القومي امل�ص ��ري وحتى ل‬ ‫نكرر م�أ�ص�ة اإحدى الدول الإفريقية التي تعد اأكرب منتج للبرتول يف الع�مل ولكن �صعبه�‬ ‫من اأفقر ال�صعوب لأن ال�صرك�ت الأجنبية املق�ولة الع�ملة له� كل ال�صيطرة على مقدرات‬ ‫البالد بينم� يقوم اأهل البلد ب�لأعم�ل الدونية والأمنية حلم�ية الأج�نب‪.‬‬ ‫اإن حتقيق النه�ص ��ة املرجوة ب�أن تكون م�ص ��ر مركز �ص ��ن�عة الب ��رتول يف املي�ه العميقه‬ ‫يف املنطقة هى م�ص ��ئولية ت�ريخية و�صي�ح�صب عليه� كل م�صئول ع��صر هذا امل�صهد و مل‬ ‫يقدم م� ي�صتلزم حتقيقه‪.‬‬ ‫حفظ اهلل م�ص ��ر ورئي�صه� الذي ل يدخر جهد ًا لو�صعه� على الطريق ال�صحيح مبع�ونة‬ ‫ال�صرف�ء واخلرباء يف م�صر كل يف جم�له‪.‬‬ ‫‪- September 2017‬‬

‫‪13 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫ذلك وما هى �أهم �خلطو�ت �لتي قمت بها؟‬ ‫ ال�ص ��ركة كان ��ت تعان ��ى م ��ن �ص ��وء اجل ��ودة يف ‬ ‫منتجاتها ويرجع ذلك لأ�ص ��باب كثريةكما كانت ‬ ‫تعان ��ى من تراك ��م الديون عليها تقريبا و�ص ��لت ‬ ‫لأكر من راأ�س مالها‬ ‫ اأم ��ا بالن�ص ��بة للجودة فق ��د اعتمدن ��ا خطة تغيري ‬ ‫وتطوي ��ر واإبت ��كار منتجات جديدة بالإ�ص ��افة اىل ‬ ‫حت�ص ��ني املنتجات املوج ��ودة بالفع ��ل وذلك طبقا ‬ ‫للموا�ص ��فات ومعاي ��ري اجل ��ودة العاملي ��ة واأجرينا ‬ ‫اإختبارات يف هيئة املوا�ص ��فات واجلودة امل�صرية ‬ ‫و و�ص ��عت ال�ص ��ركة خط ��ة ت�ص ��ويقية وترويجي ��ة ‬ ‫كب ��رية ملنتجاتها بداية م ��ن طباع ��ة الكتالوجات ‬ ‫واملطبوعات والتوا�صل املبا�صر مع العمالء بهدف ‬ ‫تغي ��ري ال�ص ��ورة الذهني ��ة ال�ص ��يئة ع ��ن ال�ص ��ركة ‬ ‫واحلمد هلل جنحنا فى ذلك ‬ ‫ كم ��ا اعددنا خط ��ة اإع ��ادة هيكلة اإداري ��ة ومالية ‬ ‫لل�ص ��ركة و خط ��ة عم ��ل عل ��ى م ��دار ‪ 10‬اع ��وام ‬ ‫للنهو� ��س بال�ص ��ركة و اإقالتهام ��ن عرته ��ا الت ��ي ‬ ‫كان ��ت فيه ��ا وفيم ��ا يتعل ��ق بالدي ��ون فكان ��ت قد ‬ ‫و�ص ��لت لأكر من ‪ 40‬مليون جنيه وذلك كان اأكرب ‬ ‫م ��ن راأ� ��س مالها تقريب ��ا وكانت الدي ��ون جلهات ‬ ‫متع ��ددة مثل املوردي ��ن و امل�ص ��اهمني والتامنيات ‬ ‫وغريه ��ا وملحا�ص ��رة تل ��ك الديون و�ص ��عنا خطة ‬ ‫جلدولتهاعلى مدار ‪� 3‬صنوات و جنحنا حتى الن ‬ ‫يف ت�صديد اكر من ثلث هذه الديون ‬ ‫● م ��ا هى�صه ��اد�ت �جل ��ودة �لت ��ي ح�صل ��ت عليه ��ا‬ ‫�ل�صرك ��ة ؟ وما هى �ملميز�ت �لت ��ي متيز منتجات‬ ‫�ل�صوي�ض ملهمات �ل�صالمة �ملهنية؟‬ ‫ ال�ص ��ركة حا�صلة على ‪� 3‬صهادات اأيزو وهما ‪ 9001‬‬ ‫و‪ 14001‬و ‪ 18001‬فيم ��ا يتعلق بالدارة وال�ص ��حة ‬ ‫وال�ص ��المة املهنية والبيئة موؤخرا حيث كانت اأخر ‬ ‫�صهادة ح�ص ��لت عليها ال�ص ��ركة كانت فى ‪ .2010‬‬ ‫وفى اإطار خطة التطوير ا�صتعنا ب�صركة عاملية ملدة ‬ ‫�ص ��نة للتعرف على خطوات ومتطلبات احل�ص ��ول ‬ ‫على �صهادات اليزو ‬ ‫ و بالن�ص ��بة ملنتج ��ات ال�ص ��ركة اتبعنا موا�ص ��فات ‬ ‫ومعايري اجلودة العاملية وقمنا بتطوير وحت�ص ��ني ‬ ‫ج ��ودة منتج ��ات ال�ص ��ركة حت ��ى تتما�ص ��ى م ��ع ‬ ‫متطلبات ال�ص ��وق العاملى وا�ص ��بحنا فعال نناف�س ‬ ‫املنتج ��ات العاملي ��ة م ��ن حي ��ث اجل ��ودة خا�ص ��ة ‬ ‫وبعد حترير �ص ��عر ال�ص ��رف الذي اعطانا ميزة ‬ ‫اخ ��رى وبالتزام ��ن مع �ص ��ن قوانني متن ��ع دخول ‬

‫نعمل على تطوير منتجاتنا مبا يتوافق مع معايري وموا�سفات اجلودة‬ ‫العاملية وينق�سنا التمويل‬ ‫املنت ��ج الرديء وكل ذلك انعك� ��س بالإيجاب على ‬ ‫موؤ�صرات حجم مبيعات ال�صركة ‬ ‫● مبنا�صب ��ة حت�ص ��ن حج ��م مبيع ��ات �ل�صرك ��ة ه ��ل‬ ‫لن ��ا �أن تطلعن ��ا على حجم ه ��ذ� �لتح�صن مقارنة‬ ‫باالعو�م �ل�صابقة ؟‬ ‫ حج ��م مبيع ��ات ال�ص ��ركة كان يف ‪ 12( 2015‬‬ ‫مليون جنية) و�صي�ص ��ل العام اجل ��اري لكر من ‬ ‫‪ 50‬ملي ��ون جني ��ه مما يعنى م�ص ��اعفة املبيعات ‪ 5‬‬ ‫اأ�ص ��عاف ونح ��ن ق ��ادرون على الو�ص ��ول مببيعات ‬ ‫ال�صركة لكر من ‪ 150‬مليون جنيه ولكن ينق�صنا ‬ ‫التموي ��ل وتل ��ك اأك ��رب م�ص ��كلة تواجه ال�ص ��ركة يف ‬ ‫الوق ��ت احلايل‪ .‬نتيج ��ة لتعر ال�ص ��ركة يف الفرتة ‬ ‫املا�صية قاموا امل�ص ��اهمني بدعم ال�صركة يف وقت ‬ ‫رف�ص ��ت كل املوؤ�ص�صات املالية متويل ال�صركة نظرا ‬ ‫للخلفي ��ة التاريخيةال�ص ��يئة‪.‬اإذا ملك ��ت ال�ص ��ركة ‬ ‫التمويل الكايف لتمكنت من تغطية ا�صتهالك قطاع ‬ ‫الب ��رتول من مهمات ال�ص ��المة املهنية وهو حوايل ‬ ‫من ‪ 200 – 150‬مليون جنيه فى ال�صنة‪.‬‬ ‫ اأطالب بو�ص ��ع حل لتلك امل�ص ��كلة لن ال�صركة كانت ‬ ‫متع ��رة يف الفرتة م ��ن ‪ 2011‬اىل ‪ 2014‬واأعتقد اأن ‬ ‫�ص ��ركات كثرية فى م�ص ��ر م ��رت به ��ذا التعر لنها ‬ ‫كانت ف ��رتة ع�ص ��يبة وغري م�ص ��تقرة‪ ،‬كم ��ا اأطالب ‬ ‫املوؤ�ص�ص ��ات املالية باإعادة النظ ��ر يف عمليات متويل ‬ ‫ال�ص ��ركات املتعرة والعمل على متويلها وادعو لعقد ‬ ‫جل�صات نقا�س ومباحثات من اأجل حل تلك امل�صكلة ‪.‬‬ ‫● ه ��ل لن ��ا �أن نتع ��رف عل ��ى ع ��دد عم ��الء �ل�صرك ��ة‬ ‫وحجم �لتعاقد�ت حاليا وم�صتقبلها ؟‬ ‫ نحن نوقع كل يوم تعاقدات جديدة لتوريد مهمات ‬ ‫ال�ص ��المة املهني ��ة ولدين ��ا اأك ��رت م ��ن ‪ 40‬عمي ��ال ‬ ‫وا�ص ��تطعنا جلب عم ��الء جدد ومنه ��م من خارج ‬ ‫قطاع الب ��رتول ونخط ��ط لدخول اأ�ص ��واق جديدة ‬ ‫لأن حجم ال�ص ��وق كبري جدا ي�ص ��ل لأكرت من ‪ 100‬‬ ‫مليون دولر فهناك قطاعات جديدة �صتدخل فيها ‬ ‫ال�ص ��ركة مثل القطاع ال�ص ��ناعي وقطاع املقاولت ‬ ‫وه ��ى قطاع ��ات متلك حج ��م عمالة كب ��رية ولكن ‬ ‫لدخول تلك ال�صوق نحتاج اىل متويل لعمل خطط ‬ ‫ت�صويقية كبرية كما اأننا ب�صدد توقيع تعاقدات مع ‬ ‫�صركات يف دول اخلليج ‪.‬‬

‫● هن ��اك خطة لوز�رة �لب ��رتول لتطوير و حتديث‬ ‫�لقط ��اع م ��ا ه ��ى روؤيتك ��م له ��ذة �خلط ��ة وكي ��ف‬ ‫ت�صاهم �ل�صركة يف هذ� �لربنامج ؟‬ ‫ ال�ص ��ركة تدع ��م اى خط ��ة لتطوير القط ��اع ونحن ‬ ‫نعي ��د النظر ف ��ى حج ��م منتجاتنا ونفتح ون�ص ��عى ‬ ‫لفت ��ح مناف ��ذ جدي ��دة ف ��ى اماك ��ن خمتلف ��ة مثل ‬ ‫الأ�ص ��كندرية ولدين ��ا خط ��ة اإ�ص ��تثمارية مل ��دة ‪ 10‬‬ ‫�صنوات ومن �ص ��منها اإ�صافةخطوط اإنتاج جديدة ‬ ‫مث ��ل خ ��ط الإنت ��اج اجل ��زء العل ��وي م ��ن احلذاء ‬ ‫(الفون ��دي) وبع�س اإ�ص ��افات املالب� ��س وتلك هى ‬ ‫اخلطط التو�صعية ‪.‬‬ ‫● كيف تنظر �ل�صركة للعن�صر �لب�صرى؟‬ ‫ ال�صوي�س ملهمات ال�ص ��المة املهنية تهتم بالعن�صر ‬ ‫الب�ص ��رى يف املق ��ام الول ونعمل على حل م�ص ��اكل ‬ ‫العمالة وتلبي ��ة مطالبهم التي كان جزء منها لهم ‬ ‫احلق فيه وجزء اخر يع ��اد النظر اإليه‪.‬وعملنا مع ‬ ‫العاملني ومع امل�ص ��اهمني وهيئة البرتول للتو�ص ��ل ‬ ‫اىل معادل ��ة معقولة حتكم حقوقه ��م والتزامتهم‪ .‬‬ ‫وعل ��ى جان ��ب اآخ ��ر اإعتمدن ��ا خط ��ط للتدري ��ب ‬ ‫بال�ص ��تعانة مبوؤ�ص�ص ��ات للتدري ��ب متخ�ص�ص ��ة ‬ ‫وبخط ��ط تدريب معده من الهيئ ��ة العامة للبرتول ‬ ‫كم ��ا نلح ��ق العامل ��ني باملوؤمت ��رات وال ��دورات ‬ ‫التدريبية يف خمتلف التخ�ص�ص ��ات التي تتاح لنا ‬ ‫وهو اأمر مل يكن متبعا قبل ذلك ‪.‬‬ ‫● كلم ��ة توجها البنائك م ��ن �لعاملن من �ل�صركة‬ ‫ولقطاع �لبرتول ؟‬ ‫ اأتق ��دم له ��م ببالغ ال�ص ��كر والتقدي ��ر لأننا ال�ص ��ركة ‬ ‫الوحي ��دة الت ��ى ا�ص ��تطاعت يف فرتة وجي ��زة حتقيق ‬ ‫زيادة كبرية فى ن�ص ��بة املبيع ��ات يف طريقها للتحول ‬ ‫من اخل�ص ��ائر اىل الأرباح واأطالبهم ببذل املزيد من ‬ ‫اجله ��د يف العمل لتح�ص ��ني املنتجات م ��ن حيث الكم ‬ ‫والكيف لن ذلك هو ال�صبيل الوحيد لتح�صن و�صعهم ‬ ‫املادي وامامنا جمهود كبري لتح�صن و�صع ال�صركة‪.‬‬ ‫ وبالن�ص ��بة لقط ��اع الب ��رتول فق ��د حظين ��ا بدعم ‬ ‫و م�ص ��اندة كب ��رية م ��ن قط ��اع البرتول �ص ��واء من ‬ ‫الوزارة او الهيئة وامل�ص ��اهمني �ص ��اعدوا ال�ص ��ركة ‬ ‫للنهو� ��س من عرتها واأطال ��ب القطاع مبزيد من ‬ ‫امل�صاعدة والدعم ‪.‬‬

