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Issue two


Dont miss all the news, interviews, members that we have in this issue






e are happy to bring you issue two of the magazine and trust me we have put a lot of work into this one, when we brung out issue one we had people saying that they cant view the magazine due to the fact that they dont have flash on there phone (shit iphone,lol) so we changed it all up so now no one is missing out, I like to thank all the people that shown us love when issue one came out and we told you that things are going to get bigger and they have so we hope you like it, Things are moving fast and that's the way we do things over here.

One love and ink





OF THE MONTH Kicking off issue two we had to get down the kinky ink and (tooting tattoo hotspot) team to have a talk with us about life working in a tattoo shop,

See some of the photos that have been sent into us by our members, readers and you.

WANTED See all the photos of our features and staff mug shots


In each issue we show you the street art from a city in the UK, in this issue we start at home in london

THIS ISSUE PHOTOS FROM THE SHOOT Photos was being taken all over the place at the shoot, see some of the behind the scene pics


We bring you some of our members from all over the world who love the art of tattooing like us.

CLOTHING INTERVIEW We teamed up with Infinitive Collections clothing shop based in croydon to swag up issue two

TATTOOS THAT MAKE YOU SAY WTF We take a look at some fucked up and funny tattoos From all over the internet.





YOU Here is some of the photos that have been sent into us by people on twitter, email facebook, intsagram and our members Send us your photos now to get them shown in the next issue.

Emma Buckle

lorna kartacayen

Connor O'connor

Butta black

Kevstaar Desiign

Alexander Davis


Saffire d’soul

Tamara Gitter


Chanell Nevels

Ray Saint D



Marcus Major-Norris

Adel Sahel



Polo Hefner


FEATURES In each issue of the magazine we bring you features from tattoo models, artists and our members who love tattoos like we do, This issue we have some hot ones for you, our features spend the day with us at our HQ and we talk about ink and have mad fun.


Click here To see the Video interviews With the features And hot seat videos




IF YOU DONT KNOW WHO JADE ALLISON IS YOU MUST HAVE BE SLEEPING UNDER A FUCKING ROCK, WE HAD TO BRING DOWN ONE OF THE UK’S BEST TATTOO MODELS WHO IS TAKING OVER RIGHT NOW. SOME PEOPLE ARE BORN TO BE A STAR AND JADE IS ONE OF THEMMEET OUR MAIN FEATURE/COVERGIRL MISS JADE ALLISON We know you have been dancing for 10 years and have had some amazing opportunities along your path but how did you get into dancing? I stated dancing when I was 9, I knew from the moment I started it was what I wanted to do it. At 19 I moved to London to pursue my career, I didn't have an agent but just stared doing classes. And you have done well since then like dancing for Kylie Minogue, how did you get to do that? when I heard about an audition for Kylie Minogue "can't get u out of my head" video. I thought what the hell and gate crashed it. lol I ended up getting the job and just pretended I was with an agent. from then on I was lucky and worked with kylie for two years and various different artists


Thats a story to tell the kids, lol, you was in some bbc tv advert dancing, we have seen it and we cant see any tattoos, lol, how long ago was that? Haha yes I was it was a bbc ident. How did u know about that lol. Lol, we know every thing about you. It was about 10 years and yes I had no tattoos then. I hadn't turned to the dark side loool Well we are happy that you did. Lol, at the moment apart from doing your modeling you are a dancer at ''Cirque Du Soir'' one of londons best nightclubs, what is that like? I love it. You get to be very creative and think up all kinds of outfits. its full of celebrities and great people I have so much fun. We bet it is, we are going to have to come down and see whats its all about you was working when justin Bieber came to party at the club and didnt get in, lol, what happend. He came in for a short time but got mobbed haha. Lol, when did you decide to cross over to modelling and why? I guess just like the dancing I just had a lucky break. I tried it along time ago before I had tattoos but it didn't work I guess I was too short. But the alternative look works for me and I seem to work more :) I've been lucky with the amazing opportunities I've had do far and hope they keep coming. They will, your road

as a alternative model ell t t u b s a has just started and de y e you have done a lot ‘’I have i h t d n a s t s already. Your cv to o arti o t t s a t e date is endless, what y m tim 0 0 1 t i would you say was aw r d ’ s ’ y e a n your first big i w g a al m i d l u break? o c I n a h t Defiantly working with kylie minogue. It better

was my first real job which I'm sure most people can't say and from there it opened many of doors you are signed to Another Level's Dane Bowers model agency ''DDA'' how did that come about? He actually saw my fan page and contacted me on there. Not to sure how he found me I never asked. He asked me to go a long to a casting for his agent where we talked through my work and where I want to go in the future. A couple of days later I was contacted saying he would represent me. I was so happy. When it comes to you we would say that you are mostly covered already but Is there anywhere you wouldn't tattoo? Never. I used to say I've never do my tattoos but I guess I was wrong because I got it done at the last


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tattoo convention. lol How long ago did you start working on your ink, did you originally plan to cover as much of your body as you have? I've been getting tattooed now for over 10 years. No I never panned this I just kept seeing space and kept collecting. I love the way I look and have no regrets. Thats what we like to hear.

about and when are we going to get some goods,lol Well I've done afew t-shirts for other people which has my image on which people seem to love. My brother came up with the idea. It seems silly doing it for other people and not myself. I thought what the hell do I'm in the progress and getting my brand image and logo which I'm sure will also be my next tattoo How do you deal with the pain and what was the most painful tattoo so far? It's amazing how long you can sit through that pain and let me tell you I don't enjoy it one bit but I guess when you see the outcome it's worth it. My palm was by far the worst pain I've ever experienced. Although I still want my other one done haha What is the best tattoo you have seen in your life? WOW. I've seen many not even sure I have a favourite. Normally any full body coverage is amazing to look at Do you not like naked skin LOL? Not on me no ha ha, it's weird looking back on photos. I much prefer tattoos lets face it we are more interesting


Ill never stop there is no limit with me. I don't care what people think and I love to shock :) Have you ever forgotten about any of your tattoos and woken up thinking what the hell? I wouldn't say I forgot but when I got my face done I wouldn't look in the mirror for afew days and when I did I was like OMG. But I still love it It looks cool on you. you have your own clothing brand coming out soon, we know your fans are going to love it, how did that come

MAIN FEATURE to look at naked ;) What tattoo shop and artists do you go to?

t h g i r e h t t e ‘’G d n a t s i t ar ’ ’ p a e h c o g never

I always go frith street in soho. My main artists are Valerie Vargas and Stewart Robson.

What inspires you in choosing your tattoos? My husband is very inspiring and gives me lots of ideas he knows what I like and what suits me and the fact I have the best Tattoo artists. I'm a lucky girl Have you designed any of your tattoos? I have ideas but tell my tattoo artists and thru always draw it 100 times better than I could imagine Last meal you cooked? Tuna stake and salad. Me and hubby like to eat heathy What advice would you give to girls that want to get covered and model like you? It's a big decision and doesn't work out for everyone. Get the right artist for you and never go cheap. Ill help and support anyone because I know it's a hard game to be in. But good luck and have fun. Did you enjoy your day with Paperchasers Ink? I had so much fun. Such a great team and Id defo work with you guys again What do you think of Paperchasers Ink? I love it. All my favourite things in one magazine. Tattoos,music, fashion and fun for those not involved they are missing out :) Whats next for you this year? Who knows I like things to take me by surprise. As you've mentioned I have my t-shirt out. Many more shoots in the pipeline ANC lots of fun and laughter along the way. Thank you for being our main feature and we wish you the best of luck with everything that you do,

