1 minute read


I have had some stomach and gut upset for a while now. Would a digestive enzyme help?

Maybe. Gastrointestinal issues can be complex, and so it is always advisable to discuss your ailments with your physician first.

If you have ruled out common things like acid reflux, sensitivies, or obstructions, for example, then the issue may be indigestion. A good digestive enzyme can help alleviate symptoms of gassiness, bloating, cramping, churning, and discomfort along your gut simply by helping break down and digest your food properly in order to allow for appropriate absorption. Other benefits include a maximization of your foods’ nutrient and energy values, as well as minimizing unnecessary inflammation. You can get specific or broad-spectrum enzymes. Two we particularly like for cost-effectiveness, exceptional quality, and overall favourable patient response are Thorne’s Bio-Gest, and Metagenics’ Spectrazyme Complete. Remember to always take a digestive enzyme with plenty of water at the beginning of a meal.

Come chat with our integrative pharmacists at Pharmasave Steveston Village to see what is best for you and how to take it.

Fredrick Cheng, R.Ph.


105-12420 No. 1 Rd Richmond BC V7E 6N2


pharmacist@stevestonpharmasave.com www.stevestonpharmasave.com