‫‪- September 2017‬‬

‫‪11 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫املهند�س حممد �سادق رئي�س جمل�س ادارة ال�سوي�س ملهمات ال�سالمة املهنية ‪:SSO‬‬

‫نحا�ســر ديـون ال�سركـة وح�سـلنا علـى‬ ‫‪� 3‬سـهـادات ايــزو‬

‫عندم ��ا جن ��د �أيدي وعقول م�ص ��رية تبذل كل ما يف‬ ‫و�صعه ��ا للنهو�ض بال�صركات �لوطني ��ة و�قالتها من‬ ‫عرثته ��ا وحتويله ��ا م ��ن �صرك ��ة خا�ص ��رة �ىل �صرك ��ة‬ ‫ر�بح ��ة وت�صع ��ى �ىل حت�ص ��ن وتطوي ��ر منتجاته ��ا‬ ‫لتناف� ��ض جودة �ملنتجات �لعاملية فال ي�صعنا ذلك �ال‬ ‫�ن نفخ ��ر بتلك �الي ��ادي و�لعقول �لت ��ي ترفع �صعار‬ ‫�صنع يف م�صر يف �ملقام �الول‬ ‫ه ��ذ� م ��ا ينطب ��ق على �لعامل ��ن يف �صرك ��ة �ل�صوي�ض‬ ‫ملهم ��ات �ل�صالم ��ة وعل ��ى ر�أ�صه ��م �ملهند� ��ض حمم ��د‬ ‫�صادق رئي�ض جمل�ض �الد�رة و�للذين ال ياألون جهد�‬ ‫يف حما�ص ��رة ديون �ل�صركة وحت�صن منتجاتها من‬ ‫�أج ��ل �لنهو� ��ض بها و�خل ��روج بها م ��ن �لنفق �ملظلم‬ ‫�ىل مناف�صة منتجات �ل�صركات �لعاملية‬ ‫�ردنا �لتعرف على تلك �جلهود فكان �حلو�ر �لتايل‬ ‫‪10‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - September‬‬

‫ن�ستهدف حتقيق حجم مبيعات ‪ 50‬مليون جنيه العام اجلاري بدال من ‪ 12‬مليون يف ‪2015‬‬ ‫مع �ملهند�ض حممد �صادق‬ ‫● يف �لبد�ي ��ة ن ��ود �لتعرف على �أه ��م �ملنتجات �لتي‬ ‫تقدمه ��ا �صركة �ل�صوي�ض ملهمات �ل�صالمة ‪SSO‬‬ ‫لقطاع �لبرتول ولل�صوق ب�صفة عامة؟‬ ‫ ال�ص ��ركة هى �ص ��ركة م�صاهمة م�ص ��رية مملوكة ‬ ‫بالكامل لقطاع البرتول امل�ص ��ري ي�ص ��اهم فيها ‬ ‫‪� 6‬ص ��ركات من كربى �ص ��ركات القط ��اع و متلك ‬ ‫م�ص ��نعني يف طريق ال�ص ��وي�س بالعني ال�ص ��خنة‪ ،‬‬ ‫امل�ص ��نع الأول لإنت ��اج جمي ��ع اأن ��واع املالب� ��س ‬ ‫اخلا�ص ��ة بال�ص ��حة وال�ص ��المة املهني ��ة مث ��ل ‬ ‫الف ��ارول واجلاكي ��ت والبنطل ��ون وغريه ��ا من ‬ ‫املالب�س امل�ص ��تخدمة يف مواقع الب ��رتول ومواقع ‬

‫العمل ب�صكل عام ‪.‬‬ ‫ اأما بالن�ص ��بة للم�ص ��نع الثاين فهو م�صنع لإنتاج ‬ ‫الأحذي ��ة وينت ��ج اأك ��ر م ��ن ‪ 14‬مودي ��ل خمتلف ‬ ‫لعام ‪ 2017‬و�ص ��وف يتم حتديثه ��م خالل ‪ 2018‬‬ ‫واإ�ص ��افة اىل مودي ��الت اأخرى جدي ��دة ‪ ،‬عالوة ‬ ‫على ذلك فنحن منل ��ك توكيالت عديدة ملهمات ‬ ‫ال�صحة وال�صالمة املهنية مثل اخلوذة والنظارة ‬ ‫وواق ��ى الوجه وغريها وهو ما يعنى اأن ال�ص ��ركة ‬ ‫متتل ��ك منظوم ��ة متكاملة من مهمات ال�ص ��حة ‬ ‫وال�صالمة املهنية ‪.‬‬ ‫● حت�صن ��ت �أو�ص ��اع �ل�صرك ��ة بع ��د ت ��ويل �ملهند� ��ض‬ ‫حممد �صادق لرئا�صة جمل�ض �الد�رة كيف حدث‬

‫�ا�ش جناح اأي ‬ ‫�ا�ش جناح اأي ‬ ‫�ة هى اأ�ص �‬ ‫�ة هى اأ�ص �‬ ‫�رة املدرب �‬ ‫�رة املدرب �‬ ‫�ة املاه �‬ ‫�ة املاه �‬ ‫أن العمال �‬ ‫أن العمال �‬ ‫ل ل‬ ‫�ا�ش �ا�ش ‬ ‫�ة وهى صا��ا أي�اصأ��ص ��ا اأ�ص �‬ ‫�ة وهى اأي�‬ ‫أو جتاري �‬ ‫أو جتاري �‬ ‫�ناعية ا‬ ‫�ناعية ا‬ ‫�ة ��ص ��ة �ص �‬ ‫منظوم‬ ‫منظوم �‬ ‫ا�صتمرارية تلك امل�صروعات وبقائها ومنوها‪.‬‬ ‫ا�صتمرارية تلك امل�صروعات وبقائها ومنوها‪.‬‬ ‫كيفكيف‬ ‫العمال �املا�ةه �املا�رةه ��رة‬ ‫العمال ��ة‬ ‫أهميو��ةج �و�ودج ��ود‬ ‫أهماي ��ة‬ ‫�بةش �ا�بة‬ ‫مبنا�‬ ‫مبنا�ش �‬ ‫●●‬ ‫لبناءلبناء‬ ‫�ري�ري‬ ‫الب�ش �الب�ش �‬ ‫العن�ش ��ر‬ ‫العن�ش ��ر‬ ‫جرو مع‬ ‫جرو مع‬ ‫إيفرإيفر‬ ‫تتعا�ل ام ��ل ا‬ ‫تتعام �‬ ‫العاملني؟‬ ‫العاملني؟‬ ‫عددعدد‬ ‫وما هو‬ ‫وما هو‬ ‫كوادرها‬ ‫كوادرها‬ ‫�رو يبلغ ثالثة ‬ ‫�رو يبلغ ثالثة ‬ ‫إيفر ج �‬ ‫إيفر ج �‬ ‫�انع ا�انع ا‬ ‫عدد العاملني يف م�ص �‬ ‫عدد العاملني يف م�ص �‬ ‫ ‬ ‫�ودة يف ‬ ‫�ودة يف ‬ ‫�ة املوج �‬ ‫�ة املوج �‬ ‫�فنا العمال �‬ ‫�فنا العمال �‬ ‫إذا �اأ�ص �‬ ‫إذا اأ�ص‬ ‫�ل و�ا�ل و‬ ‫آف عام‬ ‫آف عام �‬ ‫األ األ‬ ‫�ة للمجموعة ‬ ‫�ة للمجموعة ‬ ‫�ة اخرى تابع �‬ ‫�ة اخرى تابع �‬ ‫�ركات جتاري �‬ ‫�ركات جتاري �‬ ‫أربع �ص �‬ ‫أربع �ص �‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫أحد أحد ‬ ‫�ال وا�ال وا‬ ‫�مدة واأوب �‬ ‫�مدة واأوب �‬ ‫�ركتي املنوفية لص �الأ�ص �‬ ‫�ركتي املنوفية لالأ�‬ ‫�ل �ص ��ل �ص �‬ ‫مث � مث �‬ ‫�بح ��بح ‬ ‫�ي �صي�ص‬ ‫�ي �صي�ص �‬ ‫�الح الزراع �‬ ‫�الح الزراع �‬ ‫�روعات ال�صت�ص �‬ ‫�روعات ال�صت�ص �‬ ‫م�ص �م�ص �‬ ‫أعلى أعلى ‬ ‫آف عامل يتم تدريبهم على ا‬ ‫آف عامل يتم تدريبهم على ا‬ ‫أربعة األ‬ ‫أربعة األ‬ ‫الرقم ا‬ ‫الرقم ا‬ ‫�تمر‪� ،‬تمر‪ ،‬‬ ‫�كل م�ص �‬ ‫�كل م�ص �‬ ‫�توى من اجلودة والكفاءة وب�ص �‬ ‫�توى من اجلودة والكفاءة وب�ص �‬ ‫م�ص �م�ص �‬ ‫إنتاج إنتاج ‬ ‫�ي يف ال‬ ‫�ي يف ال‬ ‫أ�صا�ص �أ�صا�ص �‬ ‫�ريك ا‬ ‫�ريك ا‬ ‫�ر العامل �ص �‬ ‫�ر العامل �ص �‬ ‫�ا نعت ��ا نعت �‬ ‫لأنن �لأنن �‬ ‫أي منظومة‪ ،‬كما اأن ‬ ‫أي منظومة‪ ،‬كما اأن ‬ ‫إجناح ا‬ ‫إجناح ا‬ ‫أنه �صببا رئي��يا ص �ل�يا ل‬ ‫أنه �صببا رئي�ص �‬ ‫ول ول‬ ‫إفر جرو‪ ،‬‬ ‫إفر جرو‪ ،‬‬ ‫العمالة هى القيمة امل�صافة احلقيقية ل‬ ‫العمالة هى القيمة امل�صافة احلقيقية ل‬ ‫أكفاء الذين ‬ ‫أكفاء الذين ‬ ‫�ني ال‬ ‫�ني ال‬ ‫�ة من املهند�ص �‬ ‫�ة من املهند�ص �‬ ‫ومنلك جمموع �‬ ‫ومنلك جمموع �‬ ‫�افة �افة ‬ ‫�م ومعارفهم للعاملني‪� ،‬اإ�ص �‬ ‫�م ومعارفهم للعاملني‪ ،‬اإ�ص‬ ‫�ون خراته �‬ ‫�ون خراته �‬ ‫ينقل �ينقل �‬ ‫�ة وننظم ‬ ‫�ة وننظم ‬ ‫�دورات التدريبي �‬ ‫�دورات التدريبي �‬ ‫�ا نلحقهم بال �‬ ‫�ا نلحقهم بال �‬ ‫اىل اأنن �‬ ‫اىل اأنن �‬