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L esley it was good to have you come down to the shoot and show us your ink, so tell us what got you into getting tattoos? When I was younger, I went to a lot of gigs and concerts with friends and always saw loads of tattooed people there. I always thought they looked really interesting and the girls always looked hot! And there's also the fact that my mum hated tattoos and you know when parents tell their kids they can't do something...spurs them on to do it anyway! So I guess it was me being rebellious but my first one was tiny anyway! Once you get one you know you're getting more. They're mega addictive. So you are a dancer by trade, tell us how you got into that? You make it sound like I do ballet haha! Ended up smashing Lol i t t Yes I am a dancer of the erotic variety. hat night Basically I was working in a bar with a and just h aven't friend and she was short on money so she l ooked bac asked if I'd come along with her one night k! to work at a club in Leeds. I went with her and she was dead shy and so I just got us both drunk and found myself getting asked if I wanted to go for dances etc. Ended up smashing it that night and just haven't looked back! Thats the way, a little bird told us that you are going to be in NUTS magazine is it true and how did that come about? It is true yes!! I'm going to be in Issue 22 on the Bedroom Babes competition! So who hooked you up? It was all down to Suzie Shaw (mainstream glamour model) and Charlie Z (alternative adult model) who put me through to the guys at Nuts! After many emails back and forth the guys loved my look and I'm going to be one of the few alternative models gracing the pages so you'll have to look out for me and vote for me on the Nuts website! What is the most interesting tattoo you have? My Zombie Pin-Up Girl! Underneath her it says "Need Brainz" and everyone always reads it out loud then notices her above it! It's quite a conversation starter! She's not finished yet but when she is she's gonna be horribly beautiful!

FEATURE Nice, so at what age did you start getting tattoos? 18 of course! Anyone who gets them done younger than the legal age in my eyes is an idiot. And it's these people who look back at a piece when they're 25 and wanna get it covered because they hate it and its faded. No reputable artist would tattoo anyone underage so you're bound to have a shoddy tattoo that's faded by that point. Thats so true, what is the most sexy tattoo that you have seen on a girl in your life? I know so many tattooed models it's hard to pick just one! Come on lol Also I don't think I could pick out just one tattoo on a girl that I think is sexy! Give us a name of a uk model who’s tattoo you think is sexy? Nina Terror has just had an under bust tattoo done and so has Lusy Logan and they're both EXTREMELY different but equally as sexy so I'm gonna go for the under bust tattoo (but I don't like Rihanna's) Get the fuck out of here, lol rihanna’s tattoo looks hot on her, dont know what it would look like on someone else but on her it’s a good look, we also like lusy logans ink. How much more ink do you plan to get? I plan to get my legs done, not covered but I think just 2 or 3 big pieces because I don't actually have any large pieces (my sleeves don't count cause they're all bits of stuff) so I'm definitely gonna go onto my legs next! All outlines of course. That's kinda my thing. How did you start modelling from dancing? A girl who I danced with was going to a photoshoot and I went with her and had a couple of shots they were horrific but it kind of spurred me on in the right direction. A year later I started getting a bit more serious about it and then starts focussing on getting signed etc. Tell us what has been your favourite and worst job so far and why? I'm not sure whether you mean modelling jobs or mainstream jobs so ill do both! I've never had a bad modelling job so my favourite had to be London Alternative Weekend in Angel because that was my first catwalk and first ever experience with latex and detailed corsetry. Sounds sexy, lol, so whats your weirdest shoot? My weirdest was a shoot I did for a feature film coming out this year called Dementamania, but when it comes out you'll see why! I have less tattoos and you can't see my hair but you should know it's me!

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‘’I l a se anded in hea mi-n po ake n and the d flo fr my actur or ed wri st ’’

Send us the info when that comes out Best mainstream job has to be that I'm a dancer! Pick my own hours, Ok Work when I want, Thats good Drink on the job, Mmmmm learn to poledance....great earning potential...what more could you ask for! Sold, lol sign us up, lol Worst job doesn't exist because I'm awesome and make every job good. Lol, what is the most embarrassing moment you have had as a dancer? I was doing a stage show for a stag group and the guy got pissed off cause I poured water over his head and he threw me off the stage. That was pretty embarrassing considering I landed in a semi-naked heap on the floor and fractured my wrist. Shit, thats fucked up, so do you have any spontaneous tattoos or are they all planed? My feet are spontaneous. It's just loads of cherry blossoms but the shop that I used to work at was dead quiet and me and all the other apprentices were messing around and I dared one to tattoo me while I pierced the other while he tattooed the one who was tattooing me. Needless to say I was the one in the most pain because your feet HURT. Lol, that must have been fun, talking about shops, what tattoo shop do you go to, and what is the name of your artist or artists? Infinite Ink in Leeds - Simon Sowden Oddfellows in Leeds - Scott Mustapic Did you enjoy your day with us at the shoot? IT WAS AWESOME What do you think of Paperchasers ink? Never seen a magazine like it before and it definitely needs to be on the shelves! Sound group of people and a well put together publication! Keep up the good work guys! Thank you miss rose for spending time with us.

2013 is going to be a crazy year for us and we want you to be a part of it, become a member, come to our events, send us news, send in your photos, join the team.





E e had to get down Miss Layercake to talk about her ink since she has been showing the magazine mad love on twitter and Facebook by posting, tweeting and showing the world about the magazine, so as we do, we got her down, She has recently become a Paperchasers ink magazine rep so you will see more of her in the mag but for now lets get to know her. Tell us about yourself: Hey the names Miss LayerCake & I am 25 from London town currently living in Dubai. I'm a freelance model/tattoo model and work in partnership with (The Honeys Model Agency) and Face4Music Models.


I've always enjoyed taking pictures, jumping to be in the middle and front of everyone when taking pictures. That's just always been me lol. I also love how fashion ties in with modelling, they just compliment each other like Ink compliments Skin!!! Your trying to get into modelling, how did you start As i grew everyone started telling me how photogenic I was. So I went and done a few test shoots and got great feed back and opportunities I just never looked back & made shit happen. What about the ink what got you started Ive always admired people who had tattoos, older family members, famous people & I grew up in the US where ink has always been a popular thing and trend. What do you love about tattoos? The way tattoos could be used to show a person's beliefs, Personality or Character was something i always marvel at. I love how two people could get the same tattoo in the same place at the same time from the same artist & they still look different. Yes thats crazy As I got a little older I started to go into shops just to look at the drawings and pictures, it was then I changed my opinion on what an artist was. The skill & patience that alot of tattooist had amazed me. What age did you start? after getting my first henna tattoo of a fairy on my lower back at the age of 16 Ink just became so beautiful. I then went the following week and got my first real tattoo. Same place same style and that was the beginning I just never looked back. I love this as its a way of expressing myself and just showing off the Loving Fun Caring Sexy Inked MissLayerCake that I am. How much more in are you going to get? I don't have an answer when people ask me when do I plan on stopping getting inked. Ill either keep going till my skin runs out of space, till im content and old, till I pass away or till my creative individual thought's leave me lol. My body is My Story, My Masterpiece, My Art My Expression of Moi!!! Whats the most painfull tattoo that you have had done so far? The most painful tattoo for me has to of been my stomach tatt Ooooucch! I got a rose on there with "Jadore Moi" written under it and my goodness it hurt like hell lol. Lol, no pain no gain I was nearly ready to give up and quite half way through haaha I always say if this was my first tattoo it probably would of been my last lol.‌

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FEATURE Its only pain at the time and then its over, so what part of your body would you not get inked? The only places I wouldn't get tatted is my face as its perfect as it is lol & its nearly impossible to hide. That's what you say now but we will see what ink you have in a couple years, lol lol an second would be my head as I just think the pain would kill me lol You have a new butterfly tattoo, when did you get that? Yuuup the day after the magazine shoot I went and got a butterfly on my left shoulder, Is that how we got you feeling, lol I was feeling very Inky & just like a addict needs drugs I needed my ink fix ha. How do you plan your tattoos? I plan my tattoos alot always thinking what's next always on Google researching always exploring ideas. Also depending on what's going on in my life always has a lot to do with it as certain things that happen whether good or bad offer me ideas and offer me ways of expressing those feelings thoughts or emotions through creativity turning it into a thing of beauty. I do take my time planning them as I try to always live without regrets. Yet as soon as I have an idea i just run with it. I priorities my tatts in a way that it always looks complete I hate when my body looks half done or uneven. What are you going to get next? My next tattoo will be to fill in all the space remaining on my arms, the left arm/shoulder is becoming a garden filled with butterflies, dragonfly's vines and leaves and the right arm/shoulder is nearly done with clouds and stars sun rays stairway to the sky's and heavens. Its going to look nice when its all done NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!! That's real talk,lol LAST BUT NOT LEAST a big shout out to yourselves at PaperChasers Ink Thank you, its bit of a silly qeustion due to the fact that our photo shoots are hot but, lol did you have day with us? I had an amazing time shooting for the

