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First Avenue is like no other street in Steveston village; it is lined with many unique businesses that you won’t find elsewhere. Serendipity’s is one of these shops and has been a part of the community since 1995.

The definition of “serendipity” is making fortunate and happy discoveries by chance, usually while searching for something else. This is the case when you step inside this metaphysical gift shop.

The first thing to greet you is the smell of fragrant candles, aromatherapy oil and incense. You will experience a warm welcome from the staff, and as you browse the shop you will uncover an array of hand-selected items that have been curated with care.

Serendipity’s is a calming and peaceful sanctuary for your soul.

Adrienne comments, “The store is a safe space to explore different perspectives of the universe, ask questions, play with energies and chill out. Many regular customers come in on their work breaks to decompress and feel uplifted.”

What makes Serendipity’s special? Owner Neville Kim Sing says, “It is a combination of the energy, the atmosphere, the calm, the peaceful smell, and the compassionate and dedicated staff.”

Neville purchased the established business in 2004 with a partner and eventually took over as director/owner in 2009. The shop has relocated three times in the village, twice in the same block of Second Avenue.

Neville Kim Sing, Owner of Serendipity's

Neville Kim Sing, Owner of Serendipity's

He entrusts the day-to-day operations to Adrienne, assistant manager Leigh Betteridge and the other staff, however Neville makes regular visits to the shop and is involved in sourcing and ordering products, acting as the resident handyman and facilitating the monthly full moon meditations. As well, Neville is a master energy healer.

Customers come from across the Lower Mainland to visit Richmond’s only metaphysical store.

The front of the shop is a retail space. There are many treasures to be found such as crystals, books, stones and gems, salt lamps, Himalayan bath salts, yoga cushions, eye pillows, sleep masks, singing bowls, candles, incense, sage, sacred gem jewellery, pendulums, tarot and oracle cards.

Handmade healing gemstone bracelets are created in house. Special requests can be made, and resizing and repairs to stretchy cord gem bracelets are also offered.

Serendipity’s has recently started carrying Pyrrha talisman necklaces cast from roughhewn, antique seals. Each necklace is handcrafted in Pyrrha’s Vancouver studio. Celebrities and style icons have embraced this line that has received international attention. Serendipity’s will place a special order if the necklace you are looking for is not carried.

In addition to the retail space, the large back room is used for group meditations, women’s new moon circles, full moon meditations, and workshops held in collaboration with skilled teachers and intuitive readers. Serendipity’s offers intuitive development courses so people can enhance their own skills and gifts. Upcoming events include a hypnosis workshop in April and tarot card workshop in May. For a full list of events consult the shop’s social media and website.

Leigh comments, “Our mission is to make everyone feel welcome at Serendipity’s and create a community for spiritual beings to laugh, heal and connect.”

We are here to help you gain clarity, inspiration and provide tools to help you navigate forward on your spiritual path.

What are the rewards of operating this independent business? “We appreciate seeing and assisting our customers’ transformation on their journey to healing. It warms our hearts to see our products or workshops have positive effects on our customers,” says Adrienne.

Leigh adds, “We enjoy helping, supporting and creating a safe community for like minded individuals.”

“It is rewarding to operate a business in this beautiful close knit community. We feel fortunate to have a retail space in Steveston with like-minded businesses nearby such as The Juice Truck and Perfect Hearts Yoga,” says Neville.

He concludes, “Our ultimate goal is to make sure you leave with peace in your heart along with some of the magic that the store holds.”

Serendipity's, 12111 First Avenue, Richmond, BC V7E 3M1 Telephone 604-275-1683 www.serendipitysbackyard.ca

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