‫جودة و�صالمة منتجاتها‪.‬‬ ‫�ة التي تن��ر ص ��ر جودة و�صالمة منتجاتها‪.‬‬ ‫�ة التي تن�ص �‬ ‫�رات التثقيفي �‬ ‫�رات التثقيفي �‬ ‫�دوات واملحا�ص �‬ ‫�دوات واملحا�ص �‬ ‫الن � الن �‬ ‫ؤخرواًؤخراً‬ ‫�نعش ��نع‬ ‫م�ش �م�‬ ‫�روع�روع‬ ‫عنش �م�ش �‬ ‫عن م�‬ ‫املجمو�ةع �مو�ة م‬ ‫املجموع �‬ ‫�تن ��ت‬ ‫●نا�أعل‬ ‫�اهم يف بناء عامل ● اأعل‬ ‫�اهم يف بناء عامل ‬ ‫�م‪ ،‬وكل ذلك �ص �‬ ‫�م‪ ،‬وكل ذلك �ص �‬ ‫�ي بينه �‬ ‫�ي بينه �‬ ‫الوع �الوع �‬ ‫�ني ��افم ��ا‬ ‫�نيت �فم‬ ‫عاملي‬ ‫عامليت �‬ ‫�ركتني‬ ‫�ركتني‬ ‫�اون�عم��ش ��ع �ش �‬ ‫�اون م �‬ ‫بالتع �بالتع �‬ ‫جدي ��د‬ ‫�اواه �اواه جدي ��د‬ ‫أنه توجد م�ص �‬ ‫أنه توجد م�ص �‬ ‫�ة عالية‪ ،‬ك�ا ام ��ا ا‬ ‫�ة عالية‪ ،‬كم �‬ ‫�ر وثقاف �‬ ‫�ر وثقاف �‬ ‫ذو فك �‬ ‫ذو فك �‬ ‫ذلك ؟‬ ‫ذلك ؟‬ ‫تفا�شيل‬ ‫ؤو�صني حتى نخلق تفا�شيل‬ ‫ؤو�صني حتى نخلق ‬ ‫�اء واملرو‬ ‫�اء واملرو‬ ‫يف املعاملة بني الر�وؤ�ص �‬ ‫يف املعاملة بني الروؤ�ص‬ ‫�ركة مما ‬ ‫إنتماء لدى العامل جتاه ال�ص �‬ ‫إنتماء لدى العامل جتاه ال�ص �‬ ‫�ولء وال‬ ‫�ولء وال‬ ‫ال � ال �‬ ‫�ركتني ‬ ‫�ركتني ‬ ‫�ائه بالتعاون مع �ص �‬ ‫�ائه بالتعاون مع �ص �‬ ‫�يتم �اإن�ص �‬ ‫�يتم اإن�ص‬ ‫�روع �ص �‬ ‫�روع �ص �‬ ‫هو م�ص �‬ ‫هو م�ص �‬ ‫�ركة مما ‬ ‫إنتاجية عالية ‪.‬‬ ‫يجعله عامل خمتلف ومميز ذو ا‬ ‫يجعله عامل خمتلف ومميز ذو ا‬ ‫أحدهما ‬ ‫أحدهما ‬ ‫�ركات العامل�ة اي ��ة ا‬ ‫�ركات العاملي �‬ ‫�رى ال�ص �‬ ‫�رى ال�ص �‬ ‫�ني من ك �‬ ‫�ني من ك �‬ ‫عامليت �‬ ‫إنتاجية عالية ‪ .‬عامليت �‬ ‫اجلودة ؟‬ ‫اجلودة ؟‬ ‫�شهادات‬ ‫�شهادات‬ ‫عن عن‬ ‫وماذاوماذا‬ ‫●●‬ ‫�يتكلف ما بني ‪ 9‬‬ ‫�يتكلف ما بني ‪ 9‬‬ ‫�اوية و�ص �‬ ‫�اوية و�ص �‬ ‫أخرى من�ص �‬ ‫أخرى من�ص �‬ ‫�ة وال�ة وال‬ ‫بلجيكي �‬ ‫بلجيكي �‬ ‫ ‬ ‫�ري وذلك ‬ ‫�ري وذلك ‬ ‫�ف مليار و ‪ 10‬مليارات جنيه م�ص �‬ ‫�ف مليار و ‪ 10‬مليارات جنيه م�ص �‬ ‫أيزو ‪ ،9001‬ون�ص �ون�ص �‬ ‫أيزو ‪ ،9001‬‬ ‫ال�صركة حا�صلة على ثالث �صهادات ا‬ ‫ال�صركة حا�صلة على ثالث �صهادات ا‬ ‫إنتاج ‪ 500‬الف طن داي كال�صيوم فو�صفيد والذي ‬ ‫إنتاج ‪ 500‬الف طن داي كال�صيوم فو�صفيد والذي ‬ ‫‪ 1٨001 ،14001‬ب�صدد احل�صول على ال�صهادة ل ل‬ ‫‪ 1٨001 ،14001‬ب�صدد احل�صول على ال�صهادة ‬ ‫إن�صاء م�صروع ‬ ‫إن�صاء م�صروع ‬ ‫إ�صافة اىل ا‬ ‫إ�صافة اىل ا‬ ‫يدخل يف غذاء الدواجن ا‬ ‫أول �صركة م�صرية حا�صلة يدخل يف غذاء الدواجن ا‬ ‫أول �صركة م�صرية حا�صلة ‬ ‫الرابعة وبذلك تكون ا‬ ‫الرابعة وبذلك تكون ا‬ ‫إيفر إيفر ‬ ‫�تكون ا‬ ‫�تكون ا‬ ‫) املحبب و�ص �‬ ‫) املحبب و�ص �‬ ‫�افة ل�ص �‬ ‫�افة ل�ص �‬ ‫أيزو بال�ص �‬ ‫أيزو بال�ص �‬ ‫�هادات ا‬ ‫�هادات ا‬ ‫�ع ��ص ��ع �ص �‬ ‫�ى �اأرب‬ ‫�ى لا�أرب‬ ‫عل � ع‬ ‫‪NPK‬‬ ‫‪NPK‬‬ ‫�مدة ال� (‬ ‫�مدة ال� (‬ ‫إنتاج اأ�ص �‬ ‫إنتاج اأ�ص �‬ ‫�هادة �هادة ل ل‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد ‬ ‫أن الكال�ص �‬ ‫أن الكال�ص �‬ ‫جودة املعامل ‪ 17035‬كما ا‬ ‫جودة املعامل ‪ 17035‬كما ا‬ ‫) حمبب ‬ ‫) حمبب ‬ ‫‪NPK‬‬ ‫‪NPK‬‬ ‫�مدة (‬ ‫�مدة (‬ ‫�ج اأ�ص �‬ ‫�ركة تن�ج تا�أ�ص �‬ ‫�ركة تنت �‬ ‫أول �ص �‬ ‫أول �ص �‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد جرو اجرو ا‬ ‫�ة والتي ‬ ‫�ش الوروبي �‬ ‫�ش الوروبي �‬ ‫�هادة الريت� �‬ ‫�هادة الريت� �‬ ‫�ل على �ص �‬ ‫�ل على �ص �‬ ‫حا�ص �‬ ‫حا�ص �‬ ‫�ن على ‬ ‫�ن على ‬ ‫�ف ط �‬ ‫�ف �ط �‬ ‫�ل اىل ‪ 600‬ال‬ ‫�ل اىل ‪ 600‬ال �‬ ‫�ة ت�ص �‬ ‫�ة ت�ص �‬ ‫إنتاجي �‬ ‫إنتاجي �‬ ‫�ة والتي بطاق �بطا�ة اق ��ة ا‬ ‫تقوم بتنظيم و ت�صجيل وتقييم وترخي�ش وتقييد ‬ ‫�ا نحتاج ‬ ‫�ا نحتاج ‬ ‫�ك �لأنن �‬ ‫�ك �لأنن‬ ‫�ام ‪ 2020‬ذل‬ ‫�ام ‪ 2020‬ذل �‬ ‫�ول �ع ��ول ع �‬ ‫�ني بحل‬ ‫�ني بحل �‬ ‫مرحلت �‬ ‫تقوم بتنظيم و ت�صجيل وتقييم وترخي�ش وتقييد مرحلت �‬ ‫�توى عال ‬ ‫�مان م�ص �‬ ‫�مان م�ص �‬ ‫أجل �ص �‬ ‫أجل �ص �‬ ‫املواد الكيميائية من ا‬ ‫املواد الكيميائية من ا‬ ‫�ا بطي�ة ئ ��ة ‬ ‫�ا بطيئ �‬ ‫�ب لنه �‬ ‫�ب لنه �‬ ‫�كل حمب �‬ ‫�كل حمب �‬ ‫�مدة ب�ص �‬ ‫�مدة ب�ص �‬ ‫�ك ا �لأ�ص �‬ ‫�ك الأ�ص‬ ‫اىل تل �‬ ‫�توى عال اىل تل �‬ ‫�ة البيئة ‬ ‫�ان ‪ ،‬وحماي �‬ ‫�ان ‪ ،‬وحماي �‬ ‫�حة اص �لإن�ص �‬ ‫�حة الإن�‬ ‫من احلماية ل�ص �‬ ‫من احلماية ل�ص �‬ ‫�ر ال�صغرى اليها ‬ ‫�ر ال�صغرى اليها ‬ ‫�افة العنا�ص �‬ ‫�افة العنا�ص �‬ ‫الذوبان وميكن �اإ�ص �‬ ‫�ة البيئة الذوبان وميكن اإ�ص‬ ‫أوروبية ‬ ‫�وق ال‬ ‫�وق ال‬ ‫�ل ال�ص �‬ ‫�ل ال�ص �‬ ‫�واد داخ �‬ ‫�واد داخ �‬ ‫�داول امل �‬ ‫�داول امل �‬ ‫و حر�ة يت���ة ت �‬ ‫و حري �‬ ‫�كيالت خمتلفة ‬ ‫�كيالت خمتلفة ‬ ‫�ماد برتكيبات وت�ص �‬ ‫�ماد برتكيبات وت�ص �‬ ‫وهو ما يتيح �ص �‬ ‫أوروبية وهو ما يتيح �ص �‬ ‫�ديرة ايل با��ا ‬ ‫�ديرة ايل اأور‬ ‫�ن ت�ص �‬ ‫�ن ت�ص �‬ ‫�ك ميك �‬ ‫�ك ميك �‬ ‫�ة وبذل �‬ ‫�ة وبذل �‬ ‫الداخلي �‬ ‫الداخلي �‬ ‫إفريقي كما �صينتج ‬ ‫إفريقي كما �صينتج ‬ ‫�وق امل�صري وال‬ ‫�وق امل�صري وال‬ ‫ون�صتهدف ال�ص �‬ ‫أورب ��ا ون�صتهدف ال�ص �‬ ‫أوروبية ت‬ ‫أوروبية تو‬ ‫�هادات من جمعيات ا‬ ‫�هادات من جمعيات ا‬ ‫عالوة على �ص �‬ ‫عالوة على �ص �‬ ‫هذا امل�صروع ‪ 100‬الف طن كال�صيوم كلوريد‪.‬‬ ‫ؤكد وؤكد هذا امل�صروع ‪ 100‬الف طن كال�صيوم كلوريد‪.‬‬ ‫‪20172017‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪- September‬‬ ‫‪- September‬‬ ‫‪9 9 Petroleum‬‬