FEATURE magazine, I met so many of my fellow ink addicts, models, music artist etc its always nice to be surrounded by people who all share the same passion as ourselves. Thats what we are about. Its Art Its Inkology! What do you think of the magazine so far? I think PaperChasersInk is a brilliant idea and concept and magazine, one of a kind for the urban seen and I misslayercake am extremely greatfull to of been apart of this Global Movement! Thank you miss World Wide Baby Woopwooop NOW STUDY MY INKOLOGY AND WATCH MY MODEL BEHAVIOUR XXX I MissLayerCake Loves PAPERCHASERSINK!!! One love , Keep it ink



e ey Poppy, it was good having you down to feature in this issue, did you have a good day with us? Yeah I had a really good day! I loved the vibe! Thank you, it was good to have you down, lets start at the beginning with asking you, apart from your mum owning two tattoo shops was there anything else that got you into tattooing? I've always loved art! Before my mum opened the shops she was involved with a tattoo artist and every aspect of tattoos fascinated me, being able to express yourself through art is amazing in its self! That's true so what is your 9 to 5? I'm a bartender at The Golden Bee in Shoreditch! You have been in some music videos and recently featured in Manga's (roll deep) music video, how was that? It was good, he's a really good friend so I didn't really see it as work! Plus where ever I can help my friends I will! Plus they all want the tattoos in screen lol! Lol, they love it,what's is it like working in the music side of things? It's interesting! I've had the opportunity to be around some amazing people and show the world that tattoos are not a taboo anymore! They are far from a taboo nowadays ,what other projects have you done in the past? I've been apart of P Money's clothing label. We had to do the shoot at Love Box last year.. It was one of the most amazing things in ever done! Doing everything I love! Running around Victoria park getting my pictures taken and raving to get the best shot! That must have been crazy, Love Box is the nuts, so how easy was it when you first started piercing? Was you scared of making a mistake? Yeah of course I was scared! Pushing a needle through someone's skin is always going to be scary! But I wanted to do it so I saw past it lol!

g n i v a eh v o l f ‘’i o s o tatto that s g n ’’ i y h t p p ha e m make

FEATURE Any chance of you start doing tattoos, have you ever tattooed anyone before? I've always wanted to learn but I haven't got time! I'd rather open a shop! Business minded like your mum, thats good, whats the Best modelling job that you have had so far? I worked with the clothing label Trapstar a few years ago, they where by far the best people iv worked with! Thats a good brand,weirdest place you've pierced? Lol I dunno.. I don't really see piercing a as weird.. How many piercings do you have and where are they, are you going to get anymore? I don't know how many I have. Iv had A LOT but I get bored so I just take them out. I don't plan on getting anymore but you never know! Thats true, never say never, how do you deal with the pain when your getting inked? Loads of sweets, loud dubstep and chewing gum! What was the Last tattoo you had done and who was the artist? The last tattoo I had done was the elephant on the back of my leg, it's part of my leg sleeve! The artist who done it is Miguel he works at Kinky Ink! Miguel is a crazy artist, he is working on Creepa’Ss ink, what's the next step that you planned to take your career? Take over the world with tattoos! Lol, thats what we are going to do as well, how much more ink do you plan to get, have you planned your next one yet? I don't really plan my tattoos I just get them, I plan

t ' n o d ‘’ e m o s t le so n r e p m o d n se a r u a c e b t i o d it is ’ ’ p a e ch

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Infinitive Collections On twitter @ic_shop

10 St Georges Walk, Croydon, CR0 1YG




Hhonenix is a cool girl on the way to big things, we are happy to have her down for issue two, We ask her some things as she show us her ink. So what did you think of the shoot? The shoot was amazing! So much fun. To be honest the whole day was. The whole team were superb, so easy to get on with and made everyone feel very welcome & comfortable. We had a lot of laughs! What got you into tattoos? I'm a very artistic person anyway and I've always been into drawing and writing poetry. Tattoos to me, are my stories, a gateway into my life and who I am. You have done some published work like FUXYZ Magazine and DIVA Magazine , how did you get into modelling? Well I'm a hairstylist too and it was actually through a salon that I used to work for about 10 years ago. They were entering the British Hairdressing Awards and asked to use me as a model. I enjoyed it so much that I pursued modelling as another career path. Do you always go to the same artist and why? I'm actually sponsored by a tattoo studio in Hitchin, Hertfordshire called Panic Ink. A guy there called Jimmy does all my work. He is amazing as an artist and I wouldn't go anywhere else. When you build up that connection with your artist they know what you like etc and together can come up with some great ideas and pieces. How do your family react when you come home with new tattoos? They all like the ink that I've got so far but have

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asked me not to get anymore lol. What's in your mind as your on the way to the tattoo shop? I'm buzzing! I love going to the studio anyway because the guys and the atmosphere is so amazing, some days if I'm not working I'll go in and just chill with them, have a bit of banter etc. But when I'm on my way to get inked I'm overly excited and can't wait to get in there and see the finished results. Do you regret any of your tattoos? and if so why? No, I don't regret any of my tattoos. Each one means something to me and I got them for a reason. I could never just pick a random design to get, they all need to have a story and reason why behind them What was the best thing you liked about the photo shoot? I'd have to say meeting the whole team and getting to know everyone. I came away from the shoot in love with everyone who was there, including the other models, make up artists, everyone! Lol

“ I d o n ' t re g re t a n y of my tatt Each one oos. somethin means g I got them to me and for a reas on�

Is there any place on your body that you wouldn't tattoo? As much as I'd love to be tattooed from head to toe, I'd have to say that in reality I wouldn't tatt my head or face. At the moment I'm still quite versatile with my look so can work as an alternative / tattooed model but I still have the option of working more high end / fashion, so I wouldn't go too over the top with my ink. So what are your plans for the rest of the year? To get more ink (just don't tell the family!) And to continue with my career paths. My aim right now is to be featured and published in as many tattoo magazines as possible. But who knows what's round the corner, just going to keep my head down and continue to work hard Hard work always pays off, thank you for coming down, we wish you all the best luck,


FEATURE We know this was your first time in front of the camera like this but how did you find being a model for the day?

“No am not A mem ber of The illu minati Lol�

Yeah this one the first time but I found it very fun and didn't have much rest which I liked! Enjoyed having a face paint mask put on me! But I did enjoy it alot! Is modelling something you have been planning to take up or now considering?

Maybe if I had alot more tattoos but at the present time no haha! What made you do decide you wanted to get your sleeves done? And was it originally planned to be a full sleeves? I went to a tattoo convention in Brighton randomly at the age of like 17 and from then it made me want tattoos seeing so many people with nice tattoos just made me think I'm definitely going to have sleeves when I get to the right age and decide what I want! You've got many, What's your favourite tattoo so far? It has got to be my all seeing eye as it's such a talking point as you find people have many ideas on what it means. I believe that it is the all seeing eye of god. No I am not a member of the illuminati ha ha! Initially as someone that had no ink to start with how did you go about selecting your design and artist/shop? I new I wanted black & grey and come across my artist shopping and is still my artist who has done all my work which is Amanda At Aggys Ink in North London check her stuff out!! Why do you think people become so addicted to tattoos?

