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50th Wedding Anniversary Party

Steveston residents John and Eileen Perez recently got quite a surprise. On Saturday, October 10 this active and involved couple was getting ready to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a small family dinner. Originally, they had made plans to celebrate this milestone with a big bash surrounded by many friends and family. Then the pandemic struck and they had to cancel everything, including a visit from their son living in the States. For a pair who love social and family connections more than anything and who cherish their many lifelong friends that surround them, the decision to cancel was heartbreaking.

But there was a silver lining! What could have been a very subdued and quiet day turned into an unforgettable outpouring of love and kindness. While John and Eileen’s two daughters took them out for a small celebratory lunch, their grandchildren and sons-in-law decorated their home with balloons, banners and set up a VIP tent on their Moncton Street patio. To clear the way for the main event, the City of Richmond placed “no parking” signs along their street.

As they returned to their home, John and Eileen laughed and cried as they started to notice the decorations that took over their home. Soon after, they were surprised by the sounds of honking horns and smiling faces, as a drive-by celebration headed towards them. Led by a cruiser from the Richmond RCMP, the parade saw an endless line of decorated cars and cheering well-wishers. So many kind-hearted people showed up that the line of vehicles was several blocks long. In a further show of community support, the parade ended with the sirens and flashing lights of a Richmond fire truck.

While it may have seemed that COVID-19 was going to take away a celebration of a remarkable milestone, the community and family rallied to deliver what will be remembered longer and with more fondness than any ‘normal’ event.

Now, more than ever, it shows that community matters and that caring and kindness still exist.

Congratulations John and Eileen and thank you Steveston!