‫اخل�شن ‪:‬‬ ‫حممداخل�شن ‪:‬‬ ‫املهند�سحممد‬ ‫املهند�س‬

‫املحبب‬ ‫كلوريداملحبب‬ ‫الكال�شيومكلوريد‬ ‫‪160‬الفالفطنطنمنمنالكال�شيوم‬ ‫تنتج‪160‬‬ ‫جروتنتج‬ ‫ا اإيفرإيفرجرو‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫باملنطقةالعربية‬ ‫البرتولباملنطقة‬ ‫قطاعالبرتول‬ ‫احتياجاتقطاع‬ ‫لتلبيةاحتياجات‬ ‫لتلبية‬ ‫وتدريبها‬ ‫وتدريبها‬ ‫بالعمال ��ة‬ ‫بالعمال ��ة‬ ‫والن�امظ �وا�املواإهتلم �إهت�امم ��ام‬ ‫والنظ �‬ ‫اجلدي ��ة‬ ‫اجلدي ��ة‬ ‫رئي�س‬ ‫رئي�س‬ ‫اخل�شن‬ ‫اخل�شن‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫حممد‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫�ائح�ائح‬ ‫كانتش �ن�ش �‬ ‫كانت ن�‬ ‫تلكتلك‬ ‫املتخ�ش�ش ��ة‬ ‫املتخ�ش�ش ��ة‬ ‫�مدة�مدة‬ ‫إيفر�روج � ل�رولإ�لش �لإ�ش �‬ ‫إيفرج �‬ ‫إدارة ا‬ ‫إدارة ا‬ ‫جمل� �ا�س ا‬ ‫جمل� ��س‬ ‫م�شرياً‬ ‫م�شرياً‬ ‫وا�شتمرارها‪،‬‬ ‫وا�شتمرارها‪،‬‬ ‫منظومة‬ ‫منظومة‬ ‫�ركة اأو‬ ‫�ركة اأو‬ ‫لنجاح ا�ش �أي �ش �‬ ‫لنجاح اأي‬ ‫�وداي"‬ ‫�وداي"‬ ‫برتولي�ت ��م ت �‬ ‫برتولي ��م‬ ‫جمل ��ة‬ ‫جمل ��ة‬ ‫�وار� �خا�س� �م ��س�عم �"�ع "‬ ‫�وار� خا‬ ‫يف ح �يف ح‬ ‫طنطن‬ ‫�اجت �‪�70‬اجال �‪ 70‬ا�فل ��ف‬ ‫�ركة�داب �أت�داموؤأتخم�وؤ�راخا�إنت�را� اإن‬ ‫�ركة ب �‬ ‫اىل اال�أنش �ال�ش �‬ ‫اىل اأن‬ ‫�تخدمه‬ ‫�تخدمه‬ ‫الذي � ت�ش �‬ ‫الذي ت�ش‬ ‫املحبب‬ ‫املحبب‬ ‫كلوري ��د‬ ‫كلوري ��د‬ ‫�يوم�يوم‬ ‫الكال�ش �‬ ‫الكال�ش �‬ ‫من من‬ ‫كانتكانت‬ ‫بعد اأن‬ ‫بعد اأن‬ ‫احلف ��ر‬ ‫احلف ��ر‬ ‫عمليات‬ ‫عمليات‬ ‫�رتول يف‬ ‫�رتول يف‬ ‫�ركات� الب �‬ ‫�ركات الب‬ ‫�ش � �ش �‬ ‫مار�س‬ ‫مار�س‬ ‫�ول ��ول‬ ‫بحل �بحل‬ ‫�ط � و�هاأن ��ه‬ ‫�ودر� ف�طق �واأن‬ ‫�ودر فق‬ ‫�كلش �ب ��كل ب �‬ ‫تنتج �تنت�هج �يف�ه�ش �يف �‬ ‫�ف�نط ��ن‬ ‫‪ 160‬ا�فل �ط �‬ ‫‪ 160‬ال �‬ ‫اىل اىل‬ ‫�اجت ��اج‬ ‫�ذاإنات �لإن‬ ‫�شي�ش �ه ��ل�ذاه �ال‬ ‫�شي�ش ��ل‬ ‫�ادم��ادم‬ ‫الق �الق‬ ‫للخارج‪.‬‬ ‫للخارج‪.‬‬ ‫والت�شدير‬ ‫والت�شدير‬ ‫املحلي‬ ‫املحلي‬ ‫ال�شتهلك‬ ‫ال�شتهلك‬ ‫لتغطية‬ ‫لتغطية‬ ‫احلوار‬ ‫احلوار‬ ‫ن�سن�س‬ ‫واليكم‬ ‫واليكم‬ ‫املتخ�ش�شة‬ ‫املتخ�ش�شة‬ ‫أ�شمدة‬ ‫أ�شمدة‬ ‫جرول لل‬ ‫جرو ل‬ ‫إيفرإيفر‬ ‫�ركة ا�ركة ا‬ ‫حتتفل �ش �‬ ‫حتتفل �ش �‬ ‫●●‬ ‫�ي�س�ي�س‬ ‫التاأ�ش �‬ ‫�نوات�ىعل �الت�ىاأ�ش �‬ ‫�نوات عل �‬ ‫‪� 10‬ش �‬ ‫�رور �ش �‬ ‫�رور ‪10‬‬ ‫ه ��ذاه �ال�ذاع �ال�امع �مب�ام� مب �‬ ‫واجهت‬ ‫واجهت‬ ‫�ات��يالت ��ي‬ ‫والتحد�اتي �الت‬ ‫والتحدي �‬ ‫البدا�اتي ��ات‬ ‫البداي �‬ ‫�ف�الن ��ا‬ ‫�فش �لن �‬ ‫�ش � �‬ ‫العملقة ؟‬ ‫العملقة ؟‬ ‫ال�شركة‬ ‫ال�شركة‬ ‫تلكتلك‬ ‫البدايات كانت عام ‪ 2006‬يف املنطقة ال�صناعية ‬ ‫البدايات كانت عام ‪ 2006‬يف املنطقة ال�صناعية ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫إنتاج إنتاج ‬ ‫�نع �ل�نع ل‬ ‫�اء م�ص‬ ‫�اء م�ص �‬ ‫�و روا�ش وكان البدء يف �اإن�ص �‬ ‫�و روا�ش وكان البدء يف اإن�ص‬ ‫باأب � باأب �‬ ‫�لفات ‬ ‫�لفات ‬ ‫�يوم و�ص �‬ ‫�يوم و�ص �‬ ‫�ة ونرتات الكال�ص �‬ ‫�ة ونرتات الكال�ص �‬ ‫�مدة املركب �‬ ‫�مدة املركب �‬ ‫الأ�صا �لأ�ص �‬ ‫أوىل‪ ،‬أوىل‪ ،‬‬ ‫�ت املرحلة ال‬ ‫�ت املرحلة ال‬ ‫�اب وتلك كان �‬ ‫�اب وتلك كان �‬ ‫�يوم وامل �‬ ‫�يوم وامل �‬ ‫البوتا�ص �‬ ‫البوتا�ص �‬ ‫أما املرحلة الثانية فكانت يف عام ‪ 2011‬ومع ثورة ‬ ‫أما املرحلة الثانية فكانت يف عام ‪ 2011‬ومع ثورة ‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫�عنا خطة ‬ ‫�عنا خطة ‬ ‫أحداث‪ ،‬حيث و�ص �‬ ‫أحداث‪ ،‬حيث و�ص �‬ ‫�ر وما تبعها من ا‬ ‫�ر وما تبعها من ا‬ ‫يناي �يناي �‬ ‫�يمها اىل ثالث مراحل ‬ ‫�يمها اىل ثالث مراحل ‬ ‫�تثمارية طويلة مت تق�ص �‬ ‫�تثمارية طويلة مت تق�ص �‬ ‫ا�ص �ا�ص �‬ ‫�ا يف املواعيد املحددة لها ‬ ‫�ا يف املواعيد املحددة لها ‬ ‫إجنازه �‬ ‫إجنازه �‬ ‫وكل مرحلة مت ا‬ ‫وكل مرحلة مت ا‬ ‫�اه‪ ،‬وبذلك ‬ ‫�اه‪ ،‬وبذلك ‬ ‫�خم الذي بذلن �‬ ‫�خم الذي بذلن �‬ ‫�ة للمجهود ال�ص �‬ ‫�ة للمجهود ال�ص �‬ ‫نتيج �نتيج �‬ ‫إنتهاء إنتهاء ‬ ‫�يتم ال‬ ‫�يتم ال‬ ‫إجناز مرحلتني بينما �ص �‬ ‫إجناز مرحلتني بينما �ص �‬ ‫يكون قد مت ا‬ ‫يكون قد مت ا‬ ‫من املرحلة الثالثة يف �صهر مار�ش القادم و�صتكون ‬ ‫من املرحلة الثالثة يف �صهر مار�ش القادم و�صتكون ‬ ‫إيفر جرو قد و�صلت ‬ ‫إيفر جرو قد و�صلت ‬ ‫الطاقة النتاجية الجمالية ل‬ ‫الطاقة النتاجية الجمالية ل‬ ‫�يوم و‪ 190‬الف ‬ ‫�يوم و‪ 190‬الف ‬ ‫�لفات بوتا�ص �‬ ‫�لفات بوتا�ص �‬ ‫اىل ‪ 400‬الف طن �ص �‬ ‫اىل ‪ 400‬الف طن �ص �‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد منهم ‪ 30‬الف طن يف �صكل ‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد منهم ‪ 30‬الف طن يف �صكل ‬ ‫طن كال�ص �‬ ‫طن كال�ص �‬ ‫�كل حمبب ‬ ‫�كل حمبب ‬ ‫بودر والباقي وهو ‪ 160‬الف طن يف �ص �‬ ‫بودر والباقي وهو ‪ 160‬الف طن يف �ص �‬ ‫�يوم �يوم ‬ ‫�اج داي كال�ص �‬ ‫�اج داي كال�ص �‬ ‫�يتم اإنت �‬ ‫�يتم اإنت �‬ ‫�ك �ص �‬ ‫�ك �ص �‬ ‫�ب ذل �‬ ‫�ب ذل �‬ ‫واىل جان �‬ ‫واىل جان �‬ ‫إنتاج ‪ 40‬الف ‬ ‫إنتاج ‪ 40‬الف ‬ ‫� ‪ 110‬طن وا‬ ‫� ‪ 110‬طن وا‬ ‫�فيد بكمية ت��ل صل��ل ل‬ ‫�فيد بكمية ت�ص �‬ ‫فو�ص �فو�ص �‬