Personally when I look at the gaps in between tattoos or spaces it makes me just what to put something meaningful in their so I guess that's the same for some others. If you changed your mind about a tattoo would you get it removed or covered? I don't have any tattoos I would get removed or changed but if I was so I'd cover it up! But I wouldn't do any of it as even if it's a bad tattoo there is some memory within the tattoo and the time you got it done would be stupid to remover/cover! What do you think about the idea of an urban tattoo magazine? It's a great idea as there isn't a UK magazine which offers this apart from Paperchasers Ink Did you enjoy your time with the team? Yes very friendly team and a good laugh! What do you think of Paperchasers ink? Very impressed hope to see the magazine grow!





When you join us you get lots from us, we will set you up your own page on the website and you will get the chance to feature in the main magazine and our mini magazines, CLICK HER E TO BECOM EA MEMBER

Also get discounts when you book a photo shoot with us and get invited to our members only events




WTF In each issue we will bring you some of the crazy tattoos pic’s that have been sent into us, Some people need to think before they ink Let us know on facebook & twitter what you think of this issue pic’s






W e had to get down two of south London's best tattoo shop but the twist is that they are both owned by one boss lady Danasa, we ask her abit about what got her in the business and what's next for the shops and we get down two of her artists Eve and Miguel to see what's up. Paperchasers Ink is teaming up with the shops this year to bring you some events, competitions and more ink stuff so make sure that you look out for all that.


Can you tell us a little history about the shops. DANASA- I opened the first shop: TattooHotspot Tooting in 2003, I saw a gap in the market for the art that I loved, and through people that I knew I successfully opened, which became a very busy studio with a good reputation. What inspired you to originally open Kinky Ink? DANASA- Due to the location of the first shop, I felt that we needed to move into better premises as the shop became to small to manage the amount of custom we had acquired ....and that's how Kinky Ink was born!! Kinky Ink is a great name! How did you come up with it? DANASA- The shop that I had found was painted in a grey brown colour, very dull, So, I decided to paint it bright pink so people would notice it immediately, and then I had to think of a name...........Pinky ink came to mind, Thats a good name as well. DANASA- But I thought it was a bit TOO girly.....and as I drove along one day, I thought, hold on a second Danasa.....your a kinky sort of girl lol DANASA- Why not call the shop KINKY INK?? then I thought......the ink will be incorporated into the

SHOP FEATURE skin...............KINKY INK INKORPORATED was ALIVE!!! Yay.........… We love it, what's the next step for the shops this year? DANASA- We have a dynamic team who are very motivated to move forward with good ideas and good team work, Thats true, you have a good team, are you guys going to any conventions this year? DANASA- We have planned again to go to the Great British Tattoo Show this May, this is the second year we have been, and also will be going to the convention in Portugal this year!! How can you help people who want to get into the tattoo business? DANASA- We also try to encourage young people who have a flair for the industry and support them with ALL aspects of the trade. Whats new in the shops? DANASA- We currently have a junior artist and an ‘’m y s apprentice working alongside our established artists, I d ificult tyle is find that this brings fresh ideas and challenges all the t I like t o define , team in a very positive way, and re in forces good o sa practice within the shops, as we constantly review my sty y that all our regulations and techniques, neo-tr le is a That's good keep it fresh, that's for talking whit a ditional touch with us o

f Realis m ’’

SHOP ARTISTS INTERVIEW -------------------------------– Did you have a good time at the Paperchasers ink shoot? MIGUEL- Yes , It was a very good experience EVE- Absolutely fun .. How do you feel about tattooing on dark skin? MIGUEL-I feel comfortable tattooing in any kind of skin colour, I don't have any preferences. EVE- Is certainly more complicated, but we are happy to satisfy every type of skin What do you think about people that get meaningless tattoos that promote negative things? MIGUEL-They are the owners of their skin but In my opinion have a negative meaning tattoo in your skin for life is not a good deal. EVE- I think that every person is the reflection of their tattoo Any advice for people that really want to get there first tattoo but may find it hard choosing on what to have done? MIGUEL-Don't get tattooed only for fashion , chose something that show who you are EVE- Go home and think better What is your style of tattooing? MIGUEL-My style is difficult to define , I like to say that my style is neo-traditional whit a touch of realism EVE- Realistic style Most painful place to get tattooed? MIGUEL-Ribs EVE- Ribs and feet



‘’I ed o o t t ta a's h c a P on o g o l , s s a the l’’ o l Can people with skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis able to get tattoos? MIGUEL-Yes! , without any problem .My wife have psoriasis and she is full tattooed. She only have to take more care in the after care process. EVE- Of course What is the worst tattoo someone has asked you to do? MIGUEL- Pacha's logo in the ass (Ibiza most popular club ) EVE- There are so many, i can't remember What is the worst tattoo you have seen in your lives? MIGUEL- One full arm cover up tattoo , full of skars and holes , was disgusting EVE- A massive shit on someone's back Whats the best tattoo that you have ever done? MIGUEL-To be honest I can't chose Did you spend any time training before working on actual skin? MIGUEL- Yes , I was training during two years on my friends skin , I remember my first tattoo it was a awful pinup . A couple years later I retouched the tattoo and I repair it . Lol, what about you eve EVE- no, I started directly on the skin What is the funniest thing that has happened in the shops? MIGUEL- Once , I was tattooing while the piercer was doing nipple piercing for a girl. Her friends was waiting for her in the full of

SHOP FEATURE costumers reception area. When the piercing work was done , she went in topless to the reception to show the piercing to her friends. She didn't know the reception was full of guys , it was funny LOL, bet that's the last time she dose that, lol EVE- Every day something funny happens in the shop Any advice for people that are hoping to become tattooist? MAG-Work hard and respect the tattoo world before start to feel like you are superstar, EVE- And have a lot of perseverance and passion for the art of tattooing before you start What do you think of Paperchasers ink magazine? MAG-I think is a Fresh magazine whit young and creative ideas , and I feel glad about they chose me for let me feel this experience EVE- Its a good meeting point for people who love tattoos Thanks guys

93 Battersea Rise London SW11 1HW

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IN THE CITY In each issue of the magazine we will bring you the best street art from a city in the uk. In this issue we start at home in

LONDON YOU TELL US We want to know from you guys what city you would like us to feature in the next issue. Let us know on facebook, twitter



WE WANT YOU If you are into street art and tattoos and you would like to bring your talent to the team, We have lots of crazy projects coming this year so contact us now



E e have nuff love for hipman, way back before paperchasers ink we had our promo urban music magazine Hiphop and Bubblegum we got invited down to one of his photo shoots with benny banks and we always show love back so we get him down for a feature to talk about what he has beeen upto scine the last time we saw him.

What's happening junky, did you like te shoot? Yhhhhh can't get enough of u all innit lol... Was fun chilling with u all on set.. Had a good time Thats how we do, tell us how did you start making music and start recording? I started by sitting down and writing some song ideas over an Artic Monkeys & Cold Play instrumental at 3am one night.. Went and recorded the idea and then got feedback from a few close people then decide to pay for a professional demo to be made. And the rest writes itself.. You have been making a name for yourself and doing big things, If you had to tick a box what genre would you say your music is? I can't place my music directly in any box, but if I had to pick ill say


it's in the Commercial box... As I can literally do most styles of music, but always aim to make it more commercial to reach a wider audience. And you have, What was your First big break as an artist? My 1st big break I'd say would be meeting up with Zee (previous manager) cos he saw the vision and helped get my music to the right people.. Which got me big opportunities Big up zee, what are the things that inspire you, where do you get your inspiration to write new music? To be honest Life inspires me... Listening to life gives me more than enough to write about.. I'm very observant lol I see the junk stars are a group of your loyal fans, any of them done anything really wild for you yet? Yhhhhh maaaaaan I LOVE my junkstars they're amazing.. Always show me love and give me the extra push when I need it most... Really.. They inspire me.

