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St. Pete’s New Mayor

Mayor Rick Kriseman congratulates new Mayor-elect on election night Ken Welch was very active on the campaign trail St. Pete Mayor-Elect KEN WELCH Looks Ahead to a Greater City

Story by STEVE TRAIMAN Photos courtesy of kenwelch.com

Former Pinellas County Commissioner and current Council member Ken Welch won 60% of the vote to beat Council member and local businessman Robert Blackmon Nov. 2 to become St. Pete’s first African-American mayor. At his watch party, he told supporters, “This election has made history in St. Petersburg!”

Just after the Nov. 2 election, Mayor Rick Kriseman told Paradise NEWS, “St. Pete spoke loudly on Tuesday night in wanting to keep moving forward and making progress. I couldn’t be happier for my friend Ken and our newest Council stars, Copley Gerdes, Lisset Hanewicz, and Richie Floyd. History has been made. Now let’s make good on our promises – on the Trop site, housing affordability, sustainability, and resilience, and ensuring the sun does shine bright on all who come to live, work, and play. We’re getting closer, St. Pete.”

In an exclusive interview with Paradise NEWS, the Mayor-elect noted his key goals and priorities for the city, its residents, businesses and visitors looking ahead: “During the campaign, floating to the top were housing affordability across the board – from employers, parents, and low-income residents; then our infrastructure and our environmental protections – sewer and water improvements that keep up with our growth; and our neighborhoods’ health and safety.”

He then detailed his approach to key issues, starting with future redevelopment of the Tropicana Field site. He said, “As a third-generation resident growing up in this neighborhood, I Iived through two major displacements – the first when the interstate was built, then when baseball arrived with a new domed stadium.

“We will want to make sure that those promises from 30 years ago come true and hope the Rays will be part of that. Jobs and other economic opportunities are key and Mayor Kriseman has made a good start with his RFP [Request for Proposals] to potential developers. We’ve had some good response in those RFPs. I will be restarting those conversions with the Rays, our City Council and County Commission, and the entire community for their input as we move forward.”

For affordable housing needs, he said, “As a County Commission, we established a key Housing Trust Fund that has over

$100 million available for viable projects. We also will be looking at ways to expedite processes and procedures for developers, including necessary zoning changes to speed up multi-unit projects like duplexes, triplexes and small condos, forming necessary partnerships as well.”

Flood area protection is also a key concern. Welch said, “This is a big part of the Kriseman administration’s Integrated Water Resources Master Plan. It is a multiyear approach to fix old pipes, reclaimed and wastewater systems, to handle continuing growth. It’s very important to upgrade the old pipes and systems that caused the massive sewage overflows into the bay in recent years. The just-passed federal infrastructure bill will bring in some of those dollars to lower our costs.

“Integrating sea level rise into our plans is fundamental and will change the ways to allow growth to happen and to deal with tidal flooding like Miami is doing now. We can adapt by applying the science and integrating that into our growth and infrastructure – as we know the coast of Pinellas County will be very different in next few decades.”

Asked about his efforts to meet the key goals of StPete2050, to which the public has been very favorable, he said: “It’s a good visioning process and I participated in the first public meeting and joined future virtual meetings. The goals are pretty consistent with affordable housing and our vital neighborhoods, which are very close to our priorities. We hope to integrate StPete2050 goals as they align well with our priorities from the campaign trail”

The Mayor-elect emphasized, “I’m excited about the opportunities and challenges ahead. As a third-generation resident, I’ve seen St. Pete change to become a great city and I’m looking forward to making it even better with the help of our residents, businesses and visitors!”

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to St. Pete Mayor-elect Ken Welch and Preston Rudie, Global Communications Group, for their excellent input and photos.] [Feature editor Steve Traiman is president of Creative Copy by Steve Traiman, providing professional business writing services since 1993. He can be reached via email to traimancreativecopy@gmail.com or by phone to 727-363-7531.]

Among highlights from Mayor-elect Ken Welch’s election night speech to supporters:

“Tonight’s election victory confirms the desire of the people of St. Petersburg for leadership that will

Mayor-elect talks to media on election night move us forward, not backward. That’s the definition of progress. Assuring that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today. And that’s what the people have clearly stated that they want, in this election! “The people said that progress means affordability for the people who call St. Petersburg home. It means affordable rent and home ownership, affordable water bills, transportation options and taxes. “The people said that progress means safe and healthy neighborhoods – where every child sees opportunity and hope, and health, education and nutrition disparities are addressed as priorities. “The people say that progress means smart growth that protects our environment, invests in our infrastructure and preserves St. Pete’s character. “And the people agree with my firmly held belief that facts matter. As our founding father John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things.” “Some issues, like our changing climate and sea level rise, are particularly pressing issues in our city, and affect everything from housing affordability and growth management to transportation. “This election has made history in St. Petersburg, and it is my distinct honor to be the first African-American mayor of my hometown. But let me be clear in stating that ‘making history,’ in and of itself, has never been the priority of this campaign nor will it be the focus of my administration. “One of my guiding principles of governance (available at www.Kenwelch.com) is community impact, inclusive progress that improves the lives or our residents, the resiliency of our community and links every person with the opportunity to become their best and authentic self – that is inclusive progress and that will be the focus of my administration. “For me, ‘making history’ without making a positive impact is an empty achievement. So, our election victory must be followed by a purposeful agenda of opportunity, accountability and intentional equity for our entire community, and working in partnership with you, and every person and organization who will join our partnership for progress – we will build impactful, inclusive progress for St. Petersburg. Let’s get to work!”