‫�دات واخلدمات ‬ ‫�دات واخلدمات ‬ ‫�ركات التوري �‬ ‫�ركات التوري �‬ ‫�ل مع كل �ص �‬ ‫�ل مع كل �ص �‬ ‫نتعام �‬ ‫نتعام �‬ ‫أبي�ش النقي ‪ .‬‬ ‫أبي�ش النقي ‪.‬‬ ‫طن من حام�ش الفو�صفوريك ال‬ ‫طن من حام�ش الفو�صفوريك ال‬ ‫إنتاج إنتاج ‬ ‫�ركات ال‬ ‫�ركات ال‬ ‫�ي تقدم اخلدمة ل�ص �‬ ‫�ي تقدم اخلدمة ل�ص �‬ ‫البرتولية الت �‬ ‫�روعات البرتولية الت �‬ ‫�روعات‬ ‫تلكش �امل�ش �‬ ‫تلك امل�‬ ‫أمامش �ا�اءإن�ش ��اء‬ ‫أماما اإن�‬ ‫الطريا ��ق‬ ‫الطري ��ق‬ ‫كانكان‬ ‫● ه �●�له ��ل‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫�واق خارجية مثل ‬ ‫�واق خارجية مثل ‬ ‫�ا اىل اأ�ص �‬ ‫�ا اىل اأ�ص �‬ ‫إنتاجن �‬ ‫إنتاجن �‬ ‫�در �ا�در ا‬ ‫�ا ن�ص‬ ‫�ا ن�ص �‬ ‫�اك ��اك كم � كم �‬ ‫�ت � هن‬ ‫�تن �هن‬ ‫�ورود اكاأمن �كا‬ ‫�ورود اأم‬ ‫مفرو�ش�با�ال � بال �‬ ‫مفرو�ش� �ا‬ ‫العملق ��ة‬ ‫العملق ��ة‬ ‫�ول ��ول ‬ ‫�ن بعد و�ص‬ ‫�ن بعد و�ص �‬ ‫�ا ولك �‬ ‫�ا ولك �‬ ‫�ارات وليبي �‬ ‫�ارات وليبي �‬ ‫�ت والم �‬ ‫�ت والم �‬ ‫الكوي �‬ ‫الكوي �‬ ‫وحتديات؟‬ ‫وحتديات؟‬ ‫�شعوبات‬ ‫�شعوبات‬ ‫�ع يف �ع يف ‬ ‫�ف طن حمبب �صنتو�ص �‬ ‫�ف طن حمبب �صنتو�ص �‬ ‫�اج اىل ‪ 160‬ال �‬ ‫�اج اىل ‪ 160‬ال �‬ ‫�عوبات جمة الإنتا�لإنت �‬ ‫�عوبات جمة ‬ ‫�اك حتديات و�ص �‬ ‫�اك حتديات و�ص �‬ ‫�ع كانت هن �‬ ‫�ع كانت هن �‬ ‫بالطب �‬ ‫بالطب �‬ ‫ ‬ ‫أن ال�صتهالك ‬ ‫أن ال�صتهالك ‬ ‫�واق جديدة ل‬ ‫�واق جديدة ل‬ ‫�دير وفتح اأ�ص �‬ ‫�دير وفتح اأ�ص �‬ ‫الت�ص �‬ ‫�روعنا الثاين عام الت�ص �‬ ‫�روعنا الثاين عام ‬ ‫�ا م�ص �‬ ‫�ا م�ص �‬ ‫�ا عليها فقد نا �أقمن �‬ ‫�ا عليها فقد اأقم‬ ‫تغلبن �تغلبن �‬ ‫�د ل يزيد عن ‪ 30‬‬ ‫�د ل يزيد عن ‪ 30‬‬ ‫�يوم كلوري �‬ ‫�يوم كلوري �‬ ‫�ي من الكال�ص �‬ ‫�ي من الكال�ص �‬ ‫�ر وما تبعها من املحل �املحل �‬ ‫�ر وما تبعها من ‬ ‫�ن ع ثورة ‪ 25‬يناي �‬ ‫�ن ع ثورة ‪ 25‬يناي �‬ ‫‪ 2011‬بالتزام �‬ ‫‪ 2011‬بالتزام �‬ ‫الف طن وحتى مع م�صروعات وتو�صعات البرتول ‬ ‫أمنية وعدم الف طن وحتى مع م�صروعات وتو�صعات البرتول ‬ ‫أمنية وعدم ‬ ‫إ�صطربات ا‬ ‫إ�صطربات ا‬ ‫أحداث �صيا�صية �صاخنة وا‬ ‫أحداث �صيا�صية �صاخنة وا‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫اجلديدة لن يزيد ال�صتهالك عن ‪ 40‬الف طن ‪ .‬‬ ‫�لب على عمليات نقل اجلديدة لن يزيد ال�صتهالك عن ‪ 40‬الف طن ‪ .‬‬ ‫�لب على عمليات نقل ‬ ‫أثر بال�ص �‬ ‫أثر بال�ص �‬ ‫�تقرار وهو ما ا‬ ‫�تقرار وهو ما ا‬ ‫ا�ص �ا�ص �‬ ‫الذيالذي‬ ‫اجلديد‬ ‫اجلديد‬ ‫قانونغ �ال�ازغ ��از‬ ‫قانون ال‬ ‫احلكو�ةم ��ة‬ ‫احلكوم �‬ ‫�درت�درت‬ ‫● �اأ�ش �‬ ‫�روع‪ ،‬ولكنها ● اأ�ش‬ ‫�روع‪ ،‬ولكنها ‬ ‫�دات والعمالة اىل امل�ص �‬ ‫�دات والعمالة اىل امل�ص �‬ ‫�حن املع �‬ ‫�حن املع �‬ ‫و�ص �و�ص �‬ ‫اخلارج‬ ‫اخلارج‬ ‫من من‬ ‫�ترياده‬ ‫�ترياده‬ ‫اخلا�سش �باإ�ش �‬ ‫اخلا�س باإ�‬ ‫للقطاع‬ ‫للقطاع‬ ‫�مح��مح‬ ‫�تكمال ي�ش �ي�ش‬ ‫�تكمال ‬ ‫�ن ا�ص �‬ ‫�ن ا�ص �‬ ‫�ات مل متنعنم� ��ا م �‬ ‫�ات مل متنعن ��ا ‬ ‫�روف وحتدي �‬ ‫�روف وحتدي �‬ ‫ظ� ظ�‬ ‫ال�شمدة ؟‬ ‫ال�شمدة ؟‬ ‫�شناعة‬ ‫�شناعة‬ ‫علىعلى‬ ‫ذلكذلك‬ ‫تاثريتاثري‬ ‫مدىمدى‬ ‫أخرى أخرى ما ما‬ ‫�ات ا�ات ا‬ ‫�ة كما واجهتنا حتدي �‬ ‫�ة كما واجهتنا حتدي �‬ ‫�اء واملنظوم �‬ ‫�اء واملنظوم �‬ ‫البن �البن �‬ ‫�ك القانون والعمل به يعني ‬ ‫�ك القانون والعمل به يعني ‬ ‫عندما يتم تفعيل ذل �‬ ‫عندما يتم تفعيل ذل �‬ ‫أزمة نق�ش الدولر ونق�ش ‬ ‫أزمة نق�ش الدولر ونق�ش ‬ ‫�ادية متثلت يف ا‬ ‫�ادية متثلت يف ا‬ ‫إقت�ص �إقت�ص �‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫�ددة للغاز ‬ ‫�ددة للغاز ‬ ‫�ادر متع �‬ ‫�ادر متع �‬ ‫�بح هناك م�ص �‬ ‫�بح هناك م�ص �‬ ‫أنه �اأ�ص �‬ ‫�ك اأ�ص‬ ‫�ك �اأنه ‬ ‫توريد الوقود والغاز الطبيعي ولكن تغلبنا على كل ذل � ذل‬ ‫توريد الوقود والغاز الطبيعي ولكن تغلبنا على كل ‬ ‫�ط ويهمنا ‬ ‫�ط ويهمنا ‬ ‫�ادر الدولة فق �‬ ‫�ادر الدولة فق �‬ ‫�ش م�ص �‬ ‫�ش م�ص �‬ ‫�ي ولي� �‬ ‫�ي ولي� �‬ ‫الطبيع �‬ ‫إ�صرار والعزمية لدينا‪ .‬الطبيع �‬ ‫إ�صرار والعزمية لدينا‪ .‬‬ ‫ذلك ب�صبب وجود روح ال‬ ‫ذلك ب�صبب وجود روح ال‬ ‫�ادر كثرية لبيع ‬ ‫�ادر كثرية لبيع ‬ ‫أن تتوفر م�ص �‬ ‫أن تتوفر م�ص �‬ ‫أ�صمدة ا‬ ‫أ�صمدة ا‬ ‫�ركات ا‬ ‫�ركات ا‬ ‫�ركات�ركات ك�ص �ك�ص �‬ ‫�تخدمهش � �ش �‬ ‫�تخدمه �‬ ‫كالوري ��دت�ش � ت�ش �‬ ‫�يوم�يومكالوري ��د‬ ‫الكال�ش �‬ ‫الكال�ش �‬ ‫●●‬ ‫أن ذلك �صيخلق مناف�صة ‬ ‫أن ذلك �صيخلق مناف�صة ‬ ‫�در واحد ل‬ ‫�در واحد ل‬ ‫الغاز ل م�ص �‬ ‫ال�شركة الغاز ل م�ص �‬ ‫ال�شركة‬ ‫إنتاجإنتاج‬ ‫ما اهو ا‬ ‫احلفرهو‬ ‫احلفر ما‬ ‫عمليات‬ ‫عمليات‬ ‫البرتول يف‬ ‫البرتول يف‬ ‫�ا وهو ما �صينعك�ش ‬ ‫�ا وهو ما �صينعك�ش ‬ ‫�عر ويف اخلدمة صا �أي�ص �‬ ‫�عر ويف اخلدمة اأي�‬ ‫يف ال�ص �‬ ‫يف ال�ص �‬ ‫البرتول ؟‬ ‫البرتول ؟‬ ‫لقطاع‬ ‫لقطاع‬ ‫ت�شوقه‬ ‫ت�شوقه‬ ‫وكيف‬ ‫وكيف‬ ‫�مدة ولبد واأن ‬ ‫�مدة ولبد واأن ‬ ‫�اع ا �لأ�ص �‬ ‫�اع الأ�ص‬ ‫إيجابي على قط �‬ ‫إيجابي على قط �‬ ‫�كل ا�كل ا‬ ‫�ف طن بودر ب�ص �ب�ص �‬ ‫�ف طن بودر ‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد ‪ 30‬ال �‬ ‫�يوم كلوريد ‪ 30‬ال �‬ ‫�ن الكال�ص �‬ ‫�ن الكال�ص �‬ ‫ننتج م �‬ ‫ننتج م �‬ ‫ ‬ ‫يكون هناك تن�صيقا كامال بني احلكومة والقطاع ‬ ‫�ف طن حمبب تركيز ‪ 94‬يكون هناك تن�صيقا كامال بني احلكومة والقطاع ‬ ‫�ف طن حمبب تركيز ‪ 94‬‬ ‫ؤخرا ‪ 70‬ال �‬ ‫ؤخرا ‪ 70‬ال �‬ ‫�فنا مو‬ ‫�فنا مو‬ ‫واأ�صو�اأ�ص �‬ ‫أن الطلب ‬ ‫أحظنا ا‬ ‫أحظنا ا‬ ‫�ركات البرتول بعد الأن ل‬ ‫�ركات البرتول بعد اأن ‬ ‫ ل�ص‪ �٪‬ل�ص �‬ ‫‪96٪96‬‬ ‫�تخدم �صبكات ‬ ‫�تخدم �صبكات ‬ ‫أخري �صي�ص �‬ ‫أخري �صي�ص �‬ ‫أن الطرف ال‬ ‫أن الطرف ال‬ ‫اخلا�ش ل‬ ‫أن الطلب اخلا�ش ل‬ ‫إنتاجه وكما ‬ ‫أكرث فاجتهنا ل‬ ‫أكرث فاجتهنا ل‬ ‫�نف املحبب ا‬ ‫�نف املحبب ا‬ ‫على ال�ص �‬ ‫على ال�ص �‬ ‫�يحتاج ‬ ‫�يحتاج ‬ ‫الغاز احلكومية واملواينء واخلزانات و�ص �‬ ‫إنتاجه وكما الغاز احلكومية واملواينء واخلزانات و�ص �‬ ‫قلت ننتج حاليا ‪ 70‬الف طن حمبب وبحلول �صهر ‬ ‫�ب ��ب ‬ ‫�ا يتطل‬ ‫�ا يتطل �‬ ‫�غ و�ه ��غ و�و هم���و م �‬ ‫�حن والتفري‬ ‫�حن والتفري �‬ ‫�فن لل�ص �‬ ‫�فن لل�ص �‬ ‫اىل �ص �‬ ‫قلت ننتج حاليا ‪ 70‬الف طن حمبب وبحلول �صهر اىل �ص �‬ ‫أخرى وهو ما ‬ ‫�ننتج ‪ 90‬الف طن ا‬ ‫�ننتج ‪ 90‬الف طن ا‬ ‫مار�ش القادم �ص �‬ ‫مار�ش القادم �ص �‬ ‫أن يكون القانون ‬ ‫أن يكون القانون ‬ ‫�خمة مما يلزم ا‬ ‫�خمة مما يلزم ا‬ ‫�تثمارات �ص �‬ ‫�تثمارات �ص �‬ ‫أخرى وهو ما ا�ص �ا�ص �‬ ‫إنتاج الكال�صيوم كلوريد �صي�صل ‬ ‫إجمايل ا‬ ‫إجمايل ا‬ ‫يعني ااأن ا‬ ‫يعني اأن ‬ ‫�ريح يف تنظيم العالقة بني الطرفني ‬ ‫�ريح يف تنظيم العالقة بني الطرفني ‬ ‫وا�صح و�ص �‬ ‫إنتاج الكال�صيوم كلوريد �صي�صل وا�صح و�ص �‬ ‫�ش اىل ‪ 190‬الف طن ما بني بودر وحمبب ‬ ‫يف مار� �‬ ‫يف مار� �‬ ‫�معة م�صر ‬ ‫�معة م�صر ‬ ‫�ر ب�ص �‬ ‫�ر ب�ص �‬ ‫أمر وي�ص �‬ ‫أمر وي�ص �‬ ‫�ل ذلك ال‬ ‫�ل ذلك ال‬ ‫حتى ل يف�ص �‬ ‫�ش اىل ‪ 190‬الف طن ما بني بودر وحمبب حتى ل يف�ص �‬ ‫إنتاج يف ‬ ‫أن تكون عالقة ناجحة وممتدة ‪.‬‬ ‫أن تكون عالقة ناجحة وممتدة ‪.‬‬ ‫ولبد وا‬ ‫إنتاج يف ولبد وا‬ ‫�يبدلاأ ال‬ ‫�يبداأ ا‬ ‫�روع اجلديد الذي �ص �‬ ‫�روع اجلديد الذي �ص �‬ ‫أن امل�ص �‬ ‫أن امل�ص �‬ ‫كما اكما ا‬ ‫الكبري؟‬ ‫الكبري؟‬ ‫ال�شرح‬ ‫ال�شرح‬ ‫ذلكذلك‬ ‫بناءبناء‬ ‫جناحجناح‬ ‫عوامل‬ ‫عوامل‬ ‫هى هى‬ ‫وماوما‬ ‫�يف ‪ 100‬الف طن كال�صيوم ● ●‬ ‫�يف ‪ 100‬الف طن كال�صيوم ‬ ‫‪ 2020‬و ‪� 2021‬صي�ص �‬ ‫‪ 2020‬و ‪� 2021‬صي�ص �‬ ‫�اج اىل ‪ 260‬‬ ‫إجمايل ا�لإنت �‬ ‫إجمايل الإنت‬ ‫�د وبذلك ي��ل صا��ل ا‬ ‫�د وبذلك ي�ص �‬ ‫كلوري �‬ ‫كلوري �‬ ‫هناك العديد من العوامل التي ت�صافرت لنجاح تلك ‬ ‫هناك العديد من العوامل التي ت�صافرت لنجاح تلك ‬ ‫�اج اىل ‪ 260‬‬ ‫�يغطي كل ‬ ‫�ب تركيزة ‪96 94‬ص �‪� ٪‬ص �‬ ‫�ب تركيزة ‪� ٪96 94‬‬ ‫�ف طن حمب �‬ ‫�ف طن حمب �‬ ‫ال � ال �‬ ‫�روع �روع ‬ ‫أي م�ص �‬ ‫أي م�ص �‬ ‫�ل لزمة لنجاح ا‬ ‫�ل لزمة لنجاح ا‬ ‫�روعات وهى عوام �‬ ‫�روعات وهى عوام �‬ ‫�يغطي كل امل�ص �امل�ص �‬ ‫إحتياجات املنطقة العربية ‪.‬‬ ‫إحتياجات املنطقة العربية ‪.‬‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫أولها وجود عن�صر ‬ ‫أولها وجود عن�صر ‬ ‫أ�صمدة فقط وا‬ ‫أ�صمدة فقط وا‬ ‫ولي�ش يف �صناعة ال‬ ‫ولي�ش يف �صناعة ال‬ ‫�ا العمالة ‬ ‫�ا العمالة ‬ ‫�زام وثانيها النظام وثالثه �‬ ‫�زام وثانيها النظام وثالثه �‬ ‫�ة وا�لإلت �‬ ‫�ة والإلت‬ ‫اجلدي �‬ ‫البرتول اجلدي �‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫�لءف �ا�رإيف �ج ��ر�روج �يف�روقيفط �ق�اعط ��اع‬ ‫�لء اإي‬ ‫● مه ��ا�مه �ع�مم �عم �‬ ‫● م ��ا‬ ‫إنتماء للعمل ‬ ‫إنتماء للعمل ‬ ‫�ولء وال‬ ‫�ولء وال‬ ‫�ي لديها ال �‬ ‫�ي لديها ال �‬ ‫�رة املدربة الت �‬ ‫�رة املدربة الت �‬ ‫املاه �املاه �‬ ‫اخلارجية؟‬ ‫اخلارجية؟‬ ‫أ�شواقأ�شواق‬ ‫غزو ال‬ ‫غزو ال‬ ‫عن عن‬ ‫وماذاوماذا‬

‫‪20172017 8 8‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪- September‬‬ ‫‪- September‬‬

‫شعارنا‬ ‫اإللتزام‬ ‫الدقـــــــة‬ ‫السرعة‬

‫شركة المستقبل‬ ‫للخدمات البتروليه والنقل‬ ‫متخصصة في نقل المنتجات البترولية بجميع أنواعها‬ ‫وكذلك جميع أشكال النقل األخري‬ ‫تأسست شركة المستقبل للخدمات البتروليه والنقل في عام ‪ 2006‬بعدد قليل من الموظفين والشاحنات‬ ‫وذلك لنقل المياه المالحه والمواد البتروليه داخل جمهوريه مصر العربيه‬ ‫ومع مرور الوقت توسعت الشركة ونمت بمعدل مثير ومستمر لمواكبة الحاجة المتزايدة في صناعة‬ ‫النقل‪ ،‬وكذلك مع المتطلبات المتغيرة بالسوق آنذاك‬ ‫فى هذا العام توسع نشاط الشركه واصبحت تعمل من خالل خمس فروع وايضا تم تطوير الجراج الرئيسي‬ ‫فى هذا العام‬ ‫اهدافنا‬

‫كما تقدم شركة المستقبل خدمات اخرى وهى‪:‬‬ ‫ •توفير عماله فنيه لشركات البترول‪.‬‬ ‫ •تأجير سيارات بيك اب‪.‬‬ ‫ •تأجير سيارات الشفط – فاكيم‪.‬‬ ‫ •تاجير وتشغيل المعدات الثقيله‪.‬‬

‫تليفون ‪0233874420 - 0233823291 :‬‬ ‫فاكس‪0233874421 :‬‬ ‫موبايل‪01201414143 :‬‬ ‫‪www.mpst-eg.com‬‬ ‫‪info@mpst-eg.com‬‬


‫المركزالرئيسى ‪ 1 :‬شارع الملك فيصل‪.‬الجيزه‬ ‫فرع اكتوبر ‪ :‬اسكان البداثل ‪ .‬الحى السادس‬ ‫فرع راس غارب ‪ :‬مدينة راس غارب‪ .‬البحر االحمر‬ ‫فرع العلمين ‪ :‬مخل طريق العلمين طريق الشركات‬ ‫فرع مطروح ‪ :‬شارع زاهر جالل‪ .‬مرسى مطروح‬