Hmmmmm Yhhh they go in to be real, I can't pick 1 wildest thing cos they do a lot.. Like what,lol Like Siiiccckkk pictures, t-shirts, caps, crazy tweets keeks etc But the cutest thing was one on my 5 year old junkstars sent me a video singing my lyric.. Had me in bits hahaha You need to show us that, thats real love so what would you say has been the Best performance in your career so far? Well so far they've all been different so it's hard to pick... Hmmmm! Come on Ok what sticks out in my mind was when I was on tour with Benny banks & Mac Miller.. We was on fire on that tour cos it was like we stole the show.. It kinda caught me off guard that we was so on point.. #funtimes Thats a big deal right there, mac miller is the shit,You've been doing really well had some great opportunities of late,



What made you get hand tattoos? Cos I got buttaz hands haha LOL lol Naaahhh to be honest I'm really into ink so just randomly thought up a few ideas one day and got it done.. No fancy story this time sorry lol Its all good, there is nothing wrong with getting ink cos you want ink, Are you planning on getting ‘’on tour with more ink? If so what and Benny & Mac where? 100% I'm always looking for new ideas to ink up.. My next 1 is half a sleeve which is gonna be naughty... It involves a half naked girl. Ill be sure to come down and show you guys ASAP Make sure you do, How many hats do you own? What was it like being on tour with Benny banks and Mac miller? Yhhh things are moving forward very fast.. Sometimes I lose days cos its so rapid.. Being on tour with Benny & Mac lol was a great experience we was shown love by all the cities we went to.. And Mac was a cool dude too and his team took care of us. Was took much jokes. You need to holla at us next time and we wil come out and see you, Recently you've also worked on a track with Sway, do you feel it's given you the opportunity to reach out to fans from a new genre? Defo... It's given me a big chance to gain more fans and prove I can do good songs with big artists, big up sway for even jumping on the track too.. Yo yo yo that track is big It's actually one of my Fav tracks to this day.. Plus was shown on channels all over the world so I get some real cool comments & love from people other than in the UK which gives me a push to always give my best

Miller was a great experience we wa s s h o wn love by all the cities we went to’’

I think I own about 20 hats, I just gave a few to my bro lately so ill say 20 give or take Did you enjoy your time with us at the shoot? Yhhh had a great time hanging with you.. Kept me smiling the entire time.. Had lots of fun in the hot seat aswel I could of go on all day haha.. I wanted them hats too lol lol, we will hook you up next time, What do you think of Paperchasers ink? I think Paperchasers ink is defo a big 1 to watch out for.. your a good team and know what people want and defo some of the coolest people Iv worked with... The Mag has got loads for you ink lovers to get into, basically I'm feeling it' That's love

I'm currently working on my new mixtape, Working Class Hero (inspired by the song). Which is out this summer, It's about life and the general daily things we all face really, so everyone can relate to it. Obviously it's got that Hippy twist too!














We bring you fashion features in each issue of the magazine from shops, clothing brands, jewellery companies and more



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@ic_shop L

ets start this off by saying thanks for joining us on this issue with all the snap backs and fitted’s. You welcome it was a pleasure and thank you for the invite . what did you think of the shoot? I think the shoot was very successful, it was contingency planned very well which helped smooth out any problems during the day. It had a very professional tone but still had a calm and friendly atmosphere. Your choice of participants was well chosen, with good attitudes resulting in constructive networking during the day. All this only adds to your already structured branding intentions. Thumbs up. apart from selling some hot brands like ‘’LUKE’’ ‘’polo’’ in the shop, you

also have your own brand of body bags, how did that came about and what have you got planed next with that? Our in house brand is called Eon Blacks. Our first and only product at the moments is a shoulder pouch/holster which straps across your back and comfortably sits under your arm. The company originally came together on the verge of the introduction of man bags, and posed and option for those that weren't quite ready for a full transition over. Surprisingly it was embraced by more diverse groups than we anticipated and became a small success in itself in the UK and overseas. So whats next? Now with its official relaunch this year Eon Blacks is looking to leave an



The company is a group of individuals who formed a solid team with foundations unmovable and durable like concrete. We emerged from the UK Streets with the intention of embracing the world,through our cutting edge fashion and innovative approach. Overcoming adversity is always going to be difficult and only the fittest and most diverse will survive in a world plagued by hate,envy and greed. We promote none of the aforementioned.

innovative and creative footprint with an indefinite depth seasoned with some exiting collaborations and releasing more colours of bags and the introduction of its first official line. it is good to see a man of your age to have your own shop so who or what inspired you to start your business? As previously mentioned Eon Blacks was started spontaneously, sparked by a gap in the market at the time. Once we had sold a lot through avenues such as shops, festivals, hand to hand and online it was inevitable that our own shop would be next and theres nothing better then surrounding your brand with other similar well respected brands. An opportunity arose and we reacted like

calculated opportunists. so tell us Mr blacks have you got any tattoos, if so what is it and if no then why the hell not? Ahhhh the heats on lol nah no tattoos yet. I wasn't really feeling them until a few events happened in my life that I feel need to documented down and i feel my body makes the best book. Hopefully by the next edition I'll get a lil PA and i'll show you lot some tatted flesh lol What obstacles or challenges have you faced in starting your business and how did you overcome them?

wait ‘’We cant t a to see wh ns new desig s ack the eon bl p eu team com ’ with next’

We promote peace,prosperity and unity. Our products are for those who want to take risks in a world where those who do so are to be the only winners,In the long run….haters will always lose,if you are unadventurous in life you will always survive,but the individual who takes the risk and strives for success and lets no obstacles stop them from moving,will inevitably predetermine their journey out of the box. We present to you a construction of this fore said pronouncement Think outside of the box,think Eon Blacks…..

FASHION Infinitive Collections 10 St Georges Walk Croydon CR0 1YG 020 8686 7738

Many spanners have been thrown in the works but its always solved with perseverance and getting your hands dirty. Never give into an excuse especially how we live in a google error lol any infos attainable. do you have for advice for those aspiring to start their own business? Most importantly the hardest part is the beginning, Like Angel says in one of his songs "Legends are made of believers" but in the beginning theres never a lot of them so you need to believe double as much in yourself just to get of the starting block because even loved ones can be indirect haters. What motivates you to keep grinding each day? I grind every day because i want to turn my dreams into reality, and also because the devil makes work for idle thumbs lol. How do you come up with your new designs? Tell us about your creative process The shoulder pouch design y a came from relevance, d ery “I grind ev practicability and the circle nt of fashion. Like most items a w i e s u beca today the pouch is a dreams of revamped design of and to turn my y� earlier product from my into realit childhood which also gives it the name SP85 - Shoulder Pouch 1985. Our future products our all inspired from inner city living and personal life experiences so be sure to get a bit of the Eon Blacks collectives life within the products. what is the best tattoo that you have seen in your life? I like picture tattoos and one that caught my eyes was a kung fu fight scene, but i'm a big believer that words are powerful, and yes i do have a favourite few words but..... you'll have to wait till i put it on me to see it. your website is up and running, what can people find on it? Yes the website has now launched WWW.ICSHOP.CO.UK you can find a selection on mens casual smart and casual clothing also with a large selection of head wear and a growing collection of accessories and kids wear. Right now we have 30% of for the first 100 customers using the code ICLAUNCH so go check it out and stay tuned for a year full of campaigns and event collabarations. Hopefully the bag will feature in the next addition ;-)



Hey Di, it was great to have you down and Feature your work Thankyou for having me, it was an amazing day and such a wonderful team. Felt very welcome. How long have you been making jewellery? I have been making jewellery for just over a year now. I have self taught myself using tutorials and jewellery books and attended a 5 week course at my local college. How did you come about to start making jewellery? I started jewellery making after the birth of my daughter. After trying to return to work, I realised it wasn't possible so decided to take the plunge and start a jewellery business. The first piece I

made was a bracelet for my Mum on Mother's Day. After that I concentrated on charm bracelets and shamballa bracelets. But now I just concentrate on what materials I like working with, and am trying out different themes such as Steampunk Jewellery. Where do you get your inspiration for new first lines like “The the lips piece I we had de was a a m feature in r bracelet fo this issue? my Mum The on inspiration ther's for the lips Mo Day” came to me at 11pm at night. I had seen a picture of a mouth on television earlier and wondered how easy it would be to make

FASHION one using the fimo clay. I was surprised I could actually do it and each one is hand moulded so no 2 are ide ntical. I started with red and black lips and since then I just keep adding more colours, different type chains and both silver and gold variations. Do you have any new lines coming out that you could share with us? I am currently working on one more colour for the lips and that's neon. My next big clay project is an eye. I would like to make a large eye pendant with false eyelas hes to make it sta nd out. At the moment I'm in love with spikes and skulls. Im working on earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Definitely the look for your magazine.