‫ •نقل مواد بترولية بكافة اشكالها (سوالر – بنزين – الخ –)‬ ‫ •نقل زيت خام‪.‬‬ ‫ •نقل مياه الحفر‪.‬‬ ‫ •نقل المياه المالحه‪.‬‬ ‫ •نقل المياه العزبه‪.‬‬

‫‪+202 33 05 08 84‬‬

‫ •نسعى ألن يكون عمالؤنا راضون بأعلى قدرعن ما نقدمه‬ ‫ •من خدمات في مجال النقل‬ ‫ •نضع السالمة نصب أعيننا كأهم اعتبار في جميع عملياتنا‬ ‫ •تخضع نشاطات الشركة ألعلى المعايير األخالقية والمهنية‬ ‫ •لزيادة الكفاءة لعمالئنا وتوفير مناخ عمل متميزلموظفينا‬ ‫والمشاركة في المجتمع من خالل التحفيز وتوفير االبتكار‬ ‫والتخصص لجميع أعمالنا لتحقيق متطلبات جميع عمالئنا‬ ‫ •نسعى أن تصبح الشركة رائدة في مجال خدمات النقل البري‬ ‫بالشاحنات‬ ‫ •الدخول في شراكة مع عمالئنا بهدف تحقيق النجاح المتبادل‬ ‫لكال الطرفين‬

‫خدمات النقل التي تقوم بها الشركة تحتوي على اآلتي‪:‬‬

‫ال�شعودية تنتهي قريبا من اأول م�شروع للغاز ال�شخري‬ ‫قالت م�صادر ب�صناعة النفط والغاز لوكالة رويرتز لالنباء اإن �صركة اأرامكو ال�صعودية من املتوقع اأن تنتهي‬ ‫قريبا من بناء من�صاآت يف �صمال اململكة �صت�صمح لها بانتاج الغاز ال�صخري للمرة الأوىل‪.‬‬ ‫ويت�صمن امل�صروع املعروف با�صم (النظام اأ) من�صاآت ملعاجلة الغاز وروؤو�س اآبار وخطوط اأنابيب يف حمافظة‬ ‫طريف �صتغذي م�صرع وعد ال�صمال لتعدين الفو�صفات يف املنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال اأحد امل�صادر ”اإنه يف املراحل النهائية‪ ..‬العمال التكميلية امليكانيكية �صتحدث قريبا“‪.‬‬ ‫وقال م�صدر ثان اإن املن�صاآت �صتنجز التكملة امليكانيكية يف غ�صون �صهر اأو �صهرين قبل اأن يبداأ النتاج‪.‬‬ ‫وقال حتديث ب�ص� �اأن امل�ص ��روع يف التقرير ال�ص ��نوي لأرامكو لعام ‪ 2016‬الذي ن�صر يف يوليو اإن ‪ 55‬مليون‬ ‫قدم مكعبة قيا�ص ��ية من الغاز �صيجري ت�صليمها اإىل من�صاآت �صناعية وحمطة الكهرباء يف وعد ال�صمال‬ ‫بحلول نهاية ‪.2017‬‬

‫اأدنوك االإماراتية تدر�س ً‬ ‫طرحا‬ ‫ا ً‬ ‫أوليا لوحداتها البحرية‬

‫اينى وتوتال مل تعرثا على كميات ا�شتثمارية من الغاز قبالة قرب�س‬

‫اأعلن وزير الطاقة القرب�صى جورج لكوتريبي�س ‪ ،‬اإن اأعمال التنقيب التى قامت بها �صركتا اإينى الإيطالية‬ ‫وتوتال الفرن�صية قبالة قرب�س مل تف�س اإىل العثور على كميات من الغاز الطبيعى جمدية لال�صتثمار‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الوزير اإن اأعمال احلفر فى منطقة اأخرى اأكدت وجود خزان للغاز الطبيعى �صمن املنطقة القت�صادية‬ ‫احل�ص ��رية لقرب�س ولكن "التقديرات الأولية تفيد اأن الكمية املكت�ص ��فة ل جتعل من احلقل م�ص ��روعا قائما‬ ‫بذاته"‪ .‬وعرثت �ص ��ركة نوبل انرجى الأمريكية على الغاز جنوب �ص ��رق ال�صاحل القرب�صى فى �صنة ‪2011‬‬ ‫ف ��ى حقل اأفرودي ��ت الذى يقدر اأنه يحتوى عل ��ى نحو ‪ 127‬مليار طن مكع ��ب (‪ 4،54‬ترليون قدم مكعب)‬ ‫من الغاز‪ .‬وت�ص ��ارك �صركتا دليك وافنري الإ�صرائيليتان و�صل الربيطانية الهولندية فى ذلك احلقل الذى‬ ‫اأعلن اأن ا�صتثماره جمد جتاريا‪ .‬واأعلنت ال�صركة املختلطة بني اينى الإيطالية وكوغا�س الكورية اجلنوبية‬ ‫كذلك اأنها ف�صلت فى العثور على كميات جتارية من الغاز‪ .‬خططت قرب�س لبناء م�صنع لت�صييل الغاز قبل‬ ‫ت�صديره على �صفن اإىل اآ�صيا واأوروبا لكن الحتياطات املوؤكدة غري كافية للقيام بذلك‪.‬‬

‫"نفط الكويت" ت�شتعد لطرح مناق�شات جديدة‬

‫ت�ص ��تعد �ص ��ركة نفط الكويت لطرح مناق�ص ��ات عدة‪ ،‬منها خدمات �ص ��يانة ملرافق الإنتاج يف مناطق �ص ��رق‬ ‫الكويت‪ ،‬ومناق�ص ��ة خدمات �ص ��يانة اأنظمة الت�ص ��الت الال�صلكية التابعة لل�ص ��ركة على اأن تكون مقت�صرة‬ ‫على ال�صركات املندرجة حتت الفئة التخ�ص�صية (‪ .)72‬ح�صب ما ذكرت قناة العربية ‪ .‬وا�صافت ان اجلهاز‬ ‫املركزي للمناق�ص ��ات وافق على طرح مناق�ص ��ة خدمات �صيانة املباين والتكييف مبناطق ال�صركة يف �صمال‬ ‫الكويت على ال�ص ��ركات املتخ�ص�ص ��ة حتت الفئة التخ�ص�صية (‪ .)A 9‬واأ�ص ��ارت اإىل اأن اجلهاز وافق اأي�ص ًا‬ ‫على طلب �ص ��ركة نفط الكويت حجز ال�ص ��مان املايل الأويل ل�ص ��ركة (اأو اأند جي) الهند�صية للتجارة العامة‬ ‫واملقاولت والبالغ ‪ 6.3‬مليون دينار لقرب انتهائه يف ‪� 2‬صبتمري املقبل وحلني توقيع عقد املناق�صة املر�صاة على‬ ‫ال�صركة اخلا�ص ��ة با�صتبدال‬ ‫حمطات الكهرب ��اء الفرعية‬ ‫القدمي ��ة يف منطق ��ة غ ��رب‬ ‫الكويت‪ .‬واأ�صافت اأن اجلهاز‬ ‫وافق كذلك ل� "نفط الكويت"‬ ‫على متديد �صالحية الأ�صعار‬ ‫املقدمة من ال�صركة التجارية‬ ‫العام ��ة الفائ ��زة مبناق�ص ��ة‬ ‫تقدمي خدمات الدعم لإدارة‬ ‫نظم املعلومات ال�صحية‪.‬‬

‫ك�ص ��فت م�ص ��ادر خا�ص ��ة يف ت�ص ��ريحات لوكال ��ة‬ ‫بلومب ��ريج‪ ،‬اأن اأدنوك �ص ��تتخذ قرارها النهائي بعد‬ ‫النته ��اء م ��ن عملي ��ة دمج ‪ 3‬وح ��دات نق ��ل بحري‬ ‫وخدم ��ات بحري ��ة يف وق ��ت ل يتع ��دى ع ��ام ‪2019‬‬ ‫املقبل‪ ،‬بعد اأن يتم التاأكد من قدرة الهيكل اجلديد‬ ‫على جذب امل�صتثمرين‪.‬‬ ‫وقال ��ت ال�ص ��ركة ل»بلومب ��ريج» اإنها «تو�ص ��ع نطاق‬ ‫�ص ��راكتها‪ ،‬وت�ص ��عى خللق فر�س ا�ص ��تثمار جديدة‪،‬‬ ‫وم ��ن هن ��ا فه ��ي تدر� ��س اإط ��الق ح�ص ��ة اأقلية من‬ ‫وحدات اخلدمات التابعة لها التي حتظى بجاذبية‪،‬‬ ‫�ص ��واء جلهة مع ��دلت منوه ��ا اأو ا�ص ��تثماراتها‪ ،‬يف‬ ‫عملية طرح على الكتتاب الأويل»‪.‬‬ ‫وتخطط اأدنوك اأي�ص ًا لطرح اأ�صهم يف وحدة التوزيع‬ ‫على الكتت ��اب العام‪ ،‬حيث تقدر ال�ص ��ركة تقييمها‬ ‫مبا ي�ص ��ل اإىل ‪ 14‬مليار دولر‪.‬كما ت�ص ��عى ال�صركة‬ ‫جلم ��ع ‪ 7‬ملي ��ارات دولر م ��ن خ ��الل بيع �ص ��ندات‬ ‫خا�صة واحل�صول على قرو�س‪.‬‬

‫‪- September 2017‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫�شل ت�شتعد الإنهاء ‪ 100‬عام من اإنتاج النفط فـي العراق‬ ‫ت�صتعد �صركة رويال دات�س �صل لإنهاء قرن من اإنتاج النفط يف العراق بان�صحابها من حقلني مهمني يف البالد‬ ‫للرتكيز على اإنتاج الغاز الذي يدر اأرباحا اأكرب‪ .‬وقالت ال�صركة الإجنليزية الهولندية اإنها اتفقت مع وزارة‬ ‫النفط العراقية على التنازل عن عملياتها يف حقل جمنون النفطي للحكومة العراقية بعد تعديالت غري‬ ‫مواتية لها يف البنود املالية‪.‬‬ ‫كما تبيع �صل اأي�صا ح�صتها البالغة ‪ 20‬باملئة يف حقل غرب القرنة‪ 1-‬الواقع يف جنوب البالد‪ ،‬والذي تديره‬ ‫�صركة اإك�صون موبيل‪ .‬وقالت �صل اإنها ل تزال ملتزمة باإنتاج الغاز يف العراق م�صيفة اأنها �صرتكز على تطوير‬ ‫وتو�صعة �صركة غاز الب�صرة امل�صوؤولة عن معاجلة الغاز امل�صتخرج من حقول الرميلة وغرب القرنة والزبري‪.‬‬ ‫ومتتلك �صل ح�صة ‪ 44‬باملئة يف امل�صروع امل�صرتك‪.‬‬

‫انتاج ال�شركة العامة للبرتول يرتفع اىل حواىل ‪ 7.91‬األف برميل زيت مكافىء ً‬ ‫يوميا‬

‫‪ 3.4‬مليار جنيه ايرادات �شركتى الن�شر‬ ‫وال�شوي�س لت�شنيع البرتول‬ ‫ق ��ال املهند�س حمم ��د عليوة رئي�س �ص ��ركة ال�ص ��وي�س‬ ‫لت�صنيع البرتول اإن من اأهم نتائج الأعمال التي قامت‬ ‫بها ال�صركة م�صاهمتها فى توفري جانب من احتياجات‬ ‫ال�ص ��وق املحلى املتزاي ��دة من املنتج ��ات البرتولية من‬ ‫ال�ص ��ول و البنزي ��ن و امل ��ازوت والبوتاج ��از والفح ��م‬ ‫والكربيت‪ ،‬وارتفعت قيمة ما انتجته ال�صركة اىل حواىل‬ ‫‪ 9.1‬مليار جنيه بزيادة ن�ص ��بتها ‪ %28‬على العام املاىل‬ ‫ال�ص ��ابق ‪ ،‬وبلغ حجم الإ�صتثمارات املنفذة خالل العام‬ ‫يف م�ص ��روعات الإح ��الل والتجديد وتطوي ��ر الوحدات‬ ‫الإنتاجي ��ة القائم ��ة وا�ص ��افة وحدات جدي ��دة حواىل‬ ‫‪ 111‬ملي ��ون جني ��ه مو�ص ��ح ًا اأن امل�ص ��روعات اجلديدة‬ ‫ت�ص ��مل اقامة وحدتني احدهما لإنتاج ال�صفلت بتكلفة‬ ‫ا�ص ��تثمارية اكرث من ‪ 79‬ملي ��ون دولر والأخرى لإنتاج‬ ‫البوتاج ��از بتكلفة ا�ص ��تثمارية ‪ 75‬ملي ��ون دولر ‪ ،‬وعلى‬ ‫جانب اخر اأو�ص ��ح الكيميائى نبيل فهمى رئي�س �صركة‬ ‫الن�صر للبرتول اأن ال�ص ��ركة قامت بتكرير حواىل ‪2،8‬‬ ‫مليون طن من الزيت اخلام �ص ��اهمت يف توفري جانب‬ ‫من احتياجات ال�ص ��وق املحلى م ��ن البوتاجاز والنافتا‬ ‫ووقود النفاثات وال�ص ��ولر واملازوت وال�صفلت ‪ ،‬وارتفع‬ ‫قيم ��ة ما اأنتجته ال�ص ��ركة اىل ‪ 5.1‬مليار جنيه بزيادة‬ ‫ن�ص ��بتها ‪ %20‬على العام ال�ص ��ابق ‪ ،‬واأو�صح اأن اإجمايل‬ ‫ال�صتثمارات املنفذة فى م�صروعات الإحالل والتجديد‬ ‫والأمن وال�صالمة بلغ حواىل ‪ 191‬مليون جنيه‪.‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - September‬‬