How much do the lips sale for and where can people buy them? My lip necklaces are £6 and this price includes the P&P. Lip collection is also available in a ring, brooch and earrings which are £3 including P&P. You can get them from either my Storenvy store at www.disgems.storenvy.c om or contact me on my facebook page and place an order. Did you enjoy your day with team? I had such a lovely day with the team. I found everyone to be so friendly and such a laugh. Never been to a shoot before so was very nervous but soon relaxed and had a great day. What do you think about the Paperchasers ink magazine? I think the magazine is brilliant. Love all the articles, pictures. So much so I am looking to get my first bit of ink in the summer. Know what I want, just trying to work out where. Well if you need some help picking just let us know, thank you for coming down and keep up what your doing,

e h t k n i h t I “ magazine ” t n a i l l i r b s i

“If you have a fashion brand and you would like to work with us on a project then contact us now”


T attoos are taking over twitter at the moment with people consistently plugging pictures, photographs and links to sick art work. This s definitely a trending topic right now.

In the 20th century all that changed was that tattooing became more popular and was something that working class people could now do.

Women have also een b e become more v ck s ha a What are the o b hooked on tattoos o r tt a reasons behind why “Ta as f rs ago and in America in d n fou 00 yea BC� 2012 people get tattoos? Is it was 0 it because of the pain? as 2,5 is 330 discovered that ch i A fashion statement? A h women had out numbered w personal statement? men, in having the most tattoos, for the first time in American In some parts of the world ink is history. used as a sign of ancient rituals. Tattoos have been said to have As we have moved on over time been found as far back as 2,500 tattoos have become a part of years ago which is 3300BC our society and culture. People (before Christ) . have tattoos done every day and spend millions of pounds getting In the 19th century tattooing was them done in the UK alone every said to have spread Into the year. upper classes all over Europe. When I talk to people about In 1898 it was estimated that 1 in tattoos that don't have them they 5 members of the upper class often just say why? Why would were tattooed. It appeared that it somebody do that to there skin? was common place that after But when you talk to people with dinner parties they would go in to tattoos it's hardly that, more like there drawing rooms,undress an addiction! and show each other there tattoos. I often wonder how people initially pick there tattoos and decide that it's something they

definitely know they will like for the rest of there life. Although I personally have no tattoos, I find myself to be one of the unique few left that don't. I also find that my interest in tattoos is growing and I really do get a lot of pleasure in looking at other people's art. I think tattooing can be a really beautiful way to express yourself especially artistically, although the life term commitment has often scared me. It was great to explore tattooing from all angles as well as it's history. As for getting a tattoo I shall never say never! ARTICLE BY CHATTA B

JOIN US ON We will only show photos that are clear, we do not show all the photos send in to us, only the best ones




Hi my names a.reid and I was a feature in the first issue of Paperchasers ink magazine. I joined the team on this shoot to help the features settle, feel comfortable, That for me went well because I've already featured and modelled for Paperchasers ink so I knew what to expect and that helped me walk the features through their day. Other than help out behind the scenes myself and five star firms helped with the interviews and the newly introduced "hot seat" which you will also see in the 2nd edition of pci#2. In all today shoot went very well met a lot of new people and not only as part of the team was I happy with the progress made since the first issue but it made me very happy to see what big things are to come with Paperchasers Ink.

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Photographer: Lovememento Stylist: Imogen Le Roux MUA: Aleysha Mawani






“Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit”

"You couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag, with scissors in your hands.." -Rza


PAGES We have members from all over the world who love ink, they all have pages on the but we wanted to show you some of them,

BECOME A MEMBER If you want to join us and show the world your ink and get deals from us and other companies that we work with. We dont want your money we want your ink so to become a member is free for all of 2013, so join now and get more for your ink and get the chance to feature in the next issue



I got the bug for tattoos on my 18th birthday when I was bought one as a present. It was text on my back which reads "sadness flies away on the wings of love" this was the icebreaker! I have had 8 more since then and they are all very different in size and style. Recently I have found an amazing tattooist who I have trusted to do bigger tattoos on me. our out of the nine tattoos are skulls and these are my favourites. The largest one of my arm is of a lady with half a skeleton face, this symbolises and means a lot if you look deeper into it. The other three are fun, I have mr & mrs skulls on my feet and a skeleton smoking a pipe with a moustache and top hat on my other arm. I will continue to get tattoos and have a lot more ideas for new ones. I will not stop until I'm covered! What got you into tattoos? feel it's a way to express yourself and be more individual. What do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? Think it's great and gets all the members involved. Thanks, thats what we are about, what was the last tattoo that you got done? A skull smoking a pipe with a tash and top hat on my fore arm That tatt looks cool, what are you going to get done next? will get my sleeve finished and have a pinup on the back if my calf. what shop and artists do you get your ink from? Miguel angel @ TLC tattoo


My name is Castro D-fam,i am a songwriter/rapper from the Uk and run an independant label called "Starz Up Worldwide". all of my tats represent things I've been through in life and what i believe,also quotes that help me through day to day.All of them mean something to me. What made you start getting tattoos? since i was 12 I've loved art and wanted to incorporate it onto me rather than the walls of my home,i see the body as my home and i wanted to decorate it. When did you get your first piece of work? when i was 18 years oldWhat do your family think of your ink?my grandmother despises them but the rest are ok,a little freaked out but fine. What Advice Would You Give? if you are going to get a tattoo,make sure it means something to you and will do forever. What are you going to get done next? i am going to get the Greek god Zeus,as he was one of the wisest and powerful gods of the ancient Greeks and i see the same characteristics in me. What do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? i think its very much needed,something home grown that people can take advise and ideas from. How many tattoos have you got? i have over 80 Have you been in any other magazines? haven't yet but currently doing a shoot for US magazine Urban Ink

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y name is CC and I'm from the land of meatballs and vodka (yep you guessed itSweden!) I wanted tattoos for as long as I can remember. But it was not something that was accepted in my family. That was one of the reasons why it took me so long to get started. (So now I get 2 tats at a time when I go so I can catch up haha‌) I got my very first one 3yrs ago, and was addicted ever since. I have 11 now. I always imagined myself designing my own tattoos. Then I finally realized---Hey leave it to the professionals! Im myself a graphic designer and an art director by trade-so I very much understand the concept of respecting the artist and their craft. For starters I wanted so many tats I didn't know where to begin! I had at least 15 different pieces of art in mind, and I couldn't decide on which one was the most important or where to put it. It was almost like I put too much thought into it! Until one day when I just said F*** it lets go! I got my first ink done in Hawaii. I had decided on a tattoo style at least, the traditional Sailor Jerry style (americana), so Hawaii felt like a special place to get it started (that’s where Sailor Jerry settled in the 1930's)


until I was 31yrs old (so 3 years ago)

So you was a late starter, but you have some good ink to make up for the time, What do your family think of your ink?

Early on in Sweden I got very inspired from reading my grandmothers 1950's magazines. Later on in Art school my passion was definitely old school pinup girl posters, sailor tattoos, rockabilly and vintage/retro art in general. I feel like its something that I will never grow tired on. Hence my tattoo style of choice.

What made you start getting tattoos? I LOVE the way they look. So do we, lol i see them as a permanent extension of my personality. CC shines through EVEN without me opening my big mouth. and I love that I have all these little stories and memories on my body. Oh and let me not get started on how much I love dudes with tats hahahaa

Lol, we have lots of them for you, when did you get your first peice of work? I started getting tattoos very late. Did not get my first one

My mom hates them. Tattoos are for gangsters, criminals and motorcycle gang members specifically (We had a big Hells Angles chapter in my hometown of Helsingborg, Sweden) And what will the neighbors think?! (uhm mom we don't even live in the same country anymore!) Lol, what about dad? Dad gets really mad for 2min then he is over it ... I think he is just like-well she can always put a long-sleeved shirt on, problem fixed. Mom wants to do a tattoo intervention. I mean its not like I got Drake tattooed on my forehead. Lol, that tattoo is fucking crazy All of my ink has very thoughtful placement and meaning behind them.

Your ink is nice so what Advice Would You Give? Live, laugh & love. Repeat. Work hard so you can play hard. STAY GOLD. -Then add whiskey hahahaha sound like a good way to live

MEMBERS PAGES i know it may oundé but I try my best to live by those words.

What are you going to get done next? My tattoo artist (Daniel Cotte) has finally successfully persuaded me to get a dragon tattooed on my right thigh, to compliment the tiger I have climbing up the left side of my body. It will be pretty big, so I may get something else smaller before that. Dont go small go big and bold like the tiger, what do you

think of paperchasers ink magazine so far? Great mag! Thank you Love the ink and the people that you choose to feature. I get a very good vibe from it and would love to be a part of it.

ell you are lol and we love to show your ink again, How many tattoos have you got so far? 11 and going :)

Have you been in any other magazines?

“Mom wants to do a tattoo intervention. I mean its not like I got Drake name tattooed on my forehead”

No. I just decided this year to take some professional shots of my ink. I recently submitted the pics to different websites, to see what kind of a response I would get. You where one of the first that contacted me. We are sure that you will get into some more magazines when they see this,lol, Who is your best

tattoo artist? Daniel Cotte. Of course! He is the guy who does all my ink. hats your favourite tattoo shop? North Star Tattoo NYC. The shop where I get all my Tattoos in lower east side manhattan, New York City. Its super dope, staff very friendly and professional, great vibes in there all day every day. Thank you cc, we are sure you will get you back in the magazine soon.

On twitter



when did you get your first piece of work? I got my first tattoo June 2002. I end up getting my first name Patrick big on my stomach. That was a crazy idea because the stomach hurts the worst, but I took it like a champ and everybody loved it. what do your family think of your ink? My family loves my ink but everytime I get a new one they tell me not to get another one lol. What Advice Would You Give? If you are looking to get a tattoo on your body make sure its what you want and that it compliments your body. So make sure it enhances your look and not take away from it. what are you going to get done next? I haven't touch my back yet. Everybody is wondering what i'm going to get next I don't know but its going to be big and unique. My next tattoo though is going to be a whole sleeve getting done by my new tattoo artist Tone Rone. what do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? I love ink and entrepreneurs and you guys represent both. So I love what your doing. Thank you so how many tattoos have you got? Well I don't call them tattoos I have art pieces on me and how many I have are 16 pieces and 5 of them are very large. I don't really invest in small pieces I go big or go Home. That's what we say

On twitter






i girls, tell us about yourselfs Nandi: Me, I'm very free spirited and I like to stand out, being a twin I've always stood out but even when I'm walking alone its my look and my goofiness and my genuine friendliness towards pretty much everyone that setsme apart from your average...and then of course my tattoos set it all off.

MEMBERS PAGES We have worked with several photographers together, and are hopeful that we will succeed in the industry. What made you start getting tattoos? Nandi: Well tattoos weren't as popular when I was a kid as they are now, so I started getting tattoos to be creative and different, I liked the idea of creating permanent memories on my body where everyone could see. Inky: what made me start getting tattoos was my love for art; anything artistic draws me in and at 17, I had to get my first tattoo. When did you get your frist peice of work?

Nandi: I was 16 and wanted a tattoo and I finally got my mom to come with me and sign the consent form since I was so young, I really liked the rapper, eve's, paw prints so I decided to get the 3 paw prints on my thigh...the rest is history Inky: My first tattoo is the small black butterfly I have on my ankle, nothing special, I just choose a design in the shop, I think I really just wanted to know what it felt like My tattoos at that point. range from cute things I like, like What do your family bows and hello kitty, to things significant to me and my think of your ink? life...a Creole flag and my daughters birthday in tibeten Nandi: Our older family tattoos all represent me in some way, members aren't to fond professionally done or not I don't regret any of them. of tattoos in general lol they don't say anything Inky: I am an artist working with acrylic/oil paints and but they just have that mixed media in the SF Bayarea and I love being able to look when they see express myself with color!! our bodies like "oh “I liked the Aside from painting, I also my God" and look idea of cre model for art schools, ating away lol, but our holding poses for painting pe rm a n e n t memories mom openly states and drawing classes; I enjoy o n m y bo d y where her feelings about helping other artist develop our tattoos even tho she has like 5 Everyone their skills and seeing their nice sized ones lol, she hates that we're getting them so work progress. Me and could see� young, she got all hers when she was in her 40's. Nandi, have been modeling What Advice Would You Give? together for about 3 years; we call ourselves, "The Just don't rush into getting a tattoo, wait until your for Whoo Twinz" because we both have tatted the image sure that you want it...not because you'd be stuck with it of Dr. Seuse's Thing 1 and 2 ( she is 2 min older and is if you didn't like it (especially if your already tatted cuz therefore Thing 1)

MEMBERS PAGES you can just get it covered) but because it would be a waste of time and money and its just better to know for sure what you want. What are you going to get done next? No comment lol you'll have to wait and see. What do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? Nandi: Paperchasers Ink Mag is another awesome outlet for the urban tattoo world, we know we enjoy reading tattoo magazines, and there's only one major urban tattoo magazine out here in the states, so we're happy to see that one has popped up across the globe in the UK. Inky: We are very appreciative to be apart of this magazine as we support tattoos, their beauty, and the “Paperch asers Ink different meanings they hold for each individual who wears them. M a g is a n other How many tattoos have you got? awesome Nandi: 16, outlet for inky: 12 t he urba n t a t too world Have you been in any other magazines? � Nandi: Yes, we have been featured in Ohio based magazine, Fiyah Magazine:the tattoo edition, and Arizona based magazine, Urban Essence: the Alter Ego edition. Inky also has an online article at under "beauty with a twist".




I'm Lily Stark, a tattooed model from central England. I got into modelling around 6yrs ago and love it! My favourite things to do are walking around in latex, pouting for pinup and having naked fun with erotic and artistic nude. During my time in modelling I've walked catwalks, danced in music videos, gotten into magazines, played with snakes, been on some stunning sets and had a pretty awesome time the whole way. But that's not the end of it! This year sees me starting my own vlogs on YouTube, where each week I have a chat and show off my tattoos.


What made you start getting tattoos? I had always wanted a tattoo and a lot of my friends all had a bit of something on them so one day when the opportunity arose I decided to go for it! From then onwards I've never looked back and love having tattoos of things that make me happy. When did you get your first piece of work? I was 19 and it was at some place above a hairdressers, not the best choice looking back but I've learned since! What do your family think of your ink? My family are fine with it, they know it makes me happy and that I'm not doing anything that would hurt me so they just go with it. My mum and sister have since both got little pieces on them. What Advice Would You Give? Look into the tattooist before you go and have one, don't let some random person do it because it is cheap. Tattooing is an art and not a fashion

statement. What are you going to get done next? Right now I am getting my sleeves finished and then I'm going to get a thigh piece started to do with the other love in my life, Marvel comics. What do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? I think it is a great way for people to see the different sides of the tattoo world as well as a good way for people like me to connect with others How many tattoos have you got? Too many to count now really lol! The closest I can tell you is that I have 8 pieces on me so far. Have you been in any other magazines? I've been in a few and this year I am planning to increase that number, starting with Paperchase Ink

On twitter



I am originally from Alpharetta, GA and moved to North Carolina when I enlisted in the Marine Corps. When I am not rocking some cammies, I teach Preschool. I am currently in the process of finishing my B.A. in English so I can pursue a job teaching high school English. Some of my hobbies include snowboarding, rock climbing, lounging, cooking and of course getting tattooed. I got my first tattoo when I was 16 and haven't looked back since!

what got you into tattoos? I've always had a passion for art, even when I was a kid. My sister was the first person I ever really knew who had tattoos and I guess you could say I was introduced to them by her.