‫قال رئي�س ال�صركة العامة للبرتول ان معدلت اإنتاج ال�صركة من الرثوة البرتولية من حقولها ون�صيبها من‬ ‫اإنتاج ال�صركات امل�صاركة ارتفعت اإىل ‪ 86 .4‬األف برميل زيت مكافئ يوم ًيا بزيادة ‪ %5‬على العام ال�صابق‬ ‫بالرغم من حتديات التناق�س الطبيعي يف معدلت الإنتاج لف ًتا اإىل ارتفاع اإجمايل اإنتاجها جمددا مع بداية‬ ‫العام املاىل اجلديد ‪ 2018 /2017‬اإىل نحو ‪ 91 .7‬األف برميل زيت مكافئ يوم ًيا‪ ،‬م�ص ًريا اإىل اأن ما حتقق من‬ ‫اكت�صافات جديدة وعمليات ناجحة لتنمية احلقول املنتجة كان له اأكرب الأثر يف رفع معدلت اإنتاج ال�صركة‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�صاف اأنه مت حتقيق ‪ 4‬اكت�صافات برتولية جديدة يف مناطق عمل العامة للبرتول بخليج ال�صوي�س وال�صحراء‬ ‫ال�صرقية والغربية باإجماىل معدلت اإنتاج يومى نحو ‪ 4700‬برميل زيت خام و‪ 10 .8‬ماليني قدم مكعب غاز‬ ‫يوم ًيا و�صاهمت يف اإ�صافة خمزون واحتياطيات تقدر بنحو ‪ 173 .7‬مليون برميل زيت خام و‪ 102 .4‬مليار‬ ‫قدم مكعب غاز حيث جاء يف مقدمتها الك�صف الذي حتقق يف امتداد حقل �صمال �صرق �صنان بال�صحراء‬ ‫الغربية ومت و�صعه على الإنتاج مبعدلت اأولية ‪ 2500‬برميل زيت خام يوم ًيا و‪ 800‬األف قدم مكعب غاز يوم ًيا‪.‬‬

‫وكالة‪ :‬اأرامكو توقع خم�س مذكرات تفاهم مع كربى �شركات الطاقة الرو�شية‬

‫قالت وكالة الأنباء ال�ص ��عودية الر�ص ��مية اأن الرئي�س التنفيذي ل�ص ��ركة اأرامكو ال�صعودية وقع خم�س مذكرات‬ ‫تفاهم مع كربى �صركات الطاقة الرو�صية على هام�س منتدى ال�صتثمار ال�صعودي الرو�صي الأول يف مو�صكو‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�صافت الوكالة اأن من بني التفاقات التي وقعها اأمني النا�صر مذكرة تفاهم ثالثية الأطراف مع �صندوق‬ ‫ال�صتثمارات العامة ال�صعودي وال�صندوق الرو�صي لال�صتثمار املبا�صر ب�صاأن ال�صتثمار يف قطاعي خدمات‬ ‫الطاقة والت�صنيع‪ .‬وقالت الوكالة اإن النا�صر وقع اأي�صا مذكرة تفاهم مع �صركة الغاز الرو�صية العمالقة جازبروم‬ ‫"متكنها من تطوير حمفظة اأعمال كبرية تعنى بالتنقيب عن الغاز وانتاجه على ال�صعيد الدويل ف�صال عن‬ ‫امل�صاعدة على ظهور موردين جدد يف ال�صوق ال�صعودية"‪ .‬واأ�صافت اأن �صركة النفط ال�صعودية اململوكة للدولة‬ ‫وق �ع��ت اأي �� �ص��ا م��ذك��رة‬ ‫ت �ف��اه��م م ��ع � �ص �ن��دوق‬ ‫ال� �ص �ت �ث �م��ار امل�ب��ا��ص��ر‬ ‫الرو�صي و�صركة �صيبور‬ ‫ال ��رو�� �ص� �ي ��ة ل �ت �� �ص��وي��ق‬ ‫البرتوكيماويات لتقييم‬ ‫ال� �ف ��ر� ��س امل �ح �ت �م �ل��ة‬ ‫ل� �ل� �ت� �ع ��اون يف ق �ط��اع‬ ‫البرتوكيماويات مبا يف‬ ‫ذلك ت�صويق املنتجات‬ ‫البرتوكيميائية يف كل‬ ‫من رو�صيا وال�صعودية‪.‬‬

‫ا�شتعداد ًا لطرح مزايدة جديدة ‪ ..‬ايجا�س تنتهى من امل�شح ال�شيزمى لغرب املتو�شط خالل عام‬ ‫قال املهند�س اأ�صامة البقلى رئي�س ال�صركة القاب�صة للغاز ايجا�س اأن ال�صركة بهذه املنطقة وا�صتغاللهما ‪.‬‬ ‫االنته��اء‬ ‫انتاجي��ة ‪ 7‬اأب��ار‬ ‫ا�صتطاعت ت�منؤك��د‬ ‫الب��رول‬ ‫م��ن حتد‬ ‫احلديثة اأن‬ ‫التكنولوجياتمتوالتقنيات‬ ‫خالل ا�صتخدام‬ ‫ظه��رحققت ‪ 4‬اكت�صافات جديدة بالبحر املتو�صط ودلتا‬ ‫حق��لال�صركة‬ ‫ف��ىالبقلى ان‬ ‫حفره��اوا�صار‬ ‫حتتم�صروع‬ ‫حالي ًاتقعتنفيذ‬ ‫�سركةواأنه‬ ‫رئي�سلالآبار‬ ‫الطبيعى‬ ‫التناق�س‬ ‫قال من‬ ‫مظلتهاامل�صح النيل بالإ�صافة اإىل النتهاء من تنفيذ ‪ 6‬م�صروعات تنمية غاز طبيعى جديدة‬ ‫يجرىالتى‬ ‫برتوبل‬ ‫ح�سن‬ ‫م�صكلةعاطف‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫املاىلالبحر‬ ‫العام غرب‬ ‫مبنطقة‬ ‫اعتماداملخاطر)‬ ‫إقليمىمت(اأحادى‬ ‫�سركةال�صيزمى ال‬ ‫حيث من وو�صعها على الإنتاج ما بني تو�صعات وحقول جديدة بلغت ا�صتثماراتها اأكرث من‬ ‫املتو�صط لتبلغ‬ ‫‪2018/2017‬‬ ‫ا�ستثمارات‬ ‫برتو�سروق اأنه‬ ‫‪ 2018‬وبناء‬ ‫ال�ستك�ساف عام ‪2017‬‬ ‫أن�سطةأوىل منه خالل‬ ‫املرحلة ال‬ ‫املتوقع‪3.8‬النتهاء‬ ‫املرحلةعلى ‪ 2‬مليار دولر �صاهمت يف زيادة الإنتاج حيث بلغ اإجماىل الغاز املباع خالل العام‬ ‫وا�ستكمال ‪/‬تنمية‬ ‫مليارمندولر ل‬ ‫حــواىل‬ ‫نتائجه �صتقوم‬ ‫امل�سروع‪.‬ال�صركة بطرح مزايدة عاملية جديدة للبحث عن البرتول والغاز حواىل ‪63‬ر‪ 1‬تريليون قدم مكعب ‪،‬‬ ‫الأوىل من‬

‫واأ�سا ًر اإىل اأن اجماىل ا�ستثمارات اأعمال تنمية حقل ظهر �ست�سل بنهاية عام‬

‫البحر‬ ‫�سخم ًايغطى‬ ‫املتكامل‬ ‫للبحث‬ ‫م�شروع‬ ‫الوادى‬ ‫لال�ستثمارات‬ ‫يعد رقم ًا‬ ‫دولر وهو‬ ‫حواىل ‪ 8:‬مليار‬ ‫جنوب اإىل‬ ‫‪2018/2017‬‬ ‫بال�شعيد‬ ‫املفتوحة‬ ‫واملناطق‬ ‫االحمر‬ ‫فى فرتة ق�سرية ويعك�س حجم املجهود والتحدى لجناز امل�سروع فى التوقيت‬