You need to thank her lol, when did you start getting ink? I got my first tattoo when I was 16, by some dude who apparently had broken out of prison and was giving out cheap tattoos to teens. Good idea, right?

Not sure, thats sounds fucked so what happened next? Well, I decided I wanted some tribals on my shoulders and a week later was sportin' some "sick ink." A year or so went by and I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I got my next tattoo, which was a "moto" tattoo on my leg. From that point on I really started loving tattoos and knew I wanted to get more, I just didn't know what I wanted yet.

Its like that, so when did you start working on your back?


down my leg." A few days later he had the outline drawn up and here I am now with a giant back piece!

We love it, what do you think of paperchasers ink magazine? I think it's great that there are people who appreciate ink in other countries and that there are awesome magazines like Paperchasers Ink to support them!

thank you, so what was the last tattoo that you got done? The last tattoo I got done was my back piece. I deployed so I had to temporarily hold off on getting tatted.

what are you going to get done next? Over a three year time period I thought of everything I loved including pinup girls, horror flicks, haunted houses so on and so forth. I walked into Bombs Away and the first person there to greet me was Brandon. I said,"Here's a list of what I want. I want it to be a complete back piece wrapping around my ribs and

I will be finishing my back piece completely. There are still some spots such as on my ribs that need to be finished. Its going to look dope when its all done,

what shop and artists do you get your ink from? My work is done by Brandon Seay at Bombs Away in Jacksonville, NC. thanks for talking with us and we cant wait to see your new ink, one love



SPARKS Whats good mel, when did you start getting tattoos? My first Tattoo I tried to get done when I was 13 in Savannah,Ga. Lol, WTF The shop owner thought it was cool that I came to ask but I was under age. After that I waited until my 18th b-day and got my daughters name on me. Once I got that done I Knew I wanted More... What do your family think of your ink? I'm the only one in my German Family who has this amount of Ink, they do not agree to all Tattoos but they see my passion which makes them happy. My Mom is very supportive and as excited as I am Every time I get more Ink. At lest your mum is on your side.. We see that you like weed. Lol, as your ink shows. Most of my Ink is representative, A big part of my ink are Weed Related, Since Marijuana is not yet legal in California I want to support and show my piece of mind. But mostly fun and random Tattoos like a Brian Griffin or a Clover on my face. What are you going to get done next? My next Tattoo will Prob be my neck, It will be saying "Im Not Addicted I'm Committed" with a Tattoo Gun. That sounds cool, what did you get done last? My Most Recent is A writing which says" Stonerbitch" and a 420 on my Knuckles.


My name is, zhia kaprisce, 27 years young. Subject to addiction of tattoos and gauging. I am from San deigo California. Reside in Dallas, Texas. I am the owner of intense eye a makeup artist and hair styling company. I sing, song write and play the guitar when my hands are up to it. My kids are my life, i wouldn't trade them for anything of this world, they made me who I am today, and keep me learning more things about the values of life. I love music, all genres of it. I believe music is not heard it is felt. I love God, Rastafarian!!! One world, one God, one religion. What made you start getting tattoos? Music, I wanted a music on my body. When did you get your first piece of work? A small treble clef on my right arm, which is now a negative shaded treble clef starting my sleeve. What do your family think of your ink? I'm, well they don't fancy it much. Lol but they deal. It's my temple so why not decorate it. Keep doing your thing lol, what Advice Would You Give? Don't listen to anyone who says it hurts or this spit hurts, cuz every body is different. As in BODY. That's true, what are you going to get done next? An Elvira piece on my right thigh. What do you think of Paperchasers Ink magazine? I feel it's mad hype. I love it. I love the concept. And love the art they show. Thank you, how many tattoos have you got? ...... Damn, ha. That's a hard one. Probably 38 put together . Have you been in any other magazines? I'm doing some print work right now for some others in the US.

On twitter




Ziel coffman

Starz Artist

Nadene Lea Tallett

Stephen Goulding

Rossi Ahkay Artist

Leah Inkedup Likeastar

Sade lopez



Nefertit ink

Anabelle ashley

The only urban tattoo magazine in the uk

Lily Stark

A Reid

Emerald Davis

Sugar sweet


melanie everett

Send us your tattoo photos and get them in the next issue Shantelle Collins

We dont want your money like some other tattoo magazines, we just want to see your ink and show the rest of the world, So we have madr it easy for you to submit your photos, just send them to our email, All you have to do is send them to our email at


Castro d fam

Paperchasers ink




CREDITS FOR ISSUE TWO CREEPA LUST FOUNDER - CEO Creepalust Is the Founder for Paperchasers Ink. He has been working hard on Issue 2 covering all aspects from Web graphic designer, Director as well as the main Magazine editor. Creepa focused on Directing the video interviews and main shots for shoot on the day and all things Paperchasers Ink.

A REID SHOOT ASSISTAT A Reid is a Paperchasers Ink model and has also featured in the first issue of the magazine. Reid worked on Issue 2 as our shoot assistant as well as presenting on some interviews.

CHATTA B CO-FOUNDER Chatta B The Co-founder to Paperchasers Ink. Chatta worked on all areas for Issue 2 as Head of events ,Assistant director and Editor. Ensuring the day of the shoot ran smoothly and was co coordinator accordingly. Editing written interviews and articles..


5Star Firmz worked as a presenter for this Issue. Covering all video interviews. Firmz has featured previously in Paperchasers Ink as well as done Previous Interviews.

CREDITS FOR ISSUE TWO MIKE RIOT MAIN PHOTOGRAPHER Mike riot was our main photographer for the shoot. taking all the main shots for the features, his style was exactly what we needed to complement this issue. He is a cool guy and so easy to work with, we are sure that you will see more of his work in the mag soon.

We thank the people that worked with on this issue.

KASSIE BLOOM ADVERT VIDEOGRAPHER Kassie was our main videographer of the day who created our viral advert for this issue. She was absolutely wonderful to work with and her work talks for its self. She arrived fully equipped and ready to do her thing and we cant wait to work with her again,





Yannick was doing mug shots throughout the day as well as various other random fun shots. This issue we have decided to introduce our new mug shots, where we expect all crew to do. Yannick was good fun to work with and his skills not to be under estimated.

Kim an amazing photographer and great guy. Working along side yannick as well doing his own thing with the features, he got some amazing shots and managed to achieve what we wanted, More of kim’s photos from the day can be seen in our issue two photo magazine thats coming soon


Please contact us if you would like to know more info about the credits for this issue and photo shoot

VIDEO ASSISTANT Emily visuals is actually a photographer, although she worked with us throughout the day to help with our video interviews. Emily helped to assist the filmed footage for the interviews.



Lovely Vanishia was one of our make up artists on the day.


Vanishia worked along side shereen and they worked as a perfect team, helping to create the look we was after and in good time with the pace that we work at.

If you would like to work with the magazine or join the team, then contact us now

Shereen who worked with us on a previous project, was not only great to work with again but also did an amazing job on the day. With her skills and vanishia we made it through the day just in time she said, this is the second time I've worked with chatta and creeper, and think both times were professional and a great result. I look forward to there up and coming projects and would love to work with this exiting team again Shereen Shy Shy MUA

WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO JOIN THE TEAM ARE YOU A Audio and Video Equipment Technician Camera Operator Digital Media Specialist Editorial Assistant Graphic Designer Freelance Writer Journalist Photo Editor Photographer

If you are then contact us now

Videographer Social Media Analyst Social Media Editor Blogger Brand Ambassador Brand Promoter Podcaster Tweeter Make up artist Hair stylist



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