‫اإيرادات �شناعة البرتوكيماويات ترتفع اىل ‪ 141‬مليار جنيه‬

‫امل�سروع‬ ‫مدار عمر‬ ‫ا�ستثماراته‬ ‫ال�صيمىإجماىل‬ ‫حممداأن يبلغ ا‬ ‫املخطط‬ ‫او�صحاأنه من‬ ‫املحدد‪ ،‬و‬ ‫للبرتول‬ ‫القاب�صة‬ ‫جنوبعلىالوادى‬ ‫رئي�س �صركة‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫دولر‪.‬م�صروع البحث املتكامل الذى يغطى املناطق املفتوحة بجنوب‬ ‫مليارطرح‬ ‫حواىلإىل‪16‬انه مت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫(املنطقة اأ ‪-‬‬ ‫حيث مت ا‬ ‫بياناتآن حديثة‬ ‫إ�صنادهذه الآبار‬ ‫انتاجية‬ ‫الواعدةوتاأكيد‬ ‫املناطق‪ 7‬اآبار‬ ‫النتهاءعنمن حفر‬ ‫لتجميعحتى ال‬ ‫الوادىأنه مت‬ ‫واأكد اإىل ا‬ ‫�صركتى تى جى‬ ‫حتالف‬ ‫اختباريناإىل‬ ‫البحر الأحمر)‬ ‫ظهر‪ 2-‬و‬ ‫للبئرين‬ ‫عن طريق‬ ‫ظهر‪.5-‬اإ�س و�صلمربجري (وي�صرتن جيكو) ال�ستك�سافية والقيام بحفر البئر ال�ستك�سافى ظهر العميق والــذى ي�ستهدف‬ ‫�صركةالتى جى‬ ‫ي�سهدم�صر) ا‬ ‫ب�صعيد‬ ‫الربية املفتوحة‬ ‫وا وا‬ ‫ا�ستمرارإىلتكثيف‬ ‫‪2017/2016‬‬ ‫(املنطقةـاىلب ا‪-‬حلــاىل‬ ‫إ�صناد العام املـ‬ ‫أ�ساف اأن‬ ‫أن�سطة اإ�س الو�سول اإىل الطبقات الكربونية الأعمق التى يوجد احتمالت لوجود زيت وغاز بها‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫والتي تنفذ للمرة الأوىل يف اأفريقيا وال�صرق الأو�صط ‪ ،‬وذلك متهيدا لطرحهما‬ ‫ً ارتفع ��ت اإي ��رادات �ص ��ناعة البرتوكيماويات امل�ص ��رية خ ��الل العام ‪2016‬‬ ‫م�صتقب ًال فى مزايدات عاملية للبحث والإ�صتك�صاف عن البرتول والغاز‪ ،‬وتدعيما‬ ‫البحريةجنيه‬ ‫‪ 646‬مليون‬ ‫قدرها‬ ‫بزيادة‬ ‫بروليتنيو‪141‬‬ ‫�صجلت مليار‬ ‫‪ 2017/‬حيث‬ ‫و�شقري‬ ‫قارون‬ ‫جنيهغرب‬ ‫مليونامتياز‬ ‫مبناطق‬ ‫اتفاقيتني‬ ‫مب�صروع م�شر ت�قع‬ ‫للقيام غاز‬ ‫النوويةمكعب‬ ‫مليار قدم‬ ‫يرتفع من‬ ‫‪4.5‬مل��واد‬ ‫اىلهيئة ا‬ ‫‪3.9‬مع‬ ‫بالتعاقد‬ ‫الغاز ال�صركة‬ ‫انتاجقامت‬ ‫امل�شري ‪:‬التوجه‬ ‫لهذا‬ ‫عن العام املا�صى نتيجة زيادة كمية املبيعات‪.‬‬ ‫م�صرتك لإج��راء عمليات م�صوحات جاذبية ومغناطي�صية لتغطية املناطق‬ ‫وتعم ��ل ال�ص ��ركة امل�ص ��رية القاب�ص ��ة للبرتوكيماوي ��ات من خ ��الل ‪ 3‬حماور‬ ‫املفتوحة بنطاق عمل ال�صركة‪.‬‬ ‫وا�صاف اإىل اأن عدد التفاقيات البرتولية ال�صارية حتى نهاية عام ‪ 2017/2016‬رئي�ص ��ية وهي ا�صتكمال امل�ص ��روعات اجلارى تنفيذها لتعظيم القيمة امل�صافة‬ ‫بلغ ‪ 17‬اتفاقية واأن هناك ‪ 4‬اتفاقيات اأخ��رى يف مرحلة الإج��راءات متهيد ًا بالإ�ص ��افة اإىل تطوير وحتديث وحت�صني اأداء امل�ص ��روعات القائمة ف�ص ًال عن‬ ‫لتوقيعها ‪ ،‬واأ�صاف اأنه جار امل�صاركة يف ور�س العمل اخلا�صة بتطوير وحتديث اجراء درا�صات للم�صروعات امل�صتقبلية ‪،‬‬ ‫وتدر� ��س ال�ص ��ركة العدي ��د م ��ن امل�ص ��روعات امل�ص ��تقبلية والت ��ى م ��ن اأهمه ��ا‬ ‫قطاع البرتول فيما يخ�س التفاقيات وال�صتك�صاف‪.‬‬ ‫امل�ص ��روع اجلارى درا�ص ��ته بالتعاون م ��ع هيئة البرتول لإن�ص ��اء جممع للتكرير‬ ‫والبرتوكيماويات بال�ص ��وي�س وم�صروع اإنتاج الربوبيلني وم�صتقاته مبوقع �صركة‬ ‫�ص ��يدبك بالأ�ص ��كندرية وكذل ��ك م�ص ��روع اإنتاج م�ص ��تقات امليثان ��ول بالتعاون‬ ‫مع �ص ��ركة ال�ص ��وي�س للخدمات البرتولية باأر�س ال�ص ��ركة القاب�ص ��ة بدمياط‪،‬‬ ‫وجارى حالي ًا ا�ص ��تكمال اأعمال الت�ص ��ميمات الهند�صية لإن�صاء ر�صيف بحرى‬ ‫برتوليتني‪160‬‬ ‫ا�صتثمارية حواىل‬ ‫والتخزين‬ ‫طارق ��حن‬ ‫�هيالت ال�ص‬ ‫اأ�س ــار املهند�س حمم ــد امل�سرى رئي� ــس ال�سركة القاب�سة للغ ــازات الطبيعية وق ــعوت�ص �‬ ‫بتكلفةاتفاقيتني‬ ‫دمياطاملعدنية‬ ‫مبيناءــروة‬ ‫البرتول وال‬ ‫املال وزير‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫الغازعام‬ ‫الثالث من‬ ‫وت�صغيله‬ ‫النتهاء من‬ ‫دولرــةومن‬ ‫مليون‬ ‫الربعـث عن‬ ‫فىللبح ـ‬ ‫للزيت‬ ‫تنفيذهــارى‬ ‫و�سركة �سح‬ ‫املتوقع ــرتول‬ ‫العامة للب‬ ‫امل�سري‬ ‫(اإيجا� ــس) اإىل ان اأهم النتائج التى حتققت خ ــالل الن�سف الأول من العام للهيئ ــة‬ ‫ال�سوي�س‪.‬أمونيا‬ ‫وخليجاليوريا وال‬ ‫موبكو من‬ ‫مناطق�ادرات �ص �‬ ‫تعظيم �ص �‬ ‫والبرتول وي�اص ��هم يف‬ ‫‪ 2020‬وهو ما‬ ‫ال�سحراء�ركةالغربية‬ ‫إنتاجهما فى‬ ‫امل ــاىل احلاىل ‪ ،‬اإبرام ‪ 4‬اتفاقيات جديدة للبحث عن البرتول والغاز بالبحر الطبيعى‬ ‫مع على‬ ‫بدوره‬ ‫املتو�س ــط با�ستثم ــارات حده ــا الأدنى ‪ 306‬ملي ــون دولر ومن ــح توقيع ‪ 10.5‬وقع وينعك�س‬ ‫الوطنى‪.‬املهند�س طارق احلديدى الرئي�س‬ ‫القت�صاد كل من‬ ‫وزير البرتول‬ ‫التفاقيات‬ ‫مليون دولر حلف ــر ‪ 8‬اآبار ا�ستك�سافية‪ ،‬واأكد اأن خطة احلفر بالبحر املتو�سط التنفي ــذى للهيئ ــة امل�سري ــة العام ــة للب ــرتول واملهند�س على م ــريا املدير‬ ‫الغازإنتاجمن‬ ‫إنتاج‬ ‫إيطالية‪:‬‬ ‫إيني" ا‬ ‫العامللزي ــت بح�سور املهند�س حمم ــد طاهر واملهند�س‬ ‫نهاية�سحارى‬ ‫امل�شريل�سركة‬ ‫ظهر الع ــام‬ ‫حقل حواىل‬ ‫اليومى من‬ ‫زيادة ال‬ ‫بدءوا اأنه مت‬ ‫ـاح ‪%75‬‬ ‫حققتالن�سبة جن ـ‬ ‫ودلت ـ"ـااالنيل‬ ‫كالوديو‬ ‫طبيعى ا"اإىلإيني" ال‬ ‫التنفيذيغازملجموعة‬ ‫الرئي�س‬ ‫احلاليةأول ال ــوزارة واجليولوجى اأ�سرف ف ــرج وكيل الوزارة‬ ‫املعطياتوكيال ا‬ ‫عنما ـأنـد موؤن�س‬ ‫دي�صكالزي‪ ،‬حم‬ ‫مكعب ‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫للطاقة‪،‬قدم‬ ‫إيطاليةملي ــار‬ ‫حواىل ‪4.5‬‬ ‫ـدم مكعب‬ ‫أعلنــار ق ـ‬ ‫‪3.9‬ا ملي‬ ‫إتفاقيات اأن املجموعة‬ ‫املقبل‪ ،‬موؤكدا‬ ‫إنتاجـازيف �صهر‬ ‫املتو�صط ا‬ ‫مت تو‬ ‫وال�ستك�ساف ‪.‬‬ ‫دي�صمرب لال‬ ‫الطبيعى اإىل‬ ‫تو�سيللالغ ـ‬ ‫مبياهــوط‬ ‫للغاز خلط‬ ‫امل�صريالأوىل‬ ‫ظهر املرحلة‬ ‫حقلأعم ــال‬ ‫بدءمن ا‬ ‫ؤكدــاء‬ ‫النته‬ ‫نوفمرب‪.‬‬ ‫ذلك‪ ،‬ا–أي يف‬ ‫العا�سمة من‬ ‫ميداين– قبل �صهر‬ ‫ب�صدد ا‬ ‫التفاقي ــة الأوىل لهيئ ــة الب ــرتول و�سركة �سحارى للزيت ف ــى منطقة امتياز‬ ‫الربل�س "‪.‬‬ ‫اجلديدة‬ ‫فح�س�سويف‬ ‫إجراء" بنى‬ ‫كهرباء‬ ‫حمطات‬ ‫بروما‪:‬‬ ‫إيطالية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫الرئا�صة‬ ‫ق�صر‬ ‫يف‬ ‫‪2017‬‬ ‫لعام‬ ‫إيني‬ ‫ا‬ ‫جوائز‬ ‫توزيع‬ ‫حفل‬ ‫هام�س‬ ‫على‬ ‫دي�صكالزي‪،‬‬ ‫وقال‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كما ا�ستعر�س م�سروع املوازنة التخطيطية لعام ‪ ، 2018/2017‬م�سريا اإىل اأن غرب ق ــارون بال�سحراء الغربية باإجماىل ا�ستثم ــارات حدها الأدنى حواىل‬ ‫املحلية‬ ‫م�صتخدمني كل‬ ‫أق�صىـدةجهد‪،‬‬ ‫الغازنبذل‬ ‫إنتاجنحن‬ ‫جيدا‪،‬‬ ‫أحرزنا ــدتقدما‬ ‫م�صروعتوقيع ‪ 5‬ملي ــون دولر وحفر ‪ 11‬بئر ‪ ،‬والتفاقية الثانية‬ ‫يف ومنح‬ ‫دولر‬ ‫مواردناي ــون‬ ‫طاقة ‪ 30‬مل‬ ‫مقدمتها‬ ‫م�سروعات يف‬ ‫هناك امن ع ـ‬ ‫الطبيعى‬ ‫باكورة ا‬ ‫العام"ا�سي�سه‬ ‫ويعترب‬ ‫الطبيعي‪،‬‬ ‫ارتفعتمكعب من‬ ‫مليار مرت‬ ‫بقيمةلعالية‪،‬‬ ‫احلقلامتياز �سقري البحرية بخليج ال�سوي�س وتقوم بالعمليات‬ ‫مبنطقة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫معدلت الغازلهيئة‬ ‫‪850‬ـس قد‬ ‫بنحونور� ـ‬ ‫احتياطياتهحقل‬ ‫تقدر واآتول واأن‬ ‫حيثوظهر‬ ‫أ�سكندري ــة‬ ‫يتمتع�سمال ا‬ ‫حق ــول‬ ‫املتو�صط"‪.‬‬ ‫منطقة‬ ‫يف‬ ‫أكرب‬ ‫ا ال‬ ‫ً‬ ‫�سركة �سقري البحرية للزيت (او�سوكو) نيابة عن هيئة البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫إنتاجه فى وقت قيا�سى اإىل ‪ 900‬مليون قدم مكعب غاز يوميا ‪.‬‬ ‫‪2017‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪- February2017‬‬ ‫‪- September‬‬ ‫‪3 3Petroleum‬‬

‫بتكلفة تقدر ‪ 204‬مليار جنيه ‪ ...‬البرتول تنجح فى توفري كافة احتياجات الدولة من املنتجات البرتولية‬ ‫اأك��د املهند�س ط��ارق املال وزي��ر البرتول اأن القطاع رغم التحديات التى‬ ‫واجهته جنح فى توفريكافة احتياجات قطاعات ال��دول��ة من املنتجات‬ ‫البرتولية والغاز الطبيعى خالل العام املاىل ‪ 2017/2016‬بكميات بلغت‬ ‫ح��واىل ‪ 78‬مليون طن وب�صفة خا�صة توفري احتياجات قطاع الكهرباء‬ ‫بالإ�صافة اىل تكرير حواىل ‪ 25‬مليون طن من الزيت اخلام واملتكثفات‬ ‫من معامل التكرير�صاهمت فى توفري جانب كبري من احتياجات البالد من‬ ‫املنتجات البرتولية ‪ ،‬واأ�صار اإىل اأن قيمة دعم املنتجات البرتولية بلغت نحو‬ ‫‪4‬ر‪ 122‬مليار جنيه خالل العام متثل الفارق بني تكلفة تدبري املنتجات و�صعر‬ ‫بيعها فى ال�صوق املحلى مو�صح ًا اأن تكلفة تدبري هذه املنتجات بلغت نحو‬ ‫‪ 204.3‬مليار جنيه فى مقابل ‪ 81.9‬مليار جنيه اإي��رادات لبيعها بال�صوق‬ ‫املحلى بالأ�صعار املدعمة‪.‬‬ ‫وا�صاف املال اأن الهدف ال�صرتاتيجى لقطاع البرتول ياأتي فى اإطار ال�صيا�صة‬ ‫العامة للدولة وهو توفري احتياجات قطاعات الدولة املختلفة من املنتجات‬

‫البرتولية والغاز الطبيعى لدفع عجلة التنمية القت�صادية املن�صودة‪،‬وذلك‬ ‫من خالل عدة حماورواآليات تتمثل يف العمل على زيادة احتياطيات واإنتاج‬ ‫م�صر من الزيت اخلام والغاز الطبيعى �صرعة و�صع الكت�صافات اجلديدة‬ ‫على خريطة الإنتاج‪ ،‬وم�صروعات تطوير معامل التكرير‪.‬‬

‫هيئة البرتول تخطط النتاج ‪ 670‬الف برميل خالل العام ‪2018 / 2017‬‬ ‫قال املهند�س عابد عز الرجال الرئي�س التنفيذى لهيئة البرتول اإن اأهم املالمح‬ ‫الرئي�صية لنتائج اأعمال العام املاىل ‪ 2017/2016‬تتمثل فى حتقيق ‪ 41‬ك�صف ًا‬ ‫برتولي ًا جديد ًا ( ‪ 28‬ك�صف ًا للزيت اخلام و ‪ 13‬ك�صف ًا للغاز الطبيعى) مما �صاهم‬ ‫فى زي��ادة احتياطيات واإنتاج البرتول والغاز ‪ ،‬وبلغ متو�صط الإنتاج البرتوىل‬ ‫حواىل ‪ 626‬األف برميل زيت خام ومتكثفات يومي ًا وقد �صاهمت منطقة ال�صحراء‬ ‫الغربية بن�صبة ‪ %55‬منها ‪ ،‬ومن املخطط زيادته اىل ‪ 670‬الف برميل خالل عام‬ ‫‪ ، 2018/2017‬لفت ًا اإىل توقيع الهيئة ‪ 5‬اتفاقيات للبحث عن البرتول والغاز‬ ‫با�صتثمارات ‪ 625‬مليون دولر منها اتفاقينت جديدتني وتعديل لثالث اتفاقيات‬ ‫�صارية ‪ ،‬وانه لأول مرة تدخل الهيئة �صريك ًا فى م�صروعات برتولية خارج م�صر‬ ‫من خالل امل�صاركة بح�صة ن�صبتها ‪ %10‬فى القطاع رقم ‪ 9‬جنوب العراق لإنتاج‬ ‫البرتول من حقل فيحاء ‪ ،‬ومت النتهاء من م�صاركة قطاع البرتول فى حقل �صيبا‬ ‫للغاز بجنوب العراق بن�صبة ‪ %15‬وجارى اإتخاذ الإجراءات الالزمة‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�صاف اأنه مت �صخ ا�صتثمارات جديدة خالل العام بلغت حواىل ‪ 5‬مليار دولر‬ ‫من ال�صركاء الأجانب فى جمالت البحث وال�صتك�صاف وتنمية احلقول وهو ما‬ ‫‪2‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - September‬‬

‫�صاهم فى حتقيق اخلطط امل�صتهدفة لدعم وزيادة احتياطيات واإنتاج البرتول‬ ‫والغاز ويعد جت�صيد ًا لنجاح �صيا�صات قطاع البرتول ملواجهة التحديات وتكثيف‬ ‫وزيادة الأن�صطة البرتولية‪.‬‬





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